MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2364 You are the best gift (seventy)

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Tang Qianqi and Yu Liuliu did not expect to meet Fan Fan at this time. Yu Liu Liu went back to God, did not rush forward as usual, happily greeted Fan Fan, but instead sulked and raised his cheeks.

"Vatican, why are you here now? Xiao Ni has been waiting for you for three days!"

For three full days, Yu Liuliu watched beside her, and all looked distressed.

Van Fan tightened his heart sharply and couldn't think of anything else, and asked, "Where is she? You said you were going abroad, who is going to go abroad?"

"You are late, Xiao Ni, she has waited for you for a few days, you will not come, she said that she does not want you, she will go abroad to start again." Yu Liuliu glanced at Fanfan, and slouched.

By this time, she no longer wanted to speak for Fanfan.

After thinking about it, I added a sentence: "Xiao Ni has just left for the airport. If you rush to the airport now, you may be able to catch up."

Before the words of Liu Liuli had been finished, Vatican became pale when he was still, he turned without hesitation, and got on the car again.

"Vatican ..."

The words spoken by Yu Liuliu could not be heard.

He stepped on the gas pedal wildly, and his mind was full of only one thought: she must wait for him ... she must wait for him ...

On the way he answered a phone call from Tang Qianqi.

He kindly told him the flight number and departure time information that Fannie had ordered. Fanfan hurriedly said thank you, and the accelerator under her foot was pressed harder.

Drag all the way to the airport.

The moment the car stopped, he took out his cell phone for the first time, and inquired about Fannie's flight according to the information Tang Qianqi told him.

Seeing the takeoff time shown above, his pupils flinched sharply.

Pushing the door quickly, he rushed into the crowd without stopping, and ran straight to the counter.

"Excuse me, sir, you are late, the flight you inquired has taken off." The voice of the staff member passed into Vatican's ears clearly.

You are late……

These four words, like a curse, echoed in Vatican's ears.

He's late, she's gone.

She doesn't want him anymore.

The blood on Fanfan's face faded a little.

His hands dangled into his fists.

The body is very tight, like a bowstring pulled to the limit, and may break at any time.


Tang Qianqi and Yu Liuliu were not assured, hurried to the airport, saw the flight information and reminder time scrolling on the airport's large display screen, and then saw Fanfan's disappointed look, and guessed something in his heart.

Yu Liuliu was still upset for Fannie a second ago, and now she feels a little distressed, and stepped forward, hesitated for a moment, and said.

"Vanfan brother ~ ~ Don't think about it, Xiao Ni will figure out that she will study abroad, and she will definitely go home."

"I'm just worried that she doesn't know if she can take care of herself abroad."

"I heard that there are so many blond and handsome little brothers from abroad. Little Ni is beautiful and she doesn't know if she will be cheated."

Yu Liuliu was still thinking about it. As soon as she looked up, Fanfan had walked three meters away. She froze, went back to God, and quickly chased after him, "Vanfan, where are you going? If you are in a bad mood, I will Qiqi can accompany you, or shall we have a drink?

Fanfan stepped in a footstep, looked back at Yu Liuliu, his eyes were deep and bright, with a slight smile: "No, I don't have time."

With six or six months left, Fanfan has walked to the ticket counter and bought air tickets to the same city as Fanni.

Turning back and smiling, "I'll pick her up."


PS: Good night ~