MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 122 Secret (thirteen)

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When Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning left the school, it was already evening. They drove all the way to the airport, waited for the plane, took off, landed and disembarked, and by the time they landed, it was already midnight.

Before getting on the plane, Ji Mingxia never found a chance to call her grandma alone.

After the plane landed, she went to bed early in the evening, so Ji Mingxia naturally couldn't bear to talk late at night.

Forget the time, it will take several hours to return from the airport to Jiaoye Village. When they got home, grandma just woke up...

Ji Mingxia looked at the phone and sighed silently in her heart.

It seems that this time, I really have to give grandma a "surprise".

Ji Mingxia couldn't help but feel fortunate in his heart, fortunately, during the summer vacation, he sticks beside his grandma every day, and makes grandma happy when he has nothing to do.

The relationship between grandparents and grandchildren has been greatly eased, and Ji Mingxia has also grasped the character of grandma.

Even if Grandma Ji didn't accept Yu Ning at first, Ji Mingxia still had a way to convince her.

After all, Yu Ning is so good, who doesn't like him.

The airport is located in the urban area, and it is a certain distance from Funan County. The bus to Jiaoye Village does not operate at night.

Ji Mingxia was just worried about how to get a taxi, but as soon as the two walked out of the airport, they met the driver who was soliciting.

The driver who solicited customers stood at the entrance and shouted to the people passing by.

Ji Mingxia saw this, his eyes lit up, he pulled Yu Ning and immediately stepped forward and asked, "Are you going to Jiaoye Village?"

The driver couldn't help but glance up and down at Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning.

The two tall young men, although wearing masks, can see that they are two handsome guys just by looking at their eyebrows.

"Are you locals going home?" the driver said, "Go, but you will have to increase the price, one hundred and fifty per person."

"Okay." Ji Mingxia said simply.

This price is actually a bit more expensive than usual, but at night, he doesn't bother to bargain.

The driver was very happy to see Ji Mingxia so straightforward, and led them towards the car, while walking: "This is the price of carpooling, and there are a few girls in the car, who are also going to Funan. County, but they are foreigners."

Ji Mingxia said, "Outsiders? Going to the county so late."

"Chasing the stars?" Ji Mingxia never expected such an answer.

Funan County is just a small place. As far as Ji Mingxia knows, currently on the Internet, the most famous and most fans in Funan County... It seems that only Yu Ning...

Are these people here for Yu Ning?

Ji Mingxia was taken aback and thought the answer was incredible, Yu Ning's fans shouldn't be so crazy, right? ?

But besides Yu Ning, I really can't think of anyone else.

Thinking of this, Ji Mingxia hurriedly asked: "What star are you chasing, did they say who they came to see in Funan County?"

Here, hey, here we go, just this car."

The driver said, walked to a seven-seater commercial vehicle and opened the door.

Ji Mingxia's heart tightened, and the conditioned reflex blocked Yu Ning behind him, raised his head nervously and looked into the car.

There were several young girls sitting in the car. As the door opened, they turned their heads and glanced at Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning.

This kind of expression, Ji Mingxia often sees in school, is a very normal reaction.

It doesn't seem to be for Yu Ning?

If she came from out of town for Yu Ning, she should be a very fanatical fan who could recognize Yu Ning at a glance.

But these girls obviously don't know Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia.

After confirming this, Ji Mingxia suddenly felt relieved, and there was still a little embarrassment in her heart.

Yu Ning had already stretched out his hand to hold the door and the roof of the car. Ji Mingxia saw this and naturally stepped forward and got into the car.

After Yu Ning was also seated, Ji Mingxia put down her backpack and acted as the spokesperson for the two again, greeting the girls in the car, "Hello."

Several girls were chatting together, but after Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia came up, their eyes stayed on the two of them.

After Ji Mingxia took the initiative to speak, several girls were quite happy, and one of the girls with a camera said: "How are you, you are also going to Funan County?"

Ji Mingxia nodded.

The girl's eyes lit up: "Then you are also rice paper? I didn't expect my brother to have male fans!"

"Where did you come from, why are you so late."

"We have prepared a lot of small gifts for support here. Do you want to share them with you? Let's cheer for brother together."

Several girls thought they had met a friend, and immediately became warm and authentic.

As soon as Ji Mingxia heard it, he quickly said: "No, no, we are not here to chase stars, we are going home."

The driver's brother was in the front row preparing to start the car, and when he heard their conversation, he immediately chuckled: "Little girl, the two of them are locals, college students are going home on New Year's Day."

Ji Mingxia said: "Yes, we are going back to our hometown."

"That's it." The girls were still very excited when they heard the words, "If you are college students, you would be about the same age as our brother. Maybe you were classmates before? I heard that Funan County is very small and elementary school. There are only a few middle schools, do you know our brother?"

Ji Mingxia asked curiously, "Who is your brother, rice paper?"

"No, rice paper is the nickname of our fans." The girl smiled, "Our brother is one of GOJ's members, called Ke Chengxuan, an idol who returned from overseas to develop, and Funan County is his hometown. This time I came back to help promote my hometown, we have liked him for a long time, and we came here specially to meet him."

When they were talking, you told Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning the history of GOJ's development, as well as Ke Chengxuan's journey to the stars, Ji Mingxia was in a fog and didn't know what to say. .

Ji Mingxia glanced at Yu Ning with a guilty conscience.

He was dressed in the book and exchanged identities with Ji Mingxia of this world.

Although the world in the book is a parallel space to his own world, but after all, it is in the world of novels, influenced by the protagonist and the plot, the past experience and Ji Mingxia's own past are always somewhat different.

Ji Mingxia just passed through last year and just got acquainted with the environment. With the coming of the college entrance examination, he left the high school campus.

When Yu Ning saw Ji Mingxia looking at him, he also glanced back, very calm.

Ji Mingxia immediately understood what Yu Ning meant.

He was always isolated at school and had no friends at all.

No one cares about him, and he naturally doesn't care about others.

Yuning is so calm, Ji Mingxia is also calm.

Anyway, these girls don't know him, and they don't know Ji Mingxia's social skills.

At this moment, he just has to pretend to be a society who doesn't like chasing stars and watching gossip.

After a few star-chasing girls finished popularizing GOJ, they saw that Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia didn't speak, and asked again: "Do you know my brother, is it his classmate, or did he have anything from when he was in school? Can you share some gossip with us?"

Ji Mingxia shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to this, I don't know him."

"How is it possible, when our brother was in school, he was a popular celebrity in the school. Even if you don't know it, you should have heard of it?" A girl said in disbelief.

"There are a lot of rumors about him on the Internet. Even if you are in different schools, you must have heard of him. You don't know him, do you deliberately refuse to talk about him?" Another girl guessed, "Don't worry, we are just curious and won't talk nonsense everywhere."

Ji Mingxia reluctantly said: "I really don't know, under normal circumstances, I only pay attention to two kinds of people, one is good academic performance, and the school is very popular, and the other is beautiful Yes. Boys, most of them are buddies, so they won't look carefully."

Several girls heard this and didn't know what to think, their faces suddenly became very strange, the girl with the camera looked at Ji Mingxia suspiciously and said, "You won't be a fan of Yu Ning. Bar?"

"Ah?" Ji Mingxia didn't expect that she would suddenly hear Yu Ning's name, and her expression tightened, "Why, why did you suddenly mention Yu Ning."

As soon as the girl heard his words, she showed such an expression as she expected: "I knew it must be a Yu Ning fan. Only Yu Ning fans would not admit it. When our brother went to school, he was a popular student in the whole school. God is fascinated."

Ji Mingxia looked at her inexplicably: "Study gods and people?

Another girl immediately said: "Yes, Yu Ning is famous for imitating our brother's character, don't you know?"

He has good grades in studies, he is gentle and sensible, and has been a fan of many younger brothers and sisters since he was a child. Even if he went abroad later, there are also legends about him in the rivers and lakes.

"Yu Ning... I don't want to comment on the specifics. Anyway, he became popular on the Internet last year. The marketing point is nothing more than an orphan, a handsome appearance that is different from ordinary people, and learning from gods... These are not Are they all imitating our brother, other people play the rest, he picks it up and sells it again, it's boring."

"It's just learning."

"Anyway, our brother has returned to China. Who is better, we will see later."

After the girls finished speaking, they stopped looking at Ji Mingxia, and continued to form a group to discuss some interesting things in the circle.

After Ji Mingxia was stunned, her whole body was about to explode.

What's the situation, what they mean, Yu Ning and people bumped into the character design, and they think that Yu Ning is a good student?

Let's not say that Yu Ning is the protagonist of this world, he is the core of the world, and Ji Mingxia is the reader's favorite character.

The things that happened to Yu Ning are real, and they are all avoided by ordinary people.

This is not a good thing, there is nothing to learn.

Ji Mingxia was just planning to have a good theory with them and talk to the crowd, and at this moment, his hand was suddenly held.

Ji Mingxia turned around and heard Yu Ning say to him: "You will get motion sickness, rest well."


"It's nothing but, don't worry about it." Yu Ning said, unscrewed the bottle of mineral water, and handed the bottle to Ji Mingxia.

Seeing his calm eyes, Ji Mingxia really didn't care. He took a few sips of the water handed over and slowly calmed down.

Something like that happened at school during the day, Yu Ning is at the cusp of the storm now, if Ji Mingxia quarrels with others, it will easily lead to trouble.

Now he just wants to take Yu Ning home, rest peacefully for a few days, and change his mood. There is no need to fight with people on the road.

Besides, these fans flew to the remote Funan County at night, just to see their idols, enough to see how much they liked them.

Just like Ji Mingxia likes Yu Ning, he can't listen to other people's bad words, no matter how the other party explains, he won't listen.

There are people in this world who like Yu Ning like Ji Mingxia, and naturally there are people who hate him.

However, since the fans of the other party hate Yu Ning so much, as a fan of Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia also made a unilateral announcement in her heart.

He also wants to add the idol of the other party to the blacklist he hates!

Ke Chengxuan, right? In the future, if you encounter posts that mock him when surfing the Internet, you must like them secretly

Read The Duke's Passion