MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 11

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A ray of light appeared in the sky, and then Ling Ye saw a card floating in the sky.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the master for obtaining the magic dress, Moon Spirit Essence."

Moon Spiritual Essence, magic dress, if it is in the hands of an outstanding manipulator, the silver torrent of Moon Spiritual Essence will turn into a sword, its waves will become a shield, and even the spray can be turned into a spearhead to hunt down the enemy. This is the supreme magic attire that the Archibald family is proud of. This is the mystery of magic that even magicians of all schools and nine schools cannot grasp.

Effect, grants self invincibility 3 times (daily) and grants damage bonus. *

Chapter 33 Any Door

At this moment, Ling Ye looked at the card in front of him. Its name was the Moon Spirit Essence.

This magic dress is still different from Kenneth's real moon spirit essence. Kenneth's moon spirit essence is a real magic, while Ling Ye's moon spirit essence is just a concept, and the effect is very simple. Three times invincible.

"Although it can't fight and defend like Director Ken's Yueling Essence, this three-time invincibility is still very useful. With these three invincibles, it is very easy to save your life." Ling Ye took back Yueling with satisfaction. Afterwards, he looked at Hei Zhen who was beside him with an excited face.

"How about Ling Ye, is it a good thing?"

Looking at the excited Hei Zhen, Ling Ye nodded silently. "That's right, it's a good thing."

Hei Zhen smiled after hearing Ling Ye's words.

"Look, let me say that my luck has been very good."

Hearing Hei Zhen's words, Ling Ye couldn't help shaking his head helplessly. However, the sound of the system is not over yet.

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the owner, Doraemon, for earning 1,000 points. Since the owner's three comics have exceeded 1,000 points, the owner will be rewarded with a random draw. The range of draws is limited to three works, and the owner is invited to draw."

Listening to the system's words, Ling Ye nodded, "I knew that uploading three works would definitely not be too many times. Sure enough, the reward this time is very good."

Thinking of this, Ling Ye silently looked at the system panel. This system reward is not a treasure chest, so it cannot be opened by others. However, Ling Ye understands that this kind of reward is usually very good, so Ling Ye is not afraid to draw it by himself. Less than good stuff.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye clicked the system silently.

"System, extract it for me."


In front of Ling Ye, scenes began to change one by one. These scenes were all scenes from the three comics, and finally, the scene was fixed on the Doraemon icon.

"Congratulations, master, I got one of the random doors. Please check the master."

As the sound of the system sounded, a pink door appeared directly in front of Ling Ye. Looking at the door in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help being stunned, not only Ling Ye, but Hei Zhen was also taken aback by Ling Ye's side.

"This,,,,,,,, Ling Ye, why is there a door in front of you?"

"What about this?" Ling Ye pointed to any door in front of him, and he couldn't say it was given by the system, so Ling Ye thought about it, and finally said. "This should be my treasure."

"You also have a treasure?" Hei Zhen was taken aback, Ling Ye is not a celebrity, how could he have a treasure,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,... , even if Ling Ye became a heroic spirit, it is not impossible.

But,,,,, Ling Ye is not dead! Becoming a Heroic Spirit is a later thing!

Ling Ye ignored Hei Zhen's expression, his eyes were all on the arbitrary door in front of him.

Any door, a prop in the world of Doraemon.

The method of using any door is "when opening the door, think of the destination, otherwise it will lead to an unpredictable area". At the same time, it appears in the movie that turning the scale on the door handle to adjust the time.

Seeing this, Ling Ye is also very satisfied. With this thing, Ling Ye can go wherever he wants.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye excitedly looked at Hei Zhen beside him.

"Heizhen, aren't you bored? How about we go out for a walk?"

Hei Zhen also nodded slightly when she heard Ling Ye's words, it was quite boring anyway, since that was the case, she didn't mind going out to play.

Thinking of this, Hei Zhen nodded.

"Just, where are we going? Back Mountain? Park? Food Street?"

Listening to Hei Zhen's words, Ling Ye smiled slightly. He put his hand on any door, and then said mysteriously.

"This time, we can go wherever we want."

Ling Ye directly turned the random door in front of him into random, and then took Hei Zhen's hand. "Let's go, let's see what kind of power this arbitrary door has!"


With a push of Ling Ye's hand, the arbitrary door in front of him was directly opened, and then Ling Ye and Hei Zhen walked directly into the arbitrary door in front of them.

In the next second, Ling Ye and Hei Zhen came directly to a dim room. Wisps of sunlight fell through the cracks in the windows, and these lights fell on the wall, allowing Ling Ye to see clearly the scene on the wall.

There are a total of seven paintings on the wall, and the contents of these seven paintings are as follows.

In the first picture, God made light: [God (God) said: "Let there be light." There was light].

The second picture, God created the air: [God created the air, and separated the water below the air from the water above the air].

The third picture, God made vegetables: [God said: "Let the earth produce green grass, and vegetables that bear seeds, and trees that bear fruit, each according to its own kind, and the fruit will have a seed in it." And so it happened].

The fourth picture, God made the light body: [God said: "Let there be a light body in the sky to divide day and night, to be a sign, to determine festivals, days, and years, and to shine in the sky and shine on the earth." It happened like this up].

In the fifth picture, God created birds and fish: [God said: "Let the water breed more living things, and let birds fly above the ground and in the sky." God created big fish and the creatures that grew in the water Every living creature according to its kind; and every bird of flight according to its kind.

In the sixth picture, God first created the living creatures on the earth, and then humans: [God said: "Let the earth produce living creatures according to their kinds; livestock, insects, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And so it happened. So God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creeping things that creep along the ground according to their kinds. God said: "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let them rule over the fish in the sea, the birds in the air, the livestock on the ground, the whole earth, and all the creeping things that crawl on the ground." He created man in his own image, in his image he created him male and female.

The seventh picture: [All things in the world are complete. On the seventh day, God had finished his work of creation, so on the seventh day he rested from all his work and rested].

Seeing these murals, Ling Ye seemed to understand where he had come.

"Hei Zhen, we seem to have come to a certain church."*

Chapter 34: Little Fans in the Church

Ling Ye took Hei Zhen around the room, since he was here, how could he leave so easily. Ling Ye looked at Hei Zhen beside him, he thought Hei Zhen would be very interested, however. Hei Zhen just casually looked at the church in front of her.

"What's the matter, Hei Zhen, you seem to hate this place?"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Hei Zhen shook her head.

"I hate it. I just want to destroy this place."

Listen to Hei Zhen's words. Ling Ye has a black hair, well, you don't hate it, you've hated it like crazy.

Ling Ye walked slowly, and when he was about to leave here to go to the next place, suddenly, he saw, at the door of this church, a small figure was secretly looking at the two of Ling Ye.

And when she found Ling Ye looking at her, she shrank her head back in fear.

"Little Lolita, don't hide, I saw you."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, little Lolita still didn't dare to show her face. Afterwards, Ling Ye walked slowly to the door. However, he found that at this moment, little Lolita was crouching on the ground hugging her thighs and talking with her head down.

Little Lolita is extremely scared at the moment, because this is the church, and magicians are the most rejected in the church, and just now, the conversation between Hei Zhen and Ling Ye also let this little Loli know that these two people hate the church very much.

"Don't kill me, I still have unfulfilled dreams, I haven't finished watching Doraemon, I haven't gone to Fuyuki City to see Ling Yeda, I don't want to die yet."


Hearing Little Lolita's words, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing. Unexpectedly, he still had such a cute little fan. Looking at the scared little Lolita in front of him, Ling Ye squatted down.

"Are you afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid, Kallen is not afraid of you." Kallen raised her head and said, but although she said she was not afraid, the fear in her heart never disappeared.

As a result, Ling Ye was quite speechless.

"Forget it, since you're already like this and you still say you're not afraid, it's a shame that I came so far to see my little fans."

"Your little fan?" Kallen raised her head, she looked at Ling Ye in surprise, and then a gleam appeared in her eyes. She suddenly saw the person in front of her clearly, and then she remembered the pictures she had seen about Ling Ye. At this moment, she was extremely pleasantly surprised.

"That,,,, you are, Ling Ye!"

"If you're looking for the author of Doraemon, it's me."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, little Kallen jumped onto Ling Ye's body. At this moment, she was like a big koala. Looking at Kallen like this, Ling Ye also felt very interesting.

Such a cute little loli is really likable.

Looking at the little Lolita in front of him, Ling Ye slowly stretched out his hand, stroking Karen's little head in front of him, "Your name is Karen?"

"Well, Karen Ordesia." Little Lolita nodded,

"What?" Ling Ye was taken aback when he heard Kallen's full name, "You,,,,," Ling Ye remembered all the information about Kallen in front of him. At this moment, he didn't expect that he would actually use any door for the first time. Then he came to the little girl Karen.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye suddenly had an idea.

"Caroline, how are you doing here?"

"How?" Karen tilted her head and thought for a while. "My father doesn't want me anymore, my godfather doesn't like me, my mother has passed away, and I don't have many friends,,,,,, but I can still eat and wear warm clothes, and the monthly pocket money can be used to buy comics."

Hearing Karen's words, Ling Ye's heart trembled. A little loli who can only eat and wear warm clothes is willing to read her own comics, and she also admires herself very much. Ling Ye also doesn't want to see such a little loli. abused.

Thinking of this, Ling Ye knelt down and touched little Lolita's little head.

"Karen, would you like to leave here?"

"Leave?" Little Kallen thought for a while.

"I'm still willing to leave, but the godfather won't allow me to leave." Little Kallen shook her head. And hearing what little Kallen said, Ling Ye shook his head.

"It's okay, with me here, I want to take you away, and no one can stop me."

While talking, Ling Ye took out any door from the system space, and seeing the door in front of him, little Kalian's eyes lit up!

"Brother Ling Ye, this,,,, is the arbitrary door." Karen excitedly pointed to the arbitrary door in front of her. It was such an exciting thing for a fan to be able to see the things in the comics.

Looking at Kallen in front of him, Ling Ye also smiled and took Kallen's little hand. He set the other side of any door in front of him as his home, and then opened the door directly. Ling Ye looked at the little Kallen in front of him with a smile and said

"Okay, little Kallen, come in, this will be your home from now on."*

Chapter 35: Dragon Witch

Looking at Ling Ye in front of her, Karen excitedly opened any door, and she walked into it with small steps. She knew very well in her heart that from this moment on, her future was called happiness.

As for whether Ling Ye would lie to her, she didn't believe it, because little Kalian knew that she had no value for Ling Ye to deceive her, and a person who could draw Doraemon was definitely not a bad person.

Little Lolita entered Ling Ye's bookstore, and seeing Little Lolita leave, Ling Ye couldn't help closing any door with a smile. The moment the door closed, Ling Ye's face darkened.

"What's wrong? My master." Hei Zhen walked over slowly, and she looked at Ling Ye in front of her with a teasing smile, she had never seen Ling Ye's expression like this before. "Unexpectedly, my master turned out to be a lo*ic*n, which is really surprising."

Listening to Hei Zhen's teasing, Ling Ye also looked embarrassed, as if what Hei Zhen said was right, beside him, Sakura, Rin and Kallen, these are already three little loli, no wonder Hei Zhen I will see myself that way.

But Ling Ye knew that there are some things, if you don't meet them, forget it, he is not the savior, and he doesn't have so much time to take care of these things, but if he can help, he still has no objections.

"Okay, Hei Zhen, don't make fun of me anymore, who said I'm a lo*ic*n." Having said this, Ling Ye couldn't help holding Hei Zhen's hand, and he looked at Hei Zhen in front of him with a smile in his eyes. "At least for now, there is only you by my side."

"Hmph." Hei Zhen snorted coldly, then turned her head away. "Okay, let's talk, why don't you go back with that little loli."

"Eliminate the evil and do everything, cut the weeds and roots." Ling Ye's eyes flashed coldly, and then he looked at the palace in front of him.

"If my guess is correct, this place may be the magic training place of the Church of the Holy Church. I don't want these people to track me down, so,,, let's destroy this place."

"Oh?" Upon hearing this, Hei Zhen's eyes sparkled. "I'm most interested in destroying the church. What do you think?"

"Destroy this place and release all life. At that time, this place will be a mess. After losing so many people, there will be a few who will notice Kallen's disappearance." Ling Ye is a person who is afraid of trouble, so everything It's better to do it once.

After hearing Ling Ye's words, Hei Zhen's eyes lit up with excitement. "Okay, since you have made a decision, leave the rest to me!"

Hei Zhen came to the center of the church silently, raised her hand high, and a huge magic circle appeared directly under her body!

Seeing this scene, Ling Ye understood that in Orleans, Joan of Arc suddenly appeared in the form of a blackened Ruler three days after being burned at the stake, commanding dragons to trigger the Hundred Years' War of Evil Dragons, known as the "Dragon Witch". So now, Hei Zhen wants to summon the flying dragon?

At this moment, in Heizhen's body, strands of magical power erupted directly, and her skills were directly used!

Dragon Witch EX

With the ability to summon and tame dragons, she was born with the power of a dragon, born of the marshal's wish.

boom! boom!

In the magic circle in front of Hei Zhen, a huge figure flew out! Huhu, the figure flapped its wings, and then it flew directly into the sky from the magic circle. Huge body, powerful wings, sharp teeth, and strong limbs. At this moment, seeing the big man in front of him, Ling Ye's mouth widened.

This is, Wyvern?

Of course, this is not the end, then, the second, the third,,,, the ninth! ! There are a total of nine bipedal dragons, which is exactly the number of three rounds. It seems that Hei Zhen is going to use these flying dragons to end the battle.

"It's just a group of low-level church magicians. These flying dragons should be enough." Hei Zhen smiled slightly, and then waved her hand! "Go, sweet children!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Nine flying dragons hovered over the church, with strong flames spraying from their mouths. Under the ravages of these flying dragons, the church seemed to have become a virgin who had never experienced human affairs, and could only pant under the ravages of the flying dragons.

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