MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 139 Conclusion

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I instantly mastered how to use the bronze mirror.

An unspeakable force was released from the bronze mirror, covering Yu Ning's entire body.

"You and I should never have had an intersection, forget me, forget all the memories of mysterious objects." Ji Mingxia said in his heart, his eyes stayed on Yu Ning's face reluctantly, "Goodbye, Yuning."

He loosened his hand, and the bronze mirror fell into Yu Ning's hand again.

The moment the bronze mirror fell, the last rays of light in Ji Mingxia's eyes also dissipated.

A dead energy permeated his body, an invisible force erupted with him as the center, the entire space was silent for a second, and then, an invisible surge of energy spread in a ring , razed to the ground everywhere.

The "boom" of the cracking of the earth spread all around, and the dust covered the entire mountain range, covering the entire city like a dark cloud, and it did not dissipate until the next day.

After the dust dissipated, the original mountain disappeared, leaving only a terrifying deep pit, in the center of the pit, only Yu Ning lay quietly, as if caught in a deep In sweet dreams...

A few hours later, Pei Yuan, Yanguang and others rushed to the pit.

Mysterious objects all over the world disappeared. Pei Yuan and others thought Ji Mingxia was still alive, but what they didn't expect was that when they arrived at the scene, they only saw Yu Ning alone.

"Where is Ji Mingxia?"

"Did he leave?"

"Impossible, Yu Ning is here, he can't leave."

"Then he died?"

The special energy of mysterious items has the ability to interfere with equipment. Just one mysterious item can isolate extreme detection, not to mention these tens of thousands of mysterious items. , the entire mountain range basically no one dares to approach.

It was not until the mysterious item was emptied that the satellite rescanned the entire area, and it was finally determined that Ji Mingxia had disappeared.

"He succeeded and left this world with those mysterious items..." Pei Yuan murmured.

The scene fell silent for a while, and no one thought that such a world-class crisis would be solved perfectly by a seemingly ordinary person like Ji Mingxia.

There are millions of mysterious items, although most of them have been conquered by Pei Yuan's ancestors, Ji Mingxia's second operation has reduced the difficulty a lot.

But no matter what, he took all the mysterious items with him.

He was never on the Institute's list, never got anyone's attention, never trained him, never gave him resources.

The crisis broke out, and when it was time to execute it, let Ji Mingxia face it alone, sacrifice himself, and fulfill everyone.

"What about this comatose person?" Someone asked Pei Yuandao for instructions.

"Ji Mingxia said that if he is alive, he will leave with Yu Ning. If he will make Yu Ning forget him." Pei Yuan couldn't help thinking of the relationship between Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia. He sighed softly, "The problem of the mysterious item is solved. Like us, Yu Ning will become an ordinary person. Let's take him to the hospital for treatment first."

The staff took Yu Ning into the ambulance and left, but no one noticed that at a certain moment, the bronze mirror in Yu Ning's hand moved slightly.


The moment the energy exploded, Ji Mingxia felt like she had no weight and floated lightly.

The endless power supported his soul to leap into the air, and his consciousness seemed to travel through the ethereal time and space.

At this moment, Ji Mingxia saw the mountains and rivers, the beautiful seabed, and the dust and noise of history.

His eyes crossed every corner of the world, saw every face, every detail, and all creatures in the world seemed to be at your fingertips.

Gradually, he flew higher and higher, rushed out of this space, saw the vast starry sky, and the eternal universe.

I don't know how long it has passed. At the end of the starry sky, Ji Mingxia seems to see a person squatting there.

When sensing Ji Mingxia's arrival, the man turned his head suddenly and looked at Ji Mingxia in horror.

The next moment, Ji Mingxia was also taken aback.

Because the person in front of me is none other than Ji Mingxia himself!

No, this man, it's him, but not him...

They have exactly the same face, but the expressions in their eyes are different.

"Who are you?" asked Ji Mingxia on the opposite side.

Ji Mingxia was stunned. He was about to answer when suddenly, a huge suction force pulled him back. Among…

Ji Mingxia shuddered and opened her eyes suddenly: "Yuning!"

In the small dormitory, Ji Mingxia's shouts were particularly loud, causing Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan to turn around and look at him in astonishment.

"Mingxia, are you all right." Lin Cheng said.

"This is a dream, and a spiritual dream, it seems that there is no problem with the body." Luo Zixuan said.

Ji Mingxia stared at them both blankly: "Why are you two here."

"Why can't we two be here?" Luo Zixuan said strangely.

Ji Mingxia was stunned for two seconds, then suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at his opposite bed.

He thought he would see Yu Ning's bed, but instead, all kinds of suitcases and clothes were piled up on the bed.

Ji Mingxia looked at the bed used for luggage, and felt both unfamiliar and familiar.

He turned his head and slowly looked over the entire dormitory, and finally his eyes stayed on the faces of Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan.

These two people also gave him a familiar and unfamiliar feeling.

"Do you know Yu Ning?" Ji Mingxia asked blankly.

"Yuning? Who is it?"

"It sounds like a girl's name, is it a girl from another class?"

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan looked at each other strangely.

An unspeakable chill swept through her body, Ji Mingxia shuddered: "The champion of our province, the student of H University, my roommate... Yu Ning."

Luo Zixuan saw Ji Mingxia's face pale and covered in cold sweat, and his face suddenly looked worried, he stepped forward and touched Ji Mingxia's forehead: "Are you confused, how can you say something? Strange words."

Ji Mingxia looked at Luo Zixuan's concerned expression, the past six months flashed in his mind, and tears welled up.

He understood, Dormitory 502 was still Dormitory 502, Lin Cheng was still Lin Cheng, and Luo Zixuan was still Luo Zixuan.

From the world of fiction, back to my own world.

His body returned to normal, indicating that the energy of the mysterious item was offset during the crossing.

He returned to the normal world, no mysterious objects, no supernatural events, and at the same time, there was no Pei Yuan, no one he admired most.

He will never have the chance to see Yu Ning again...

Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan have known Ji Mingxia for so long, and they panicked before seeing Ji Mingxia cry.

"Mingxia, what's wrong with you, don't scare me."

"Are you in pain? When you fell in the morning, everyone was startled. When they found you fell asleep, they carried you to the bed... If you are not feeling well, Why don't we take you to see the school doctor? Or call the teacher?"

Ji Mingxia looked at the two roommates and tried to control her emotions: "I'm fine."

Luo Zixuan saw that he had just finished wiping, and the tears immediately stayed again, and worriedly said: "Are you really all right."

"I'm fine, just... I'm not feeling well, I'm a little sleepy, you don't mind me, I'll just get some sleep."

At this moment, the bell rang for the class. Although Luo Zixuan and Lin Cheng were not in a good state of mind, their health was indeed fine, so they could only go to class first.

But unexpectedly, the novel could no longer be found in his mobile phone.

Ji Mingxia was shocked, and immediately searched the Internet, but searched the whole Internet, and could no longer find any clues about the novel.

The novel that made Ji Mingxia go crazy, just like his past with Yu Ning, seems to have been imagined by Ji Mingxia. When he woke up from the dream, he could never find a trace traces.

Ji Mingxia stared blankly at the phone, unable to recover for a long time.

That night, Ji Mingxia became seriously ill. He had a fever again and again for nearly a week before barely recovering.

After falling ill, Ji Mingxia's whole body changed. Not only did she lose a lot of weight in a short period of time, but her whole body became much depressed.

Feeling Lin Cheng and Luo Zixuan's worries, Ji Mingxia wanted to explain a few times, but he didn't know where to start.

His self-regulation ability has always been very strong. When encountering big things, he can fall asleep quickly that night.

Not this time.

He is not a child, a week has passed, Ji Mingxia has already accepted the reality, but he just can't lift it up.

Lack of interest in everything, most of the time, he just wants to sit in the corner alone and be in a daze.

In the evening, Ji Mingxia went back to the dormitory after a day of classes.

The auntie who was eating fruit and chasing the drama saw him passing by, and suddenly stopped him: "Hey, this classmate."

Ji Mingxia turned her head to look at the auntie.

The auntie looked at the card in her hand, looked at Ji Mingxia again, and then waved to Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia walked over with some doubts.

"Did you lose your campus card?" said the housekeeper aunt.

Ji Mingxia shook his head: "No."

"Then what's your name?" said the auntie.

"Ji Mingxia." Ji Mingxia replied.

The auntie housekeeper heard the words, looked at the card in her hand, and compared it with Ji Mingxia.

Ji Mingxia also took a look at the auntie's hand, because he was standing outside the window, he couldn't see what the auntie was holding, only a little blue in the corner, it seemed Some look familiar.

The next moment, the housekeeper gave the card to Ji Mingxia: "This is what you lost."

Ji Mingxia took it over and took a look, the next second, she was stunned.

This is a high school card with slight wear on both sides, which shows that its owner is using it regularly.

Although there are no special marks on the front and back, and no name is written, but Ji Mingxia still recognized it at a glance, this is Ji Mingxia's card.

Not him, but another world, the campus card used by Ji Mingxia in the novel world!

Why is this card here?

Ji Mingxia's heart trembled, and her voice trembled: "Auntie, where did you get this card?"

"A classmate gave it to me, oh, that's handsome." Aunt She Guan smiled, suddenly looked past Ji Mingxia, looked at the door and said, "Here, he's here."

Ji Mingxia turned around and saw Yu Ning standing beside the dormitory door.

Outdoor light came in and gave him a soft glow.

His eyes fell on Ji Mingxia, his expression was gentle, and he was the person who Ji Mingxia thought about.

Ji Mingxia's lips trembled slightly, but in the end she said nothing, rushed over and hugged him tightly.

The setting sun fell on them, pulling the two embracing figures long.

The evening wind was blowing slowly, and the leaves on the side of the trail were rustled by the wind.

Summer is here.

[End of text]

Read The Duke's Passion