MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 49 Children's 10th 4th

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He put his hand on the handle, and Meng Yao quickly reached out to stop him, not stopping.

The knife has been squirted, and the edge has passed, and a rock in front of the cave has landed. In the cave, there were dozens of monks who were resting. Everyone held a bamboo tube for drinking water. The rock was so scared that he suddenly screamed and screamed. Immediately, Nie Ming said: "Drinking the water that everyone else sent you, but the words of the poisonous words in your mouth! You voted for me, not to kill the warm dog, but to chew the tongue?!"

There was a fuss in the cave, and the sword was collected from the sword, and the bouncing bounced, but no one dared to speak. Nie Mingqi did not enter the hole. He said to Meng Yao: "You come with me." Turned and walked down the mountain.

Meng Yao followed him out of the road and said: "Thank you, Nie Zongzhu."

The two walked one after the other, and Meng Yao’s head was getting lower and lower, and his pace was getting heavier.

Jin Guangyao once went to Jinlintai for a time. Although Wei Wuzhen had not seen it with his own eyes, it was very detailed to hear the rumors.

Jin Guangyao’s mother, Meng’s daughter, is a celebrity in Yunmeng’s hook. In the past, she was known as a fireworks talent. She was said to have played a good piano and wrote a good hand. It’s not everyone’s show, it’s better than everyone’s show. Of course, if you win, you will go out to someone’s mouth.

Jin Guangshan, through Yunmeng, naturally can't miss the fireworks talent who was now beautiful and beautiful. He and the Meng woman lingered for a few days, leaving a token of content, satisfied, and left. After going back, of course, like many times before, I have left this promised woman behind.

In contrast, Mo Xuanyu and his mother are already quite favored. At least Jin Guangshan still thinks of having such a son for a while and has taken him into the Jin family for a while. Meng Yao is not so lucky. The son of a scorpion is better than the son of a bad family.

After Meng Meng was the next son of Jin Guangshan, such as Mo Erniang, waiting for the wait, waiting for the immortal to come back to pick up himself and the children, and carefully teach Meng Yao to prepare for his future advancement. However, when his son grew up in his teens, his father still had no news, but Meng was already dying. Before he died, he gave the son Jin Guangshan the token he had left in the past, and let him go to Jinlintai to find a way out.

Meng Yao ran a bag, wading through the mountains, starting from Yunmeng and arriving at Lanling.

When I arrived at Jinlin, I was blocked out. He took out the token and asked for a briefing.

The token of Jin Guangshan is a pearl button. This is not a rare object, and Jinlin has a lot of hands on it. The most common use is to give a beautiful woman when he goes out to eat wild flowers and eat wild food. Holding this small piece of worthless money as a rare treasure, with the pledge of the mountain alliance, promised the future life. Just send it, and forget it when you are finished.

It’s really unfortunate that Meng Yao came, and that day was the birth of Jin Xuan. Kim Kwang-sam and Mrs. Kim, family relatives are banqueting for him. After three hours, the weather was late. They went out to put the lights on, and they got up and prepared to go out. The servant was only empty and came to inform. Mrs. Jin saw the pearl button and thought of all the bad things of Jin Guangshan. The face was black on the spot. Jin Guangshan quickly crushed the pearls into a pile of broken ends, loudly rebuked the servants, and then quietly told him to find ways to drive the outside people out first, and not let them go out when they went out to put the lights on.

As a result, Meng Yao was taken down from Jinlintai. From the top level, it has been rolled to the bottom level.

It is said that after he got up, he said nothing, erased the blood on his forehead, patted the dust on his body, and walked away with his bag.

Then, when the shooting of the sun was launched, Meng Yao entered the Qinghe River under the door of Nie.

Nie Ming said: "The man's husband, who is standing right, does not have to care about these gossips."

Meng Yao nodded and said: "Yes."

Nie Ming said: "I have seen you out. Every time you are in front of the lineup, it is also you who stayed behind, and you are doing very well. Continue to persevere. If you are steadfast, why bother and fear, let Those who dare to point you behind you have nothing to say. Your swordsmanship is very light, but not solid. You have to practice again."

Meng Yaodao: "Thank you for your support."

Wei Wuxi’s heart said: “It’s hard to practice again.”

Jin Guangyao is not a child of ordinary family, has a child boy, and is firmly founded. His foundation is too bad, and he can never go up to the next level. Therefore, in the way of cultivation, he can only seek for broadening and can't ask for deeper. This is why he has to go all over the world and get involved in various stunts. It is also why he was criticized as a "stolen man".

Because Meng Yao was very hard to fight every time, Nie Mingxi seemed to be very good to him, and it was getting better and better, and he was transferred to himself soon.

The river is the main battlefield of Nie Minghao, and it is also a place in the signing of the sun. Often several monks from other families came to the river to meet him. Among the monks who came here, there were Blue Ministers.

Although Blue's appearance and the blue forgetting machine are almost exactly the same, Wei Wuyi can identify who they are at a glance. However, when I saw this face, he couldn't help but feel inexplicable. He thought: "I don't know how my body is now, I am forced to empathize, will there be some scorpions? Is Blue Zhan still guarding?" What did you find out?"

The monks met Meng Yao, who was standing behind Nie Mingqi, and looked different.

Jin Guangshan’s “funny anecdote” has always been a gossip for people in major families. Although Wei Wuzhen is not interested, he only feels ugly, but it’s spread very fast. Meng Yao has been a famous laughing stock for a while. Some people recognize him. It’s probably that I feel that the son of the scorpion might have something unclean. Some monks took the samovar from his hands and did not drink it. Instead, they put it aside and took out the white towel. Like, intentionally or unintentionally wipe the fingers that have just touched the samovar.

Only Lan Yichen, after receiving the tea ceremony, smiled and thanked him. He immediately bowed his head and took a sip. He looked as usual: "Ming Ming brother, congratulations. You are really invincible in the river. Just hold this place and let Wenshi not move east. We can do much more on our side."

Nie Mingxi is a stern person who is not screaming and laughing. He is also talking to him in blue color. The other monks had a heart and mind, but they couldn't insert them a few times. Nie Ming despised them as if they had nothing, and they were very boring, but after a while, they got up and said goodbye.

As soon as the others left, Lan Yichen said to Meng Yao: "Occasionally, you have come to the Mingxiong brother."

Nie Ming said: "Why, have you seen it?"

Meng Yao smiled and said: "Ze Yujun, I have seen it."

Nie Ming said: "Where?"

Lan Yichen smiled and shook his head. "I will lose face when I say it. I still don't want to say it. You don't want to ask the Ming brother, the shame of life, it's hard to tell."

Nie Ming said: "I am afraid of losing face in front of me."

Meng Yaodao: "Ze Yijun does not want to say, then don't say it."

The three of you, a sentence, I talked quite easily. I will talk about business in a moment, and I will take a break. Listening to their chat, Wei Wuzhen couldn't help but interrupt, but he couldn't plug it in. He said: "At this time, their feelings are really good. Ze Yijun is still quite able to chat. How can Lancha not chat? However, He won't chat, shut up is also very good, and the words are said by me. He listens to 'hmm' and 'hmm', it's just fine. What's this..."

Meng Yao came to Qinghe Nie, and wanted to make some achievements. He hoped that Jin Guangshan could see him. Although he is now quite appreciative of Nie Mingqi, Qinghe Nie and Lanling Jinshi, after all, are still different. After he made a small contribution, Nie Mingxi wrote a letter of recommendation and sent him back to the Jinshi, which is currently stationed in the evil spirits.

When leaving, Meng Yao was very grateful and thankful.

I don't know how long it took, and the help of Lan Ling Jin, who was supported by the evil spirits, asked for help.

When I arrived, I just finished the battle. Jin Guangshan was overjoyed and thanked him. The two talked for a while, and the matter was negotiated. Finally, Nie Mingzhen remembered and asked Meng Yao.

Jin Guangshan listened to him mentioning this name, and his face was unpleasant, and he couldn’t remember it. He had never heard of this person. Nie Mingxi will simply leave for the time being.

Wei Wuzhen’s heart is also strange. He sees Meng Yao doing things under Nie Mingqi’s work. He is a very capable person, and he is smart and clever. He should soon be able to show his head. Even if Jin Guangshan pretends not to know him, he will not be so long. Still not in the first place?

Nie Mingxi asked the rest of the monks for a while, most of them did not know. I found a few places and I didn't see Meng Yao. Walk freely through a small grove.

The woods are very secluded. They have just experienced a sneak attack and the battlefield has not been cleared. Nie Mingqi walked along the road, along the road are the bodies of monks wearing Wen's, Jin's and a small number of other family costumes.

Suddenly, the sound of "嗤嗤" came from the front.

Nie Minghao put his hand on the handle and dive. In the forest, I saw Meng Yao standing in the corpse of the land, and took a long sword out of a monk wearing a Venus Snow White Robe. Then flipped the wrist and scored a few swords.

This sword is not his own sword. The hilt has a flaming iron ornament. It is the sword of the gentleman.

The sword method is also the sword of Wen.

His look was extremely calm, his shots were steady, fast, and cautious, and he didn't even have a drop of blood on his body.

Nie Mingzhen looked at this scene in his eyes. He did not say a word. The blade was squirted one inch and made a sharp sound.

Hearing this familiar sound of the sheath, Meng Yao was awkward, the sword in his hand fell, and he suddenly turned back, and the soul had to fly: "...Nie Zongzhu?"

Nie Mingqi pulled out all the long knives in the sheath. The knife is bright and the blade is slightly **** red.

Wei Wuzhen can feel the anger and disappointment from his side.

Meng Yao suddenly abandoned the sword and said: "Nie Zongzhu, Nie Zongzhu! Chi Fengzun, please wait, please wait! Listen to me!"

Nie Mingxi shouted: "What do you want to explain?!"

Meng Yao even rushed over and said: "I am forced to do so, I am forced to do it!"

Nie Mingqi angered: "What do you have to force?! When I sent you over, what did you say?!"

Meng Yaofu was at his feet, saying: "Nie Zongzhu, Nie Zongzhu, you listen to me! I am a member of Lanling Jinshi, this person is my superior. He will look down on me on weekdays, often insulting and snoring... ..."

Nie Ming said: "So you killed him?"

Meng Yao said: "No! It is not because of this! What kind of humiliation I can't bear, I can't stand it alone! It's just that every time we attack Wen's stronghold, I have spent a lot of hardships, but he said lightly. After a few words and a few strokes, I gave this battle to him and said that it has nothing to do with me. This is not the first time, every time, every time! I am referring to him, he does not care. I look for others, No one listened to me. Just now he said that my mother, my mother is... I really couldn’t bear it, and I was fainted, and I lost my hand!"

Under the horror of horror, his speed was so fast that he was afraid that Nie Mingxi would not let him finish his knives, but he explained that things were still clear and clear, and the sentence emphasized how hateful others are and how innocent they are. Nie Mingqi picked up his collar and said: "You lied! You can't bear it, and you faint your head for a moment? The person who is fainting, when you kill, will it be your expression?" Will you deliberately choose this one that has just killed a hidden forest? Will you use Wen’s sword, Wen’s sword to kill him, pretend to be a warm dog, and plant it?

Meng Yao raised his hand and said: "I am telling the truth! The sentence is true!"

Nie Mingqi angered: "Even if it is true, you can't kill him! Fighting! Just care about this vanity?!"

Meng Yaodao: "What is the battle?"

He widened his eyes and said: "What is the battle of power? Chi Fengzun, you know how much effort I spent on this battle? How much suffering?? Vanity? Without this vanity, I have nothing. !"

Nie Ming said: "I see that your mind is all used to the wrong way! Meng Yao, I ask you, for the first time in the cave, do you deliberately make the weak state of being oppressed, dress up I see, let me show you for you?"

Meng Yao just wanted to talk, Nie Mingxi said: "Don't lie in front of me!"

Meng Yao, a spirit, swallowed his head into the stomach, kneeling on the ground, shivering and shivering, his right hand and five fingers clenched into the soil.

For a long while, Nie Mingqi slowly took the knife back into the sheath and said, "I won't move you."

Meng Yao suddenly raised his head, and Nie Mingxi said again: "You can confess yourself by confession. How to deal with it."

After a long while, Meng Yao said: "...Chi Feng Zun, I can't fold at this step."

Nie Mingxi said coldly: "You have taken the wrong path."

Meng Yao said: "You are asking for my life."

Nie Ming said: "If you say something true, you can't go. Go, repent and repent."

Meng Yao whispered: "... my father has not seen me yet."

Jin Guangshan did not see him.

Just pretending not to know his existence.

In the end, under the oppression of Nie Mingqi, Meng Yao still said a "yes".

However, that night, he ran away.

When he was wrong, he promised to go to sin, but he fled in the blink of an eye. Nie Mingzhen was probably the first to see such a brazen man.

It coincides with the fact that Lan Yichen should also help to help the evil spirits. When he first came, he met his anger and smiled: "Ming 玦 brother is a big anger, Meng Yao? Why not stop your fire?"

Nie Ming said: "Don't mention this person!"

He said to Lan Yuchen about the murder of Meng Yao, and repeated it as it was, without adding oil and vinegar, and not cutting corners. After listening to it, Lan Yichen was also amazed, saying: "How is this? Is there any misunderstanding?"

Nie Ming said: "I was caught on the spot, what misunderstanding?"

Lan Yuchen said: "Listen to his statement, the person he killed is indeed wrong, but he really shouldn't kill. In an extraordinary period, it is difficult to judge. I don't know where he is now?"

Wei Wuzhen discovered that among the three, Blue Daichen is like a muddy. Nie Mingzhen pressed the fireway: "He is best not to be caught by me!"

He had a lot of appreciation for this person, and now he has a lot of deep hatred, threatening to let this traitor feed his knife. However, when he really caught Meng Yao, Nie Mingqi’s knife could not be cut.

In the last battle, he faced a cold face and was seriously injured. At the time of the crisis, Wen Ruohan’s follower took out the soft sword hidden in his waist.

The cold light plunged and cut the throat of Wen Ruohan.

The sign of the shooting of the sun ended.

Meng Yao was forced to flee the family because he was killed by Nie Mingxi in the killing of his superiors. Therefore, he changed his face, concealed his name, and invested in the company of Weishan Wenshi. He went all the way to the wind, and climbed over and over again. He eventually sent back countless news and information, and successfully assassinated Wen’s family and saved Nie Mingqi’s life.

Won a fame.

On the Jinlin stage, people came and went, and before Nie Mingzhen’s broad vision, he kept separating. People on both sides bowed to him and greeted him.

Wei Wuxi’s heart said: "This is a paradise. It’s going to fly. These people are afraid and respectful to Nie Mingzhen. There are not many people who are afraid of me, but not many people who respect me."

At this time, the signing of the sun should have ended. Lanling Jinshi celebrated and opened several flower banquets, inviting countless monks and countless families to go to dinner.

Jin Guangyao stood beside Shousi. After recognizing the ancestors, at this time, the eyebrows have been marked with Mingzhi cinnabar, put on a black hat, put on the Venus Snow Wave, and the whole person is completely new and very beautiful. I don’t change it, but my tolerance is calm, far from being comparable.

On his side, Wei Wuzhen saw a familiar figure.

Xue Yang.

At this time, Xue Yang, who is very young, has a childish face but is already very tall. The body is also wearing the Venus Snow Wave Gown, and Jin Guangyao stands together, such as the spring breeze willow, a school of youth.

They seem to be talking about something interesting. Jin Guangyao has a gesture. The two exchanged their eyes. Xue Yang laughed and looked at the monks who walked around indiscreetly. The eyes were scornful and meaningless, as if they were all these. It is garbage that walks.

He saw Nie Mingxi, no one else's fearful color, and smashed his teeth to the side. Jin Guangyao also noticed this side and found that Nie Mingzhen was not good at his face. He quickly whispered to Xue Yang, and Xue Yang swayed to the other side.

Jin Guangyao came over and Christine said: "Big Brother."

The title has been changed. At this time, the three should have been worshipped.

Nie Ming said: "Who is that person?"

For a while, Jin Guangyao replied cautiously: "Xue Yang."

Nie Mingqi frowned: "Zhangzhou Xueyang?"

Jin Guangyao nodded. Wei Wuzhen clearly felt that Nie Mingzhen’s brow wrinkled more tightly.

Jin Guangyao was always timid in front of him, and he dared not justify it because Nie Mingxi did not eat his rhetoric. He had to use an excuse to receive visitors, and he fled to the other side. Nie Mingxi shook his head and turned around. This turn, Wei Wuzhen was bright when he was on the scene, only to feel like a frosty snow, a full moon.

Lan Yichen and Blue Forgot to walk up side by side and show off to Nie Mingzhen. Nie Mingzhen returned the ceremony, and when he looked up again, Wei Wu’s gaze suddenly stuck to the face of the blue forgetting machine, and he could not move it anyway.

At this time, the blue forget machine, the outline is still a bit green, the look is very serious, but still filled with "Do not approach me" and "Don't talk to me" on the face.

Regardless of whether anyone can hear it, Wei Wuzhen still happily swears: "Blue Zhan! I want to die you! Hahahahahahaha!"

Blue forgets to stand with Lan Yichen, a gentle, a deserted; one holding a pipa, a Pei Qin. It is a general appearance and a beautiful style. It is really a color, two paragraphs of grace. It’s no wonder that others have attracted attention and are amazed.

Suddenly, a familiar voice, said: "Nie Zongzhu, the blue master."

Wei Wuzhen heard this familiar voice and jumped in his heart. Nie Mingxi turned and looked again, Jiang Cheng was in purple, and the sword came.

Jiang Cheng is standing next to him, it is himself!

He saw himself, dressed in black, without a sword, standing with his hands, standing side by side with Jiang Cheng, nodding his head to this side, a very inscrutable, sinister appearance. Wei Wuzhen saw this kind of posture when he was young. When his teeth were sour, he felt that he was really pretending to be eager to rush to fight himself.

Blue forgets the machine and saw Wei Wuzhen standing next to Jiang Cheng. The eyebrows were pumped, and the light-colored eyes soon turned back. Looking straight ahead, it was still a very dignified appearance.

Jiang Cheng and Nie Mingqi nodded their faces and looked at each other. They had nothing to say. After they had greeted them, they separated. Wei Wuzhen saw the black man himself, left and right, and picked up the blue forgetting machine here. It seemed to be opening. Jiang Cheng had gone and stood by him. The two bowed their heads and said a word in a serious manner. Wei Wuxi laughed and laughed, and shouldered with Jiang Cheng and walked to the other side. The pedestrians around them also automatically gave them a large open space.

Wei Wuzhen thought about it carefully. What did they say?

Originally, he couldn't remember, but from the sight of Nie Mingxi, he saw their mouth shape, and then he thought about it. At that time, he said: "Jiang Cheng, Chi Feng Zun is much better than you, haha."

Jiang Cheng said: "Roll. You want to die."

Nie Mingxi’s gaze turned back and said: “Why does Wei Ying not wear a sword?”

It is a rude thing to attend a flower banquet hosted by a famous family, but not to travel with a sword.

Blue forgets the machine: "It is estimated to be forgotten."

Nie Mingqi raised his eyebrows: "Can this be forgotten?"

Blue forgets the machine: "Not unusual."

Wei Wuxi said: "Well, behind me, I am bad. I caught it!"

Lan Yichen smiled and said: "It seems that one time it was turned into a demon outsider, which angered the Wei Gongzi. Later, he said that even if he no longer uses the sword, he can ride the dust alone. I can't help you, so I didn't wear a sword any more. It's so young."

Listening to the whispers of his own words from other people, the taste is really indescribable, Wei Wuzhen only feels a little shameful, and helpless. Just listen to the blue forgetting machine and gently say: "Crazy."

He said it was very light, as if he only said to himself.

Lan Yichen looked at him and said, "Hey. Why are you still here?"

The blue forgetting machine is incomprehensible, and the color is correct: "Brother is here, I am naturally here too."

Lan Yuchen said: "How can you still talk to him? They have to go far."

Wei Wuzhen is very strange: "What does Ze Yijun say about this? Is there anything that Lan Zhan has to say to me at this time?"

I haven't seen how the blue forgetting machine reacted. Suddenly, there was a scream of anger at the other end of the seat.

Wei Wuzhen heard his anger and came from there: "Jin Xuan! Are you sick?! Who was dissatisfied with this dissatisfaction? Many complaints, now I have to entangle my sister, do you want a face? ?!"

Hearing this sentence, Wei Wuzhen remembered. It turned out to be this time!

At that end, Jin Xuan also angered: "I am asking Jiang Zongzhu, but did not ask you! The person I asked is also Jiang girl, what is the relationship with you!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Say well! What does my sister have to do with you? What do you want to ask? Don't forget what you said when you said it, have you eaten it?!"

Jin Xuan Road: "Jiang Zongzhu - This is my family's feast, this is your family, you still care!"

Lan Yichen still couldn't figure out the situation and said: "Hey? How is it noisy?"

Blue forgets the machine's gaze to the other side, but the footsteps stick to the ground. After a while, it seems as if I have made up my mind, I am going to walk, and Jiang Cheng's voice is coming over: "Wei Wuwei, you shut up. Jin Gongzi, I am sorry. My sister is very good, thank you for your concern. We can say this next time."

Wei Wuzhen sneered: "Well, you don't need him to worry! Who is he?"

When he finished, he turned and walked away. Jiang Cheng shouted: "Come back! Where are you going?"

Wei Wuqi waved: "Where is it! Don't let me see his face. I didn't want to come here, you can handle it yourself."

Jiang Cheng was left behind by him, his face gradually cloudy. Jin Guangyao was busy in the field. He laughed when he saw people. He did something when he saw something. When he saw this, he made a mess and took it out. He said: "Wei Gongzi, Wei Gongzi! Stay!"

Wei Wuzheng took his hand and walked fast. His face was heavy and nobody noticed. Blue forgot to take a step toward him. Before they even had time to speak, the two passed by.

Jin Guangyao couldn't catch up with Wei Wushao, and fell to the foot: "Hey, people are gone, Jiang Zongzhu, this... How can this be good?"

Jiang Cheng gathered the cloud over the surface and said: "I don't care about him. He used to be at home, so he didn't know the rules." He talked with Jin Xuan.

Nie Mingzhen commented: "Wei Ying is a person who acts too much and does not want to do anything."

Wen Yan, Wei Wuzhen rushed into a violent gas.

He wondered: "How can I suddenly become violent? Isn't this evaluation correct?"

Then he discovered that this violent temper was not from his heart, but from the neck of Nie Mingxi.

In this memory, Nie Mingxi, Lan Yichen and Jin Guangyao are sitting in a pavilion.

Jin Guangyao is facing a Yaoqin in front of him, and is playing the bullet according to the instructions of Lan Yichen. Two people teach one, one learns, and talks by the way. Jin Guangyao said: "My mother's piano is very good."

Lan Yuchen said: "Are you learning the piano with her?"

Jin Guangyao said: "No. She does not teach me. I looked at it. She never taught me this. She only taught me to read and write, and bought some expensive swords for me."

Lan Yichen was surprised: "Swordsmanship?"

Jin Guangyao said: "Yes, swordsmanship. You haven't seen the second brother? The swordsmanship sold by the folks, painted some messy postures." He gestured, Lan Yichen smiled and shook his head, Jinguang Yao also shook his head: "It’s all deceiving. It’s a woman who lie to my mother. It’s expensive to sell. It’s not harmful, but it’s not a good thing.”

He said with emotion: "But my mother knows this. When I see it, I buy it and say that I will go back to see my father someday. I must go to see him in a skillful way. I can't fall behind others. Money is spent on this."

Lan Yichen dialed twice on the strings and said: "You can learn this point just by looking at it. You are very talented. You should learn very quickly."

Jin Guangyao smiled lightly, and Nie Ming said: "The second brother, Qingxin Yin is one of the great schools of your Gusu Lanshi, don't let it leak."

Nie Mingzhen is warning himself, but Lan Yichen does not care. He said: "Teach the younger brother, how can it be leaked? And what I taught him is not a broken sound, but a clear heart sound, and it is not big. This song has a clear mind and a definite effect. Big Brother, you need it all these days. Ayao asks me to help you settle, but most of the time I can’t open it in Gusu, let him learn, instead I will play for you."

During this time, Nie Mingzhen’s knife spirit began to faintly arrogant. Jin Guangyao traveled back and forth between Lanling and Qinghe every night to help him break his heart. Do my best, and there is no complaint at all. It is a big feeling to miss this grace. Nie Mingxi’s reprimand for him has gradually decreased.

However, Wei Wuzhen just thought so, the next moment, the picture turned, it became Nie Mingqi, a palm of the hand Jin Guangyao.

Wei Wuxi’s heart said: “It’s really not good. What’s wrong with them!”

The two stood on the edge of Jinlintai. Jin Guangyao shunned this palm and said: "Big Brother, do you call me out, just to beat me?"

Nie Mingxi did not speak, and there was no burst of fire in the chest, and it was a palm. Jin Guangyao was light and flexible, and said: "Why are you so angry? The case of Changyang’s death is not what I did!"

Nie Mingxi sighed: "Is it different from what you did? If you didn't recommend Xue Yang to your father, let him be reused, let him be unscrupulous, how dare he do such a thing! What did your father let him do? You won't know?!"

Jin Guangyao argued: "How can I expect Xue Yang to kill more than 50 people in the family? I know how, how do you know? He is my father, he ordered his request, can I refuse? You want me to deal with Xue Yang now, how do you tell me how to tell him? Brother, you give me some time, I will clean up Xue Yang. Just a few more years..."

Nie Ming said: "How many more years? Now you have a way to keep him from losing your life. I am afraid that after a few hundred years, Xue Yang is still alive. He will always use his intelligence here. If you don’t go into the flow, your words have lost your credit!"

Kill the heart.

Wei Wuzhen felt the killing of Nie Mingqi.

He also heard the sharp humming from the scabbard.

Jin Guangyao looked at him, half awkward, like finally determined what determination, calmly said: "Big brother, you always work for me, do not inflow. You say that you are standing right, not afraid of fear, man Husband, you don't need to play with any conspiracy. Well, you are born noble, and you are also high. But what about me? Am I like you? I have no high ground for you, I am so big, who has taught I have no family background, do you think that I am standing in Lanling Jin's station very stable? Do you think that Jinxuan is dead, will I skyrocket? Jin Guangshan would rather pick up an illegitimate child, and did not let me succeed. The meaning of the position! I am not afraid of fear? I am even afraid of people! I really stand and talk, no pain, I don’t know how to hungry. Big Brother - I always want to ask you a word, your life, only More than me, no less than me, why did I just kill a monk who oppressed me, would you have been turning over the old account so far?"

From the heart, Nie Mingqi lifted a foot, Jin Guangyao was caught off guard, and he was right in the middle of it and rolled down from Jinlin.

Nie Mingqi bowed his head and said: "The son of 娼妓, no wonder this!"

Jin Guangyao rolled more than 50 steps and fell to the ground. He didn't lie on the ground for a while, then he climbed up. He raised his hand and threw aside the servants and students who were surrounded by the side, smashed the dust on the Venus Snow White Robe, slowly looked up and looked at Nie Mingxi.

His eyes were calm, but for some reason, Nie Mingxi was ignited again, and he pulled his knife and slammed it on his head. Lan Yuchen smiled and turned from the side of the city wall. When I saw this scene, I quickly pulled out the sword and said, "What happened to you?"

Nie Ming said: "You don't want to stop! He will continue this way, not to be harmless, to kill Zaosheng early, and should not stay in the first place!"

Jin Guangyao erased the blood on the forehead, put on the soft gauze hood, fastened the cap, finished the grooming, stood there, and didn't know what he was thinking. With the blood flowing down, he wiped it off before the blood was about to get on the clothes. Lan Yichen stopped Nie Ming and said: "Okay, okay. Big Brother, you take back the knife, don't let it mess up your mind..."

Wei Wuzhen thought that he had married Nie Mingqi’s embarrassment, and Jin Guangyao would be a person with a tail for a while. Who knows, at night, he still came to Niejiaxian House as usual.

Every time he comes to Nie's home, he will give Nie Huai Sang and other children a little gift that is ingenious and difficult to see. And Jin Guangyao came, Nie Mingzhen glanced at him to teach him, he would not care about himself, so Nie Huaishan was particularly happy when he saw Jin Guangyao, shouting at the third brother, pushing Jin Guangyao In Nie Ming's room, he sent him up happily, and he ran away with a gift.

Nie Mingzhen was talked by Lan Yichen for a long time, and he was not as violent as the day, blinking, and said: "You dare to come."

Jin Guangyao whispered: "Come on the wrong."

Wei Wuxi said: "This face is really thicker than me."

Nie Ming said: "Any mistake? Or verbally, even if you admit it wrong? Don't play in front of me, your set does not work."

Jin Guangyao said: "I listened to my eldest brother and cleaned up Xue Yang."

Nie Ming opened his eyes and said: "When?"

Jin Guangyao peeked at his look and carefully said: "When is Nie's next seminar?"

Nie Ming said: "Three months later."

Jin Guangyao said: "That... just three months later, here, this room."

Nie Mingxi said coldly: "This is your last chance. If Xue Yang is still alive before the end of the Qing talks, then you will never have to make a good decision."

Jin Guangyao did not speak. He placed Yaoqin in front of Nie Mingzhen, and pointed to the tune of the Qingxin Xuanqu that he had played in the past.

Nie Ming said: "You want to deal with Xue Yang, how to deal with your father. You don't have to worry about me here, this thing is not tolerant."

Jin Guangyao continued to play, and Nie Mingyu closed his eyes again, no longer taking care of him.

The Qing talk meeting held by the Qinghe Nie’s was in a blink of an eye.

Nie Mingqi really remembered what Jin Guangyao said, and according to the agreement, went to the room where he meditated.

The voice of someone whispering in the room seems to be Jin Guangyao. Who knows, after a while, another familiar voice sounded.

Lan Yuchen said: "In any case, since he had justified with you, this is to recognize you."

Jin Guangyao was so bored: "Two brothers, how can he recognize me? You didn't listen to his righteous words. What do you mean by the sentence? The sentence means that "the husband refers to the five horses," he wants to supervise me. This is warning me, what will happen to my end."

Lan Yichen said warmly: "He said ‘if there is dissent.’ Do you have it? If not, why bother to be worried.”

Jin Guangyao said: "I don't have it. But he has already determined that I have it. What is the way I have it? I am not good at it anyway, and whose face must be seen. Others are not good, but I can't live with my big brother. Did you hear the second brother, how did he marry me last time?"

Wei Wuxuan said: "This Jinguangyao is really a martial arts night hunting and killing enemy. Wen can play with right and wrong. But what did he deliberately say to Nie Mingzhen? He clearly agreed with Nie Mingzhen long ago. It’s no accident that Nie Mingzhen can hear this conversation.

Lan Yichen sighed: "Big brother is only angry for a while, and he has no choice but to speak. He has recently suffered from the intrusion of the sword, and his heart is no more than before. You must not anger him any more."

Jin Guangyao whispered: "I can say such words when I am angry. What do you think of me on weekdays? Is it because I can't choose my own origin, my mother can't choose my own destiny, I have to give it to my life for a lifetime." Do you practice it? No matter what I do, in the end, I will be labeled as a '娼妓子' in one sentence!"

Nie Mingqi was furious and slammed into the door.

Jin Guangyao saw him enter the door, and when he was in the dark, he called, "Big Brother!"

Wei Wuxi said in his heart: "Installed! He knew that Nie Mingxi will come out!"

But he soon continued to think about it. The flames of Nie Ming's anger in his head burned to his internal organs, and a thunderous roar blew in his ear: "The erect!"

Jin Guangyao was frightened and timid. He hid Tibet in the east and hid behind the blue sergeant. The blue sergeant was sandwiched between the two. Before he had time to speak, Nie Mingzhen had already pulled the knife.

Lan Yichen pulled the sword out and said: "Run!"

Jin Guangyao broke through the door and rushed to escape. Nie Mingqi opened the blue sergeant and said: "Don't stop me!" He also chased the door and chased Jin Guangyao all the way. Turning over a long corridor, I suddenly saw Jin Guangyao coming and going. He slashed and smashed. Wei Wuzhen was terrified: "No! Jin Guangyao is clearly rushing to escape, how can he still go back so leisurely, and it is so smashed?!"

After Nie Mingqi finished the cut, he rushed forward for a section of the road, rushed to the square, gasping and raising his head, Wei Wu can hear his heart screaming in his ears.

Jin Guangyao!

A lot of Jin Guangyao!

Above the square, in all directions, people coming and going are all like Jin Guangyao!

Nie Mingqi has already gone into flames at this time!

He is unconscious, only remembering to kill, to kill, to kill and kill, to kill Jin Guangyao, to see people cut, and screamed four times. Suddenly, Wei Wuzhen heard a scream: "Big brother!"

Nie Mingzhen listened to this voice, a spirit, a little calm, turned his head and looked at it, finally blurted from a place in Jinguang Yao, recognized a familiar face.

Nie Huai-sam dragged an arm and a leg that he had chopped, and tried to move toward him. He saw that he suddenly did not move. He said with tears: "Big brother! Big brother! It is me, you put the knife down, it is me." !"

Nie Huai Sang has not moved over, and Nie Mingxi has fallen.

Before falling down, Nie Mingxi’s eyes finally recovered to Qingming and saw the real Jinguangyao.

Jin Guangyao stood in front of him seven steps, and there was no trace of blood on his body.

He looked at this side, two tears burst out, but the Venus snow wave on his chest seemed to be smiling instead of him.

This is his good!

However, how can he count, Nie Mingzhen will be angry with him and Lan Yuchen's words, attacking the fire, and finally mad?

If Nie Minghao did not go into flames, what should he do?

In the middle, Jin Guangyao must have done something!

Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy