MTL - The Only Magician on Earth-Chapter 615 Terrible is not the ancient style, it is the man with the bronze mask

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   answered him with a heavy slap in the face.

   Bai Jiajun no longer had his usual calmness, and shot directly.

"Bastard! Can't you see the current situation? Gu Feng's identity has been revealed, he is a magician! The legendary magician! God-like existence! And there is that mysterious evil shape, I don't know what to do with him. What is the relationship, help him with all his heart. Even the powerful ancient martial arts sects such as Tangmen and Kunlun sect have to bow their heads in front of them... Do you think that the strength of our Bai family can be compared with these ancient martial arts sects? The old man gave orders in such a hurry, let us try to please Gu Feng at all costs, don't you think we are all confused?"

Bai Jiajun pointed at Bai Jiaju and scolded, "It was because of your arrogance that our Bai family first made a bad relationship with Gu Feng... If it hadn't been for you, it wouldn't necessarily have happened to us later, you now I still can't see the situation clearly, and I want to continue to fight against the ancient style... If you want to die, just die by yourself! Don't drag the Bai family to bury you with you!" [

   Bai Jiaju was scolded until his face was red. However, in front of this older brother, he has been afraid since he was a child, and now he doesn't even dare to retaliate.

Next to   , Wang Hao is also very happy. Originally, he had the same idea as Bai Jiaju, but he didn't have time to say it. Otherwise, it's him who gets scolded.

   Bai Jiajun finished swearing, took a few breaths, calmed his breath, then calmed down, turned his head and asked Bai Guowei:

"Uncle, you also know the old man's order. Now our Bai family. The one who has the best relationship with Gufeng is you. When Gufeng was just starting, you helped him. According to our information, Gufeng is a For those who are nostalgic, I believe that if you come forward, he will not make you too embarrassed. This time we will go to Gu Feng to apologize and show him good things. You will preside over the overall situation. Jia Jun and brothers will cooperate with you with all our hearts ."

   Take Bai Jiajun's insidiousness. Now I don't dare to have the slightest idea about Gu Feng and the industry under his name.

   In the face of absolute strength, all conspiracies and tricks are false.

   Now, Bai Jiajun's heart is this kind of thought. He felt that he was really sad. Kong has brilliant wisdom, and has the backing of the Bai family... How smoothly the previous series of conspiracies were planned! Seeing that the health care villa is about to become a thing in the bag. even. Even Gu's tea drink and Gu's private restaurant, he can also get his hands on it.

   Who would have thought that Gu Feng suddenly burst out with such terrifying strength. It's just like a monster!

   It's not that my ability is not good, it's that good luck tricks people!

   Bai Jiajun sighed in his heart.

   "Humph! Only now did I think of showing goodwill to Gu Feng, do you think it's still useful?" Bai Guowei sneered. With Nai in his tone, "Since you said that you have collected information about Gu Feng and analyzed his personality. Then you should understand that Gu Feng is a person. Although he is nostalgic, this is the point. Talk to Yi Min. His "character" is somewhat similar. However, he is also a person who will not easily let go of his enemies. You fall into stone when he is in the most difficult time, plotting his property, chasing his woman to the road to heaven, to the gate of the earth... Now you want to ask him to forgive you, do you think that's possible?"

  Bai Jiajun and others all turned pale.

   Indeed, according to their analysis, it is indeed difficult to forgive them in terms of the "sex" character of the ancient style.

Bai Jiajun smiled bitterly, "But, do we have any other choice? Do you want us to continue to fight against him? Don't say I don't have this confidence, even if I have this confidence, I'm afraid the old man won't support me, right? If we go to show affection, maybe we will pay some price and still have a chance to live. If we continue to fight, with the "character" of the ancient killing god, I am afraid that the children of our Bai family will be slaughtered by him! I can only ask the uncle to call the shots."


   Next, the room fell silent. Everyone's heart is very heavy.

Two days ago, they fell victim to others, plotted their property, and chased down the woman who killed the family... Now, seeing that they are "pushing", they go to them to show their affection... Don't talk about the "sex" expressed in the ancient style. I'm afraid, even if I change to anyone, I'm afraid I won't let go easily.

   "Let's go! Follow me to Yangsheng Villa, find Gufeng, and sincerely apologize. It's up to him to fight or kill... This may be our only chance."

   Bai Guowei is the Bai family after all, with the blood "blood" of the Bai family flowing on his body, and the brand of the Bai family in his soul. At a critical moment, of course, it is impossible to give up the Bai family, even if it is to give up the old face, it is necessary to find the ancient style. [

   Hearing what he said, everyone was relieved.

   Especially Wang Hao and Jiang Chengze are secretly glad. Their worries just now were not only worried about not being able to get Gu Feng's understanding, but also more afraid that the Bai family would use them as scapegoats.

   After all, most of these things against the ancient style were done by the two of them. Bai Jiajun is more of a behind-the-scenes "operation".

   For example, inter-provincial mobilization of police force was coordinated by Wang Hao with his father Wang Weijun. The gangsters dispatched were all cultivated by Jiang Chengze.

   Fortunately, the Bai family didn't do this, which made them a little relieved.

   As everyone knows, it's not that Bai Jiajun has not considered doing this, but he knows that with the cleverness of the ancient style, it is impossible to be deceived. A few scapegoats are simply not enough to satisfy the ancient style's appetite.

   Maybe Gu Feng felt fooled, and when he was furious, his revenge against the Bai family would be even crazier.

   After considering the pros and cons, Bai Jiajun thought it was the most appropriate to go honestly and admit his mistakes.


  Xiangjiang twists and turns like a beautiful snake, entrenched in the south of China, giving birth to a prosperous economy.

   A group of several Westerners, all carrying simple salutes, hurriedly walked. When I crossed the border and entered Hong Kong and Hong Kong, I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Huh! Great! When we got here, our safety has been basically guaranteed. The mysterious Huaxia... I don't want to come again!" Bishop opened his arms and took a deep breath, his face very relaxed. .

   "Elder Bishop, pay attention to your words and deeds. We will come back one day!" An old voice was the old pastor Gavrijo.

"Come back? Dear priest, do you still want to come back? The mysterious China, the terrible China... is full of too many unknowns. In this operation, so many of our elite clansmen were buried here. Could it be that? , do you still want more of our elites to be buried here? Anyway, I don't want to come back! Our cursed state will indeed bring us a lot of pain... But, looking at so many I have already figured out the death of my clan. It turns out that living is the best thing. For many years, I thought I was tired of living. But now I know that I was wrong! I still love life! "Elder Bishop said in a magnetic voice, "I have paid too much to deal with that ancient style. The strength he has shown is simply beyond our ability to deal with it. Lord Reverend, I advise you to give up as well. !"

   "Humph! Bishop, are you challenging my authority?" The old priest snorted coldly.

  This time the clan lost too much. And this action was directed by the old priest Gavrirou, which had caused great damage to his prestige.

   Even Bishop doesn't respect him as much as he used to.

   "Bishop dare not!" Bishop bent down and agreed, but he couldn't hear any sincerity.

  Compared with Gavriruo, he is even more afraid of the ancient style, and even more afraid of the mysterious bronze masked man... The ancient warrior of China has left a mark of fear in his soul. If Gavri "forced" him to deal with Gu Feng again, he would rather betray the old priest's order than come over.

   Bishop has made up his mind.

"Humph! For hundreds of years, the only magician has been born, no matter what, I will not give up this opportunity... This opportunity to lift the curse for our people! Let's go back to cultivate, and Rafael will lead people to stay here. It's terrible. Yes, it's not Gufeng, it's the man in bronze mask. I don't believe that man in bronze mask will follow him all the time... After a while, as long as they slack off a little, it's our chance."

   Gavriruo said, and ignored Bishop, turned and walked forward, the old figure, the pace was full of firmness. (To be continued. If you like this work, () voting, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please go to m to read.[

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