MTL - The Heartthrob Protagonist Just Wants To Monopolize Me-Chapter 121 Secret (12)

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Ji Mingxia raised her hand and gently touched the corner of Yu Ning's eye with his fingertips.

Yu Ning's long eyelashes trembled, but he did not escape.

A touch of thick black dazzled in Yu Ning's eyes, like ink-colored flowers blooming in his eyes, covered with silver little by little, under Ji Mingxia's gaze, Yu Ning's eyes gradually back to black.

Ji Mingxia watched the changes in Yu Ning's eyes throughout the whole process.

Yu Ning looked at Ji Mingxia deeply, his Adam's apple moved slightly, just as he was about to say something, a small sound came from the side.

Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning turned their heads and saw that Father Ding, who was lying on the ground, moved slightly, and seemed to be waking up.

Yu Ning thought of Ji Mingxia's compliment, and said slowly: "They are very strong, these dozens of mysterious items each have their own uses, the bronze mirror may be discovered at any time, fortunately you transfer I can't get their attention, otherwise I can't arrange it successfully."

Even before Ji Mingxia arrived, Yu Ning had already pulled the entire dormitory into the bronze mirror.

But the Ding family's attention is all on him. Although Yu Ning can activate the bronze mirror at any time, the Ding family and his wife are too strong. Can drive them out, can't hurt them.

A mysterious object confronts more than a dozen mysterious objects, and it is Yu Ning who confronts the Ding family and his wife alone, he has no chance of winning.

I didn't expect that at this moment, Ji Mingxia suddenly came in.

The door of the dormitory was open, Ji Mingxia and the Ding family were constantly arguing back and forth. The Ding family should not only pay attention to Ji Mingxia, but also pay attention to the students who probed outside the door.

At first, Ye Chen helped to speak, and the couple just sat on the sidelines and watched.

But when Ye Chen stepped aside, the Ding family and his wife had no choice but to argue in person.

They are not good at communicating with young people. Under Ji Mingxia's verbal attack, they are even more defeated.

Just refuting a Ji Mingxia is enough, and he has no time to defend himself.

Yu Ning took this opportunity to not only pull everyone into the illusion, but also directly differentiate the mysterious items in the hands of the Ding family, cut off the communication between them at the last moment Turning defeat into victory made Ding's father and Ding's mother suffer the consequences.

Now they are back in the real world, the dormitory door has not been opened for a long time, and the classmates outside the door are anxious, making noises and trying to open the door.

Seeing this, Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning understood that this was not the time to chat, and the two of them split up in tacit understanding.

Yu Ning walked to the Ding family and his wife and woke them up. Ji Mingxia came to the door and helped Ye Chen up.

"Ye Chen, Ye Chen? Are you all right?" Ji Mingxia saw that Ye Chen had no injuries and tried to wake him up.

Ye Chen frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Ji Mingxia looking at him with concern, Ye Chen froze for a moment: "Mingxia?"

"Are you okay? How are you feeling?" Ji Mingxia asked.

Ye Chen looked down at himself, shook his head, and when he found that Ding's father and Ding's mother also fainted, he asked in doubt, "I'm fine... What happened?"

"After you answered my words, you were pushed by Ding Jialin's father, hit the door, and closed the door." Ji Mingxia briefly explained what had just happened.

When he learned that Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning had actually defeated Ding's father and Ding's mother, Ye Chen was startled, and slowly heaved a sigh of relief: "I'm fine, the moment he pushed me, I Just passed out."

Ji Mingxia nodded and helped Ye Chen up.

At the other end of the dormitory, Father Ding and Mother Ding also slowly opened their eyes.

When they found that they had returned to the dormitory again, and all the mysterious objects on their bodies had disappeared, their expressions changed greatly.

Father Ding struggled to get up and wanted to do something to Yu Ning, but he and Mother Ding were old after all. It's easy, let alone getting close to Yu Ning.

Father Ding pressed his head angrily and shouted to Yu Ning unwillingly: "Yu Ning, you have hidden mysterious items and did not report it to the research institute, you are courting death! Hurry up! Our spiritual tools are still here, those things are not for you to take, be careful to take them, they are useless!"

Yu Ning just pretended not to hear him, didn't even look at him, and walked directly to Ji Mingxia.

Mother Ding also got up slowly, leaning on Father Ding, seeing Ji Mingxia, Yu Ning and Ye Chen standing together, and her side had lost all power, completely reduced to ordinary people, Rao is Mother Ding changed her face.

She stared at Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia gloomily, and said gloomily: "Yu Ning, those mysterious items have been in our hands for more than ten years, and all of them have been refined into spiritual weapons by us. Although you are very talented, But those things are not within your control. Even if we can't get them back, and we won't hold you accountable, you should understand the truth of the innocence and the guilt..."

Yu Ning is not good at arguing with others, so she does not respond to Ding's father and Ding's mother, but Ji Mingxia is different.

Listening to the husband and wife constantly threatening Yu Ning, Ji Mingxia immediately said: "I looked at those things... They seem to be antiques, even if we don't use them, we can hand them over to the state, museums, and cultural bureaus. , there will always be someone willing to accept it, who said we must keep it in our hands."

Mysterious items have always been extremely precious. After anyone who knows them gets them, anyone who can use the power in them will not be able to give them away.

Mother Ding never thought that there would be such a plan.

Ji Mingxia's voice fell, and Yu Ning's face had a vaguely agreeable look, it seemed that Ji Mingxia would do what he said.

Ding's father and Ding's mother saw it, their eyes were splitting, and they wished to tear Ji Mingxia's hands off on the spot: "You are crazy, you are courting death!"

Mother Ding shouted: "Give them back to us, I can promise not to tell everything that happened today, otherwise, just beat your parents, Yu Ning, you must It will be ruined!"

At this moment, the production management found the key, followed the classmates to the bedroom, took out the key to open the door.

The battle between Yu Ning and the Ding family is over, the door of this dormitory can be opened easily.

A group of people poured in, impartial, just in time to hear the words of Mother Ding threatening Yu Ning.

"Yu Ningmingxia, are you all right?"

"I'm going, it's too shameless, to actually threaten Yu Ning?"

"I saw with my own eyes that they beat Ye Chen, and now I want to frame Yu Ning."

"Don't panic! My phone's video has been on, and I have recorded the footage of them beating people. These are the evidence!"

"Call the police! Let the police handle it!"

A large group of classmates shouted with their mobile phones, all of them glaring at the Ding family couple.

The Ding family had just lost and lost all the mysterious items, and now they were besieged by such a large group of people. Listening to their taunting and scolding, Ding’s father only felt anxious and almost fainted.

In the chaos, first the school leaders rushed over, followed by the police car and the ambulance.

Although Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning are adults, the incident happened in the school, and they are students, so the school leaders personally took charge and negotiated with the Ding family and the police.

Currently, the Ding family can't prove that they are Yu Ning's parents, and they have disputes with people in the dormitory, and even in the hands of many people, there is also a video of them beating Ye Chen.

Although the Ding family was pale and kept shouting that they had injuries, but in fact they did not have any wounds, so the couple was taken away by the police first.

After appeasing Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia, the school leaders apologized in person. The school management improperly put Ding's parents and Ding's mother in, almost putting the students in danger.

Considering that Ding's father and Ding's mother are not good stubborn, and the matter of Yu Ning has gradually fermented on the Internet, the school finally decided to give Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia a few days off to let them temporarily shelter from the wind Head, go out and relax.

With the departure of the school leaders, a group of students who were watching the fun were also dismissed.

After the commotion, in the end, next to Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning, only the silent Ye Chen was left.

Since Ji Mingxia and Yu Ning were together, she was a little embarrassed when facing Ye Chen. Ji Mingxia had not chatted with Ye Chen privately for a long time.

What's more, so many things happened today, not long ago, he even confronted Ye Chen **** for tat.

Rao is good at socializing like Ji Mingxia. At this moment, he also has a feeling that he doesn't know how to face Ye Chen.

Yu Ning has always been reticent, and Ji Mingxia didn't know how to speak, and the atmosphere kept falling into a deadlock of silence.

In the end, Ye Chen took the initiative: "Thank you for saving me and reminding me..."

When Ji Mingxia heard the words, his heart softened: "I'm sorry Ye Chen, I didn't mean to say that before."

"I know." Ye Chen shook his head and smiled bitterly, "I'm too stupid to be a lobbyist for the enemy, but the final result is good, otherwise I'm afraid I will regret it for the rest of my life. ."

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he tried his best to sort out his emotions, looked at Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia with a smile and said, "Then what are your plans for the next step? So many things happened today, and there are also different opinions on the Internet. Few people pay attention to public opinion, do you want to leave here temporarily, I will arrange a vacation for you, relax for a while and then come back?"

"No need, no need, I plan to go back to my hometown." Ji Mingxia said quickly.

"I remember, you plan to take Yu Ning home." Ye Chen's eyes darkened, and he said, "I wish you all a smooth journey."

"Goodbye." Ji Mingxia said, and turned to leave together with Yu Ning.

Ye Chen stood there and watched them go away.

It was already evening, and the evening sun shone on them, pulling their shadows long.

Looking from Ye Chen's point of view, Yu Ning and Ji Mingxia were holding hands, facing the sunset and gradually walking away, their figures became more and more hazy and blurred, as if they were about to be engulfed by light , to another unreachable world.

In Ye Chen's heart, an indescribable feeling suddenly surged up.

It seems that after saying goodbye this time, there will be no chance to see each other again in this life.

He couldn't help shouting: "Mingxia!"

Ji Mingxia, who was about to find a car with Yu Ning to go to the airport, heard Ye Chen's voice and turned to look at him.

"Bless you all, be sure to be happy." Ye Chen said, "All of you are well."

Ji Mingxia didn't expect to receive Ye Chen's blessing, he glanced at Yu Ning, his face flushed, and nodded to Ye Chen.

Yu Ning seemed to be in a good mood, and smiled at Ji Mingxia: "Then let's go home together?"

Ji Mingxia coughed dryly, trying to hide the unnatural expression on his face.

There is a problem, he has never had a chance to talk to Yu Ning.

Just when she learned of Yu Ning's accident, Ji Mingxia was so anxious that she took a taxi back to school on the spot.

On the way, Ji Mingxia called her grandmother and only told her that he would not go back for the time being. As for the rest, Ji Mingxia did not explain much.

After returning to school, he heard Ye Chen say that Yu Ning had no home, and saw with his own eyes how Ding’s father and Ding’s mother treated Yu Ning harshly, Ji Mingxia was impulsive and put up with it He kept lying and said that he was going to take Yu Ning back to see his grandma.

He wanted to tell Ding's father and Ding's mother that Yu Ning was not an orphan without a home, although he was once abandoned, but now Yu Ning, many people like to love him, as long as he wants, he will always be A home was waiting for him.

However, in fact, in front of Grandma Ji, Ji Mingxia mentioned to take Yu Ning home!

Seeing the smile on Yu Ning's face, Ji Mingxia couldn't bear to tell the truth.

He could only nod reluctantly, then looked down at the plane ticket, his brain was racing, when he and Yu Ning went back, how should he explain to grandma that he brought a man home for the night?

Ji Mingxia was so worried in her heart that she was full of pictures of herself being chased and beaten by her grandmother with a broom, so she didn't notice, Yu Ning looked at him and smiled even more.

Read The Duke's Passion