MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 12

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"Help! Help!!"

One after another, figures ran out from under the destroyed walls, and every godfather dropped the Bibles in their hands and fled. They knew very well that even God could not save them in the face of death.

Seeing these nasty guys running away in all directions, Hei Zhen couldn't help showing a silver bell-like smile.

"Ling Ye, how did I do this?"

"Two words to describe it, it's beautiful!"*

Chapter 36: The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon Uploaded

Ling Ye brought Hei Zhen back home. As for what would happen to the church, Ling Ye was not interested in knowing. He guessed that the magicians in this world should be busy dealing with these wyverns.

Each of the nine Wyverns is equivalent to the color position, how powerful the color position is, let's put it this way, Director Ken's position in the clock tower is the color position, which exists only under the crown position. Director Ken's level is only a dozen in the Clock Tower.

In the next few days, the news and newspapers went crazy. People always saw the legendary flying dragons appearing. In order to deal with these flying dragons, the Magic Church was busy to death. Finally, after a week, these bipedal flying dragons were completely eliminated. .

It is said that the three major magician organizations have captured a live wyvern, especially those magicians who can summon and control, and they are going crazy to fight for these wyverns.

However, Ling Ye doesn't even like these flying dragons. Hei Zhen can summon a bunch of flying dragons like this casually. Therefore, Ling Ye's latest task is to continue to draw manga, and then complete the daily tasks to draw prizes, but recently Maybe it was because he ran out of luck, Ling Ye never got any good things.

An ordinary hat, a relatively sharp long sword, and a few special fruits. The only thing that is useful is a basic magic book. What does it contain?

Fireball, (can be used to light cigarettes)

Wind Blade, (can be used to cut paper)

Holy Light, (the flashlight can get off work)

Hydrotherapy, (Bundy no more). . . . . .

In short, I basically don't have any good prizes these days. With this in mind, Ling Ye updated his comics. The fz Holy Grail War was updated to the end of the Yangtze River Knight battle. Gilles mistook my king for Joan of Arc, and fgo , and Ling Ye finished updating the Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon.

At this moment, it is time for the Hundred Years War of the evil dragon to be uploaded.

As soon as the manga was uploaded, Hei Zhen excitedly took the manga and began to read it, "Let me see what Ling Ye is hiding from me. It's been a long time since I drew it, but you still don't let me read it. It's so mysterious. .”

Hei Zhen started to read comics. In the comics, Hei Zhen summoned a group of followers majestically. Looking at her lineup, Hei Zhen was quite satisfied.

"Not bad, not bad, Ling Ye still understands very well, these subordinates look good!" Hei Zhen was curious about the plot after reading the manga. Gods block and kill gods and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas, yes, this is Hei Zhen's idea, but what Ling Ye draws is not some Long Aotian's article.

Later, Joan of Arc appeared on the stage, and then Hei Zhen began to hunt down Joan of Arc. Hei Zhen had the upper hand, and Joan of Arc was not jealous. The teams of the two came and went, and the more he watched, the more Hei Zhen felt I am a little uneasy. "Strange, why do I feel like I'm a villain."

Hei Zhen continued to read, and slowly, she saw a rather classic passage, in the manga,,,,,

After avoiding Sanson's knife, Mary caught a glimpse of Sanson's face, and his eyes were filled with blood and tears, which surprised her:

"Sanson, are you crying?"

"Crying? How could I cry? I'm so excited to think of your **** when you were dying!"

San Song raised his knife and slashed at Mary again. His face was full of excitement, not even a single tear, let alone a tear of blood. Mary took advantage of the opportunity to hit a ball of light, which was cut off by San Song, and shouted:

"Don't resist anymore! Maria! Accept death obediently! You know, dying in my hands is the most comfortable way to die!"

And when Sanson said this, Mary saw blood and tears in Sanson's eyes again. This time, Mary was sure that it was not her own illusion, but the resistance from the depths of Sanson's soul, and Sanson Raised the knife in his hand and shouted:

"Death! Maria! Death will be the hope of tomorrow!"

Then a guillotine appeared above Mary's head, and then countless black tentacles stretched out. Mary unexpectedly did not dodge this time, but looked at Sanson with a smile on her face, and ate the treasure firmly.


Looking at Marie Antoinette, who was solidly hard-wired her own treasure, Sanson was stunned. He never thought that she would be so stupid, stupid enough to take the initiative to hard-wire the enemy's treasure, and let What Sanson didn't understand was that his body rushed up involuntarily, trying to grab Mary, but Mary's body had already begun to disintegrate and return. Mary smiled at Sanson's appearance, and her smile was so sweet:

"Sang Song, I never blamed you. In fact, I know why you must kill me yourself."

"Mary...Maria! Don't!"

Sanson threw away his weapon and reached out to grab Mary, but no matter what, his hand was always a little away from Mary, and Mary stretched out her hand with a smile, touched Sanson's face, and said with a smile:

"I know, Sansong, you just don't want me to be tortured by other servants. I don't blame you. If I can, I really want to be summoned in a normal time and meet you."

Mary's smile gradually disappeared, and then she kissed Sansong's forehead lightly, and her body disappeared completely, leaving only Sansong kneeling on the ground, with tears in her eyes, staring blankly at the place where Mary disappeared.

Seeing this, Hei Zhen suddenly felt that she was definitely a villain! Moreover, I am not a good person!

"Ling Ye, look at how I deal with you! You actually drew me as a villain!? Ah! I'm so mad!" Seeing this, Hei Zhen put down the manga in her hand and ran directly to Ling Ye's room .


With a sound, Ling Ye's door was kicked open! Afterwards, Hei Zhen directly pulled Ling Ye's clothes! Then she pointed to the cartoon in front of her and said.

"Ling Ye, tell me, what the **** is going on!!"*

Chapter Thirty-Seven

"Well,,,," Ling Ye thought for a while, but he didn't expect Hei Zhen to be so excited at this moment. At this moment, Ling Ye rolled his eyes, and then said directly. "Hei Zhen, don't you understand that the villain's charm is the greatest?"

"Hmph? What is the charm of a villain? Where is the charm of a villain!" Hei Zhen looked at Ling Ye in front of him unhappily, but hearing Hei Zhen's words, Ling Ye laughed.

"Don't worry, after a while, you will see how attractive you are." After hearing Ling Ye's words, Hei Zhen slowly loosened Ling Ye's clothes, and then she ran to the side and continued to read the manga.

The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon, the evaluation of this chapter in the first part of fgo is above average, slightly lower than the evaluation of chapters 5, 6, 7 and the final chapter, and compared with the prologue, chapter 2, and chapter 1 Three chapters, the fourth chapter is better.

Overall, the results of this volume are quite good.

That is, on this day, the Internet is full of exclamations one after another.

Flying Fish "It turns out that the blue-bearded master turned out to be that pervert Gilles. I have to say that his feelings for Joan of Arc are really deep."

"Indeed, this chapter of fgo is very good, not only black and white Joan of Arc, whether it is Qingji, Mozart, or Dragon Lady, I like it very much."

Innocent Sword Master: "Just one word, I cried when Mary died."

Marshal "Jeanne,,, if you want to go to hell, I alone is enough, the Marshal's words, I really can't hate it, I don't know fz

Inside, what will happen to the Marshal's end. "

Master Demon "I feel that the result should not be too good, but Joan of Arc and my king are really similar."

Looking at the words of these people, Ling Ye also sighed, and then he slowly looked at Hei Zhen who was on the side. At this moment, Hei Zhen might be angry, she turned her head away from Ling Ye, which made Ling Ye laugh and cry.

"Unexpectedly, Hei Zhen would be in such a state. It can be regarded as an eye-opener for me today."

While talking, Ling Ye put down the paintbrush in his hand. Then he came to Hei Zhen's side.

Ling Ye just quietly looked at the beautiful woman in front of her, and at this moment, feeling Ling Ye's eyes, Hei Zhen slowly put down the manga in her hand.

She saw her failure, saw her awakening before she died, and she seemed to understand something.

Joan of Arc's alter is an existence that shouldn't appear, even, she herself is a prank of the Holy Grail. For Hei Zhen, she understands that she is not real at all. Therefore, although Hei Zhen didn't seem to care about anything when facing Ling Ye, Ling Ye knew that Hei Zhen's heart was already covered with bruises.

Looking at Hei Zhen in front of her, Ling Ye silently stretched out her hand and put it on her back, and feeling the warmth of Ling Ye's palm, Hei Zhen silently looked at Ling Ye in front of her, and she quietly said "Ling Ye Ye, tell me, am I really illusory? Am I really just a copy of Joan of Arc?"

Listening to Hei Zhen's words, Ling Ye silently shook his head. "Why do you think so?"

"Isn't it? My body was created by the Holy Grail, and my personality was shaped by Gilles' dream. Even my name is the same as that woman, Joan of Arc,,,, it's ridiculous, why did I come to this world , without that wish from Gilles, I might not have appeared at all."

"You will appear without Gilles' wish." Ling Ye said with certainty. "Even without Gilles, I would wish on the Holy Grail to bring you to my side."

"Why bother?" Hei Zhen shook her head, "Obviously I am just a false existence."

"You are not a false existence, you are Hei Zhen, a unique existence in this world, how can you be that false existence."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Hei Zhen stared into Ling Ye's eyes silently, she wanted to see through Ling Ye's eyes, but she failed, Ling Ye was not something she could see through. Seeing Ling Ye like this, Hei Zhen silently lowered her head. "However, Joan of Arc is because she saved the people and realized the value of life, so she can become a heroic spirit, but I have nothing. Am I useless like this?"

Seeing Hei Zhen like this, Ling Ye continued:

"Hei Zhen, the world is originally nothingness. Everything in the world emerges from nothingness. Nothingness itself is the beginning of life. However, although we came from nothingness, each of us has our own meaning to appear in this world. Like you and me, I am born to be useful, no one is useless. Even a flower, a grass has its meaning of life, how can you not have the meaning of your life, but now you Haven't found it yet."*

Chapter 38 Aoi Tohsaka

"Ling Ye, tell me, what is the meaning of my life?" Hei Zhen looked at Ling Ye beside her. She was like a drowning person, and she really wanted to find a boat that could save her. Now she, Even if it is a duckweed, she is willing to hold it tightly.

"Is the meaning of life?" Ling Ye scratched his head, then thought for a while and said, "The meaning of your life is for me?"

"Bah, shameless." Hei Zhen couldn't help but rolled her eyes, and then she looked at Ling Ye in front of her. Hei Zhen also scolded Ling Ye for being cheeky thousands of times in her heart, but at this moment, Hei Zhen was thinking secretly in her heart.

"However, I really don't seem to have any meaning to survive. Now, it's pretty good to have a man by my side."

Seeing Hei Zhen's performance in front of him, Ling Ye put Hei Zhen's hand in his own with a smile.

"Hei Zhen, from now on, let's face the storms of this world together."

Looking into Ling Ye's eyes, Hei Zhen didn't withdraw her hand, she nodded silently,

"It's cheap for you guy."

"Hehe." Ling Ye smiled, and then looked at the moon hanging high outside.

"It's getting late, Hei Zhen, go back and rest early."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Hei Zhen raised her head slowly, looked at the late sky, and Hei Zhen also understood that she should leave. Although she doesn't need to sleep as a heroic spirit, Ling Ye is still a human being after all, and she works every day, so she doesn't bother him.

"OK, good night."

"Good night."

. . . . . . . . . .

The night has gradually passed, and it has been more than a month since Ling Ye published the comics. Ling Ye just woke up when he heard a knock, someone knocking on the door.


Ling Ye agreed, and then slowly came to the door. At this moment, at Ling Ye's door, two little girls, Rin and Ying, were holding a big box and preparing to leave.

Seeing these two little lolitas, Ling Ye couldn't understand.

"Rin? Sakura? Where are you going?"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Xiao Ying ran over and hugged Ling Ye's thigh. "Brother, father said that the Holy Grail War is about to start, so we have to leave."

"Really?" Ling Ye thought for a while, and then calculated the time. That's right, when is this? The Holy Grail War is finally about to start. what it looks like.

"That's right, in two weeks, Fuyuki City will be in complete chaos." Ling Ye sighed, and then patted the heads of the two little lolis.

"Okay, you guys go away, the battle here will end soon, and then I will go back to pick you up."


Lin Luoli snorted coldly, "We don't need you to pick me up. My father will pick me up when the time comes."

Hearing Lin's words, Ling Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then Ling Ye shook his head helplessly.

"Come to pick you up? It's difficult."

Ling Ye remembered Tosaka Tokiomi's ending, he didn't say anything, because his fz manga has been updated to the point where Tosaka Tokiomi entered Director Ken's magic workshop, and then defeated Director Ken with the Origin Bullet.

It is estimated that Tohsaka Tokiomi's backstab will be updated when the Holy Grail War begins. I don't know if Tohsaka Tokiomi, who has been following his manga, will die by then.

"Rin, Sakura. We should go." Just as Ling Ye was thinking about these things, suddenly, a gentle voice sounded.

Ling Ye followed the voice, and a beautiful, dignified, and generous beauty came out of the car silently. This is a typical beautiful young woman like Yamato Nadeko. I have to say that everyone I have seen in Ling Ye Among the human beings (note that they are human beings, heroic spirits are not counted), she is definitely the most beautiful one, and at this moment, this figure came in front of Ling Ye, and then bowed slightly to Ling Ye. "Mr. Ling Ye, hello, I'm Aoi Tohsaka, nice to meet you."

Aoi Tohsaka? Seeing the person in front of him, Ling Ye was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered all the information about Aoi Tohsaka.

Aoi Tohsaka was born in the Chancheng family whose ancestors were magicians several generations ago. Although she is now a commoner who has nothing to do with magic, the magic factor still flows in her blood. It is precisely because of this that Tohsaka Tokiomi proposed to him and got a response. After marriage, he gave birth to two sisters with amazing magic qualities.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye smiled and nodded at her. "Ling Ye, nice to meet you."

Seeing Ling Ye nodding, Tohsaka Aoi also came to the side of the two daughters. She looked at Ling Ye in front of her, and then directly bowed deeply to Ling Ye.

Looking at Aoi Tohsaka like this, Ling Ye was also taken aback, this is the first time we meet, why such a big gift?

After Aoi Tohsaka bowed, she looked gratefully at Ling Ye in front of her. "Mr. Ling Ye, I know everything, thank you very much for saving my poor daughter." *

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Aoi Tohsaka already understood what happened to Ling Ye, and she also knew that it was Ling Ye who saved her daughter, which made Aoi Tohsaka respect Ling Ye very much.

And listening to Tosaka Aoi's words, Ling Ye finally understood what happened. And at this moment, he finally understood why Tohsaka Aoi looked at him with kind eyes. After thinking about this, Ling Ye waved his hand indifferently.

"Don't be so polite, saving Sakura is completely voluntary."

"Anyway, you are the one who saved my daughter, so you don't have to refuse." Tohsaka Aoi insisted, and seeing Tohsaka Aoi like this, Ling Ye smiled and did not delay any longer.

"Brother Ling Ye, we are leaving soon."

"That's right, big villain, we won't be able to come to you for a long time in the future, will you miss us?" Rin also ran to Ling Ye's side, looking at the two cute little girls beside him, Ling Ye smiled , he knelt down and looked at the two little lolis beside him. "Don't worry, I will visit you often, don't forget, I am a powerful magician."

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