MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 204 :exquisite

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In the field above Tokyo, the Cessna 172 pierced through the clouds, the roar of the engine whistling in the dense drizzle.

The body is warm as spring.

A quarter of the layout of this private jet is related to entertainment. The guest room where Yu Xian Zhisheng lives is equipped with the most advanced DVD playback equipment on the market and Sony's Trinitron TV. This kind of TV It adopts a single-gun three-beam tube design, which can be more vivid and sharper than the contemporary display.

The seat is an air pressure massage chair from Mount Fuji, which is an improved type designed by Nobuo Fujimoto himself.

Directly opposite the bear's head is a huge glass cabinet containing several game consoles owned by Sony and Nintendo, with dozens of cassettes scattered around, and looking down, there are LEGO toys piled up into a mountain of boxes. .

Rinarako bought almost all the things that the teenagers would be interested in, and stuffed them into the plane overnight, turning this place into a sky garden that can make boys linger.

She didn't consider the danger of the words "playing with things," she even added a Turkish sauna in the bathroom, and the hollowed-out wall cages in celadon color were painted with artistic nudes from different countries.

The wolf's ambition is evident.

Unfortunately, Yu Xianzhisheng didn't seem to be interested in this at all, and just sat outside with the "Tale of Genji" in his hands and read it quietly.

Half an hour ago, the plane was still flying in the rain in the convection current of Donghai Island. After reading about fifty pages, he looked up again and they had arrived over Tokyo.

It was clearing outside the porthole.

Blue sky and white clouds, the sun is shining.

Yu Xian Zhisheng's side face, who was reading with his cheek supported, was dyed with a golden light.

The soft white hair, along with the tiny fluff, provokes her nerves.

Rinarako brought a cup of coffee ground in the kitchen, squeezed beside him, and while he raised his head slightly, she quickly took a photo with the boy in the camera compared to Scissorhands.

Then upload it to her own channel space: "I'm so tired, I just finished making love to Bao..."

Enter: "Love breakfast."

Soon her phone received a wave of likes.

"Envy, I'm really envious." Natsukawa Seko left a message below.

"This appearance is so lethal." Principal Sakurashita Furui sighed with emotion.

"Ahhhhh! It's silver hair?! Am I dreaming?" Xiaoxun Nagisa Sakura sent a message, she is a pure rich woman, she has no resistance to this kind of appearance between reality and COS.

"It's on purpose, it's on purpose, you slut!" Dansheng Huazhi is envious and hateful, "It's great to have a private jet..." You have been banned.

Hundreds of channel messages are covered in just one minute.

This is her circle, almost all the rich women in Tokyo are here.

Yu Xianzhisheng's stepmother team, all of them are carefully selected elite soldiers!

This message was quickly forwarded by the media one after another, of course, on the premise of removing Rinako's rhetoric.

Not only entertainment media, but also authoritative media in the literary and art circles have spread one after another.

As the top player, Yu Xianzhi has never posted a selfie, let alone changed a few clothes.

Therefore, this photo of Wang Zhuang at the beginning almost triggered a collective mighty group of female fans of all ages.

Take Murakami-senpai, who is practicing the orchestra in the music room at six o'clock in the morning at this moment. When she opened the Asahi Shimbun as always and saw this photo, two lines of liquid gushed out, blood spattered on the spot, and dragged along. Huge bosom went to the bathroom to wipe the nosebleed.

Xia Chuan Haiyue and Jinyoko, who had just walked in, looked at each other, not knowing what she saw.

After a while, the silent music room let out the wolf howls of the girls.

The sun, it is in this howl, getting higher and higher.


Castle Peak Garden, Tianshou Pavilion.

There are a total of 12 castle towers in Japan, one of which is located in the Anshan Garden. It was not left over from the Warring States Period, but was rebuilt with modern reinforced concrete on the original foundation.

The pavilion is surrounded by flowers and trees, and the bright silver-gray tiles are like fish scales. There are artificial streams, rain-watching lanterns, celadon cranes, and Guanji open channels extending in all directions. A winding road.

The old people wore kimonos, stepped on wooden sandals, and stepped on the corpse of maple leaves, passing by.

"The bearing is really extraordinary. No wonder Mr. Ansanji is interested in this young man." One of the old men handed the mobile phone to the waitress next to him after reading it.

"Interesting, what do you mean, is that what I thought?!"

Aoki Xiaochun, who followed behind the old people, wiped his nosebleed, and had already imagined all kinds of unbelievable plots in his mind.

For example: Ah, Yu Xian-kun's body is really...... said Mr. Ansanji with his shirt open. Ya buy myself! I'm not pretending to be you... as if the boy Hazana of the Edo Kabukicho master pushed his chest away.

"The mutual admiration between the beautiful uncle and the beautiful boy... ah, I'm going to die."

Aoki Xiaochun's nosebleed dripped.

"That Mr. Ansanji, you have a normal interest in Master Yuxian, right?" Aoki Koharu asked Ansanji, who was walking in front of everyone, in a loud voice.

She is really courageous and has no scruples. This is all spoiled by the gentle An Sanji.

Ansanji looked back, confused.

"You spoiled her, thinking about some nonsense all day long!" The old man patted Aoki Xiaochun on the head and made her scream, "Hurry up and change to a normal female assistant!"

An Sanji smiled silently, the group walked for another five minutes, and finally stopped in front of the pavilion.

As soon as he stopped, the old people behind him also stopped.

Outside the castle tower, there are already young people from the literary and art circles. There are both boys and girls, Dansheng Huazhi, and the leader of Waseda Academy, Mori Mihu, are all in this young team.

They are the backbone of the literary and art world, standing up and bowing their heads to An Sanji and the elderly.

An Sanji raised his palms and bowed to the top floor of the Tianshou Pavilion. For a time, everyone bowed their heads and no one spoke.

In the silent morning light, the maple leaves withered and fell at everyone's feet.

This is a prayer for Mr. Anshan Qingya.

The old man's life and death are unknown, but it should be the last farewell, right?

A literary era is about to come to an end, and the banner of the new era is still unknown to whom it should be delivered.

After the ceremony, An Sanji raised his head and entered a western-style room with the old people. The room was filled with morning tea.

The old people chatted with each other, and the younger generations greeted them before they sat down.

"Huh, did you skip class again?" Dansheng Huazhi stuffed a chrysanthemum pastry into the cherry mouth, and moved carefully to avoid soiling the gorgeous kimono, "I have to say, I have the style of my sister back then."

Sen Meihu was wearing a jacket of plaid silk with a yellow background and a folding fan around her waist, and said nonchalantly, "I will not go to school for a long time, and I will join the literature club in the future, please take care of Sister Huazhi. "

"I remember that you never liked crowded places, so why are you willing to come today?"

"My sister has an order to help Young Master Yu Xian." Mori Mihu grinned and said without any scruples, "However, this is considered cheating, or should I report it to him after I help him?"

"Are you worried that he doesn't have any goods in his stomach?" Dansheng Huazhi stopped chewing, and suddenly it was tasteless.

No one here has seen Yu Xianzhi's level of diction, and in today's inspection of the players' comprehensive artistic strength, every item is a difficulty.

"You're so handsome, you need to have ink in your stomach. You said you won't let people live." Mori Mihu raised Erlang's legs and fanned, "Look at me, although I'm ugly, I study hard. ."

"Huh, what nonsense are you talking about!" Ishikawa Ziki shouted angrily, "Shut up and eat your food! If you look ugly, eat a little more fat, and people will be happy when they see it, just like a monkey!"

"Yes, teacher." Mori Mihu was so frightened that he hurriedly sat down.

Shiki Ishikawa was his preaching teacher.

If the disciple does not respect the teacher, then don't get mixed up in the literary club.

"He's not an embroidered pillow." Ishikawa Ziki whispered in Mori Mihu's ear, "I don't need your help! Self-motivated idiot!"

"Teacher, have you taught him too?" Mori Mihu scratched his head.

"If I have him, I want you?" Ishikawa Zigui slapped him on the head, "Idiot apprentice."

Since Mori Mihu can become the leader of Waseda Academy, there is no need to say much about his strength, but Ishikawa Ziki's words are obviously more doting on Yu Xian Zhisheng.

Otherwise, how could they send the ancient fan to each other.

"Tsk tsk, how dare you dress like this." A thin, eagle-eyed old man sitting next to Ishikawa Zigui was looking down at Yu Xianzhi's photo on his phone, "It's not fake to be amazing, but if it's shameful, it's true. Shame!"

"You have an opinion, the young people of the new era should dress like this!" Ishikawa Ziki sneered while nibbling on the sticky rice in the bamboo tube, "You old ship, just stop before the new dawn!"

"Hey, Ishikawa, you sound like you're not old!" the eagle-eyed old man shouted, "Is he your grandson, and you defend him?!"

Ishikawa Ziki laughed out loud, and then told the people present one by one what happened that day.

The speed of eating gradually slowed down, and more people raised their ears.

"'The flowers fall and move forward', this is a wonderful reward." An old man sighed on the side, "If he were in my level, he could also make a haiku of this level, and clearing the level is like picking things out of a bag."

"Falling down so arrogantly will only make it worse! The literary and art world doesn't need people who show off!" The eagle-eyed old man said disdainfully.

"Young Zhang Yang of the new era is right, you ship of the old era..."

"Anyway, I'm not optimistic about him! I won't be soft on talking about that!"

"Who cares if you look at him or not, you..."

The eagle-eyed old man was so angry that he was about to leave the table, and Ishikawa Zigui laughed behind him.

It seems that the two old urchins are sullen in front of people, quite unliterate, but in fact this is a commonplace.

The literati in this world, no matter which country, will die with a childlike innocence, either sad or happy, and when the childlike innocence dies, it is also the moment when the literary spirit dies.

Ishikawa Ziki quickly said a sentence, which made the eagle-eyed old man stop.

"Mr. Ansanji, what we are going to catch this time is not a small fish. I tried to provoke him that day, but he was completely lifeless. His qi cultivation skills are not comparable to that of ordinary teenagers. Is Shi Shen in the end? He will find out this evening."

Dansheng Huazhi's hand trembled slightly, and then an inexplicable mood filled the air.

A look of disbelief appeared on Sammy Fox's face.

Ansanji raised his head and nodded slightly: "Are we closer to the truth?"

"It's very close."

This sentence has two meanings. When he said this, Ishikawa Ziki's hand was pointing at the TV screen.

On the screen, Yu Xianzhisheng's special car arrived.


The plain white hand pushed open the car door, the black satin fell down, and her hair shone like fine sand. Yu Xian Zhisheng was stung by the dazzling sunlight, and she opened the folding fan to block half of her cheek.

The reporters in front of the courtyard gate came frantically, but they were prevented from retreating by the surrounding police officers. The young man didn't look at anyone, nodded slightly, looked straight, and walked slowly towards the courtyard.

The clouds are clear and foggy, the sky is high and the earth is wide, and the beautiful mountains and rivers are in full bloom in front of him, which also reflects his beauty.

Just like water, water harmonizes all things, and all things become part of the beauty of water.

Praise clothing Bo belt, elegant sleeves.

In the face of this power that controls the beauty of mountains and rivers, the definition of beauty and ugliness by human beings has lost its color.

The energy of this face-to-face really amazed everyone.

But what's interesting is that he doesn't seem to know that he is handsome. The "invincible" folding fan is opened in his hand, and he seems to be serious, but also seems to be here to play.

"I will announce that he has passed the test of tolerance. Do you have any opinions?" Ishikawa Ziki wrote Yu Xian Zhisheng's name on the wooden sign.

No one objected.

"What an interesting boy," said the old man next to him. "So, do you really want to give him twice as difficult a problem as others?"

"For others, it is an investigation. For him, there is also the future of the literary club. Today, many things can be decided." An Sanji stared at the boy on the screen, "Let's make it twice as difficult."

"Will it be too harsh?"

"No." An Sanji looked up at the dome of the Tianshou Pavilion, where there was another person waiting in a coma, whispering softly, "If the mountains and rivers meet, the future can be expected."

Then he turned his head and instructed Xiaochun next to him: "Go and wake Qing Ji up and let her go out to play."


"Boss! Come and play on the boat!" Natsume shouted softly and loudly.

Looking at each other from a distance, on a river with surging waves and abundant water under the blue mountains, a large horse-trading boat decorated with red and white horizontal stripes is docked on the shore.

The students of Dongda Art are already on the boat, waiting for his arrival.

"Come on!" Yu Xianzhisheng calmly boarded the boat.

Hei Mutong stretched out his hand and pulled him onto the boat to prevent him from accidentally falling into the water. Since that day, the gentleness of being a sister has been shown without any concealment.

Today, the girls are all very beautiful. Natsume Qingyin is wearing a purple gauze, and her forehead is raised with a gorgeous headband. She has the posture of a warrior child, but she has always been full of energy when she speaks, and her majesty is not up. .

Chie Fujiwara is cuter than usual, with two bun heads tied behind her head, looking at the handsome Yu Xianzhi with a smirk and a naive look.

Akagi Ryosuke, the son-in-law, is also quite elegantly dressed. The silk narrow-sleeved kimono is tied with Hakata's golden belt, which complements his dyed blond hair.

Standing next to him is Dahuai Yiyong wearing a family crest kimono, standing beside him like a loyal samurai.

It is said that Akagi Ryosuke specially found a carriage early in the morning to study the journey of Wei Jie, a beautiful man in the Jin Dynasty, and he passed the test of gas smoothly.

The most beautiful is the black wooden boy, who is dressed in unicorns and neon clothes, with a pearl and jade hairpin on his head.

In the dark place between the green mountains and green waters, the eyes of the warriors of the Yuan family were all on this boat, silently protecting her.

Yu Xianzhisheng walked up to her and motioned her to follow him into the cabin.

Wait until the TV camera can not capture the place.

Yu Xianzhisheng put his hand between her Xin's long neck, trying his best not to damage her beautifully dressed Tangren bun, and secretly put the little yellow flowers picked from the roadside into the ends of her hair.

"Sister, there are bugs," he said with a smile.

"Where can there be bugs?" Kuroki Tong didn't panic, "Help me get it away."

I saw Yu Xianzhisheng took her hand, put it on the flower softly, picked the flower, and said softly, "Sister, it's not a bug, it's a bug that turned into a flower."

The young man has a handsome figure and an elegant temperament. He doesn't seem to be joking, but it seems that he really found a miracle and surprise.

Heimutong couldn't take it anymore, Hongqiao's face turned away, and came back after a while, patted his head, and Yu Xianzhi giggled.

"Where to go first?" Kuroki Tong asked softly.

"Let's talk about it first." Yu Xianzhi put the flower in her ear, eager to hug her body, "This is the most time-consuming."

The big boats wandered in the water, bathed in the sun, and the river was intoxicated with the cool autumn scenery on both sides of the river, and the boats were sent to the shore lazily and softly.

The group walked towards the Qingtan Club. Along the way, the old trees were lush, the branches covered the sky, the wet ground was covered with moss, and the coldness soaked through the skin.

In the woods, an old monk was playing Go alone, with two burly warriors waiting beside him.

Natsume Qingyin skipped over to look at it for a while, and then hopped back like a deer.

After walking a few dozen steps forward, he suddenly became enlightened.

The pavilion under the sun is very beautifully decorated. Every three meters there is a prescription-shaped paper-covered lamp. There are coconut milk, roasted tofu, and red bean soup vendors that are used to receive the students everywhere.

At the entrance, they met someone from Keio's private school.

Shen Huiling was holding a bowl of red bean soup, and just about to take a sip, his eyes caught sight of Yu Xian Zhisheng who was walking. He was stunned for a few seconds, then clenched his silver teeth and threw the bean soup into the trash can .

"Unlucky, don't play anymore, just go in." She waved her hand.

When Park Zunshi in a kimono saw Yu Xianzhisheng, he excitedly insisted on a live dance, but was pulled away with a wry smile by the people from Keio Private School.

Yu Xianzhisheng and his group followed, but were suddenly stopped by two burly warriors.

"This place is temporarily closed to everyone, please go back!"

"What do you mean? Then how can they get there?" Akagi Ryosuke jumped out and pointed at the group of Keio's private school who entered the pavilion.

The burly warrior smiled contemptuously: "You have ignored the master here, and even if you go in, no one will give you a question. Why do you have to go in and waste your time?"

"Where is your master?" Yu Xianzhi asked.

The burly warrior stretched his neck and looked behind him. It was the old monk who played chess alone under the tree just now: "To be honest, the chess my master is thinking about is a big chess game that affects the life and death of the world. Since it is related to the world, then the world's Everyone should be responsible for sharing his worries, if you can’t share your worries, why go forward?”

"What kind of nonsense is this..." Yu Xianzhi was speechless for a while and said, "Let's go, show me."

The warrior's eyes immediately became respectful, and he invited him under the tree just now.

There is an exquisite game on the Go board.

There are more black and less white, the big dragon is besieged, and the white chess is about to die.

The wind blew the leaves, and Yu Xian Zhisheng looked at it for a while, then picked up the white child and placed it in the lower left corner.

"Gaomu, you are going the way of killing." The old monk whispered, picking up Heizi to follow, "You have to explode your strength when you are about to die, you have the best courage."

"Let's go," Yu Xianzhi said, "It has nothing to do with me."

The black army invaded the hinterland of Baizi, and the solitary son in the white formation fought with the black army. This is a brave chess piece, only to fight close to the body. Big mouth.

White came alive in this way.

Linglong's question was solved, and the old monk got up and bowed slightly.

Yu Xian Zhisheng nodded along The leaves above his head were falling like rain.

"Aren't you afraid of death?" the old monk asked.

"If I die, the world will die; if I live, the world will live." Yu Xianzhi stood up, "Isn't this kind of chess what you want me to play?"

"Go, this game of chess is very helpful for your conversation." The old monk closed his eyes.

Watching the young man flick his sleeves away.

The old man took off his monk clothes, laughed and called An Sanji: "Yeah, you have seen it too, right, um, there is a good show to watch today..."

"This kid, he has completely stopped pretending."

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Chapter 204: Delicate Free Read.

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