MTL - The Rest Of My Life Is For You-Chapter 2363 You are the best gift (sixty-nine)

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Fanni went to Yu's villa, Fanfan knew three days ago.

If it weren't for the temporary situation, he would go to Yujia Villa three days ago and arrest the person who slipped away after sleeping.

Fanfan took the car key from the housekeeper and strode out of the villa.

He drove to Yujia Villa to pick up Fannie.

Not only his biological parents made him think a lot these days, but he also thought a lot about Fannie.

The appearance of his parents made him have to admit that he has always been concerned about not only the brother-sister relationship in their name.

And his life ...

The gap between him and her.

She is the true daughter of heaven, and he is but an orphan. Fortunately, he got the bone marrow donated by Fan Yu, and thought that he was adopted by Qiao Yuanfei.

The word most connected to him seemed to be "lucky".

In these years, he was the eldest son of the Fan family, the most beloved son of Fan Yu and Qiao Yuanfei, but these were seen by outsiders. He knew in his heart that if it was not his luck, at this moment, he probably Like the other children in the orphanage.

No, if he did not meet Fan Yu, perhaps he would not live to this day.

What qualifications does he have to promise Fanny's future?

He never thought that one day he would inferiority, but when he faced his true heart, he had to admit that he was inferior.

Inferiority in front of her, fearing that one day, she will regret her choice.

Worried that she likes it now, but the girl is ignorant and young.

If there would be one day, then I would rather never own it ...

He has been running away and is unwilling to face his own heart. In addition to being unable to face Fan Yu and Qiao Yuanfei who have always loved him and regarded him as his biological son, he is also worried that he cannot bear the pain he lost after getting it.

But now he figured it out.

If you do n’t fight because you are afraid, because you are inferior, it ’s really stupid to hurt someone who loves you.

He shouldn't underestimate Fanny and her affection for herself.

He wanted to see her, to see her immediately, to tell her what had happened in the past three days, and to tell her what he really thought.

Tell her he loves her!

Vatican thought of this, holding the hand of the steering wheel, and tightened slyly.

Stepping on the accelerator with your feet, the car quickly drove towards Yujia Villa.


The dazzling sports car stopped steadily at the door of Yujia Villa.

Fanfan lowered the window and greeted the doorman at the door, asking the doorman to open the door for him.

Just about to drive in, I heard a voice from Yu's villa.

"It's all my fault, I shouldn't tell those words to Xiao Ni. Xiao Ni must be sad now, she won't let me send her, her eyes are always red, she definitely doesn't want to leave ..."

"You said she went abroad ~ ~ Who will take care of her?"

"She has such a strong temperament that she definitely needs no one to take care of it, but I always feel uneasy. Do you want me to call Vatican? Although Xiao Ni refused to let me contact Vatican, but the paper bag couldn't hold the fire. It ’s the same at night, so it should n’t matter if I air the letter? ”


Fanfan heard the voice of Yu Liuliu, and heard the person mentioned in her words, she sank in a deep heart.

He reached out and pushed the car door, got out of the car, and strode forward.

I ran into Tang Qianqi and Yu Liuliu who were coming out from the inside. My pupils shrank, "Who did you say you want to go abroad?"


PS: There are special circumstances at home during the Spring Festival this year. From buying new year's goods to celebrating New Year, I was arranging the whole process. I ran outside every day ~ Fanwai is almost over. I hope everyone will be considerate. The demon will be updated every day if you are busy. Read the book happily. You can save the little cute who is slow to update. You can read it once a few days, or you can wait until the end of the day to see it ~ It will not be so busy in a few days, and the update will return to normal ~ Happy New Year and love you ~

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