MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 380

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"Brother-in-law, your words make Misaka Misaka always feel like a child! Misaka Misaka said unhappy, I hope my brother-in-law can treat Misaka Misaka as an adult."

Misaka Misaka looked at Ling Ye in front of her, she wanted to justify her name, but seeing Misaka Misaka's cute appearance, everyone just smiled and no one took her words as truth.

"I can, I can! I can take care of my sister!"

Heizi suddenly stood up, Misaka sister who was similar to Misaka Mikoto, of course she would be obliged.

Unfortunately, Ling Ye obviously didn't think so.

"You can't, it's too unreliable!"

Giving it to Shirai Heizi is not sending the little sheep to the mouth of Big Big Wolf, it's just a joke.

"Then let me come, I'm very reliable!"

After marriage, Guangzi also stood up, seeing the moment when marriage after photon appeared, Ling Ye couldn't help but nodded.

Compared with Shirai Heizi, it is true that Guangzi after marriage is much more reliable, and there are Pafu Wanbin and the others beside him, unless they meet 15.

Otherwise nothing will happen.

Now in the entire Academy City, the seven 715s basically won't take action against her sister, so Ling Ye is naturally relieved, in other words, even if there is any problem, she can come here immediately by moving through space.

"I'm sorry for the trouble, Photon, I'm the only one who has anything to do."

"Don't worry, Misaka Misaka is so cute, she won't cause trouble for us."

After the wedding, Mitsuko finished speaking, and left here holding Misaka Misaka's little hand, and Pafu Wanbin and the others hurriedly followed, Misaka sister and so on, they like it the most.

"Let's go."

Misaka Mikoto reluctantly dragged Ling Ye away from here. No one is more nervous than Misaka Mikoto at the moment. After all, it is the first time for her to bring her boyfriend to the door, and Ling Ye is not the first This time, although he acted indifferent, this is also Ling Ye's first time seeing his mother-in-law! "Speaking of which, I just realized that it seems that it's also my first time."

Chapter 1094━━Mother-in-law knows everything

Mother-in-law knows everything, "Hello, Auntie, nice to meet you.

However, Auntie, you are really young, standing with Miqin is really like a sister."

At this moment, in a restaurant, Ling Ye, Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Misuzu are sitting next to a dining table, and at this moment, Ling Ye is frantically brushing up his presence.

Although Ling Ye has several girlfriends, but to be honest, the mother-in-law seems to be only one,,, no, it should be two, the other is the world's Tohsaka Aoi, but for... Tohsaka Aoi, she is completely Don't make the decision, everything is left to Tohsaka Tokiomi, and Tohsaka Tokiomi can't control the daughter of another world, so,,,, Ling Ye actually has no mother-in-law at all. Of course, some people will say that Irisviel is too, but ,, The relationship between Ling Ye and Ilya is really innocent, even if it is temporarily innocent, but that is also innocent, right?

The remaining ones......, are not Heroic Spirits or Demon Angels, they are completely different from human society, so,,, this is the first time I see my mother-in-law.

Lias' mother and Ling Ye have never met.

"Are you praising me for being young? Miqin, this classmate of yours is very good at talking."

Misaka Misuzu's beautiful eyes are constantly lingering on Misaka Mikoto and Ling Ye, she is someone who has been there, Misaka Mikoto... the blushing expression of Ling Ye and the way she kept avoiding her eyes, a fool can see what's going on .

"Auntie, I'm not flattering you, but telling the truth, indeed, you don't look much different from Miqin."

What Ling Ye said is the truth, as Misaka Mikoto's mother.

Misaka Misuzu's age does not match her appearance, no matter how you look at it, she is about twenty years old.

She and Misaka Mikoto have similar looks, hairstyle, and hair color, but unlike her daughter, Misaka Mirei has big breasts, and her self-disclosed bust is 91 cm.

And Ling Ye also knew that what this naughty mother likes the most is... playing pranks on Miqin.

By the way, it looks like the other party is still a college student.

"Meiqin, this boyfriend of yours is very handsome."

"No way, his appearance is very ordinary,,,, wait...! Mom! He is not my boyfriend!"

Only then did Misaka Mikoto react, but it was obvious that her reaction was already slow.

"Ala, Ala, Mom is not that kind of old-fashioned person. However, young people must pay attention to safety when living outside, especially in terms of the relationship between men and women. It is not good if there is a baby."

Misaka Misuzu sighed at this point, "If it wasn't because my mother had you too early, I wouldn't just go back to college now."

Well, you can still hear gossip when you come to see your mother-in-law, that’s right, if it wasn’t for this, I wouldn’t understand why Misaka Misuzu is only in her 30s… and she has Mikoto’s age.

"Mom! There are still people here! Can you say less! Saka Mikoto blushed completely, and she was completely stunned at this moment. She didn't expect that she didn't even hide it from her mother.

"Okay, let's not talk about these digressions, Ling, should you let me see my ten thousand daughters?"

Suddenly, Misaka Misuzu's words completely stunned Misaka Mikoto.



all know"

"Of course! Do you think we really don't know anything? Do you think that I don't know about Ling Ye... anime? No matter how big it is, we won't even care about our daughter."

Misaka Misuzu’s words reminded Ling Ye of the time when she read the series of novels of the forbidden world a long time ago. She remembered that Misaka Mikoto’s mother was named Misaka Ryoka. On the first Friday of April, she met the girl Inis in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. , helped her make up her mind to engage in the metal recycling business of home appliance waste substrates.

On the first Friday in July, Misaka Takakake and Kamijo Touma's father Kamijo Toya met in a London bar.

On the second Friday of October, Misaka Brigade learned that "nearly 50 research institutions around the world witnessed a group of girls who looked exactly the same"

After receiving the information, he questioned Aleister Crowley, the chairman of the Academy City General Council, by phone, and warned him not to use his wife and daughter.

and threatened to retaliate.

Think about it, a person who dares to call and threaten Aleister, is such a parent normal? "Well, since you know everything, auntie, we won't hide it."

Ling Ye shook his head helplessly, and then stood up with Misaka Mikoto beside him, "Auntie, come with me, the Misaka sisters are with me, let Misaka take you first, as for me, go and pick up Misaka Misaka, I'll be right back."

"Okay, then Ling Ye, go and come back quickly."

Misaka Mikoto nodded, and then left here with Misaka Misuzu, and Ling Ye also left here directly with a teleportation.

Ten minutes ago, Academy City Cold Drink Shop "Misaka Misaka, is this ice cream delicious?"

After marriage, Mitsuko happily looked at Misaka Misaka beside him, little Misaka is really cute, and now little Misaka has become the favorite of the entire Tokiwadai Middle School.

"Well, it's delicious.

Misaka Misaka said happily, and at the same time took a big bite of the dessert in her hand."

Misaka Misaka feels very happy now, having a big sister, a brother-in-law, and so many lovely sisters who like her, Misaka Misaka feels that every day is colorful 7.

However, there are always some people who want to destroy this beautiful picture.

Chapter One Thousand and Ninety-Five━━The Confident Yoshiro Baba

The confident Yoshiro Baba crackled.

There was a sound of mechanical action, and then, a hunting dog robot made of electronic machinery ran out from a dark corner. The moment these hunting dogs came out, they aimed at Misaka Misaka in front of him and charged. past.

Swipe! Swipe! Swipe! Figures rushed out one by one, but,,,, "It's really here! You're looking for death!"

Hoo hoo hoo! The wind kept blowing, and the mechanical dogs were blown directly into the sky several hundred meters high by the wind, and then fell heavily on the ground, exploding into pieces all over the ground with a crackling sound. .


After marriage, Photon took back the fan in his hand, and then stared at the mechanical dog in front of him with his extremely energetic eyes.

"Hey! That... racecourse or something! Get out of here, Miss Ben!"

Do you even need to think about it, after seeing this scene, Guangzi has already confirmed the identity of the other party.

"Hehe, are you so confident after watching the anime? What a bunch of innocent ladies."

Yoshiro Baba looked at the three 3s in front of him and couldn't help laughing. He knew that the other party had one 14 and two 13s, but he still dared to appear. Sure enough, is this a real warrior?

"Yoshiro Baba, Mingming Lingye has already warned you people, but why do you still show up? Sure enough, you are...a group of lunatics?"

Paofu Wanbin looked at the horse farm Fanglang in front of him and said suspiciously, don't they know that Accelerator was defeated by Ling Ye? You still dare to trouble Ling Ye, and you really think you are 16. "Haha, it's just that A powerful human being, in this era, as long as a human has weaknesses, as long as they have weaknesses, they can be dealt with. How can the power of technology be understood by you... Missy?"

Bachang is very confident now, he firmly believes that the power of information and the power of technology can conquer everything, unfortunately,,, in this world, although the level of technology is compared with the abnormal personal ability, the gap is still too big.

"Pao Fu, don't talk nonsense with him, let me kill him for my breath!"

On the one hand, after the marriage, Mitsuko couldn't wait any longer, she took out her small fan and prepared to kill Baba Yoshiro, but seeing this, Baba Yoshiro laughed.

"Yoyo, isn't this first-blood photon? This is another blood gift. I really want to thank you for your hospitality."

Yoshiro Baba's words were too harsh, and after marriage, Mitsuko clenched her fist desperately. She swore that she never wanted to kill a person so much. This guy is really disgusting! "Go, my hounds !"

With a wave of Bachang's hand, ferocious mechanical dogs rushed out. Yoshiro Baba made careful calculations this time. A 13 can defeat eight to ten mechanical dogs equivalent to 12, while a 14 can beat 70. Up to 80, I have prepared 100 here, it is absolutely impossible to fail, and,,, Yoshiro Baba also prepared a lot of "flies"

, Each of them is prepared with medicine that can paralyze a... bison, and the three young ladies who have no combat experience, can't easily solve Huhuhu! A group of mechanical hounds rushed over, and in an instant, the three The human group immediately started fighting with these...... mechanical dogs.

Bang! Bang! Bang! The fighting power of the three 3 girlfriends is still very scary. The three of them form a triangle and surround Misaka Misaka. These...... hounds simply cannot break through the encirclement of the three girls .

Seeing the strength of the trio, Yoshiro Baba couldn't help showing a cruel smile on his face.

"Hahaha, so what if you watch anime, you only know how to collect information but don't know how to prepare, as expected, you will be finished when you meet a genius like me! Haha!! Die! Die! I will kill you Beat them in rags, destroy your spirit and body, and then broadcast it live to people all over the world. I want to tell them that my horse farm will not be as useless as in the anime, I! I am the real strong!"

Crazy! This guy is just... a lunatic! But at this moment, the three girls are obviously driven into a desperate situation by this lunatic. Even if the three of them are powerful after marriage, they can't deal with each other's strength at all.

However,,, "Yoshiro Baba, do you think that you are the only one who can adapt to anime? Look around you, do you think everything is that simple!"

Mitsuko said loudly, and when he heard Mitsuko's voice, Yoshiro Baba immediately.

Looking around, the moment he saw clearly the situation around him, he was about to go crazy.

"How can this be!"

At this moment! Around Yoshiro Baba, figures came out one by one. They held flames in their hands, some daggers were flying in their hands, and some had sharp thorns beside them. These... .....The figures look different, but they have one thing in common! They are all wearing Tokiwadai Middle School uniforms!

Chapter One Thousand and Ninety-Six └━ Ravaged by Hundreds of Young Misses

Ravaged by hundreds of girls "Sisters, this is the guy who bullies my sisters! To protect the dignity of Tokiwadai Middle School! Let's go together!"

In the crowd, Meemi Kirimara yelled, and immediately after, hundreds of the worst espers rushed over! These...... Miss Tokiwadai were all... He was merciless, wind, lightning, water flow, flame, rock, all kinds of super powers swallowed up the group of mechanical dogs in front of him in a second! At this moment, Yoshiro Baba felt that what he was facing was no longer those... ...... The pampered young lady, but the devils who came out of **** one by one, looking at these... The young lady who gradually surrounded him, Yoshiro Baba couldn't help but He hugged his head in fear, "You guys!!! What are you doing! You are the eldest lady! Are you going to attack me, an incompetent person!"

The racecourse is in a state of embarrassment at the moment, he never thought that all the... Misses in front of him are all crazy, I just stole a little sister Misaka, don't you all care about it!" Sisters! Beat him!"

Following the order of the post-marriage photon, in the next second, hundreds of figures began to rush forward to punch and kick the racecourse. Miss Tokiwadai naturally would not kill people, but it is okay to beat them inhumanely. Miss Tokiwadai, one person can kick people half to death with one kick, not to mention there are several power-enhancing Misses here.

Yoshiro Baba could only keep shouting.

"I want,,,,,"

One punch, two punches "See you!!!"

One foot and two feet.

"Commissioner for Discipline, help!"

Shirai Heizi in the crowd kicked twice more, really, you are kind if you want to do something to my sister and let me save you from killing you! It's not that Yoshiro Baba didn't want to resist, he saw the situation was wrong for the first time He activated the latest unmanned upgraded praying mantis robots in no time, each of which has a combat power of 14. He has prepared seven or eight! His little deposit has been wiped out, but why, what about his robots! It's gone! At this moment, in a corner, Ling Ye was happily taking pictures with it, and behind him, a large pile of scrap iron piled up into a hill.

At this moment, seeing Yoshiro Baba's miserable appearance, he couldn't help but send the short video to Mikoto, and attached a sentence.

"Seeing how miserable the racecourse is, I can't bear to kill him."

Half an hour later, at the moment when all the young ladies dispersed when he was a policeman, Yoshiro Baba had already gained three laps of weight, yes, they were all swollen, and at this moment he had already passed out, and the bones on his body , I guess it should be comminuted,, no, powder fracture, even if it is Academy City, it probably can't be cured.

The eldest lady is still the eldest lady, and I still don't want to do things like killing people.

"Good job Photon, I take back the title of First Blood Photon."

Ling Ye appeared next to Guangzi after marriage and gave her a thumbs up.


After marriage, Mitsuko turned her head proudly, "That's right, I'm the Fengshen of Tokiwadai Middle School!"

After marriage, Guangzi's face is filled with the four words "I am very happy".

"That's right, Mitsuko is the best, let's go little Misaka, your mother wants to see you."

Ling Ye hugged the little Misaka in front of him, waved goodbye to everyone, and then moved away in a space.

And seeing Ling Ye leave, all the eldest ladies also dispersed.

For a moment, there was only Yoshiro Bachang left on the spot.

"Hold me,,,,,,, medicine,,,,, revenge like ugly"

Baba Yoshiro used his remaining strength to say this sentence, which was like an oath, and then,,, beside Baba Yoshiro, a figure slowly approached, this figure hid beside Baba Yoshiro, he looked at the miserable scene in front of him Yoshiro Baba couldn't help but said, "Those...the eldest ladies don't want to kill them for fear of getting their hands dirty, but I'm not afraid."