MTL - The Most Beautiful Boy In Tokyo-Chapter 203 : Capture the King

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Shen Huiling thought very clearly.

Her purpose is just to enter the Zenith Fengting with the help of the Starlight Award, and it will be a matter of time before her gender identity is publicly known.

But this identity is enough to help me do a lot.

Even if he made a ruthless attack and died here, he could use his identity to create a complete alibi, how could he enter the men's bath if he was a girl.

As for the only hot spring waitress who knew about this matter, he could find a way to ask his father to help him solve it. The father couldn't control his sister and always only spoiled himself. This kind of thing was easy for him.

Near the hot spring hotel is Xizi Maru Nei Street. A dozen cherry blossoms bloomed in the quiet night, and then were blown up by the wind and floated in the air, falling quietly into the steaming hot spring.

The fog drifted, and the figures were in pairs.

The beautiful maple leaves are red and clear under the moonlight.

It was in this environment that the young man took a bath, closing his eyes slightly as if falling asleep.

This scene is extremely quiet and unbearable to break.

Shenhuiling slowly got up from the water, took lotus steps, and walked towards Yu Xianzhisheng step by step.

The water ripples.

Yu Xianzhi took off the hot towel covering his face, and howled comfortably, ready to soak the towel in water and cover his face again, looking sideways, a thin figure appeared in the mist.

Isn't this a box office? Yu Xian Zhisheng frowned.

However, it doesn't matter if they are all men.

"Yu Xianjun, do you want to help rub your back?"

Just when he was about to close his eyes to rest again, the other party suddenly called out to him without distinguishing the voices of men and women, and was walking towards him step by step.

Don't disturb him, walk up to him smoothly, and grab him by the throat with another blow.

Shen Huiling's eyes flashed with a thick smile.

The other party didn't know that he was a daughter, let alone how much he hated him.

As a person on the top of the mountain, he should be grateful and willing to make friends with himself.

However, unfortunately.

She thought he didn't know everything, but he knew everything.

Yu Xianzhi suddenly opened his eyes, completely exhausted, stood up with a bang, and quickly tied the bath towel around his waist: "Shenhuiling?"

"It's me." Shen Huiling said softly.

She had already walked less than half a meter, and even if the fog covered her, she could already see her face completely.

Both were bare chested.

Below the legs is hot, but the upper body is in the slightly cold autumn wind.

Her body was in his line of sight, extremely clear.

Yu Xian's childish skin was cold.

The information provided by Lu Huoqing is not wrong. This guy is a lunatic.

At this moment, there is not the slightest charming atmosphere.

No one can be interested in such a body. The other party is really peaceful, there is no curve to speak of, he even thought that someone's son ran in to take a bath just now.

"Do you still want a face?" Yu Xianzhi said with a headache, "You're going to marry someone in the future, can you stop making a fool of yourself and go out quickly."


The goddess remained silently in place.

The anger and depression after being dismantled for a moment occupied her heart at the same time, almost making her feel dizzy.

"Yu Xianjun, what are you talking about?" Her face flushed, "Isn't it normal for me to come in here?"

She still wanted to argue, but it was useless.

Yu Xianzhi wrapped up a bath towel and ran away without saying a word.

He didn't want to cause any trouble with the other party. He couldn't understand what tricks the other party was playing. This guy was like a lunatic.

This time, she suddenly aroused the spirit of the gods. She planned to get close to chatting and then take the opportunity to grab his throat and drown him in the water. The hot spring water is light green, which means that there is sulfur in it. The voice couldn't be better.

He didn't expect things to be revealed so quickly, but instead disturbed him.

Shen Huiling clenched his teeth, no longer intending to hide, his figure was pulled out of the water, and at the same time a fist attacked Yu Xianzhisheng's back.

Yu Xianzhi heard the surging water behind him, and instinctively felt that something was wrong, so he picked up the wooden basin and blocked it in front of him.

With a crisp sound, the girl's fist landed on the wooden basin ruthlessly, blocking most of the force, causing his hands to go numb and taking a step back in the water.

The corner of Shen Huiling's mouth showed a sneer, and she retracted her hand and shook her wrist. No one knew that she had learned grappling and fighting in her family since she was a child.

In the case of the same body shape, she is not false at all.

Shenhuiling licked his lips, the corners of his mouth rose, and he jumped up with his knees to push against Yu Xianzhisheng's belly. With a loud shout, Yu Xianzhisheng picked up the wooden basin again to block him, but this heavy horizontal kick knocked him down. The town fell into the water.

The boy quickly got up, wiped the water on his face, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come on." Shen Huiling smiled wantonly.

"So you really hate me." Yu Xianzhi whispered, "Just because of your sister?"

"There is no hatred for no reason in this world, and love is the same." Shenhuiling approached step by step, "Sister is my only one, I only love her in this world, and I can't accept her being close to you."

"It's all your imagination. If you do this, it will only lower your sister's reputation in my heart." Yu Xianzhi shook his head, having nothing to say about this sick girl, and rubbed his wrist expressionlessly. , "Alright, I've put up with you for a while, and I'll teach you a lesson for your sister today."

"It's just you?" Shen Huiling deceived himself and chased after him, kicked his left leg horizontally, and went straight to Yu Xianzhisheng's left rib.

"Bang!" At the same time as she kicked the arm he was blocking, she suddenly felt her ankle grabbed by his hand, and then her center of gravity was unstable, and she slumped, plunging into the hot spring pool.

She quickly got up, pulled the boy's body, and punched his chest like a fist. This is not the kind of sweet and sweet slap on your chest. Every move is a fierce killer.

At the same time, Yu Xianzhi's fist also landed on her chest.

The two took a step backward at the same time, the whole process took less than ten seconds, and then they approached again, punching each other's bodies, thumping muffled ripples.



The two were gasping for breath.

She found that Yu Xianzhi was clutching her chest, but she was still able to laugh: "I have to say, you are quite resistant to beatings."

"What do you think, it's your strength?"

"very good."

Shen Huiling suddenly made a fake move, taking advantage of the young man's defensive posture, she reached into the hot spring with both hands, and covered the young man's sight with a large amount of water.

Just when she was about to make a sneak attack, she suddenly realized that she had made a mistake.

Since the splash of ink can block his sight, her own sight has also been affected.

When the water droplets fell, she suddenly found that the boy had disappeared.

In the next second, she was ruthlessly dragged into the water by Yu Xianzhisheng who was swimming, and her fists landed on every part of her body, and dense foam appeared in the water.

She struggled to reach out and ripped off his bath towel, while her bath towel was soaked in the water and stretched loosely.

In the hot spring pool under the tree, the water kept surging, and only two bath towels were floating on the water.

Shenhuiling closed his mouth and held his breath, while staring at the young man with flowing hair in the water, one hand grabbed the fist that came from him, and his legs were twisted around his waist.

Without any charming and ambiguous thoughts, the two of them tried to defeat each other by pressing each other in the water to make themselves the ultimate winner, and her fingers also became weapons. She forced her to leave marks on each other's shoulders, but just after taking a bath, Slippery, she was working in vain.

Both of them reached the end of their suffocation, slammed out of the water, and then pulled each other into the bottom of the water, torturing each other, but could never really hurt each other.

If there is an will probably feel like two little wild ducks are playing in the water, fluttering.

Taking another breath, Shenhualing burst out of the water and kicked **** the chest of the young man, and she herself was hit by the fist again in the middle of the face, and a few drops of blood slowly flowed from her nose.

Yu Xianzhisheng took a few steps back and wiped the corners of his slightly swollen mouth.

The two were finally separated.

Shen Huiling looked down at the blood on his fingers, smeared it on the back of his hand, and then a savage smile appeared on his face.

She has already noticed that the opponent's strength is not as good as her own.

But the opponent's neural response is extremely fast.

Almost in milliseconds, you can respond to your own tricks.

Then use the power of crushing to make him unable to escape!

She rushed through the water quickly, and kicked the boy's head with a whip leg.

However, she seems to have forgotten something...

In mid-air, the other party's gaze stopped in a place where it shouldn't stay. Although he immediately moved his eyes away in boredom, that look of disdain in her eyes made her feel as a girl suddenly. Collapsed.

The long legs kicked firmly against his chest, but with no force.

Her beautiful face was as red as a stove, and the heat of humiliation above her head was thicker than that of a hot spring.

"You're courting death!" She rushed over desperately, throwing punches without any rules.

If the other party just showed the look of 'I wipe, you are really brave', she may feel better, but the look in that look is obviously 'tsk tsk tsk, I'm so disgusting, I can't see it'.

Why why! How could this guy treat himself like this!


Of course, at that moment, she also saw all of him, but she didn't seem to sneer.

The other party does have the strength, in that place.

What a drama life is.

After breaking the defense all at once, her fists and feet became weak.

Yu Xianzhisheng kicked her lower abdomen, although the force was not strong, but after a while, she clutched her abdomen and knelt in the pool water.

Then, just like the elder sister had taught her, the boy pulled her ears, and he was lifted to the shore of the hot spring as she yelled, "It hurts, let go of me, bastard."

The icy autumn feeling enveloped the whole body.

A girl like her, who is proud of herself, sees all beings as ants, and is full of self-confidence in her own strength, suddenly has her little ears pulled like a primary school student, which is really uncomfortable.

She wanted to struggle, but the more her ears moved, the more pain she felt, and her whole body collapsed.

She could only roll her eyes, her face twisted and poisonous, her eyes spitting fire.

Yu Xianzhi jumped up and put his knees on her back, holding her firmly, then pulled out a straw knot to tie her hands behind her, and her delicate wrists were red from the restraint.

Shen Huiling cursed out all kinds of ugly words.

Yu Xianzhi didn't hear anything, put her knees against her waist, picked up the large leather slippers bought by the mayor, and held them up high in the air.

"I'm going to discipline you for your sister today, and remember to ask her to send a thank you gift in the future, understand?" The boy's eyes were dark and his voice was clear.

This was Yu Xianzhisheng's first real anger, and even though he usually used slippers to slap the female students under his command, he never used the force that appeared in his whole body.

Before she could finish the words, the wind was thunderous, and a blow hit her buttocks firmly.

Shen Huiling's eyes were wide open, and she let out a scream, and cold sweat broke out suddenly.

This is the first time she has been beaten since she was a child. Even if she once smashed her father's most cherished celadon vase, she was only scolded a few times.

She stared in disbelief, feeling like she was in a nightmare.

The nightmare was smashing her pampered, arrogant pride to shreds, rubbing it into the blood in sharp, stinging glass shards.

And in this extreme pain, it seems that something is melting.

Shenhuiling struggled with all his strength, and even said some soft words, but the other party showed no mercy.

The muffled sound of the slippers hitting the flesh and fat reverberated on the shore of the hot spring, and even the water mist gathered into a ball in fear, and the moonlight clearly shone on the two of them.

One person is like an osmanthus tree, and the other person is like Wu Gang, who never tires of cutting down the osmanthus tree above the dome.

Until she couldn't bear it any longer, and started crying and calling out her sister's name, Yu Xianzhi was expressionless, slowly put away her slippers, and looked at Shenhuiling who was lying on the ground crying.

The skin has been bruised and bruised, Shen Huiling's body froze and stood up, breathing the cold air to relieve the pain, and a trace of cold sweat permeated on his forehead.

She got up from the ground and walked to the locker room with trembling hands and feet, putting on her underwear and kimono.

"Wait, I'll be back!" She gritted her teeth and left such a sentence.

But next time you dare to come, will you still be in such a fearless state of mind?

Yu Xian Zhisheng watched her put on her Doraemon boxer **** without a word.

She turned her gaze again, staring at her white gold-patterned kimono hanging on the hanger, and the small, triangular cotton underwear.

As if looking at a mischievous naughty child, he sighed softly, walked to the bathroom to wash his body, and then took out a change of clothes and put it on.

Just as he was about to throw her clothes into the cabinet, a crystal-clear pendant suddenly fell from the clothes pocket.

This is an extremely delicate mechanical product, made of gold, and the upper and lower ends are each engraved with simple hieroglyphs, one is divine and the other is human.

Inside are ten small weights that can be moved with a fingernail.

Shenhuiling has all shifted the weight to the side of divinity.

Yu Xianzhi smiled and put all her weights on the side of humanity.


The next day, just after four in the morning, Rinarako followed the professional clothing team she had found and arrived at the castle tower where Yu Xianzhisheng was.

Himeji Castle in the early morning was silent and thick with thick fog.

Only his room was lit, and a group of people were busy jumping around.

The time to get dressed and make up is only two hours, and he has to spend an hour and a half on the plane, and then go directly to the Aoyama Garden competition venue in Tokyo's Chuo Ward.

This semi-final was extremely powerful and crossed two cultural fields.

The TV station temporarily seconded three TV media to broadcast together around the clock.

Although it is thousands of miles away from Tokyo, many fans in Himeji City also got up early and waited outside the city gate, looking forward to his appearance, ready to send him flowers in their hands.

In the room, Rinarako was feeding Yu Xianzhisheng breakfast while scrambling to command the top designers under her command.

"Do you think this ancient costume can be matched? We think he is more suitable for full long hair. His face is very good, soft and firm. We plan to highlight a handsome, elegant and elegant gentleman." The clothing designer presented the line sketch.

"What do you think, Treasure?" Rinarako asked.

Yu Xianzhi, who was chewing a poached egg, shook his head.

"Change! Get a better one, hurry up!" Rinarako waved her hand.

After half an hour, the final makeup was finally determined.

Yu Xianzhi was wearing a white straight-neck tunic, and the costumer on both sides covered him with a jet-black tunic from behind, and tied a simple black belt.

Black and white contrast, the front of the shirt is slightly open, and the white and beautiful shoulder blades are vaguely visible.

Sharp and enchanting.

"Sword or fan?"

"Fan, give me that handle 'Invincible in the World'."

"That's for treasure."

"It's okay, I just want to have fun."

The hairstyle has not been changed, and the makeup artist dyed his hair into a shimmering soft silver. If it is not matched with this "invincible" fan, the melancholy look of his lowered eyes is very similar to Sesshomaru in "Inuyasha". But waving this fan, there was another cynicism of Sakata Ginshi.

It is hard to imagine graceful graceful, free and easy and sharp, these two diametrically opposed concepts, actually controlled by a young man at the same time. He can laugh and hack you to death with a pair of dark and ruthless eyes, and he can also cover your eyes from behind and ask, guess who I am?

Full of white hair, skin better than snow.

Yu Xianzhisheng gently floated his big sleeves, hugged his arms, walked to the balcony of the Tianshou Pavilion, and looked at the crowds outside.

The childish eyes shone brightly in the shallow sunlight, and the sharpness in his heart was gathered.

"Let's go, go up."

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