MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 11

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Song Xiaomi went to live with her grandparents in anger, but she just wanted to force her parents to allow her to continue studying. Since her father had agreed that she could go to junior high school, she went back to the house happily to pack her things, and followed her parents back home until she After walking out of the house, Mrs. Song finally couldn't help muttering: "White-eyed wolf, just leave as soon as you say."

Er Cunzi went to the county to study, and the family was a little lonely. Ever since Xiaomi came to live with them, he got used to her presence, and left suddenly, which made them somewhat uncomfortable.

Mr. Song glanced at her: "If the child doesn't go with his parents, why stay here?"

Mrs. Song was just talking. She looked at Song Cun and said, "Let's go, we have meat at home today, and we can make dumplings for lunch. She's gone, so we can eat more."

Mr. Song gave her a reproachful look: "I see you are talking angry again."

Mrs. Song turned around and went to the kitchen, and said: "I won't talk nonsense with you, I'm going to meet you."

Song Cun followed grandma and said, "Grandma, I'll knead the noodles and chop stuffing, and you go cut the leeks."

Mrs. Song said yes, took a sickle and went to the vegetable garden, and said as she walked, "Our family's piece of leeks is growing well. You like leek boxes. I will make leek boxes for you tomorrow."

Song Cun washed his hands, heard her words, and said with a smile: "Okay."

Song Cun had a strong hand, made up the noodles, and went to chop the meat again. After Mrs. Song had cut the leeks, picked them and washed them, and he had just chopped the pork, Mrs. Song saw the stuffing he had chopped and boasted, "It's much easier for me to cook when Er Cunzi is at home. This is much easier than the noodles." The girl's home is smooth, and Xiaomi is not as good as yours."

Song Cun said with a smile, "Xiaomi is not as strong as I am."

Mrs. Song smiled and said nothing, not because of her strength. If she had great strength, Xiaomi was not weak either. Working and doing things are divided into people. Some people work meticulously, while others work carelessly. Although Er Cunzi is a kid, no matter what he does, he is meticulous. Even the dumplings made by some children are more beautiful than those neatly made by some children. Although this is not a big deal, it is comfortable to see him wrap the dumplings neatly.

And this child is caring, even more caring than a girl. The eldest daughter-in-law has suffered a great loss for pushing such a good son away, and sooner or later she will regret it.

Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua didn't regret it, Song Cun didn't know, and didn't want to know. On the second day of summer vacation, he went to the fields to do farm work to earn work points. July and August are not the season of autumn harvest. The grass grows wildly in the field. When the autumn harvest comes, we have to weed out once or twice. Moreover, there was little rain during this period, and the corn and peanut fields were a bit dry. The production team had to arrange watering for the young men in the village, which was all heavy work.

Song Cun is now a young man, and his work is no different from that of an adult man. Work points are distributed according to his work. If he survives a day, he can earn 12 work points, but he is just tired. When I got home, let alone cooking, I just didn't want to eat, and wished I could lie there and sleep.

Mrs. Song was so distressed that she couldn't help persuading him: "Have a day off before going back? You go to school every day, how can you compare with those young people in the village."

Song Cun lay on his grandfather's recliner and waved his hand: "No, I'll recover after a nap. My sister-in-law still earns 12 work points a day. Am I not as good as my sister-in-law?"

Mrs. Song saw that he didn't listen, so she said: "Your sister-in-law works like a man. She can pull a plow while driving an ox. There are no women in the village who are as good as her, even some men are not as good as her. Let's not talk to her." Compare."

Song Cun said: "Grandma, I'm really fine. I'm so young and I'm exhausted after doing all these jobs. What else can I do in the future?"

What's more, what he didn't say is that it is not without effect to persist in exercising for so many years. It must be tiring to work for a day, but it is impossible to praise him for these jobs. No matter who he was in the previous two lives, he is an authentic farm boy in this life. children raised on this land. His father in the first life and his master in the second life both told him that he should not forget his roots in life, and that what he did was not only work, but also training himself.

Besides, he can earn his own rations by working more during the holidays, so why not do it.

Seeing that Mrs. Song couldn't persuade him, she could only make up for him in food. The eggs laid by the two chickens in the family are kept. If there is no pork to eat, you can let him eat eggs. If one is not good, just eat two. I really had no choice, so I tried to find a way to go to the town and buy some big pig bones and stew them for him to drink, so that they would be a little bit meaty.

Later, Uncle Song saw that he was really tired, so he sent over the meat ticket from the family. Where could Mrs. Song ask for it, Uncle Song said, "It's not for you, it's for the second son, who is tired from work. Yes, buy some meat for him to supplement."

Song Cun was beside him and said, "Since grandpa brought the meat ticket, grandma can take it."

Mrs. Song glared at him: "What are you talking about?"

This is a meat ticket. Usually, Er Cunzi went to his grandpa's house, and it would be fine to have a meal there, but for these few catties of meat tickets, how could he just take it as he said.

Song Cun smiled and said, "Grandma bought meat and asked grandpa to eat it. It's the same."

Grandpa brought all the meat tickets and asked him to take them back. Obviously, he didn't treat him as a family member. He had already treated him as his own grandfather, so there was no need to be too polite.

Mrs. Song looked at Uncle Song, then at Song Cun, feeling a bit embarrassed for a while: "This..."

Uncle Song said with a smile: "This is what, take it. Buy some meat for Er Cunzi to replenish his health. No one can lose the child if he loses."

Mr. Song narrowed his eyes: "Since the elder brother asked you to take it, take it. Elder brother don't go back at noon. The leek box made by Er Cunzi's grandma, eat here, and cook when you go back."

Song Cun also said: "Grandpa, let's eat here."

Mrs. Song also persuaded: "There are a lot of noodles, brother, let's eat here."

Uncle Song said: "Then brother and sister have worked hard."

Mrs. Song put the meat ticket in her pocket: "What's the hard work, anyway, I have to cook, boil more bowls of water."

With the meat tickets sent by grandpa, Mrs. Song didn't search for it. The next day, she went to the town to cut the meat, and when she got back, she cooked it in soy sauce. At noon, she called grandpa over. Come over with a jug of wine. When Mr. Song saw the wine he brought, his eyes started to glow, and he kept saying, "This is good, this is good."

Sitting at the table, the grandpa looked at Song Cun: "How about it, let's have a drink?"

Song Cun shook his head with a smile: "You two drink, I have to go to the field in the afternoon."

It's a pity for the grandpa, but it's the same with Grandpa Song Cun drinking with him, it's better than drinking by himself.

The watering took about a week, after which weeding began. Song Cun went to the field with his **** early in the morning, and at noon, Mrs. Song came to bring him mung bean soup.

The mung bean soup chilled with well water was cool and refreshing. After Song Cun drank it in a few sips, he sighed comfortably and handed the bowl to Mrs. Song: "Grandma, don't come next time, the ground is hot."

Mrs. Song said: "No matter how hot it is, can you be as hot as you working in the field? Don't worry about it, I will exercise more vigorously."

All right, Song Cun didn't say anything more.

Mrs. Song put the mung bean soup on the nylon bag next to it, "I'll put it here for you. Drink it when you're thirsty. I'll go back. I still have a catty of meat. I'll make dumplings for dinner. I have to go back and chop stuffing with noodles." "

The educated youths in the nearby field looked at Song Cun enviously. They also wanted to drink mung bean soup, but no one brought it to them.

[System: Host, quickly bring your mung bean soup to the hostess, she is looking at you eagerly. 】

Song Cun paused in weeding, and continued weeding: "I have no relatives and no reason, and I don't know her. If I rashly give mung bean soup to others, they should think I have some purpose."

[System: You have a purpose in the first place. She is your future daughter-in-law, so you have to take the initiative to chase her. 】

Song Cun stood up straight: "Shut up. She won't be my wife, you can give up."

[System: Hey, why? The host is ruthless, and the host is indifferent. 】

Song Cun said expressionlessly: "Then you find someone else to be your host."


After weeding one field, Song Cun went to another field with a **** and mung bean soup on his shoulders.

The female educated youth next to Zhou Jinglian looked at Song Cun's back and said, "Song Cun is a high school student. He is handsome and capable of working. Maybe he can be a worker in the future. Even if he is a rural person, such conditions are not bad, right?"

Zhou Jinglian pursed her lips, glanced at Song Cun, and whispered, "It's pretty good."

The female educated youth pushed Zhou Jinglian's arm, and said mysteriously: "Oh, what do you think I should go after him?"

Zhou Jinglian looked at her in disbelief: "He's not as old as you, and he's still in school."

The female educated youth rolled her eyes, and said indifferently, "What's the matter with being bigger?" She suddenly looked at Zhou Jinglian and said, "You won't let me chase him, maybe you like him too, right?" ? You are about the same age as him."

Zhou Jinglian's face flushed suddenly: "No way, no way, I didn't know him well when I first came here."

The female educated youth looked at her meaningfully: "It's okay to like him, after all, Song Cun is a high school student, and he looks handsome."

Zhou Jinglian lowered her head with a blushing face, kicked the dirt beside her with her toes, and did not speak.


When Song Cun came back, he saw Zhang Xiaohua sitting in the kitchen with a dark face, and Song Xiaomi standing beside him with a sullen head. He raised his eyebrows and said nothing, looking at Mrs. Song and asked, "Grandma, do you need help?"

Mrs. Song waved her hand: "No need, the dumplings are ready, your grandpa is going to call your great-grandpa, the water is boiling, and the dumplings will be served immediately."

Seeing that no one paid attention to her, Zhang Xiaohua couldn't help but said: "Mother, do you think that girl Xiaomi should be beaten? Zhiwen is not in good health, and she still has to fight him. Ever since I came back from you, Zhiwen's nose is not her nose." , Eyes are not eyes, and I got into a fight with Zhiwen today, I just said a few words to her, and before I hit her, she turned around and ran towards you, what kind of temper do you think?"

Song Xiaomi snorted.

Zhang Xiaohua pointed at her: "Mother, what virtue do you think she has?"

Mrs. Song said impatiently: "Don't tell me about your things, I'm too lazy to listen." After speaking, she looked at Song Xiaomi: "Since you're home, you can solve things by yourself. Don't run to us if you don't like it."

Song Xiaomi didn't say a word. If she didn't run to her grandma, where else could she go.

When Grandpa Song and Grandpa arrived, the dumplings were cooked. Mrs. Song filled the bowl and ate it.

Zhang Xiaohua was drooling watching from the side, she wanted to serve the bowl when she went up, but Mrs. Song brushed her away and said, "Go back to your house and eat."

Zhang Xiaohua said awkwardly: "I don't want to eat it, so bring Zhiwen a bowl home. It's the dumplings that I ate during the Chinese New Year."

Mrs. Song glanced at her: "Neither did Zhiwen."

Song Xiaomi stepped forward quietly, and Mrs. Song looked at her and said, "It's not for you either."

Song Xiaomi was taken aback.

Song Cun looked at her and said, "As Grandma said, Dad agreed with you to study, and you went home happily. Why are you still making trouble?"

Song Xiaomi said angrily, "Song Zhiwen wants me to do everything, but I don't want to."

Song Cun said: "You didn't agree to it before. Since you want to go to school, you can't have everything you want. Isn't it because you want to go to school and you are willing to do housework?"

Song Xiaomi pursed her lips and said nothing. If she had never resisted Song Zhiwen, she would be fine. But once she had suppressed him, fought against him, and let her serve Song Zhiwen again, she would not be willing. If she is not allowed to serve Song Zhiwen, of course she will resist.

Song Cun shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything. When he made a choice at the beginning, he had to go on with it. Even if there were difficulties, he had to learn to coordinate by himself. Even if he regretted it, others couldn't help him. He had to be independent.

Read The Duke's Passion