MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 140 Extra 1000 Years (1)

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A surging and gentle force rushed in, awakening Tong Jing, the mirror spirit in the bronze mirror.

She is like a seed that was taken out from the dusty abyss and placed in the moist and nutritious land, and endless energy was inhaled into her body. When she reached a certain critical point, she broke out of the ground ,reborn.

At this moment, a voice fell from the sky.

"Erase all his memories of mysterious objects."

Like a beam of light falling from the gray sky, Tong Jing instinctively accepts the guidance of the light, and uses her ability to erase a person's memory.

This person has mixed and violent energy in his body, and it is extremely difficult to erase his memory.

But this light, like the guidance of a god, made Tong Jing quickly complete the task.

With the disappearance of the light beam, Tong Jing fell into a deep sleep again, but this time she no longer slept in the abyss, but floated in the endless energy, until she was full of drink and sleep, then she was lazy Eyes wide open.

The sunlight outside the window shone in through the window lattice, and it was pure white. Tong Jing blinked and compared it according to her own memory.

She is… in the hospital?

A cold light fell on her body, Tong Jing instinctively followed the danger, and saw her biggest enemy in this life - Yu Ning, sitting on a chair at the moment, her eyes were cold look at her.

A long time ago, when Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia went to the Quanzhuang Hotel to find Li You holding a blood-red ring, they were trapped in the Quanzhuang Hotel by Tong Jing's design.

Under the circumstance that Tong Jing had an absolute advantage, Yu Ning had insight into the opportunity and killed Tong Jing in one fell swoop.

She was originally a mirror spirit after the evolution of the mysterious item "Bronze Mirror". After the mirror spirit was obliterated, the bronze mirror became an ordinary mysterious item, and was always taken by Yu Ning.

Until that gentle power was injected into the bronze mirror, Tong Jing was unexpectedly resurrected.

As soon as she saw Yu Ning, the terrifying memory of being killed by Yu Ning suddenly flooded into her mind, Tong Jing hated and feared, she stared at Yu Ning vigilantly, hesitating about the revenge How to report, the next moment, Tong Jing listened to Yu Ning: "Are you a ghost?"


Who? her?

Realizing that Yu Ning was referring to herself, Tong Jing suddenly became furious: "You clearly know that I am the unique and most precious growing mirror spirit in the world, possessing something incomparable with ordinary mysterious items. Wisdom and upgrade space, you still use ghosts to humiliate me! Yu Ning, you can kill me once, you can kill me, haven't you heard of it, don't be too much!"

Tong Jing screamed angrily, while she shouted, she took the opportunity to take two steps back and opened the distance between her and Yu Ning.

Since she was killed by Yu Ning, she didn't know how long she had been asleep, and she didn't know what was going on in the outside world. As soon as she opened her eyes, she met the monster Yu Ning, Tong Jing. Not stupid, he immediately noticed that the current Yu Ning is much stronger than before.

She died once, and she finally came back to life. She has to cherish this little life.

Tong Jing thought contentedly in her heart, and looked up to find that Yu Ning was still standing there, quietly watching her every move.

Compared with the past, Yu Ning seemed to be a little wrong at this time, but Tong Jing couldn't tell what was wrong.

Yu Ning seemed to have digested the large amount of information contained in Tong Jing's words just now, and said slowly: "As for all the malicious danger factors lurking around me, I would rather kill them by mistake than slip through the net. "

He spoke slowly, his eyes were deep and chilling.

Tong Jing sensed Yu Ning's murderous intention, and shivered, although she tried her best to cover it up, her voice was still a little trembling: "What do you mean, you monster, crazy, murderer! Obviously It was you who forcibly tried to obliterate me and take away the bronze mirror for your use, but now you are actually kicking it, I tell you, I am an intelligent creature, I have already applied for an ID card, and I also have human rights!"

Yu Ning's eyes narrowed slightly: "You are not convinced, so backlash erased my memory."

Tong Jing was stunned when she heard the words. It turned out that the person who erased her memory when she woke up was Yu Ning.

No wonder the process is so complicated, if it wasn't for someone to help her, she would definitely fail.

Thinking of this, Tong Jing was no longer afraid, looked at Yu Ning with a sneer, and said, "Yes, I did it under orders. If you want to blame it, you have offended the big man. He is powerful. All the people in the world combined are not his opponents. He woke me up, and then directed me to shoot at you, erasing part of your memory. I really can't beat you, but you offended such a terrible character, and sooner or later you will fall To a worse end than me!"

After Tong Jing finished speaking, she thought that Yu Ning would be afraid and panic, but unexpectedly, Yu Ning's expression calmed down.

He murmured: "Sure enough, I lost my memory, I forgot a person, a person who is very important to me..."

Thinking of this, Yu Ning put his hand on his chest and felt a slight tingling in his heart.

Even if he can't remember anything, his body has reacted instinctively.

He is in pain.

He misses that person terribly.

Tong Jing was stunned when she heard the words, and suddenly realized that she be played by Yu Ning!

Yuning said she was a ghost, she hurriedly proved her identity;

Yu Ning said that she was a dangerous factor with bad intentions, she quickly refuted;

According to her own situation and her words, Yu Ning deduced that she had lost part of her memory. Tong Jing did not hear Yu Ning's temptation, so she foolishly explained the old story, confirming that Yu Ning's conjecture...

Now, what Yu Ning should know, he already knows.

I shouldn't know, I know!

Thinking of this, Tong Jing felt remorse, human beings are indeed the most cunning creatures, especially this monster called Yu Ning, whose conscience is even worse!

Last time, she was tricked by Yu Ning, and she couldn't rest her eyes. She finally relived her life again. In less than five minutes, she was defeated again in front of Yu Ning.

Obviously, although she is smart, she is still not Yu Ning's opponent.

Tong Jingxin was timid and had the idea of ​​retreating.

She can't fight against Yu Ning, so there is no need to spend it here, the world is so big, she hasn't lived enough!

Tong Jing was about to turn around and flee, but in the next instant, Yu Ning picked up the bronze mirror and controlled it consciously.

"Take back my memory." Yu Ning said.

This bronze mirror was first subdued by Yu Ning, and then manipulated by an unknown boss. Tong Jing thought that the power left by the boss could resist her. I lived in Yu Ning, but I didn't expect that when the power left by the boss touched Yu Ning, not only did he not launch an attack, but instead merged into it!

Tong Jing:? ? What's the matter, boss, didn't you have a grudge against Yu Ning and deliberately erased his memory? Why did you give it all to Yu Ning to make this monster even more powerful? !

Without the defense of the power of the boss, Yu Ning manipulated the bronze mirror like an adult playing with children's toys, and easily took Tong Jing's life in his hands.

Tong Jing felt that death had enveloped her again, this time she learned well, and before Yu Ning could take action, Tong Jing quickly said: "I, I, I come! I will give you the memory back , don't bother you, don't bother!"

"I don't trust you." Yu Ning completely ignored Tong Jing's plea for mercy.

He obviously lost the memory of the mysterious item, but when he took control of the bronze mirror again, as if he had never forgotten it, he quickly recalled his memory fragments.

The scenes of the past were constantly replayed in front of me, and after a long time, Yu Ning slowly opened his eyes.

Tong Jing is a mirror spirit, Yu Ning finds out his own memory fragments to watch, and Tong Jing naturally sees it too.

Tong Jing was so surprised that her jaw dropped when she found out that the big guy who woke her up turned out to be Ji Mingxia.

It was him, how could it be…

Tong Jing naturally has a fresh memory of Ji Mingxia, not to mention, in order to break through Yu Ning's psychological defense, she deliberately trapped Ji Mingxia, and then forged an illusion that Ji Mingxia was killed, Play it in front of Yu Ning.

Yu Ning was really stimulated, even too much.

After Tong Jing was defeated, she told Yu Ning that Ming Xia was safe, and begged Yu Ning for mercy, hoping that Yu Ning would let her go, but Yu Ning not only did not show any emotion, but even mercilessly executed her on the spot kill.

And the reason turned out to be - even if the fantasy that killed Ji Mingxia was fake, it wouldn't work!

Listen, is this human?

Before she died, Tong Jing regretted it very much. She was going to die anyway. If she knew she would kill Ji Mingxia and bury him with her, why should she let him go and let this pair of dog boys and boys Get out of her territory safely.

However, looking back now, Tong Jing suddenly realized that maybe at that time, it was not that she let Ji Mingxia go softly, but she subconsciously realized that Ji Mingxia was a more dangerous existence than Yu Ning, so He avoided Ji Mingxia directly, and would rather deal with the monster Yu Ning than wake up the "sleeping" Ji Mingxia.

Thinking of this, Tong Jing felt a little scared, but also a little curious.

Ji Mingxia manipulated her and erased all Yu Ning's memories of him and mysterious objects.

Now, what about Ji Mingxia?

It won't be to become a big man, and then dump Yu Ning.

Tong Jing thought maliciously in her heart, seeing Yu Ning's dejected appearance after regaining her memory, her heart became more cheerful.

At this moment, footsteps came from outside the door, followed by a knock on the door, and several medical staff who were doing rounds opened the door and walked in.

"Yuning, good morning, how are you feeling today?"

Seeing that Yu Ning looked at them without speaking, the medical staff didn't care, and continued: "Your body is recovering well, but the sequelae caused by the car accident are still there, hallucinations, and amnesia. All phenomena are very normal. In this case, we still recommend that you continue treatment in the hospital. This is the director of the psychiatry department of our hospital. You can chat, maybe there will be additional gains..."

The medical staff said, surrounded by a middle-aged male doctor and walked up.

Tong Jing is a newly awakened mirror spirit, except for Yu Ning, no one can see her.

When she heard the medical staff say "car accident" and "director of psychiatry" to Yu Ning, Tong Jing looked at them with sympathy and compassion.

These people are playing with Yu Ning as a fool.

Ji Mingxia only allowed her to do something with Yu Ning's memory. Everyone else's memory is still there. Everyone knows how Yu Ning lost his memory. You mean, Yu Ning is mentally ill?

At this time, the director of the psychiatry came to talk with Yu Ning, the purpose was not for treatment, but to make Yu Ning believe that he was sick and brainwash himself.

If Yu Ning is still in amnesia, it will be fine, but now he has completely recovered his memory.

According to the careful eye of this monster, I am afraid that it is about to start killing.

Tong Jing thought about it like this, she found a corner to stand and was ready to watch a good show, but she didn't expect that, in the next moment, she saw Yu Ning walking in front of the director, they looked like normal doctors Like the patient, communicate slowly.

In front of her just now, the sinister devil was extremely obedient and obedient, obediently obeying the doctor's orders, and even got up in person and sent the medical staff outside the ward.

Tong Jing widened her eyes and looked at Yu Ning in disbelief, but when the door of the ward was closed, the next moment, when Yu Ning turned to look at her, her gloomy appearance returned.

Tong Jing:…

Want to swear.

However, in the face of Yu Ning, who can control his own life, Bronze Mirror who was killed once, although he cursed in his heart, he was still very honest.

Seeing Yu Ning pick up the bronze mirror and look at it, Tong Jing vaguely had an ominous premonition, and she endured and endured, but couldn't help but say, "What are you looking at?"

"Mingxia doesn't know, you are an evolutionary mysterious item." Yu Ning said.

Yu Ning started killing Ji Mingxia on his back and killed Tong Jing on the spot. Afterwards, he did not tell Ji Mingxia about it, only that the bronze mirror was an ordinary mysterious object.

The mirror spirit is dead, and the bronze mirror is degraded, so Ji Mingxia has no doubts.

Until Ji Mingxia died, in order to make Yu Ning forget him, he took the initiative to use the bronze mirror once.

A lot of energy poured in, and the mirror spirit boy was still alive.

Ji Mingxia wanted Yu Ning to forget everything and start a new life, but in the end, he left a hope for Yu Ning.

One, find the hope of Ji Mingxia.

"You have the gift of evolution. When an ability is cultivated to the top, it will mutate. The mysterious items in this world are all from another world, so you are at the top of evolution , it must be to open the space and go to another world." Yu Ning said, looking at Tong Jing.

In his dark eyes, there seemed to be a flame burning in the depths.

Tong Jing was frightened by the obsession in Yu Ning's eyes, and stammered: "Open the space and go to another world... This is too hard for me..."

Seeing Yu Ning's gloomy expression, Tong Jing quickly added: "Besides, the evolution of mysterious items relies on each other's consuming energy to evolve, and now all the mysterious items in the world are controlled by Ji Mingxia. Take it away, I am the only one left in the world now. Even if I want to help you, I am powerless."

"The mysterious item was taken away, but everyone is still there." Yu Ning said.

"People?" Tong Jing was taken aback.

Yu Ning said: "Everyone who has driven mysterious objects is at risk of being contaminated, because part of the energy in their bodies has long been replaced with mysterious objects. The energy in these people's bodies is completely I can use it."

Tong Jing was speechless.

Is that okay?

Well, think about it, it does work…

These energy are wasted in their bodies. If they are absorbed by Tong Jing, it can indeed promote her rapid growth.

Evolution is a good thing, but for Yu Ning's service, Tong Jing is a little unhappy.

Although it has been a long time since the Quanzhuang Hotel incident, for Tong Jing, it has only been a few hours.

Every scene where she was killed by Yu Ning is still vivid in my mind, seeing that everything went so smoothly, Tong Jing couldn't help pouring cold water and said: "If I want to evolve, I won't evolve into space all at once, From what I know about myself, the next step in my evolution is time."

Yu Ning looked at her: "You can control the length of time and reset the time on a person."

"Not bad." Tong Jing was not afraid that Yu Ning would know her secret.

After Ji Mingxia disappeared, she went to another world. For Yu Ning, her ability to control time was meaningless.

Even if Yu Ning lives in this world for a thousand or ten thousand years, he will never see Ji Mingxia in his life.

Tong Jing finished speaking, waiting for Yu Ning's disappointed and sad expression, but Yu Ning closed her eyes and began to practice.

Although the blood-red ring on his hand has disappeared, when he holds the bronze mirror, there is still a red light shining out.

In the red light, there are several groups of rays of light, which are continuously fed into the bronze mirror and catalyzed.

Tong Jing was stunned for a moment, then looked closely, the red light was the blood-red ring energy left in Yu Ning's body, what were the other groups of light, where did they come from?

The next moment, the faces of the medical staff just now flashed across Tong Jing's mind.

After Ji Mingxia disappeared, the unconscious Yu Ning was sent to the hospital for treatment. After confirming that he was healthy, Pei Yuan transferred him to the hospital under the institute.

Nothing else, I just thought that in Yu Ning's hands, there is the only mysterious item left in the world.

This world has been endangered by mysterious objects for hundreds of years, and now there is only the last one left in Yu Ning's hands. The country is grateful to Ji Mingxia for sacrificing himself for the world and will not take action against his beloved Yu Ning , but he must be kept in the hospital for observation for a while, and he can be released only after confirming that there is no harm.

When Tong Jing woke up, Yu Ning had been in this hospital for half a month.

Since it is a hospital under the Institute, the medical staff in the entire hospital have naturally all been exposed to mysterious objects...

It's no wonder that after Yu Ning recovered his memory just now, he would chat with the medical staff like a good baby for almost an hour, and then give it away in person after the end.

During the conversation, Yu Ning had already taken away the special energy in these people!

After realizing this, Tong Jing felt speechless and frightened.

This Yu Ning is too cunning.

When others take one step, he directly counts ten steps, even if he is smart, he is cruel.

Such a person, once they become a climate, is a generation of heroes, and regards human life as a mustard.

Born in a weak period before his rise, he planted his heart in Ji Mingxia's hands.

And Ji Mingxia chose self-sacrifice in order to protect Yu Ning.

These two people...are a natural fit.

Tong Jing thought about it, the next moment, she suddenly came back to her senses.

Fucking together, Yu Ning killed her for Ji Mingxia, the account is not clear yet.

I want to borrow a bronze mirror to meet Ji Mingxia, I want to be beautiful!

People in the entire hospital have been in contact with mysterious objects for a long time, that is to say, for Yu Ning and Tongjing, the whole hospital is like a cafeteria, and the energy in everyone's body can be used for them Used.

Yu Ning regularly draws energy every day and inputs it into the bronze mirror.

Tong Jing didn't want to evolve at first, but one day, she didn't know what to think, suddenly figured it out, and actively cooperated with Yu Ning.

After two months, the bronze mirror absorbed enough energy and finally changed.

Tong Jing also evolved this ability for the first time, and was pleasantly surprised for a long time, until she found that Yu Ning was standing by the side, watching him quietly throughout the whole process, and Tong Jing came back to her senses.

She coughed dryly and said, "This is a time cage."

A clock is a prison in which a man can be placed and time is used to trap him.

The time inside the clock is completely different from the time outside.

Tong Jing can control the time in the clock to slow down, an hour has passed outside, and a long year has passed in the clock.

Just an hour.

This is simply a skill against the sky.

If Yu Ning Ji Mingxia met Tong Jing at the beginning, she had this strength, I am afraid that in the end only Ji Mingxia could walk out of the Quanzhuang Hotel alive. she has been subdued by Yu Ning, no matter how powerful she is, she must be used by Yu Ning.

After listening, Yu Ning said, "Put me in the clock."

"You go in?" Tong Jing said strangely, "What are you going in for?"

"Cultivation." Yu Ning said.

Tong Jing didn't understand Yu Ning's plan at first, but when Yu Ning walked out of the watch an hour later, Tong Jing realized after all the energy he had accumulated today.

The evolution of mysterious items is extremely difficult and requires a lot of energy and stamina.

Although Yu Ning is powerful, he is human after all.

Mysterious objects will not change for thousands of years, but human lifespan is not that long.

And with age, physical strength deteriorates, memory declines, and the possibility of success in the later stage is lower.

Yu Ning is obviously aware of this, so he plans to use the time cage of the bronze mirror to extend his cultivation time.

The outside world has only passed for an hour, but for Yu Ning and Tongjing, a year has passed, and all the energy has been absorbed, and the evolution of the bronze mirror is invisible.


This kind of thing, easy to say, but very scary to execute.

You must know that this skill was originally used to deal with enemies, not to learn, and naturally there are risks involved.

The time cage is like a small dark room. Once a person is locked in, his sense of sight, hearing and other senses will be deprived, and his consciousness will fall into confusion. Although he will not be hungry or sleep, but in this way In extreme circumstances, it is easy to have a mental breakdown.

Scientifically speaking, it only takes a week for a normal person to become a lunatic.

And this time cage is a whole year!

Thinking of this, Tong Jing looked at Yu Ning vigilantly, fearing that he would suddenly go crazy and shoot herself.

It would not be easy for her to live again, and if she dies again at the hands of a lunatic, Yu Ning, it will not be wrong.

Yu Ning's expression was calm, and he didn't look any different from an hour ago.

However, he sat quietly in front of the bed and looked at the sky and grass outside for a long time. When he had lunch at noon, it was slower than usual. Other than that, there was no other abnormality.

In the afternoon, Yu Ning said to Tong Jing, "Continue to let me in in the afternoon."

Tong Jing could only open the time cage once a month, but after Yu Ning practiced for a year in the morning, it has evolved to be able to open once a week.

"You still go in in the afternoon? Are you crazy??" Tong Jing said with wide eyes.

Yu Ning looked at her indifferently.

Tong Jing only felt a chill in her heart and muttered: "Let it go, it's you who went in anyway, not me."

When she came out for the second time, Yu Ning's expression was still calm.

For the next week, Yu Ning continued to enter the cage to cultivate.

The frequency of opening the time cage became higher and higher. In the end, Yu Ning's day turned into ten years.

He hasn't gone crazy yet, and he doesn't look much different from usual, but if you look closely, you will find that he has lost a lot of weight. The three-dimensional and rugged arc makes people who are originally gloomy look more gloomy.

Tong Jing always felt hairy in her eyes.

Yu Ning is not crazy yet, which is simply unreasonable.

Either he is on the verge of collapse and will lose his mind at any time, or... he has already gone crazy.

A lunatic is naturally not afraid of closing a small dark room. After all, a lunatic thinks differently from a normal person.

Although there are many people and more energy in the hospital, Yu Ning can't stand it like this.

Seeing that the energy of the entire hospital was drained by Yu Ning, and the practice could not go on for the time being, Tong Jing couldn't help but secretly rubbed and encouraged: "Yu Ning, this hospital has already been used for you. It's useless, aren't you going to leave here?"

"Get out of here?" Yu Ning was looking at the scenery outside the window, but she didn't look at Tong Jing, as if asking rhetorically and repeating her words.

Tong Jing said: "Yes, get out of here, go to those who have manipulated mysterious objects, catch them all, clean them up one by one, and clean them up..."

"Pack up one by one and deal with it." Yu Ning repeated, "This is a good idea."

Tong Jing saw the drama and said excitedly, "You agree?"

Yu Ning read a name: "Pei Yuan."

Pei Yuan? Isn't this one of the top experts in the institute?

Tong Jing got excited when she thought that Yu Ning was going to fight with Pei Yuan.

She has long been disliked by those people, and if Yu Ning wants to fight them, it would be better.

Dog bites dog, she must watch the show next to her, it is best to lose both, after Yu Ning was seriously injured, she took the opportunity to escape from Yu Ning, and there is only one mysterious item left in this world in the future. Don't be happy~

Tong Jing added excitedly: "If you can deal with Pei Yuan, and then cultivate, I will do my best to help you!"

Yu Ning finally turned his head, looked at Tong Jing and said, "You made a promise, if you go back on your promise, you will be backfired."

Tong Jing was stunned, and for some reason, an ominous premonition rose in her heart.

In just one week, Yu Ning spent nearly fifty years in the cage of time.

Although he is not crazy, his whole person has undergone invisible changes.

Not only Tong Jing felt it, but the medical staff also found something abnormal.

They tested Yu Ning several times, determined that there was an abnormality in Yu Ning, and could not find the reason, and finally reported the situation here to the research institute.

Since Ji Mingxia disappeared, everyone in the institute has been dispatched to take care of the aftermath.

It's almost over now.

The once special people have now become ordinary people. Many people cannot adapt to their new identities for a while, and a large number of unemployed vagabonds have appeared in the research institute.

At this time, Yu Ning's abnormal situation was reported. Anyway, he was idle. The institute immediately organized a large number of people to visit the hospital.

On a new day, early in the morning, the hospital seemed to give many medical staff a holiday, and the whole hospital became extraordinarily quiet.

Tong Jing quickly seized the opportunity and encouraged Yu Ning to take this opportunity to escape from the hospital.

Yu Ning was calm, no matter how Tong Jing persuaded him, he just pretended not to hear it.

Until more than a dozen cars drove into the hospital one after another, seeing Pei Yuan leading a large group of people down, Tong Jing was stunned.

She managed to persuade Yu Ning to take action against Pei Yuan and others, yet before they went out, why did Pei Yuan come to the door automatically?

And he came alone, so why, he had to bring so many people!

Pei Yuan led the way, and behind him, there were dozens of people, old and young, although Tong Jing didn't know her, but with the help of Yu Ning, her senses are now extraordinarily Keen, it can be seen almost at a glance that these people are all people who have controlled mysterious items.

Fewer than Pei Yuan.

With the group of people walking in, they didn't even get close to Yu Ning, the energy in their bodies, like beams of light, was pulled from their bodies and flew into Yu Ning's hands.

This group of people didn't feel anything during the whole process, let Yu Ning draw.

Tong Jing's face turned green when she saw this, this is a dog bites a dog.

This is clearly a wolf rushing into the flock, and the sheep automatically shed their hair and lie flat, leaving Yu Ning to slaughter...

When Pei Yuan and others came upstairs together and knocked on the door of Yu Ning's ward, Yu Ning had already scoured the energy.

A lot of energy filled the body, but it also nourished Yu Ning's body, making his originally pale and thin face a little rosy.

As soon as Pei Yuan and the others entered the ward, they saw Yu Ning sitting quietly and well-behaved on the bed, with delicate eyebrows and ruddy complexion.

Pei Yuan originally planned to test and appease Yu Ning, but when he saw that Yu Ning was in such a good state, he was relieved.

After Pei Yuan and others left, Yu Ning immediately looked at Tong Jing: "Start practicing."

He stripped the energy from his body and continued to inject it into the bronze mirror.

Without the nourishment of these energy, Yu Ning's face turned pale again, only a pair of eyes, as if there were endless flames burning.

He is so gloomy and crazy, and he is both intimidating and afraid, Tong Jing has no choice but to continue to work hard.

In the blink of an eye, a month passed, and after Tong Jing's time cage was opened ten times a day, she fell into a bottleneck and could no longer progress.

In the time cage, one hour outside is equal to one year inside. Tong Jing opens it ten times a day, and Yu Ningguang needs to practice for ten years in one day.

In one month, more than 300 years have passed, even if Yu Ning doesn't find it annoying, Tong Jing can't take it anymore.

From the outside, Yu Ning is no different from the past, calm like a pool of stagnant water, but Tong Jing is more and more afraid of him.

Sometimes even when Yu Ning glanced at her, Tong Jing felt chills down her spine.

After embarking on such a terrifying and crazy road, it is best to find Ji Mingxia in the end, if not...

Tong Jing didn't even dare to think about it.

Although her practice has fallen into a bottleneck, after hundreds of years of Yu Ning's efforts, Tong Jing's strength has already surpassed the past, and she has become the most powerful mirror spirit in history.

Yu Ning shuts down the small dark room to practice every day, and Tong Jing is bored, so he often leaves the hospital to relax and breathe outside.

Although she has been a mirror spirit for a long time, her activities are not wide, and she has always been active in the province.

Now that she is powerful, she can teleport thousands of miles away in an instant, so Tong Jing went to see more and farther places.

Everyone in her eyes is like a fast-forward story.

A person's life, she can read it in just a few seconds.

She traveled all over the world, met many people and saw many things.

In the beginning, Tong Jing was full of freshness and felt that everything was good outside, but gradually, after watching a lot, she became a little bored.

But after returning to Yu Ning, Tong Jing felt even more bored after seeing Yu Ning close the small dark room all day.

How can these humans always do things that she cannot understand.

Especially Yu Ning, is it worth torturing himself like this for Ji Mingxia?

The cage of time has been open for hundreds of years. Tong Jing, like Yu Ning, has also spent such a long time.

At this time, she has gradually forgotten what Ji Mingxia looks like.

She couldn't help being curious about Ji Mingxia again.

What kind of immortal character is this to make Yu Ning think about it like this.

Time is passing by little by little in the cage.

The bottleneck this time has stuck for Yu Ning for more than 500 years. When time has evolved to the extreme, they finally saw a ray of hope to leave this world.

Tong Jing never thought that the ability of space was really researched by Yu Ning!

"As long as we want, we can now open the space and go to the new world." Tong Jing said excitedly.

She has lost interest in the world and is eager to explore new areas.

However, when he turned his head and looked, he saw Yu Ning's face was solemn, and there was no joy at all.

Tong Jing suddenly reacted and muttered: "Space is more complicated than time, time can only go forward and backward, but space is like the universe, it will never be counted. Once we leave here , will quickly get lost in the new world... As for Ji Mingxia..."

Who knows what world he lives in.

There are billions of spaces, each space is a whole world.

To find Ji Mingxia under such circumstances is more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack.

Tong Jing spoke, her voice getting smaller and smaller, and she didn't dare to say more.

Since she opened the time cage, more than a thousand years have passed since the time inside.

A thousand years...

Tong Jing always felt that Yu Ning looked like a normal person on the surface, but in fact he was crazy.

Maybe from the day Ji Mingxia disappeared, Yu Ning went crazy. This madness has been on for a thousand years. If hope is dashed now, what will Yu Ning look like?

Tong Jing couldn't even think about it.

The next moment, the surrounding scene changed, and instantly changed from a hospital to a student dormitory.

This is the classroom of H University. At this moment, the three numbers of 502 are written on the dormitory number.

Isn't this the former dormitory of Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia?

Tong Jing was curious and authentic, followed Yu Ning through the dormitory door and walked in.

Luo Zixuan and Lin Cheng are sitting in front of the computer playing games.

With the current abilities of Yu Ning and Tong Jing, as long as they don't want to, ordinary people can't find their existence at all.

Yu Ning walked to his desk, gently pulled out a book from the shelf, and rummaged.

At this moment, the bed beside it rang, and a person climbed off the bed.

Tong Jing was just Yu Ning's roommate at first and didn't take it seriously, but when that person walked past her, Tong Jing's eyes swept away and she was shocked.

"Yu, Yu Ning...Ji Mingxia, looks like Ji Mingxia!" Tong Jing was so surprised that she stuttered.

Yu Ning didn't lift his head, as if he had expected that person to be here, and said, "It's not him."

"It's him, it's Ji Mingxia, exactly the same, look!" Tong Jing shouted.

Yu Ning had been looking for someone for so long, but she was in school, and Tong Jing couldn't help but get excited.

"It's not him, he is Ji Mingxia of this world." Yu Ning said.

Not long after Ji Mingxia disappeared, this Ji Mingxia reappeared on campus.

At first, everyone thought that Ji Mingxia was back.

But soon

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