MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 223 : come night, come night

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The chartered car of Dongda Art is driving on the road, and the terminal is the TV station headquarters.

In order to ensure plenty of energy throughout the day, the students were only asked to review the dance moves in the morning. After breakfast, the students got on the bus one after another.

"Is the stage ready?"

"Yeah, what happened?"

"I'm looking forward to it!"

"Don't worry, what the boss said will definitely not go wrong!" Natsume, who was wearing sweatpants, raised her hands softly and shouted loudly.

When Yu Xianzhi was training the students in ultramarine dance, he told them that the best semi-final stage was prepared for them. On that stage, they just had to dance to their heart's content.

The secrecy work is well done. Before the official version of the mv is released on the stage, no one knows how shocking the final product will be.

At that time, facing the exclamations of countless live audiences, they will also feel that kind of supreme excitement.

"Compared with before, I feel that Qingyin has changed a lot." Yamaguchi Baihui said with a smile.

"Huh? It's true or false, where is it?" Natsume Qingyin said energetically.

"I'm no longer cunning, I'm more serious." Yamaguchi Baihui said.

"Mmmm." Fujiwara Chie nodded vigorously, "It feels like a different person."

"Don't talk about me, and you, Chie-chan, you have grown a lot!" Natsume said with a light smile.

Not only the two of them, after this period of hard training, every girl has grown more or less, not only physically, but also inwardly.

"It's because of the boss that I found out that I can dance too, but from now on, even if there is no boss to beat me..."

When it came to 'hit me', everyone laughed, but Natsume Qingyin didn't laugh, and twitched her nose lightly: "I will also become a more powerful version of myself in the future."

"Me too!" Yamaguchi Baihui raised his hand.

"By the way, it really hurts the boss to beat someone, but now it feels like it's worth it!" Mio Kaizuki said with a smile.

"Let's work together in the future, let the boss die and rest his eyes." Huali Yao raised her arms and cheered.

"Yeah, don't let the boss leave any regrets during his lifetime."

"Ugh... I'll always miss his kindness to me!"

Yu Xianzhi, who was looking at the documents, raised his head and twitched his lips.

"First of all, this is not a hearse."

"Secondly, I didn't mess with all of you."

"In the end, we're going to the game, not a funeral for me."

The girls were stunned for a while, then burst into laughter, and the car was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

"So, after so many setbacks and sorrows, what do you want to say in your heart?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"What do you want to say most?"

Natsume Qingyin's eyes were firm, she looked at the girls around her, and stretched out her hand in front of everyone with the back of her hand up, "It can only be that sentence!"

"Yeah." Kizuki Mio nodded, got up, and folded her hand on Natsume Qingyin's.

"Yes." Fujiwara Chie also walked over and put her hands together.

"I want to win! Win this game! Make it to the finals!"


"Let's win this year's championship!"

"Of course it is!"

"Oh! oh! oh!"

The girls' folded hands bloomed vigorously.

It's not just them, the crouching dragon and phoenix with earphones sitting at the back of the carriage is also in the same state of mind.

They looked at each other and tapped their fists lightly.

It is only one step away from the finals, it has never been so close.


According to the TV news and the late morning social edition reports, the traffic near the headquarters was extremely supercharged. When I saw the headquarters news at 7 o'clock, the Chuo Line and the Yamanote Line were on the verge of collapse.

The last time was the home field of the literary and art circles, and the entertainment industry did not dare to make a fool of myself, and could only be a tortoise.

This time, he returned to his home court, and the atmosphere was very public. Large banners of the players were erected on both sides of the street, and fans came to support their idols in an endless stream.

The principals of the School of Art of Dongda University also arrived at the venue ahead of time to send their best wishes to their students.

"Let's play happily, kids." Ms. Sakurashita Furui squatted down and hugged her student Haruka Kaori tightly, while not forgetting to say thank you to Yu Xianzhisheng.

Sawano Kazuki patted Yu Xian Zhisheng on the shoulder.

"Crossing this road, you will be greeted by the grandest stage." He said softly.

Above the hall of the headquarters, colorful strips flew, huge hot air balloons floated in the sky, overhead camera equipment swept over people's heads, and broadcast the video footage to every family in the island country.

At the same time, many international channels have been added to broadcast to various overseas countries.

Owada Guangshou opened the folding fan with both hands, like a frog monster in a hunting suit in "Spirited Away", swaying back and forth, screaming "Come on, Minasang!"

The people from Keio's private school also arrived quickly, and there was a burst of warm cheers from the front of the venue again.

Yu Xianzhisheng looked back, and saw the spirit of the gods in a beautiful kimono.

As if the leaders had an instinctive reaction, when Yu Xian Zhisheng looked at her, Shenhuiling, who had just got off the car, also searched for him in the player camp for the first time.

True love, in a sense, this is true love.

I don't care about anyone, I just want to see you.

The four eyes are facing each other, electric sparks.

From her almond eyes, Yu Xianzhi saw her desperate attitude and strong confidence.

"I will bury you with my own hands."

When passing Yu Xianzhisheng, she whispered this sentence in a hoarse male voice.

The unsuspecting reporters immediately became excited, the flashing lights continued, and they also expected Yu Xianzhisheng to say something cruel.

But no, Yu Xianzhisheng just glanced at her, and then withdrew his gaze.

He has nothing to say to this kind of female brat who disguise himself as a man, everything has to be seen on stage.

In fact, they both knew that the semi-finals would be a horn match in which Keio private school launched a counterattack, and the finals would be the one who would decide who would stay on the stage.

As for other colleges, they didn't take it seriously.

From beginning to end, the battle of fate was only between the two of them.


Under the overwhelming flash of light, the players from the four academies went to their separate lounges. The semi-finals were a team competition. The students had to play at one time, and no one could hold back.

Therefore, even though they were full of confidence in the car, when they got to the lounge, several girls were inevitably nervous.

Last year, Dongda Art was brushed off in the semi-finals, and the shadow is still there.

But when they thought that the person leading the dance was Yu Xianzhisheng, their moods would relax a lot, no matter what, as long as they looked at his calm profile, they would slowly settle down.

One after another, the judges also entered the venue one after another and sat in their respective positions.

Mrs. Dansheng is also there, but today she is not the C position, but the next position.

Today, the semi-finals are appraised by a great old man in the literary and art circles, Mr. Hanjiro Hanajing. He is one of the few Kabuki masters in Japan and belongs to Japan's national treasure artist.

In addition, in addition to the first-line stars in the entertainment industry, the judges who came here also sat a few rows of investors in the entertainment industry and famous directors in the entertainment industry.

They were too busy to watch the previous games, so they just picked the ones they were interested in in the replays, but they would not miss the semi-finals and finals every year. The interweaving of this tense atmosphere and large-scale performances can make the game more interesting. A wonderful place for people to multiply their inspiration, maybe they will be surprised by which picture and inspired.

Following Mr. Hanjiro Hana Jing, the director of the national drama "Battle of the Child", Mr. Chunjiang Descendants, with big black-rimmed glasses, smiled and waved at the camera that moved laterally.

"I watched the pre-match footage, and it is said that A Ling will use the Kabuki style of performance in the game?"

Squeezing his voice, he does not say that the old man is a sissy. On the contrary, only men can play the real Kabukicho. They play the female part of Kabuki, and the role types are extremely rich, including young women, wealthy daughters, married Women, etc., their vivid imitation of women is the soul of Kabuki.

"Well, I heard that embroidered clothes will be used in advance." Dansheng Huazhi nodded.

Several tidbits were captured in the video released by Keio Private School, including the scene of Shenhuiling wearing embroidered clothes, and the scene of Park Zunshi wearing a suit.

This video soon sparked heated discussions. It seems that they intend to combine the two cultural methods, but the adaptation is not random, and the two flowers cannot be Hu Huai. How should Japanese classical culture be compared with Western modern and modern culture? Blending, this is the point that the judges are most looking forward to.

"I really want to see Arling soon." Hanjiro Huajing said with a smile, and then looked at the director of Chunjiang's successor who was sitting near him: "Hey, Mr. Successor, do you have plans to put Aling in "Dr. From the crew of "Battle of the Sons"?"

The descendant of Chunjiang smiled bitterly when he heard the words: "I have this plan, but after Shenhuiling won the third championship this year, the points are enough to enter the Zenith Fengting of the Council of Ministers of State. At that time, A Ling will quit the entertainment circle, and I can't help it. Bar."

"It's a pity." Hanjiro Hanajing said, "As expected, Ah Ling still wants to take the route of Quan."

"Are you so confident that Shenhuiling won the championship?"

Dansheng Huazhi had an angry look on his face, how could he see how unhappy this old man was.

"Miss Dansheng, you have a child you want to support, and I also have a child I like, isn't that okay?" Hanjiro Hanajing said with a smile.

Well, that's right, it really makes people have no temper at all.

Dansheng Huazhi was sullen after eating.

"But it's already a sure thing to let Yu Xianzhi join the crew, right?" Hanjiro Hanajing asked softly.

"That's right, we will invite him after the game at the latest." The descendant of Chunjiang nodded.

"No, I don't write the script anymore." Dan Sheng Huazhi joked.

"Acting in a national drama is very helpful for points. Then again, does the child also want to enter the Zenith Fengting?"

"This is unlikely. With his background, it would be too naive to want to go to that place." The descendant of Chunjiang said sternly, "He should be in the entertainment industry for a lifetime."

"I think so too." Hanjiro Hanajing decided so.

"Then look forward to the performance of the two of them, who can make us more thrilling!"

The old man looked down at the pen and paper in his hand.

Their votes will determine the winner of the semifinals.

The competition is played according to the college rankings, from top to bottom.

In order to avoid the loss of playback rate in the early stage, what the audience wants to watch the most must be at the end.

The fact that the play rate is true is to be taken care of.

After all, everyone knows who the audience wants to see the most.

Therefore, the School of Art of Dongda University, where Yu Xianzhisheng is located, will be the last to appear.

The second-to-last one is Keio Private School.

The first to appear was the Osaka Flower Girl Group where Lu Huoqing is located.

In the dark-colored venue, the light in the direction of the stage slowly lit up and continued all the way to the main stage. The students of the Osaka Flower Girl Group filed out of the lounge and walked towards the stage with light steps.

Then, they held umbrellas, posed, and waited for the music to play.

"Is it Umbrella Mai?" Natsume said softly through the broadcast TV in the lounge.

But when the music starts and the girls on stage make the first move, the meaning is different.

The sound of clattering castanets, the folding fans are also dancing.

The beautiful folding fans fan out the beauty of the ocean, just like the waves of ukiyo-e.

In this azure water, Lu Huoqing, wearing a microphone and carrying a beautiful umbrella, walked forward slowly and sang a Japanese song to the tune.

"It's not an ordinary umbrella dance, it's the T1-level "Baitang·Hua No Sleeping" in the treasury. They are performing the night dance." Heimutong said softly.

Yosakoi, a vocabulary derived from ancient Japanese, was originally developed at the Yosakoi Festival in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, and later gradually formed a form of festival dance held throughout the country during the Obon Festival.

This kind of dance needs to be matched with Naruko castanets, and dances with sounds. With specially designed traditional costumes, the stage effect is beautiful.

At this time, the girls on the stage were performing this kind of dance, holding a flower umbrella in one hand and a naruko in the other, holding them lightly with thumb and index finger, and supporting and shaking with the other fingers, making a crisp and pleasant sound.

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On the stage, their black and gray cranes and dark blue skirts swayed and swayed, and the Naruko castanets were decorated with big blue streamers, and they were also dancing with them.

In order to avoid the dull tones during the performance, they chose bright rose-red headscarves and light-colored stockings, full of **** and dancing elements.

"Sacrificing to the sea god, singing the waves."

"The fish that swallows the boat, the bright moon is faint."

"What time, what time."

"Come on, come on, come on! Come on!"

Lu Huoqing wears a headset, winks like silk, and sings the tune of the Taisho era.

This dance has to be danced continuously for 10 minutes, which is not only extremely difficult, but also extremely test of patience. They rhythmically matched the rhythm of the dance as Naruko played.

Until the singing faded, the whole hall cheered.

"It's very impactful."

Yu Xianzhisheng looked at the demure and dignified dances of the girls on the TV screen, expressed the most genuine emotion in his heart, and applauded for them.

The costume design and choreography of this dance came from Lu Huoqing alone.

It can be seen that the other party is not an easy-going Such a person is willing to succumb to his subordinates, the only reason is that her greed hurts herself.

But having said that, this is the scene of the semi-finals. Even if they already know that the chances of being shortlisted are very small, they are still fighting with all their might.

They are like this, and Keio’s private school will definitely be like this, and it is even possible that it is even more beyond their imagination.



ps. Uploaded the two-dimensional version of the easter egg chapter of Ye Laiwu. If the review fails, you can go to the group to see it.

ps2. The Starlight Awards competition is coming to an end. Enjoy the final competition. This kind of young and large-scale debut competition is only once in a person's life and will never be written again.

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