MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 222 :younger sister

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This scene played out in last year's finals.

Last year's Waseda Academy used this performance to gain a lot of popularity, but it was only a little short, and in the end, it lost to the embroidery performance of Shenhuiling.

Now, this kind of performance has appeared in the semi-final training of Keio private school.

"How could Waseda help them?!" Yu Xianzhi stood up abruptly.

Waseda and Keio Private School are both Japan's top comprehensive colleges and have always been rivals. Waseda chose to retire this year for the highest literary award in Japanese literature.

They have no reason or time to help Keio's private school.

"Wait, it's not like Waseda's game last year." Kuroki Tong stared at the screen carefully and said softly, "Although it looks similar, the form is still different."

"Songs are skewered, and there are many combinations of dance forms. It feels like it was refurbished from last year's Waseda, and added their own things."

Huaniaofengyue puffed out her cheeks and was a little angry.

Yu Xianzhisheng sat back on the chair and frowned.

I suddenly lost confidence.

Although the joint dance of "Ultramarine" can shock the audience, if Keio private school plays such a king bomb, it will still make him feel uncertain for a while.

After all, Waseda last year was only a small step away from the championship.

What the audience likes, this has always been a mystery in the industry and cannot be speculated.

If you lose in the semi-finals, the morale of the students of Dongda Art will be greatly damaged.

"What's wrong?" Hei Mutong noticed Yu Xian Zhisheng's change and asked aloud.

"It's okay." Yu Xianzhi bit his upper lip and thought hard.

Lu Huoqing was the bomb he put in Keio's private school, and if he let her blow herself up on stage, their semi-finals would have made a major mistake.

This opportunity can only be used once, and then she will be completely abandoned by Shenhualing.

Rather than letting the bomb explode, he actually wanted to face off with dignity and win the opponent without regrets.

Yu Xianzhi raised his head and looked at the spirit of the gods in the video.

Her forehead was covered in sweat, her expression was very determined, and she had the attitude of desperate Saburo.

It seems that this guy was also forced to use his full firepower.

Yu Xianzhi sighed softly and called Lu Huoqing in front of the two girls.

The phone was connected, but Lu Huoqing did not speak.

After a while of footsteps passed by, she whispered, "What's the matter?"

"I want to know, what did they prepare for the finals?"

"I haven't seen the specific content, but they bought a lot of props for the finals. I don't have permission to enter the internal training room, so I don't know what that is?" Lu Huoqing whispered.

"Can you describe what you see?" Yu Xianzhi frowned deeper.

"A lot of tubes, wrapped in kraft paper, and large instruments, I've never seen them before." Lu Huoqing replied.

Yu Xian Zhisheng was stunned.

Wouldn't they be driving up to do themselves in the finals?

He shook his head, shook the outrageous thought out of his head, and hung up the phone.

"Continue to practice." Yu Xianzhi said softly.

He doesn't want to put the pressure on anyone, it's enough to take it upon himself, just let them go to the competition happily, there are less than 16 hours before the semi-finals, and it is impossible to temporarily change the repertoire.

Can "Ultramarine" beat Keio's remake of Waseda?

Depends on how the audience will choose.


It was already evening, and Yu Xian Zhisheng had planned to go to Hua Bird Feng Yue for dinner, and then go back to the hotel to sleep.

As soon as I went downstairs, I met Yuan and Yilong, leaning on the blue Lamborghini.

"Are you going to eat at my sister's place?" Yu Xianzhisheng looked helpless.

"No, it's nothing to do with Miss, I'll take you to a place." Yuan and Yilong raised their eyebrows, "Brothers, we haven't eaten out for a long time, so I'll take you to meet someone by the way."

"See who?"

"It's a girl, you'll know when you arrive." Yuan He Yilong said.

"Let's go then." Yu Xianzhi got into the car and fastened his seat belt.

Yuan and Yilong actually let themselves meet other girls in private, which is quite strange. Yu Xianzhi wanted to see what medicines were sold in his gourd.

The afterglow pierced through the stratus clouds, wires and roads smoothed the entire autumn.

Lamborghini drives violently on wide roads.

Gradually, the car drove out of the central area of ​​Tokyo and headed towards the west of Tokyo.

Yu Xianzhi rested for a while in the car, and when he opened his eyes again, he found that he had arrived in a small town.

The surrounding scenery has gradually changed. Cars are rarely seen on the streets. There are quite a few bicycles, but most of them are rusted. Flowers are blooming on both sides of the road, protruding from the courtyard wall, and the telephone poles are covered with No one posted the small advertisement later, and the latest one was a wild advertisement for a massage shop.

This place is like a forgotten place, few people can be seen, and even the dust in the air reveals the smell of poverty.

"It's here." Yuan and Yilong unfastened their seat belts.

Two people walked side by side in this small town. The sign in front of the town said Shoto Town. The houses on both sides of the street were very old wooden Japanese-style houses. The two hard-won guests had a fierce look on their faces.

Both Android and Apple. 】

It's hard to imagine that this is the west of Tokyo. The place they passed by half an hour ago was still very lively, but half an hour later, they stood here as if they were forgotten by the world, only the echoes of loneliness remained.

"Where is this place?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"My home." Yuan He Yilong smiled and patted his shoulder.

This is a slum in the west of Tokyo. Yuan and Yilong grew up here. He took Yu Xian Zhisheng to drill through the small streets skillfully, bypassing the clothes hanging in the alley, and came to a liquor store. .

The izakaya was broken, and the curtains were greasy.

There were a few thugs of different sizes next to him, hiding in the cold wind and eating skewers. They looked at Yu Xianzhisheng's precious school uniform with fierce gleams, and they probably thought it was a little fat sheep.

Yuan and Yilong raised their chins at them, and they smirked and walked away.

The large intestine teppanyaki and pork blood roast, the sauce is thick, and the aroma is in the autumn wind. Yuan and Yilong packed the teppanyaki and handed one of them to Yu Xian Zhisheng.

"I didn't expect you to be willing to eat these. The food from the slums doesn't match your identity." Yuan He Yilong said.

"What's wrong?" Yu Xianzhi shook his head.

In his last life, he still liked to eat spicy sticks. Someone said this at the time. Would a handsome person like you also eat spicy sticks? What kind of nonsense is this? He had a lot of fun at that time.

The two continued to walk forward, circling around and around, and finally reached the downstairs.

This is one of the few modern buildings, but it only has three floors. From the building, there is the sound of husband and wife scolding and the sound of things being thrown.

Continue up the stairs and stop at a dilapidated iron door.

Yuan and Yilong knocked on the door, and the old layer of paint fell off.

"Who is it?" There was a girl's voice inside, which was very small.

"It's me, sister." Yuan He Yilong said.

Surprisingly, the door didn't open, the girl seemed to be leaning against the door and didn't have the courage to open the door.

Yuan and Yilong put the packaged teppanyaki at the door, told her not to forget to take it, and then took Yu Xianzhisheng to the top roof.

There are abandoned boxes and sofas everywhere, dusty.

The two of them sat on the edge of the rooftop, watching the fading sunset.

In the distance is the sea, between heaven and earth, the waves echo.

"It was your sister just now?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"Yeah, my sister." Yuan He Yilong looked up at the sky, "She has been reluctant to go out since she was a child because she was ill."

"What's wrong?" Yu Xianzhi asked curiously.

"Here." Yuan He Yilong pointed to his heart, "When she was in junior high school, she was bullied by a group of gangsters after school. I would pick her up every afternoon, but that day I was playing a game because I was late for a game in the hall, and God didn't choose to forgive me just once."

"Later, I interrupted all those gangsters, and one of them was beaten into a vegetative state by me on the spot. After I ran away from home, I was adopted by the old man at the Yuan family, and I dare not go home until today."

"Actually, at the beginning, the first time I met you, I planned to deceive you back to my house and become my brother-in-law." Yuan He Yilong said with a smile, "I didn't know you at that time."

"As for now, I just want you and Miss Heimutong to be well." He nodded and looked into the distance on the sea.

"Children, you actually understand the lady's feelings for you, don't you?"

Yuan and Yilong turned their eyes away and placed them on top of him.

Yu Xianzhi nodded, he is not a fool, how could he not understand, as long as he and Huaniaofengyue approached, this sister would be jealous, and she made no secret of it.

She told you plainly that I was jealous, brother, please calm down.

"Yeah, before you came, the old man wanted her to go to the Qingya Art Institute in South Korea, and she agreed at that time. After getting familiar with you, she chose to stay in Tokyo."

"Everyone in the Yuan family respects her first, but she knows that it's just the halo under the old man's favor. She wants to work hard outside to create a world that belongs to her."

"Didn't you say you've been thinking about a normal life before, right?"

"Yes." Yu Xianzhi nodded.

"The same is true for her. She wants to leave the Yuan family when she is an adult, become a violin teacher, get along with children every day, and of course get married, and spend her life Pingdan." Yuan and Yilong exhaled softly, "After meeting you , she has been waiting for that time to come, and then there may or may not be you in the future."

"I hope to have you, and I hope that the person who takes her home every day is you, so I work hard for it. A long time ago, I left a painful regret with my sister, and I don't want to suffer from it again."

Yuan He Yilong smiled and said, "So this is a dog's great dream. I hope she can be well protected by you, and she will never need to see the **** side of Tokyo in her life."

"I will." Yu Xianzhi patted Yuan and Yilong on the shoulders.

"Although you can't walk hand in hand on the street now, you can only live under the sight of Yuan's family. But I think that one day in the future, you can hold her hand and walk in the sun without our protection, Because you can protect her yourself."

"At that time, I can retreat, find a kennel to spend the rest of my life, and you can live your happy life to the fullest." Yuan He Yilong's eyes filled with anticipation.

"What about you, don't you plan to get married?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

"I don't have the ability to get married anymore." Yuan He Yilong looked down at his crotch, "After my sister encountered that incident, I couldn't forgive myself, so I just dropped it."

Yu Xianzhi was stunned.

I rely on, this is a real man, just say quack.

He has never admired anyone in his life, and now he admires Yuan and Yilong very much.

"Brother, can you do me a favor?" Yuan He Yilong said suddenly.

"Please speak." Yu Xianzhi nodded.

"Let my sister be happy, even if she is willing to take a step forward." Yuan and Yilong's eyes were shining, "In this way, I can rest assured and die for you in the future, leaving no regrets in the world. ."

"Leave it to me." Yu Xianzhi said with a smile, "As for dying for me, there is no need."

Then let Yuan and Yilong wait in place, while he walked up the stairs to the door.

The first knock on the door still didn't open the door. The girl in the room thought it was Yuan and Yilong who were outside the door, and didn't say a word.

"I'm Yu Xianzhi," he said.

As if a miracle had occurred, probably because she heard a sound that was only heard on TV, or perhaps it was too unbelievable, the girl gently opened the door to a gap until she saw Yu Xian Zhisheng standing outside the door.

Yu Xianzhisheng smiled and nodded at her.

Her eyes were round and big, and then she opened the door and looked at Yu Xianzhisheng up and down, her eyes full of incredulity.

"I'm your brother's friend." Yu Xianzhi said, "Is it convenient to go in?"

"Hi..." the girl said dumbly.

The floor was full of instant noodles, plastic bags, and piles of rubbish. Three hundred and fifty milliliters of beer was placed on the table. Half of it was not finished.

The girl kept rubbing her eyes, as if she was dreaming. The only way for autism to understand the outside world was through TV, and Yu Xian Zhisheng was the one who appeared the most on the channels she liked to watch.

Yu Xian Zhisheng swept away the rubbish, made an open space, and then opened the curtains to let in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The girl had pimples on her face, she noticed it and quickly put on a mask.

"Are you here to shoot the show?" She looked at the boy in front of her and asked in a low voice.

elder brother? Feather string childish? She couldn't connect the violent maniac with the beautiful boy in front of her, let alone how they could become friends.

"Let's chat." Yu Xianzhi sat down.

As soon as the girl shivered and didn't know what to say, Yu Xianzhi led the topic.

Soon, he asked if there was a guitar.

The girl shook her head regretfully and said no, sorry.

Yu Xianzhisheng said, let's sing a cappella.


The singing floated in the small room, with a warm afterglow.

The girl listened intently, tears welling up in her eyes unknowingly.

Not long after, Yu Xianzhi stood up, returned to Yuan and Yilong, and said to him, "You can go now, she is willing to open the door for you."

"Really?" Yuan He Yilong asked in surprise.

"You'll know when you go." Yu Xianzhi said.

"By the way, what song did you sing to her?"

"The songs that will be used in the finals are very nice!" Yu Xianzhi smiled.

Yuan and Yilong quickly jumped off the platform and walked to the iron door. This time there was no need to knock on the door, because the door was open. My sister sat in the living room with tears on her face, rushed over and hugged him. .

Yuan and Yilong stroked her hair.

If he opened his clothes, he could see his scarred back, but these injuries did not make him cry, but at this time the tears fell, unknowingly.

That kid is a miracle, he's very good at dealing with girls.

"How's it going?" Yu Xianzhisheng looked back at Yuan and Yilong who were approaching.

Yuan and Yilong laughed, hugged him tightly, and said forcefully, "Thank you."

"Go ahead boldly, childish, I bet the whole new world on you, and once this wish is fulfilled, I will not be afraid of death."

"Don't say such unlucky words." Yu Xianzhi said angrily, "After all, I should thank you."

"Thank me?" Yuan He Yilong asked strangely. UU Reading

"Yeah, in the afternoon, I was still thinking about what kind of performance can win the game. To be honest, Keio Private School is well prepared, and I have no idea."

"But, after singing to your sister just now, I confirmed it."

"Confirmed what?"

"If singing can bring happiness to others, if so, then we will definitely win!" Yu Xianzhi looked at the sunset and smiled.

That is, ultramarine!

"Please look forward to our performance tomorrow!"

His hands trumpeted, and he shouted towards the sea.

At this moment, the night was gentle, and the wind ruffled his hair.

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