MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 12

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How does the daughter-in-law discipline the children, Mrs. Song doesn't want to interfere, she just meddles in their affairs, if it's good, they won't appreciate it, if it's bad, they will complain. When Song Cun was allowed to live with them, it was because the child was smart, benevolent, and thorough in his conduct, otherwise the old man would not have put forward the conditions for his grandson to live with them. What's more, Song Cun was at odds with his parents, they didn't want Lao Song's family to give birth to a smart child and be ruined.

Seeing that her grandparents and second brother didn't want to care about her, Song Xiaomi was a little disappointed. She always felt that living with her grandma for half a year would make her closer to her grandma than other brothers and sisters except her second brother, and she liked her more than them. Unexpectedly, grandma treated her like them.

Seeing that her mother-in-law didn't plan to take care of her daughter, Zhang Xiaohua was not too surprised. She has been with her mother-in-law for more than 20 years, and she still has a little understanding of her in-laws' temper. She looked at Song Xiaomi and said fiercely: "Hurry up and go back to cook. Why do you want me to invite you?"

Song Xiaomi looked at her impatiently, and cooked as soon as she got home, but she would not do it if she was asked to serve Song Zhiwen even if she was killed.

The moment the mother and daughter stepped out of the room, Mrs. Song looked at Zhang Xiaohua and said, "As parents, you can't make a bowl of water level, but you can't be harsh on other children. Unless you don't care about other children Feelings, and don't care whether other children are close to you or not."

Zhang Xiaohua paused, and looked back at the clothes on her mother-in-law. She knew that they were bought by Song Cun. She bought them in winter and summer. I dare not ask.

Sometimes she also wonders if her mother-in-law wins over her son and gives her mother-in-law all the good things. She didn't think so, although she and her mother-in-law didn't get along well, and there was some estrangement between them, she knew that her mother-in-law was not that kind of person and couldn't do such a thing.

Song Xiaomi turned her head and looked at grandma gratefully. After all, grandma didn't completely ignore her. With grandma's words, it might not have much effect, but she will definitely not be beaten when she goes back today. After all, I have experienced the separation of the eldest brother and the estrangement of the second brother. Even if the mother does not know the fate of the child, the father should also know.

Song Cun is a freshman in high school this year, and will graduate after another year of high school next year. Some people with sharp eyes asked someone to find Mr. Song and Mrs. Song, and wanted to tell him his daughter-in-law. The two elderly people both refused. The children are still in school, and they are in a hurry to find a wife, not in a year or a half. When he graduated and got a job, he said that his wife was pretty. Of course they thought this way, and they told Song Cun the same way when they got home, so that he would not be in a hurry to find a partner and talk about it when he had a job.

Song Cun was completely dumbfounded, he was only seventeen years old, he was not yet an adult, why did he think about finding a partner?

He shook his head straight: "I'm still young, what are you looking for. Grandpa and grandma don't worry, I won't talk about objects at school."

He thought his grandparents were testing him because they were worried about his partner in school.

Mrs. Song smiled and said, "I'm almost eighteen years old, not too young. After graduation, I will look for it first, and then I will find a suitable one. It will take a lot of time. Calculated in this way, I will be almost twenty years old by the time I get married. "

At the end, she frowned. It seemed that she still had to find Er Cunzi first. If there was a suitable one, she might not be able to get engaged first, and she could get married after graduation. That would save a lot of time, and I would have to discuss it with the old man later.

Song Cun didn't know what grandma was thinking, so he just said, "Grandma, let's not mention these things for now, I still have one year to graduate, let's talk about it in a year."

He really didn't expect that he would face being urged to marry after graduating from high school in the future, and he was a little dumbfounded for a while. Things that have never been experienced in several lifetimes will be experienced once in this life. As for looking for a partner, it can be delayed for a year. He is not an unmarried family. When he meets a suitable one, he will choose to get married. If there is no suitable one, he will not let it go.

[System: Ahhh, the host cannot marry others. You must marry the mistress. 】

Song Cun: "The heroine I mentioned to you has nothing to do with each other, let alone have an affair with her, and I have no obligation to her, let alone marry her."

[System: But she is the heroine, and you are the hero. This book is written around the two of you. 】

Song Cun: "This is not the world in the book, nor is it your so-called novel. This is the real world, and we are all living and flesh-and-blood people. The people around me, including my classmates and teachers, do not appear in the book, but They're still doing fine."

Even if this is the world in the book, the book only describes the tip of the iceberg, and even if he didn't marry the heroine as stated in the book, it wouldn't have any impact.

[System: ...Why don't you want to marry the heroine? She is so soft and lovely and kind, can't you try to like her? You don't hate her anyway. 】

Song Cun: "She didn't offend me, and she didn't do anything that disgusted me. I can't hate her just because she is the heroine. It doesn't make sense. But the same, I don't have any feelings for her. See Looking at her, don't let me have the urge to marry her."

[System: You didn't get along with her, why didn't you know that you would dislike her in the future? 】

Song Cun: "Today I will patiently explain to you, don't ask the same question again in the future, and don't bother me because of the heroine. I knew at the first sight of the heroine that I couldn't possibly like her .”

[System: Why? 】

Song Cun: "She's not my type."

Even if he has never had a girlfriend in the past two lives, he still knows what type of girl he likes. After all, he has never been in a relationship, which does not mean he has never had a crush on someone.

[System: ...Can you try to like it? 】

Song Cun warned: "I don't want to wrong myself, and I don't want to wrong that girl. After all, I really don't have feelings for her, and it's not fair to that girl. Without me, maybe your heroine will marry better ? Don’t ask me about the heroine in the future. It’s disrespectful to other girls.”


Song Cun didn't care about the system's pretending to be dead anymore. No matter what, if he wanted to get married, he would only marry the girl he liked.

During a summer vacation, Song Cun spent his busy days without noticing that girls of about the same age as educated youths in the village often appeared around him. They didn't calm down until he started school.

Seeing this situation, Uncle Song said to Grandpa Song in private: "Er Cunzi is good-looking, capable and educated, and pleases the girl. Don't rush to tell him a partner, let's find a good one slowly."

Grandpa Song was very proud. His second grandson wanted to be handsome and capable, so he was not afraid that he might not be able to find a wife. He smiled and said, "You have to look slowly, don't worry."

Even if the old woman is anxious to marry her grandson, he can't make her anxious.

Before Mrs. Song could find a suitable girl for her second grandson, the news of the resumption of the college entrance examination came in late October, and the whole country was excited.

On the weekend, when Song Cun came back, Uncle Song heard that he was back, and came over with a jug of wine and a piece of meat. When he saw him, he asked, "The college entrance examination has resumed, what do you think?"

Grandpa Song and Mrs. Song heard Uncle Song’s question and looked at Song Cun. Song Cun sat down and said, “This semester’s courses are almost over. You can borrow books from the teacher for the next semester. So I plan to participate in this class. college entrance examination."

As for whether he can pass the exam, the school teacher also analyzed it with him. After ten years, the college entrance examination will be resumed suddenly. The identities of the candidates must be varied, and the abilities of the candidates are also uneven. If you want to take the college entrance examination, there is one advantage, that is, they have not forgotten a lot of knowledge, or even learned it just now, which is an advantage. What's more, since the college entrance examination has been resumed, even if he fails to pass the exam, he will still have a chance next year.

Song Pozi worriedly said, "Can it work?"

Mr. Song glared at her: "Can anything work? When will our grandson fail? When have you been disappointed?"

Mrs. Song glanced at him and said that, but isn't that the university entrance exam? There has never been a college student in their village, not to mention their village, even the nearby villages have never heard of any college students. When she suddenly heard that her grandson was going to go to college, could she not feel uneasy?

Grandpa Song smiled and said, "If you think you can do it, let's take the test. You should be aggressive at a young age. What are you afraid of?"

Song Cun smiled and said yes.

Knowing that Song Cun was back, the educated youths in the village flocked to the house to look for him. Song Cun asked, "What's the matter?"

He is not familiar with the educated youths in the village. Basically, they belong to the kind of relationship that they don’t know how to say hello when they meet. He didn’t expect them to come to him. Thinking of the resumption of the college entrance examination, he was not surprised by the desire of the educated youths to return to the city. After all, he is the only student in their village who is studying in high school in the county.

When the educated youth saw Song Cun, they didn’t know how to speak. After all, they were unfamiliar. You pushed me, I pushed you, but no one spoke. Finally, Zheng Boyuan stood up and asked with a smile: “Comrade Song, I want to ask Let’s talk about the resumption of the college entrance examination, and can you help us get some review materials, even a set of review materials will be fine.”

Song Cun raised his eyebrows in thought and didn't speak for a while.

Zheng Boyuan hurriedly said: "We will give money, as long as we can get the review materials."

Song Cun said with a smile: "Of course you have to give money, and you need money to buy review materials. Of course, the premise is that you can get the materials. Besides, only one set of materials is not enough for so many of you!"

Zheng Boyuan said: "That can't be helped, there is a set that everyone can copy down, it's better than nothing."

Zhou Jinglian looked at Song Cun, and suddenly stepped forward and said, "It's fine if you can get more."

Song Cun nodded, and said: "As much as you can get, maybe you can't make up a set, you have to think of a way."

For these educated youths, Song Cun had no other opinion. They lived in the village, and they only caused some troubles to the village at the beginning. They usually went to work in the fields, and they didn't complain much. Therefore, Song Cun is willing to give them some help if he can. If they can be admitted to university, with the hard-working spirit of this generation, they will be the pillars of the country.

Zheng Boyuan bent down and said solemnly: "Thank you, thank you so much."

Song Cun turned his body sideways to avoid it, and said again and again: "No, no."

Zheng Boyuan stood up, "Then we'll leave first, so I won't bother you."

Song Cun said with a smile: "It's okay, go slowly."

After the group of people left, Mrs. Song came out and saw the eggs in the basket outside the house. She asked in surprise, "Where did these eggs come from?"

Song Cun frowned: "Could it be sent by them? This can't be asked for."

Mrs. Song hurriedly said: "I'll send them there. It's not easy for these children to go out. You can help if you can. No one is in trouble."

Song Cun nodded: "I'll send it off."

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