MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 50 Children's tenth 5

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This thought is fleeting. The next moment, a black lacquered ceiling will fill Wei’s vision.

Nie Mingzhen seems to be lying on a cold iron table, and his limbs are all copied by the heavy chain.

The room was a bit familiar, with a wall full of books and two treasures on the walls.

It was the secret room behind the bronze mirror of Jin Guangyao’s temple.

At this time, Nie Mingzhen had already gone into flames and exploded, and he should have been buried in the graveyard of Nie’s in Qinghe. But at this moment, he was lying on the iron table in the Jinlintai secret room. The chain that tied his limbs was almost deformed, and he was blind and staring in one direction.

Next to the iron table, there is a lot of red or dark red blood, and throwing axe, dagger, saw, hammer and other weapons, a sinister. There was a man sitting in the middle, and his head was scattered and he was hiding his face.

Nie Mingqi’s mouth uttered the roar of the murderous corpse. This person was a spirited, licking his ears and raised his face. It was Jin Guangyao.

He quietly looked at Nie Mingxi, with a tired face, saying: "Why are you not willing to close your eyes?"

For Jin Guangyao's inquiry, Nie Mingzhen responded with a more horrible roar. Jin Guangyao paled his face and staggered from the ground, reaching out and closing Nie Mingxi’s eyes. But when the pair of eyelids were closed, Nie Mingzhen immediately opened, and reported a more angry gaze, staring at him.

Jin Guangyao put up his palm and mourned to him: "Big brother, you close your eyes. Don't come to me again."

He lifted a seemingly heavy axe from the ground and said, "I don't want to do this. I really can't do it."

As he pleaded with such enthusiasm, he raised his axe high, and the black and white eyes were wide open, and he fell to the neck of Nie Mingqi!

Wei Wuxi said: "I have never tried to see the empathy after death. He will kneel down with this axe. Will it hurt?! It shouldn't be, everyone is dead!"

However, the axe had not yet fallen, and he heard a voice calling him far away:

"Wei Ying."

The sound was cold and low, and the first sound was very vague, far away, and it seemed to be illusory. The second sound is clear and really a lot, and the voice can still hear the anxiety that is not easy to detect.

Hearing, Wei Wuxi violently pulled himself out!

He was still a thin paper man, attached to Nie Mingzhen's iron helmet with his head covered. The armor sheet covering Nie Ming's eyes has been pulled by him, revealing a glaring, blood-stained eye.

Forced empathy dragged the pace, the rest of the time is not much, must immediately return to the flesh!

The paper man shook his sleeves, and the butterfly's vibration wings generally flew out. Who knows, as soon as he rushed out of the curtain, he saw a dark corner of the chamber and stood alone.

Jin Guangyao smiled slightly and said: "I have finally appeared."

He actually stood still for so long without leaving!

Daddy, Jin Guangyao pulled a soft sword from his waist. It is his famous sword that hates being born.

At that time, Jin Guangyao lurked under the edge of Wen Ruohan, often hiding this soft sword in his waist, wrapped around his wrist, used in various key moments, never been discovered. Although the sword-fighting swordsman seems to be soft to the extreme, the sword is lingering, but it is sinister and sharp, and the ghost is not scattered. Once entangled in its blade, Jin Guangyao will use a strange spiritual power to be twisted into a piece of soft sword that looks like a spring water. Many famous swords are destroyed by it into a pile of scrap iron. . At this moment, the blade is like a poisonous snake shimmering in silver, chasing the paper man bite tightly. As long as you don't pay attention, you will be bitten by the poisonous tooth of this snake!

The paper man slammed his sleeves and flicked left to hide, and he was flexible and dodge, but after all, it was not his own body. After a few flashes, he was struggling, and he was almost bitten by the hate. If you go on like this, you can't be pierced!

Suddenly, he saw a long sword lying quietly above the wooden lattice in front of the wall. This sword has not been touched for many years, and the blade and the surrounding area have been covered with dust.


The paper man flew into the wood and slammed his foot on the casual hilt.

With a bang, the call came out, and Jianfeng popped the scabbard!

Feel free to fly out of the sheath, and insert it into the sword light that is hated by the people. Jin Guangyao's right hand wrist flexed a few turns, hating the life as if it was a twist, and twisted the straight white sword. When he saw a twist, he couldn’t help it, and immediately withdrew his hand, let the two swords fight, and handed a spell to the paper man. The spell burned a raging fire in midair, and the paper man felt the burning wave coming from the face. The two swords in the air battled into a silvery light, fluttering the paper sleeves, rushing out of the secret room and flying out of the temple. !

Time is running out, Wei Wuzhen can no longer disguise as waste paper or butterfly, all the way to fly. Before flying to the secluded room, just blue forgot to open the door, he struggled and flew to the face of the blue forget machine.

The paper man squatted tightly against the half of the face of the blue forgetting machine, and seemed to be shaking. The blue forgetting machine blocked his two eyes with his two wide sleeves, and let him shake his face for a while, then gently knocked him down and put it on the palm of his body, and successfully returned to his position.

Wei Wuzhen immediately took a deep breath, raised his head, opened his eyes, and stood up. Who knows, he just returned to his soul, the body has not yet quickly adapted, a faint stun, forward leaning, see, blue forget the machine immediately caught him. Unexpectedly, Wei Wuqi was suddenly slammed up, and the top of his head slammed into the jaw of the blue forgetting machine, and the two of them were sullen.

Wei Wuzhen touched his head with one hand, touched the jaw of the blue forgetting machine with one hand, and said: "Oh! I can't help it. Blue Zhan, are you okay?"

He touched him twice, and the blue forgot to open his hand gently, looked at the other direction, shook his head and said nothing. Wei Wuzhen pulled him and said: "Go!"

Blue did not ask too much, first got up and walked with him, and then said: "Where to go."

Wei Wuwei said: "The temple! There is a secret room behind the mirror of Jin Guangyao. His wife broke something about him and was dragged in by him, still inside!"

Jin Guangyao discovered the existence of the paper man, and will immediately re-strengthen the piece of the nail on the head of Nie Mingzhen, and the original plan is not completed. But his wife, Qin Lan, could not be transferred! After all, it is a big living person, and the wife of the Lord of Jinlintai. She also talked with other women's women at the banquet. If she suddenly disappears, no one can doubt it. When the time comes, I will rush in, and I will not give Jin Guangyao a little lie and seal time!

Because they have to seize the opportunity, they will not be allowed to sneak. The two are as crowded as the mountains and people are blocking the kick. Blue forgot to wear a sword, Jin Guangyao trained these students in the vicinity of the temple to be very alert, once someone invaded, even if they could not stop, they would loudly warn the host to remind the owner. But at this moment, it is clever and clever. The more alarming their police are, the more unfavorable the situation is to Jin Guangyao. Because today and very day, it is the day of the banquet of the grand meeting, countless Xianmen family gathered here, in addition to reminding Jin Guangyao in the temple, the police will also attract them!

The first to arrive is Jinling. He was originally squatting under the steps of the temple, seemingly hesitating. When I saw Wei Wuzhen and Blue forget the machine, Jin Ling wondered: "What are you doing here?"

Wei Wuwei said: "What are you doing here?"

Jin Lingdao: "I came to my uncle to borrow something."

Wei Wuwei said: "What?"

Jin Ling said: "Do you manage it? I don't want to borrow now."

During the talk, Blue Forgot has embarked on the third-order Ruyi, knocking on the high door of the temple.

Jin Ling was alert and said: "This is my little uncle's sleeping hall. Have you gone to the wrong place? No, you are coming in. What are you doing?"

The door of the sleeping hall is very strong. It seems that it is inseparable. Wei Wuzhen is not a producer who can drill the door now. He also knocked the door politely with the blue forgetting machine, saying: "Golden Lord?" Jin Xiandu?"

The family’s heads and monks who had been waiting for a banquet near the banquet hall also rushed over. They all said: “What is going on?” “Why is this so embarrassing?” “This is the Governor’s Sleeping in the hall? Just heard the voice of the invading police..."

Nie Huai sang was uneasy, and Lan Yuchen smirked.

There is no sound in the sleeping hall. Jin Guangyao may be hiding inside, for how to deal with the smashing of the Qin dynasty. Wei Wuxi said again: "Golden lord, are you inside? If you are, please open the door, sooner or later."

Jin Ling angered: "What do you want to do? Bring people over!"

Lan Yichen walked up and whispered: "...inside?"

He asked Nie Mingxi's head.

Wei Wuzhen nodded.

At this moment, a voice with a smile came: "Hey? Zhu Jun, what are you doing here? Coming soon, why not attend?"

Jin Guangyao came out from the crowd, and Lan Yuchen whispered: "Ayao, you are coming. This Mo Gongzi said that something was found in your bedroom."

Wei Wuzhen added: "The secret room of the sleeping hall."

Jin Guangyao stunned and said: "The secret room? Hey, my sleeping hall, there is such a secret room, treasure room. What happened?"

When everyone was suspicious, Jin Guangyao asked in general: "What is it? The secret room is not unusual? As long as there are some magic weapons at the bottom of the box, who has not a few treasure rooms?"

Blue forgets the machine: "Golden lord, say no benefit, open the door."

Jin Guangyao seems to be very strange and somewhat embarrassed. He said: "...With Guangjun, since it is called a treasure room, the things placed there must be hidden and only for one person to enjoy. Suddenly let me open, This……"

In such a short time, Jin Guangyao could not transport Qin Qin to other places. It is also impossible to use the transfer character, the transfer character can only transmit the operator, and according to the current situation of Qin Yu, she is absolutely impossible to use the transfer character. At this moment, Qin Hao should be inside.

Either live or dead. Whether it is dead or alive, it will be fatal to Jin Guangyao.

Jin Guangyao is dying and struggling, still so calm, pushing the east. Unfortunately, the more the resignation, the more determined the tone of Lan Yichen: "Ayao, open."

Jin Guangyao decided to look at him, suddenly smiled and said: "Since the second brother said so, then I have to open it for everyone to see."

He stood in front of the door and waved his hand. The temple is wide open.

Among the crowds, suddenly one person was cold and cold: "The rumor is that Gu Sulan is the most important, so it seems that rumors are just rumors. It is a great gift to be forced into the bedroom of the head of the family."

Just above the square, Wei Wuzhen heard the Jin family's students greet this person with respect and respect, calling him "Su Zongzhu", which is Su Shishan, the owner of Fuling Su's family in recent years. A white coat, narrow eyes, thin eyebrows and thin lips, it is Qing Jun, but also quite proud. Looks temperament, can be considered good. It’s a pity that it’s good, but it’s too good to pick.

Jin Guangyao said: "If you forget it, there is nothing to see."

The tone of his speech was so good that he felt that this person was very tempered, yet he could hear a glimpse of the right kind. Jin Guangyao said again: "Do you want to see the treasure room right?"

The bronze mirror was opened again, and Wei Wuzhen entered the secret room again. He saw the curtain on the multi-pocket that was full of mantras and saw the wrecked iron table.

Also saw the Qin dynasty.

Qin Lan back to them, standing next to the iron table. Lan Yichen slightly stunned: "How is Mrs. Kim here?"

Jin Guangyao said: "This treasure room is my private place. Auntie often comes in and has a look. She is not strange here."

Wei Wuzhen saw Qin Lan, and was slightly shocked: "Jin Guangyao did not transfer her? Didn't kill her? He is not afraid of what Qin Hao said? It is difficult for him to do something to Qin Hao, so that she can't threaten Going to yourself?"

He did not trust, turned to Qin Hao, carefully observed her side face.

Qin Lan is still alive, and he is alive and well. There is absolutely no abnormality.

Wei Wuxi said: "Jin Qin just looked so angry, how could Jin Guangyao reach an agreement with her and seal her mouth?"

Before he walked to Duobao, he suddenly picked up the curtain.

After the curtain, there is no helmet, no head, only a dagger.

This dagger is full of sensationalism and murder. Lan Yichen originally stared at the curtain, but he was not determined to go to see it. Seeing that it was something else, he seemed relieved and said: "What is this?"

"This is ah." Jin Guangyao smiled and went up, took the dagger in his hand and said, "It is a rare thing. This dagger is an assassin's weapon, killing countless, sharp. Look at the dagger's blade, carefully Look, you will find that the figure inside is not your own. Sometimes it is a man, sometimes a woman, sometimes an old man. Everyone is a dead soul who died under the assassin. It is very suffocating, so I added a The curtain, sealed it."

Nie Mingqi’s head has been transferred by him.

Jin Guangyao is really smart. He had thought of it early, and maybe one day he would be discovered by this secret room. Therefore, in addition to Nie Mingqi’s head, he also put a lot of other magic weapons, such as swords, symbols, ancient monuments, and spiritual devices. Things.

This secret room seems to be just a common treasure room. The dagger, indeed, as he said, the yin is heavy, it is a rarity. And many Xianmen family have the hobby of collecting such weapons.

Everything looks normal.

Qin Lan has been watching him steadily, seeing him take the dagger in his hand to enjoy the game, suddenly reaching out and taking it over!

Her facial features trembled with her face slightly twisted, and the look of others could not understand, and Wei Wei, who had just confessed to her dispute with Jin Guangyao, could understand.

Pain, anger, shame!

Jin Guangyao smiled and said: "Auntie?"

Blue forgets to pick up the dagger, but its edge has been buried in the abdomen of Qin.

Jin Guangyao screamed and said: "Auntie!"

He rushed up and hugged Qin Qin's soft body, and Lan Yuchen immediately took medicine to rescue him. However, this dagger was extremely sharp, and the grievances were heavy and heavy. In an instant, Qin Yu was killed.

Everyone in the room didn't expect it to be like this, and they were all shocked. There is no such thing as Wei Wuzhen. He is full of thoughts: What did you write in that letter? !

Jin Guangyao screamed a few times his wife's name, holding her face in one hand, staring wide, tears falling on her cheeks. Lan Yuchen said: "Ayao, Mrs. Kim... you are sad."

Jin Guangyao looked up and said: "Second brother, what is going on here? Why did Auntie suddenly commit suicide? And why do you suddenly let me open the treasure room before I go to the temple? What is going on? Is there anything that has not been said?"

Jiang Cheng cold channel that came later, "Ze Yijun, please let me know. I am also confused."

Everyone has reconciled, Lan Yuchen only said: "Some time ago, my son Su Lan's several children hunted in the night, passing Mojiazhuang, suffered a split of the left hand of the corpse. This left-handed grievance is extremely heavy, forget The machine was guided by it, all the way to trace it, and collected all its limbs and body. However, it was found that this person is... Big Brother."

Ze Yujun and the big brother of Confucius, Chi Feng Zun!

Treasures indoors and outdoors, a piece of it. Jin Guangyao was shocked: "Big Brother? Isn't Big Brother buried? You and I saw it with your own eyes!"

Lan Yuchen said: "The body is really the same. It is now in Lanling City, under the Jinlin stage."

Jin Guangyao said: "Who is this kind of thing?!"

Lan Yichen shook his head and said: "I don't know. There is only one head, but I can't find it anyway. I only know that the head of the big brother is probably in the hands of the corpse."

Jin Guangyao stunned and said: "Can't find... So, just look for me here?"

Lan Yichen silently said nothing.

Jin Guangyao bowed his head and held the body of Qin Lan. He said: "...but it is not mentioned. But how did you know that there is this treasure room in my bedroom? How can I judge that the big brother’s head is there? Inside my secret room? Jin Lintai is strictly guarded. If this is really what I did, would I easily let the big brother’s head be discovered by others?"

Listening to his questioning, Lan Yichen could not answer for a moment.

Not only did he not answer, but even Wei Wuzhen could not answer.

Who can expect that in this short period of time, Jin Guangyao will be able to transfer his head, and I do not know what method to use, to induce Qin Qin to be a self-sufficient seal!

Just as the thoughts turned sharply, Jin Guangyao's eyes moved to Wei Wuzhen, Shen Sheng: "... Xuan Yu, I thought you had forgotten the previous things, I did not expect you still want to frame me."

A fairy first: "Construction? Who dares to form a conge?"

Su Shishan is cold and cold: "Who dares? Is this one standing next to Han Guangjun."

When he paused, he continued: "Who is this, you may not know the person of Lanling Jinshi. This person is called Mo Xuanyu, who is an abandoned student under Kinmen. He was harassed at the same time because of misconduct. Listening to recent rumors, he did not know where to enter the eyes of Guangjun, even with the help of the side, out of the way. It is really known that Han Guangjun, who is known for his strictness, will stay with such a person. ”

In the whispers of everyone, Jin Guangyao sighed and said: "Xuan Yu, you sneaked into this treasure room at the beginning. Did you tell my brother theirs? What is the use of lying lie?"

He put down Qin Qin's body, put his hand on the hate of the hate, and took a step closer to him: "I don't mention anything in the past, but you tell the truth, the aunt is self-defeating. Do you have any hands and feet? ”

Jin Guangyao screamed, and it was really a matter of conscience and imposing manner! When others listen to it, it is natural to think that Mo Xuanyu is resentful and resentful to the convergent, so he is filthy. At the same time, he also smashed Qin Qin, so he moved his hands and feet and killed her.

Blue forgot to block in front of Wei Wuzhen, Jin Guangyao said: "Say!"

I hate to give birth to the sheath and avoid the dust. The rest of the monks saw the swords, and they were ready to fight or defend themselves. Wei Wuzhen sees the scene to be chaotic, can not be without a blade in his hand, look back, just lying on the wooden lattice, when it is about to grab it in his hand, pull the sword out of the sheath!

Jin Guangyao lost his voice: "Yi Ling ancestors!"

The people of Lanling Jin’s family suddenly turned around and pointed at him. Jin Guangyao said: "Wei Wuwei, are you back?!"

Although Wei Wuzhen would like to respond: "I am back soon!" But at this moment, there is a fog, I do not know how to be recognized. Nie Huai Sangdao: "Three... Jin Zongzhu, why is it called him? Is this person not Mo Xuanyu? He just pulled out the sword. Who pulled out the sword, who is the Yiling ancestor?"

Because Wei Wu’s name of the sword is too difficult to pronounce, so when he mentioned it, he used “this sword”, “the sword” and “his sword”. Jin Guangyao will hate life against Wei Wuzhen, saying: "Wai Sang, you come over! Zhu Jun is careful, this person is definitely the Yiling ancestor Wei Wuzhen!"

When the name came out, it was even more creepy than the fact that Chi Feng Zun was divided into five horses.

The original person who did not have the meaning of the sword did not take out the sabre. The group surrounded the secret room.

Wei Wuzhen is not moving. Nie Huai Sang slammed: "Jiang Zongzhu was in Dafanshan. He used the spirit of the purple armor to draw him a whip in front of everyone. Mo Xuanyu was not taken away. Is it Jiang Zongzhu?"

Jiang Cheng's face is very difficult to see, no words, hands on the hilt, seems to be thinking, what should be done. Jin Guangyao said: "Da Fanshan, yes, such a reminder, I remembered, what happened in Da Vinshan. At that time, the person who called Wenning was the Mo Xuanyu.

"You don't know. Mo Xuanyu used to sneak into my room and look around. And in my treasure room, there is a manuscript of Yiling's ancestors. This manuscript records a kind of magic. At the expense of the soul and the flesh, summoning evil spirits and evil spirits, revenge for himself. Because it is the willingness of the surgeon to sacrifice his body, it is not a win, and Jiang Zongzhu is using purple electricity to pump him again, which is also unverifiable. ”

A monk will be suspicious: "Since this offering cannot be verified, it is impossible to judge by your own judgment."

Jin Guangyao said: "The offer cannot be verified, but he is not the ancestor of Yiling, but he can be verified. Since the ancestors of Yiling were ruined by his men, he was stabbed into powder. It was collected by my Lanling Jinshi. But it didn't take long before we found out that the sword was automatically sealed."

Wei Wuyi said: "Fencing?"

Jin Guangyao said: "What is the sword? I believe that I don't have to explain it. This sword has a spirit. It refuses to let anyone other than Wei Wuzhen use it, so it seals itself. Except for the Yiling ancestors, there is no People can pull it out. Just now, this 'Mo Xuan Yu' blocked your face and pulled out the sword that had been sealed for thirteen years!"

The voice has not fallen, and dozens of swordsmanships have been stabbed to Wei Wu.

The blue forgetting machine will block all these swords and stalks, and the dust will shake off several people and free up an empty road. Blue Jason: "Forget the machine!"

Several family members who were shocked by his anger, said: "Huangjun! You..."

Blue forgets the machine without a word, and Wei Wuyi flew out of the dormitory. Wei Wuwei said: "With the light Jun, this time I'm out of the bottom, I have to run. What are you running with me?"

Blue forgets to look straight ahead, not him, the two will shout and shout and kill behind them. During his busy schedule, Wei Wuwei said: "Your reputation will be destroyed!"

He remembered the electric turn: "Jin Guangyao saw the weird paper man, and saw the casual scabbard. At that time, he guessed that I was swearing at the ghost, and instead of an army, I immediately compiled a set of lies and induced Qin 愫. Suicide, and then deliberately pushed me to the side of the casual wooden lattice, tempted me to pull the sword to reveal my identity, splashing me with dirty water. Terrible and terrible, I didn’t expect Jin Guangyao’s reaction so quickly, lying so slipping !"

Jin Guangyao’s lie is carefully tempered and reasonable. Mo Xuanyu was rushed back to Mojiazhuang, resentful, reminiscent of the sorcerer that he had peeked, and revenge, so he asked the devil to come and called the Yiling ancestors. Wei Wuzhen was trapped in him, and I did not know what method used to poison Qin Qin. They were all revenge for Mo Xuanyu. Perhaps, even Nie Mingzhen’s body, which was divided into five horses, can be said to be the conspiracy of Yiling’s ancestors!

The two men rushed down to Jinlintai, and suddenly the white shadow flashed in front of them, and Jinling blocked them.

Wei Wuzhen originally planned to cut out a sword. At first sight, it was Jin Ling. He was relieved, but he had not had time to talk, and his stomach was cold.

He really didn't expect that Jin Ling would actually be stabbed with a sword.

Wei Wuxi said: "Whoever is not good, just like him, even the sickle must be in the same place."

The next thing, he couldn't remember it. He felt that it was very noisy and very noisy. The sound of the blade and the spiritual explosion continued.

I don't know how long it took, and when it was vague, Wei Wu opened his eyes, and the blue forgot to keep the dust away. He fell on the back of the blue forgetting machine, and the white cheeks splashed half of the blood.

I always feel that the wound in the abdomen is not very painful. Wei Wusong called: "...Blue Zhan."

The blue forgetting machine's breathing is not as gentle as usual, and it is slightly rushed. It seems to be carrying him for too long and frequent, but in his tone, it is as steady as ever, saying: "Well."

After "Well," I felt like I should add something. He said, "I am."

Wei Wuzhen screamed at him, didn't know what to say, thought about it, said: "When we had a flower banquet on Jinlintai, I saw one side, do you remember?"

Blue forgets the machine: "The only thing you can't remember is."

Wei Wuwei said: "Well, my memory is not good. You remember it. You, at the time, did you have anything to say to me?"

For a long while, the blue forgets the machine: "Yes."

However, Wei Wuzhen did not ask him what he was, suddenly said: "Ah!"

Blue forgets the machine: "What happened."

Wei Wuwei said: "I remember, blue Zhan. Like this. I... is indeed carrying you back."

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