MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 379

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During the period, Academy City was almost open to the public, and there were also TV broadcasts.

Although it is a very ordinary sports event for competitive events, because it is recommended that the use of superpowers not harm the audience, there are also high-level ability users who cannot display their abilities, and it almost becomes a gorgeous superpower battle.

Under normal circumstances, the winners of the Daha Star Festival every year are won by the five prestigious schools in Academy City, but this time because Mikoto and the others encountered too many things, Mikoto was beaten halfway after marriage, Mikoto dropped the line, and the queen disappeared , Kuroko broke his leg, so the championship of this year's Daihasei Festival was won by Changdian Shangji Academy, and the consecutive championships of Tokiwadai Middle School were thus terminated.

But fortunately, this time because of Ling Ye's existence, everything is different.

"Hi, ladies and gentlemen."

At this moment, in the area of ​​Tokiwadai Middle School, Ling Ye walked in with Misaka Misaka beside him. Both he and Misaka Misaka came to cheer for Misaka Mikoto, and the entire Tokiwadai Middle School knew that Ling Ye... defeated Accelerator and the great manga artist who saved the sisters existed, so everyone is not unfamiliar with Ling Ye, but being unfamiliar and familiar are two different things, at least the entire Academy City except... 15. Most of other people's impressions of Yu Lingye are in memory.

"Ling Ye! It's really you!"

Seeing the appearance of Ling Ye, Mitsuko after marriage... all the young ladies ran over. The students of Tokiwadai Middle School are mainly divided into two factions, one is the Queen's faction, and the other is the Princess faction. , the remaining egg yolk pie and chocolate pie can be ignored, and the relationship between Ling Ye and the two women is no secret, so naturally, everyone is very interested in Ling Ye.

"Ling Ye! Please explain to me! What is the meaning of Guangzi after marriage! Why am I always the first to be hit when something happens!"

At this moment, after the marriage, Mitsuko immediately started complaining. No matter what she said, she was also a top-level combat power on 14 sides, but as soon as she came out, the enemy would sacrifice herself, which would make people in Academy City think that she was weak, okay! "Don't be nervous, It's all little things."

Ling Ye couldn't help but be embarrassed. In all fairness, he likes Guangzi after marriage...a kind, sensible and beautiful girl, but,,,, I arranged your life, so if you want to blame it, you can't blame me!" ! My dear, you said that because of your four episodes of animation, my reputation has become: bad!"

On the one hand, Shokuhou Misaki also came over. Recently, she has some headaches, because Ling Ye's anime always gives people the feeling that she is behind the scenes, and everyone here is looking at her with... suspicious eyes , especially those... who are close to Misaka Mikoto, hide themselves away and make Shokuhou Misaki feel very painful.

"This,,, Fuck Qi, don't care about these... Ah, I know everything about you, in a while... I will update an episode, and you will be cleared of your grievances soon Yes, take it easy."

Ling Ye also comforted Shokuhou Misaki in front of him, he took Shokuhou Misaki's hand and whispered in her ear, "But,,, have you figured it out, do you need my help, no matter... ..

Whoever it is, as long as it is your enemy, even if it is a god, I dare to kill you."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Shokuhou Misaki couldn't help showing a charming smile. She looked at Ling Ye in front of her, and it was because of this guy's meticulous care that she didn't resist his charm at all, no matter...

No matter what happens, the other party will stand unswervingly on his side. This is not a love story, but it is particularly pleasant to Shokuhou Misaki's ears.

"Ling Ye, don't worry, when have you ever seen me suffer, this time, I will defeat the enemy with Misaka Mikoto, don't forget, I am also a dignified 15"

Listening to Shokuhou Misaki's words, Ling Ye shook her head helplessly, they didn't know what would happen, so forget it, let me remind them.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye took out his moon machine and directly updated the next two episodes of a certain scientific electromagnetic gun.

"Ding dong, a certain scientific railgun 5.

The set has been updated."

As soon as Ling Ye was updated, everyone's moon machine rang out like this, and at this moment, everyone subconsciously looked at their own moon machine.

"Updated! Finally updated!"

Wannei Baobao happily took out her mobile phone, and next to her, Bufu Wan Bin, and the photon after marriage also immediately.

He took out his own mobile phone, as for Shirai Heizi,,.

Although he said that he didn't like Ling Ye, he turned on the moon machine honestly, um, that's right, Ling Ye is the most annoying thing, watching anime by myself is just for my sister! "I want to see it! I When will I think about my sister!"

Chapter 1091━━A certain scientific railgun t has been updated

:A certain scientific railgun has updated a certain scientific railgun. The fifth and sixth episodes are not many, mainly on the second day of the Dahasei Festival, in the "Balloon Sandwich Sailboat" with Mikoto

Misaka Mikoto was told by Misaka Misaka that Shokuhou Misaki abducted Misaka-sister and tampered with Shirai and others' memories, and decided to rescue Misaka-sister, but was met by "personnel" organized by Anbu

The Raid of Yoshiro Baba.

After marriage, Mitsuko did not live up to the name of her first-blood Mitsuko, but was defeated by others, and was brutally abused by that nasty guy in the racecourse. In the end, she was transferred to the hospital by Saten Reniko under the cover of Paofu in the bay.

Immediately afterwards, Kinuho Wannai witnessed the post-marriage Mitsuko being attacked by Yoshiro Baba. He was furious because his friend was humiliated. He used the water flow control ability to wipe out all the mechanical dogs in the Baba:.

And in the end, Misaka Mikoto, who avenged her friend, appeared in Hachibaba's biggest hole card killing scene.

Seeing this, everyone couldn't help but fell into silence.

Bang! The sound of an object breaking was heard, and the moon machine in the hand of the married photon fell to the ground, but the married photon didn't intend to pick it up at the moment.

"Photon,,, are you okay?"

Wannei Juanbao couldn't help but said worriedly.

"That's right, Photon, don't do this, it's all anime, it's just anime."

On the one hand, Paofu Wanbin also said hastily, but Guangzi completely ignored it.

"What don't do this! One blood! Another blood! Ling Ye! Did you do it on purpose? How did I provoke you! And this time it's so miserable! It's absolutely impossible to be defeated by that... **** or something. !"

After marriage, Guangzi ran to Ling Ye, she wanted to prove herself, but Ling Ye shook his head helplessly.

"No way, you know, I have no way, after all, what I draw are things that should happen in the future."

Ling Ye sighed helplessly and then explained, after hearing Ling Ye's words, Guangzi also became helpless after marriage, after such a long time, she also knew what Ling Ye said was true, but that's how it is to be so infuriating !Myself dignified 14.

Why do you always get defeated?

"Forget it! This time, none of you should stop you from going heads-up with that... racecourse or something. I want to justify my name. After I get married, I will definitely not be a **** photon!!!"

"Well! Photon Come on! We will always support"

"That's right, a blood photon or something, we don't deserve it."

On the one hand, Wannei Juanbao and Paofu Wanbin quickly stated that they would always stand on the side of Guangzi after marriage.

Seeing that Guangzi is so confident after marriage, Ling Ye just smiled. Whether she can get rid of this title is up to her.

"Okay everyone, the first two-person three-legged race has begun, Mikoko and Mikoto, you have to work hard."

Ling Ye looked at the time, and then expressed encouragement to the two girls. Ling Ye was not worried about whether the two could win. One was 14 and the other was 15. Tianli and originally the two of them won this match, so Ling Ye is naturally not worried.

"Don't worry, we are Fengshen and Thunder God from Tokiwadai Middle School. We will never lose in a small match."

On one side, after the marriage, Photon hugged Misaka Mikoto who was beside her and then showed a confident smile to Ling Ye. Seeing how confident she was, Ling Ye also smiled and then ran to the side wearing Misaka Misaka and started shouting cheers.

But at this moment, everyone didn't pay attention. Not far from everyone, a man wearing glasses was watching there with a mobile phone, and what he was watching was nothing but a certain scientific electromagnetic gun. .

When he finished watching, a smile could not help appearing on his face.

"So there is such an existence? Show the future with animation, haha, Ling Ye, you have really helped me a lot, since that's the case,,, I want to thank you, thanks to you, this time I know Where did I fail, this time,,.

I will never fail!"

After this figure finished speaking, he turned around and left here. If anyone from Tokiwadai Middle School sees him, they will definitely recognize him. This guy is... the public enemy of the entire Tokiwadai Middle School! Yoshiro Baba! These days, even the villains Have you started watching anime and doing work? "Congratulations to Tokiwadai Middle School for winning the first place in the two-person three-legged competition!"

On the other hand, as in the original book, after marriage, Mitsuko and Misaka Mikoto won the championship without any surprise, and the second match will be held next.

Balloon hunters, this is a game they lost in the anime, a team with the worst 13 was won by a group of schools with an average of 12. It is the most embarrassing thing for them Tokiwadai Middle School, but this time No more! He and the others are from Tokiwadai Middle School, this time they are fully prepared! Balloon Hunters come first! Tokiwadai is settled! **** can’t even control it! I told Ling Ye!!

Chapter 1092━━Deserves you if you don't watch anime

If you don’t watch the anime, you deserve to lose the Balloon Hunter game. As the name suggests, you use a sandbag to break the balloon on the opponent’s head. If you break the balloon, you will be eliminated. However, this is Academy City, which is the battlefield for those with abilities. Can play with flowers.

Meemi Kirimara was chasing Shigeishi in front of her at the moment, when the two of them entered a corner, they stopped running at the same time.

"How is it, do you have no strength?"

Meemi Kirimara looked at Shigeishi in front of her and couldn't help showing a confident smile. In the anime, this guy eliminated herself. This time, she will never fail! "Have you been overtaken? If that's the case, then the only option is to attack!"

Swipe! A sandbag was thrown out by the opponent. Judging by the frivolity, the opponent should be a 12 superpower user. However, Kiri Madara Meemi is a 14 power user. If the two confront each other, there should be a complete limit gap Ah! Bang! Sure enough, Meemi Kirimara just waved her hand lightly and the other party's beanbag fell to the side.

Seeing that his attack failed, Zhongshi was not in a hurry, on the contrary, he showed a smile at this moment.

He had already ambushed his own people by the side, and when the enemy came over, he would attract the firepower and let the people who had ambushed him attack. All of this was perfectly designed. If Meemi Kiriban hadn't watched anime, she might really I was fooled, but now,,.

Bang! Bang! Suddenly, under the control of Memi Kiriban, the sandbags all over the sky directly dealt with the heavy stone in front of him, not only him, but also the little female classmate who was ambushing at the side, how could two 12s be a 14 opponent , sometimes 2+2 is not equal to 4.

"How is it possible! How do you know we have someone hiding here!"

Shigeishi widened his eyes and looked at Memi Kirimara in front of him, but Meemi Kirimara only responded with a confident smile.

"You,,, don't you want to watch anime?"

"Watch anime! Why watch anime! We are not otaku!"

Shigeishi didn't understand what all this had to do with anime, but at this moment, no one answered him, only Meemi Kirimara rolled her eyes.

"Look more at anime idiots, it's impossible for you to win like this."

After Kirimata Meemi finished speaking, she walked away proudly and lightly. Only Shigeishi was still thinking about the connection between her failure and watching anime.

And at the same time, on the other side, "Think I'm afraid of bugs?"

In front of the five 55 students who fell to the ground, Kou Kezi said happily, "I'm afraid of bugs, so I just close my eyes."

On the other side,,, "Don't underestimate me, I'm the majestic Fengshen of Tokiwadai Middle School!"

After marriage, Guangzi also looked at the five 55 students in front of him and smiled. It couldn't be easier.

"Run, the ability users from Tokiwadai Middle School are too perverted!"

On the one side, the students were running away crazily. For a while, the remaining seven 7 students on the field were going crazy. Didn’t it mean that they are all young ladies who are ignorant of worldly affairs? Why are they not only powerful but also sinister! Crackling! Just as these people were running away, a petite figure appeared in front of them, crackling, the figure’s forehead There are also electric arcs, this iconic scene is enough to explain the identity of the other party.

"No! It's Misaka Mikoto of the 15-skilled railgun!"

Seeing the other party's identity, everyone was stunned. At this moment, everyone had only one thought, and that was,,

Run! Nonsense, a group of 14 girls is bad enough, what can an ability user of 1 do! They will definitely play them to death! Of course, what Misaka Mikoto thinks at this moment is to play them to death! In the hands of Misaka Mikoto, several The sandbag was held in her hand, and she threw it casually! Crackling! A series of lightning accompanied by sandbags directly hit the sandbags on the heads of these people. For Misaka Mikoto, one move is enough to deal with these guys.

"Cut, sure enough, without tricks, is it enough for me to deal with you all by myself?"

Misaka Mikoto smiled, then happily ran towards Ling Ye.

This time the Balloon Hunters, Tokiwadai Middle School, won! "Ling Ye, did you see that, we won!"

Misaka Mikoto said quite proudly, and seeing Misaka Mikoto like this, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing, she just won some 12.

It should be a matter of course, why are you so proud.

"Onee-sama is the best! Misaka Misaka is proud of her onee-sama."

Misaka Misaka also ran over happily, and Misaka Mikoto rubbed the head of her little sister happily.

Chapter 1093━━Bringing her boyfriend to meet her mother

Bringing her boyfriend to meet her mother "My sister is the best! Misaka Misaka is proud of her sister."

Misaka Misaka also ran over happily, and Misaka Mikoto rubbed the head of her little sister happily.

Then,,, "Oops, my mother said she would come to see me today! It's time to come!"

Misaka Miqin thought of an important matter. At this moment, she was about to turn around and leave immediately. However, how could Ling Ye let Misaka Miqin leave like this.

"Meiqin,,, have you forgotten that I am your boyfriend, shouldn't you let me go to meet the future mother-in-law together at this time?"

"Why see the mother-in-law! You have nothing to do with my mother!"

"That's right, you have nothing to do with Auntie!"

On the one hand, Shirai Heizi jumped out from nowhere, but Ling Ye pushed Shirai Heizi down, and he continued to look at Misaka Mikoto in front of him and said, "Mikoto, do you think I'm the kind of... The guy who scolded the cook? I will definitely take responsibility for you!"

"What is responsible or not, I,,, I,,,"

At this moment, the tsundere Misaka Mikoto was speechless, because,,, "My sis! Take charge! What are you responsible for! You shouldn't have already!!!"

Shirai Heizi's complexion changed, she opened her mouth wide open looking at Ling Ye in front of her, "That is to say, my lord, you are already,,, having a baby!"

Misaka Mikoto..."Heizi! Stay away, this matter has nothing to do with you!"

Misaka Mikoto's face was flushed, what are you shouting in broad daylight, are you afraid that others will not know? "Forget it, Ling Ye, let's go, but no matter what happens, you have to remember that you are just my classmate, understand?"

Misaka Mikoto said helplessly, and Ling Ye nodded after hearing Mikoto's words.

"Let's go, Misaka, go see your mother."

Ling Ye held Misaka Misaka's little hand and was about to leave, but Misaka Mikoto's expression changed after hearing Ling Ye's words! "Wait! How do you want to be with me! Is it a terrible thing?"

Who can't see that Misaka Mikoto and Misaka Misaka are related, you take Misaka Misaka to see my mother! "You can say that Misaka Misaka is you."

"Oh, what a good idea, you mean let me tell my mother, look mother, I found my long-lost sister.

Don't you feel that if your father finds out about this, he will doubt the color of his hat?"

Ling Ye..."Well, you're right, this is a bad idea."

Ling Ye looked at the cute Misaka Misaka beside him, and then looked at some acquaintances beside him, "Well..., who has time to help me take care of Misaka Misaka? Don't worry, two ice creams will be very good."

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