MTL - The Return of the Noble Abandoned Consort-~ [番外95]一更

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Ganoderma lucidum woke up in a bump. She was so painful that it was crushed by Stonehenge, and almost every bone was broken.

Her head was also dizzy, and she didn't know where she was. She only felt that the bumps were so powerful that the sound of the ruts came from her ears.

After a short dizziness, she finally remembered what happened, everything was like a dream, she was actually a man who had not seen several times...

Ganoderma lucidum opened her eyes and pulled the quilt on her body. She saw her naked body. Her chest was full of traces of sputum, and her arms and legs were all red marks that should not be.

Somewhere underneath, like a needle, clearly reminded her that the unsightly thing really happened.

She was really wiped out by a savage beast!

What about the beast? !

Ganoderma lucidum blinked, and saw the animal that had strengthened himself all night, just sitting next to her, and the anger of Ganoderma lucidum burned up!

Ganoderma lucidum condensed a water spirit, turned into a blade, and said nothing to the other side stabbed in the past!

But I know that I haven’t touched the other person’s hair, and the blade is not enough because of the lack of spiritual power.

Yunxiao used the knowledge of the gods to control the horses of the cart. It was not salty and said: "When you wake up, put on your clothes and save me from seduce me."

"Hook... seduce you?" Ganoderma lucidum unbelievably smashed the scorpion. "Who is the first one to rush over? You tarnished my innocence. I haven't found you yet, but you sue the wicked first! How come under the sun?" Are you so shameless?!"

The cloud twitched slightly, and the light fell on her chest. The quilt on her body slipped down because of the action of stabbing the clouds, revealing a fascinating scenery.

Ganoderma lucidum followed him to the next glory, and the quilt was stunned by the flower, and he became angry and said: "You still see?!"

Yunxiao faintly turned his face: "I have seen it early."

Ganoderma lucidum anger: "You!"

Yunxiao grabbed a set of women's clothes and threw them in front of Lingzhi.

This is not the original dress of Ganoderma lucidum. The body is turned into ashes as early as the desire of someone to suppress. This tunic is bought by Yunxiao in the middle of the road.

It is still quite complete, the apron, the robes, the blouse, the middle blouse, the outer blouse, and even the ribbon and the hair band are matched.

Ganoderma lucidum grasped the trousers and apron, and the face was a bit difficult to say.

Yunxiao said: "I have washed it since I bought it. It is clean."

Ganoderma lucidum's face is red!

Although her heart was more angry at this time, she couldn’t stand her as a woman. She was thin and her clothes were washed by a man. Even if it was new, she also...

Ganoderma lucidum: "You get me out!"

The clouds are not moving.

"I let you go out, did you hear it?"

Yunxiao seems to have turned a deaf ear to her swearing.

Ganoderma lucidum pulled the quilt and revealed a delicate white foot from the inside, and slammed his foot on the outside of his thigh: "Get out!"

The spiritual power of Ganoderma lucidum has been dried up in the request of time and time again. This foot has passed, although it can also ruin the mortal half, but the cloud is God. In his opinion, the foot and the kitten of Ganoderma lucidum The strength is almost the same.

Ganoderma lucidum saw that he was stubborn, wrapped in a quilt, his small **** moved down, and lifted his foot again, to lick the soft flesh on his waist.

This time, it allowed Yunxiao to buckle her white ankle.

The quilt happened to cover her knees, and her beautifully lined calves were unreservedly exposed. The skin was so white that it could be broken, as if it could be washed out at any time.

The smog of the sky is dark and dark: "The efficacy of spring wine is still there, don't yell at me."

Ganoderma lucidum was scared by his eyes and the hot temperature of his fingertips. His mind flashed through the picture he had been madly asked last night. Where is it personal? It is clearly a beast!

That kind of thing, she never wants to go through it again.

Ganoderma lucidum was successfully threatened, looked at the other side coldly, whispered: "You... you let go."

Yunxiao let go.

Ganoderma lucides the calf into the quilt, seeing that he still does not care about it: "You turned around."

Yunxiao said faintly: "I said I have already seen it."

Ganoderma lucides the face: "Then you turn!"

"The woman is really troublesome." Yun Yun turned around impatiently.

Ganoderma lucidum began to dress.

She was a big yellow niece, inexplicably bullied by a man, and so shamelessly changing clothes in front of each other, she felt that her dignity was broken.

This is a change to any woman, and will not feel wronged.

She is wearing it, teardrops, smashed it down.

Yunxiao said indifferently: "I hate women crying the most, you better give me tears."

Ganoderma lucidum finally suppressed the anger, and this moment broke out all over: "My innocence is gone, I can't cry, can't I? How is this person? You are not bullying, I can't beat you? I have seen you before." So annoying man! You stop, I want to go down!"

Yunxiao clasped her wrist: "You can't go down now."

Ganoderma lucidum struggled, but found that he could not get rid of it. His big palm was like a huge pliers, and she was clamped to death: "What else do you want?!"

The clouds are cold and screaming: "Well, the trick of the woman I will know is also what you give, not that you faint me, I will not fall into her hands, I will not fall into her hands, then Will not be prescribed by her, say, go, the whole thing is up to you, the cause of his own, to bear the consequences, and so, where are you coming to be so wronged?"

Ganoderma lucidum... Ganoderma lucidum is so angry that it is going to blow up.

In addition to having a good skin, this man is really nothing!

How do he live so far? !

Ganoderma lucidum was so angry that I forgot to ask him why he refused to let her go.

At this time, the sky has been brightened. Although Ganoderma Lucidum has already been succumbed to the Dan, but under the scourge of the Little Dragon, it has not been successful, and she still needs to eat.

There is a cloud on the carriage to prepare for food.

Ganoderma lucidum has never felt that she is so hungry. She did not drool over the food in the days when she couldn’t eat it. She could be crushed by someone. She only wanted to swallow the plate.

Yunxiao poured himself a cup of tea and drank himself.

The food was too dry, and the ganoderma lucidum turned straight and had extra empty cups on the table. This person did not know how to give her a cup.

It’s a selfish and bad guy!

Ganoderma lucides the soreness of his arm and pours himself a cup of tea.

After eating and drinking, Ganoderma lucides sleeps again with a soft pillow.

Half-awake, she faintly felt that the carriage drove into a noisy street, the carriage stopped somewhere, the man on the side got off the carriage, and soon sat back again.

She thought she was dreaming, until a cold hand grabbed her chin and woke her life from her sleep, and she realized that she was not a dream.

In the hands of Yunxiao, a bowl of steaming medicine was held. When she saw her wake up, she released her hand that was holding her chin: "Drink it."

Ganoderma stunned Emei: "What is this?"

Yunxiao looked broadly and said: "The mortal soup."

"What about the soup?" Lingzhi wondered.

Yunxiao sneered: "Are you not a mortal? How can you even avoid the soup? Do you want to be confused?"

Ganoderma lucidum glanced at him: "Who is confused? You have the ability to explain the words!"

The look of the clouds did not change at all, as if to say something that was justified: "I don't want you to be pregnant with my child, drink it, and you can go."

Ganoderma lucidum's heart was a little cold.

I thought that this man had forced her to be strong. How many hearts would be awkward, even if it was vicious on the mouth, and the **** was annoying, like Qin Linger, the nature would not be annihilated. At this moment, Ganoderma lucidum discovered that he was innocent.

How does this man hate? It is simply selfish, bad, indifferent, shameless to the extreme!

Ganoderma lucidum does not understand this. If she understands, she will not want to give birth to this man's child. However, she does not want to, and this man does not let her want, after all, it is still somewhat different.

Her heart suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

She has never been so contemptuous.

Yunxiao looked at her indifferently: "Don't challenge the patience of this gentleman."

Ganoderma lucidum’s current strength, he can’t beat him, he can’t run him, she’s angry with her, she doesn’t want to do what he says, but she has no choice at all.

She took the overheated medicine bowl, her throat was sore and painful, and the tears of humiliation dripped into the bowl.

She raised her hand and wiped her tears, and cried as she sipped a bowl of dark medicinal juice.

------Off topic ------

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