MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 616 Demons and monsters, all to be slaughtered

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  Japan, Mount Fuji.

  Under the blue sky and white clouds, the snow-capped top of Mount Fuji is truly beautiful.

  At the foot of the mountain, green hills and green grass, a villa is located in the middle.

   "It's not your fault! The enemy is too powerful, beyond our imagination."

   Mizuno Bosi held a cup of hot tea in his hand, and after a moment of silence, he said a word.

Opposite to   , Mizuno Sakurako was sitting on her knees, her hands resting on her thighs, her head low.

   "The magician! He turned out to be a magician! No wonder!" Mizuno Bosi sighed.

"Grandpa, he is too powerful. I suggest that all actions against him be stopped immediately. Otherwise, if he really angers him, I really don't know what terrible things he will do." Mizuno Sakurako is crisp Her voice trembled slightly, and when she recalled the scene on the battlefield in front of Tangjiabao, her heart beat faster.

   Mizuno Sakurako is not a weak woman. She has been trained in Bushido since childhood. Her blood is cold. However, the scene that day was so terrifying, it was completely beyond her imagination.

   The bronze masked man in the splendid robe can knock out a powerful skeleton man with a wave of his hand...

  Gu Feng rode his broom, raised his magic wand, and the violent whirlwind panned across the ground like a meat grinder...

  The **** scene, when I think about it now, makes me vomit.

   Is this something that humans can do? These are clearly two fighting machines!

"A terrible thing? Could it be that he can still kill Japan? Huh! The big deal, we just gave up our career in Huaxia. Recently, the Chinese have become more and more resistant to the people of our island country. Huaxia's business is not easy to do, if we don't focus on I have already withdrawn the future layout!" Mizuno Bosi snorted coldly, feeling very bad.

   His mood is indeed very bad. Not only because the family lost the opportunity to embezzle the ancient young industry, but also because of his nostalgia for the health care villa.

   Lived in Yangsheng Villa for a few days, and he was completely fascinated there.

  The beautiful environment like a fairyland, that intoxicating food... I miss it! I just miss it so much!

But. After this thing. Based on the relationship between the Mizuno family and Gufeng, he was afraid that he would never have the opportunity to go to the Health Care Villa again.

   If I knew this earlier, I shouldn’t have been too greedy! Even if you can't rebuild a health resort under Mount Fuji, it's fine to live in the health resort directly!

   Mizuno Bosi's heart. is deeply regretted.

   Another moment of silence.

"However. You are right about one thing. Our actions against the ancient style must be stopped immediately... However, we have not given up completely. We still have the most beautiful weapon. I believe he can't refuse." Mizuno Bosi looked at Mizuno Sakurako.

   Mizuno Sakurako raised her head, a look of astonishment flashed on her beautiful face, followed by a wry smile. She naturally understood the meaning of grandpa's words, that she wanted to rely on beauty to approach the ancient style.

   If she was just starting out, she would have some confidence. After all, she also knew something about her beauty. Such beauty, I am afraid that few men can refuse.

   But, now... After being teased by the ancient style several times, she was already very suspicious in her heart. Is your appearance really attractive to boys?

   "Sakurako, my granddaughter, you are more beautiful than the most beautiful cherry blossoms. If you go to the ancient style, I believe he will not be able to reject you at all!" Mizuno Bosi said.

"Grandpa. I'm afraid you think highly of your granddaughter. I was in Huaxia a while ago. In order to get the recipe for Gu's tea, I tried to get close to Gufeng, but..." Mizuno Yingko gave a wry smile, "There is no shortage of women around him. .I don't look down on me at all."

   In front of her grandfather, Mizuno Sakurako has nothing to be ashamed of.

"No no no!" Mizuno Bosi listened, but shook his head again and again, "The situation is different! In the past, you deliberately approached him for the sake of profit, which was false. I believe that the wisdom of the ancient style can see this. Second, I want you to approach him sincerely. Gu Feng, although he is a humble Chinese, he is a magician, he has the ability to create a health resort, has the formula of Gu's tea, and he also has the ability to sweep Ten thousand people are fighting strength... He is good enough to be the son-in-law of my Mizuno Bosi. My Sakurako is not a loss for marrying him. You have to give your sincerity, I believe, he can see it. Your appearance, coupled with your sincerity and tenderness... I can't think of any other man in this world who would have the courage to reject you."

   Mizuno Sakurako was slightly taken aback. Do you treat the ancient style with sincerity and tenderness? The man with the same style, the man who made himself suffer countless losses, and even hated his teeth so much... Mizuno Sakurako suddenly found that in his heart, he didn't seem to be so repulsive to the ancient style.

   In the past, for the benefit of the family, grandpa also proposed to marry the son of another family, but every time he mentioned each other, Mizuno Sakurako felt extremely disgusted in her heart.

  This! Even, there is some secret joy in my heart.

  Every woman has a hero complex in her heart. Gufeng is undoubtedly the hero in the eyes of most people.

   "Yes, Grandpa! Sakurako is willing to try!" Sakurako bowed her head and agreed, as shy as a lotus flower blowing in the breeze.


  The rising sun, the golden sun shines on the earth, and the whole health resort is bathed in this morning glow, which is extremely gorgeous.

  The sound of birdsong, the gurgling water.


   Guan Zishao slowly opened his eyes, his body was still a little weak, but the warm feeling in his stomach was very comfortable. This warm feeling quickly spread to all limbs.

  The sun shines in through the window, adding a touch of warmth to this early winter morning.

"Hey, how crazy those guys were a few days ago! They were blocked outside our villa to check people! Our people didn't dare to go out, and they even confiscated our parking lot. Team Liu and the bald brother were all arrested. Now as soon as Gu Shao comes back, those grandsons will wilt immediately, people, send them back to us obediently, and even come to the door to apologize in person, Gu Shao doesn't pay any attention to them... Hahaha! Rejoice!"

"Yeah! It's so happy! A few days ago, I was almost suffocated to death! What the white family! What a son of the provincial No. 1... All of them are so arrogant, in front of our young master, they are not immediately stunned. !"


  Outside the window, several voices were talking in low voices, extremely excited.

   However, across the window, because the window was open, Guan Zishao could hear clearly. I roughly understood what was going on. In my heart, I was immediately proud.

  This is my man!

   No matter how hard you jump, as soon as my man comes back, all the monsters and monsters will be killed immediately!

   Guan Zishao had a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his heart was very relaxed.


   The door was pushed open, and Feifei Sun walked in with a heat preservation pot. Looking up and seeing Guan Zishao's open eyes, he immediately smiled excitedly, "Mr. Guan! Are you awake?"

   "Yeah!" Guan Zishao smiled and nodded, "Don't call me President Guan, didn't I say that we will be sisters in the future."

  Sun Feifei was stunned for a moment, smiled slightly, and immediately changed her mouth, "Sister Guan, how do you feel?"

   "My whole body is warm and comfortable!" Guan Zishao looked very satisfied, "How is the situation outside?"

"The trouble is solved!" Speaking of the situation outside, Sun Feifei immediately became excited, "You don't know, when Gu... Gu Shao came back, those who dealt with us immediately stopped. Now, the Bai family's few Young Master, there is that **** Wang Hao, the first son of Jiangnan, and Boss Jiang of the Longan Lake Resort... So many people are at the foot of the mountain, honestly waiting to apologize to Young Master Gu. Young Master Gu didn't even see them, Let them cool down there, and they wait honestly, daring not to complain at all..."

  Sun Feifei explained the situation in a flash, and explained the situation to Guan Zishao.

   Guan Zishao also heard a smile on his brows.

   "What about the ancient style?" Guan Zishao asked. Since I woke up, I just heard Gu Feng's name, but I haven't seen anyone yet!

   "In retreat! Uncle Yimin said that Young Master Gu is breaking through the bottleneck. If we can succeed, we will have nothing to fear in the future!" Feifei Sun lowered her voice.

   "I knew he would get better and better!"

   Guan Zishao had a smile on the corner of his mouth. Originally, I just woke up and didn't see Gu Feng, although I understand it very well, knowing that Gu Feng is very busy now, I will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable.

   However, after knowing the whole story, it became clear immediately.

   is hitting the bottleneck! Gu Feng is a magician, and he must be Tang Jiabao and his party. He has obtained great benefits and is now hitting the bottleneck. No wonder!


  Sansheng Pavilion.

  Gu Yimin and Sanyan sat at the door with a pair of chess in the middle.

  The two of them didn't speak, and even when they made moves, they kept their voices as low as possible. All night! The two played chess here for a whole night.

  Gu Yimin has huge internal strength to support him, but he can't see anything. Uncle Sanyan is very sleepy.

   "No more! No more! Go back and rest!"

  Gu Yimin gently placed the chess piece on the stone table and said in a low voice.

"Why don't you go back and rest? I'm a few years younger than you! Don't you think I can't stand it before you? Besides, I'm about to win this game of chess, so don't you want to be rude ?" When Uncle Three Eyes heard this, he immediately regained his spirits.

   Although the two were arguing, their voices were kept very low.

  Gu Yimin seems calm, but in fact, there is always a worry between his brows. He doesn't know magicians, but he knows ancient warriors. The promotion of ancient warriors, every step of promotion, is risky.

   I believe magicians are in a similar situation. For such a powerful magician, it is impossible to advance without danger.

  Three Eyes is here to accompany him, jokingly chatting, just to distract his mind.

   The two just quarreled for a few words, and suddenly, they were both startled and turned to look in the direction of Sansheng Pavilion. (To be continued..)

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