MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 5 severed shoulder

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Wu Bu Bu looked at the dazzling light and his pupils shrank. If it wasn't for this blue mecha that came down like a god, it would be him who was blown to pieces now!

But before he had time to rejoice, two other enemy fighter planes attacked him!

Wu Bubu stiffened his tired nerves, moved his eyes quickly, clenched his gums, and after dodging another wave of attacks, he hid behind a meteorite again, gasping for breath.

But in the broad field of vision, the blue can no longer be found!

Has the only rescue booster been wrecked? !

There was no response from the silent universe, and the communication channels were still cluttered.

"Abel! Quickly think of a way!" When Abel was attacked just now, he isolated Haiyue. The curled up Haiyue was wrapped in a transparent and soft isolation layer, and the clear crisp sound still came from time to time. It came out from his abdomen, making Wu Bu's heart stunned!

No matter what kind of world he couldn't understand, he must not die here!

"Tell me! How can I fight back?" Wu Bu's eyes widened, his desire to survive made him forget his fear.

"Negetive, with your current combat effectiveness, the success rate of counterattacks is only 12.4%. Your body function data shows that you cannot withstand the neural fusion with the mecha driving program."


Wu Bubu suddenly volleyed a punch, bloodshot eyes filled with pure profit.

"Listen! I'm not here to listen to your nonsense about probabilities! I definitely don't want to die here! Major Hayward gave me the reins, and now I'm ordering you to get me that **** driver right now. program!"

A few seconds later, Wu Bu finally won the confrontation with Abel.

"NS connection started."

"There are energy doses in the first aid mezzanine, please inject two. In addition, please protect Major Hayward." Abel's voice was cold, but his tone was like a loyal guardian.

Wu Bubu did as he did. The many ultra-fine fibers that stretched and waited around his brain caused him to swallow heavily. With the cold stab at the back of his neck, a huge information group exploded in his brain...

Mintor on the bridge gave orders calmly and quickly, and in the face of the downturn of the enemy, he still tried his best to minimize the loss.

Suddenly, a huge explosion of light appeared on the central screen! The enemy's siege formation was disrupted! Then the display of the reinforcement fleet appeared on the command screen on the side!

The soldiers on the bridge cheered excitedly when they saw the green arrow symbolizing friendly forces.

"Lieutenant! Communications are being restored!"

"Get in touch ASAP! Report Major Hayward's location!"


In the corner of the huge battlefield, Peano slanted the corner of his lips, and the more life and death were at stake, the more dangling his face became.

His red fighter plane was damaged in many places, and he only had time to hide in the chaotic meteorite group.

"Hey, have I run into a ghost?!"

Of course, the group of idiots who were chasing him with him did not respond, because the blue ghost just tore off them like a feather torn apart.

In the channel is the retreat order issued by the main fleet, but Peano can only hide here and dare not move easily.

From hunter to prey, Peano's eyes are still excited, only a strong opponent can make him feel interesting!

Alarm beeps!


Peano wanted to dodge the attack from behind, but it was too late.

Wu Bubu gasped for breath, and the test suit was soaked in layers of sweat, and a few seconds seemed as hard as a century.

If it weren't for the two injections of energy nutrients, he would have fallen into a coma long ago.

damn it! Why should he suffer this sin!

Although he complained constantly in his heart, the gradually clear mecha structure and operation method in his mind, like the freedom of manipulating his hands and feet, made him excited.

"It's time to rush out." Wu Bu Bu flicked his fingers, the particle gun was filled, and he must deliver Major Hayward safely.

Driven by Wu Bu's brainwave, the silver mecha moved forward at the speed of light. When he found a touch of red in the meteorite group, he felt the thrill of revenge in his heart, "Look where you are going!"

Wu can't aim his gun while moving, and melee combat is not his preference.

The target was locked in less than a second, and the trigger was pressed without hesitation.

Light beams cut through the darkness...


Wu Bubu looked at everything in front of him in shock and cursed in his heart: Shit! shit! what did he do!

The powerful beam of the particle gun didn't hit the locked red mecha, it hit something in front of the target, and after an instant burst, Wu Bu Bu saw the blue mecha recovering from invisibility, and just saved him for a while. The blue mecha of life, at this time, the left arm flickered with electric light, and small fragments were floating around the body.

Peano escaped under the scythe of the **** of death, seized a one-in-a-thousand chance, broke free, and retreated at a rapid speed.

Wu Bu's chin kissed the ground again, watching the blue mecha rapidly approaching him, he had the urge to throw away the particle gun and destroy the corpse.

And the other party helped him achieve this.

However, not only the particle gun was thrown away, but also the left arm holding the gun!

The sound of the alarm emphasized the serious damage to the body. Wu Bubu was shocked. Before he could understand how the arm of the mecha was cut off, he heard Abel's hard voice: "Communication restored."

"Too, great..." Wu Bubu was still glad that he could explain to the other party, this was definitely a misunderstanding!

But the next moment he was thrown out, and the violent collision between the mecha and the meteor made him dizzy.

"Who are you?" the other party asked, grabbing his throat.

Wu can't swear, this is the coldest voice he's ever heard in his life.

"Colonel Derris, this machine can immediately surrender control, this machine has not been invaded, please do not attack, Major Hayward entered the state of waiting for labor early because of an accident, and handed over the control to the current driver Sergeant, the sniping just now was a mistake," Abel explained in the Clear Channel.

Wu Bubu nodded desperately, the cold eyes of the other party made his heart almost stop, the fear of being forgotten swept over, and he always felt that he was going to die under these two gazes.

"Who are you?" Luo Yanker asked again.

"Wu, Wu can't."

Fortunately, Mintor appeared in time, which confirmed that Wu Bu's identity was not suspicious for the time being, and emphasized the critical situation of Major Hayward.

Wu Buicai felt that the power of suppression disappeared, the communication screen went dark, and the chilling sight disappeared.

"Abel! Why didn't you remind me of the stealth plane!" Wu Bubu asked angrily as he watched the blue mecha transform into a fighter plane and drove away.

He just wanted to find an opportunity to show it, why would he make such an oolong!

"When Colonel Diris deliberately hides, no one can find him, and no one can keep up with him. He is the **** of war in the universe."

And this God of War was just shot by his "own man", and Wu Bu shivered.

At this moment, all the soldiers in the preparation area of ​​the Helen are also chilling in their hearts.

The enemy has been repelled, and the loss of the cruise fleet is within control, but everyone's faces are still serious.

Sloan First God of War! The king of the universe! The mecha returned with injuries!

This is something that has never happened in the fierce battle with the orcs!

The technical soldiers and the medics who were ordered to stand by here did not dare to come out. They watched the legendary God of War take off his helmet, jumped off the fighter plane, reached out and touched the damaged shell, and then stood on the other side with cold eyes. before the stop channel.

Wu Bubu received Mintor's contact, and did not return to the devastated Olei, but boarded the Helen with Philot who got in touch later.

A wave of medics carried Hayward, who was wrapped in the isolation layer, directly into the operating room. The remaining medics were hesitating whether or not to take the suspicious guy hanging on the edge of the cabin away.

After Wu Bu used up the two energy potions, he immediately collapsed into a pile of mud.

But someone wasn't going to let him go so easily.

Philot just jumped off the fighter plane when he heard a muffled sound, followed by a scream.

"Bastard! My nose!"

Wu Bubu was lying on the ground, two heat currents gushing out from the bridge of his aching nose.

With his bare, exposed arm being stepped on by someone, Wu looked up effortlessly and saw Luo Yanker's eyes like a skating blade.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Diris, I didn't mean to hit you! Please forgive my stupidity." Wu Bubu put on a sincere face and apologized earnestly, but he heard countless gasps!

This idiot! Philot's heart was complicated, but he didn't dare to step forward to stop Royanker's veritable trampling. I'm afraid that no one in Sloan would dare to provoke the God of War. Oh no, there is a guy who has run out of IQ in front of him.

"This is really a misunderstanding. I shot too fast, and I made a mistake in judgment." Wu Bubu continued to dig his own grave, and then heard a crisp crack from his shoulder.

A burst of severe pain and dizziness struck, and Wu couldn't let himself fall into the darkness, so he didn't know that after he fell into a coma, the medical ring on his wrist alerted him, and due to slight dehydration, it was slightly lower than 70%. The astonishing data made the people present exclaim again and again.

Luo Yanker removed his boots, and in shock, picked up the man and threw it on his shoulders, and strode away.

In the lounge of the Helen, Luo Yanker Lan Direis looked at Major General Huyin Wright on the communication screen with a blank expression.

"Colonel Derris, this mission has been accomplished very well," the young major general smiled warmly. "Of course, from a personal standpoint, I should sincerely thank you for your help so that Major Hayward can return safely."

Facing the praise of a major general, Luo Yanker nodded slightly.

"Colonel Diris, please come to me if you need it in the future. Maybe you don't think it is necessary, but please accept the gratitude of a prospective father."

"Major General, I need a personal bodyguard." Luo Yanker accepted the gratitude bluntly.

"Of course, do you have someone you value?" Xiuyin Wright did not react in surprise to this sudden and unusual request.

Luo Yankel's temper is known to the whole Sloan, strange and unpredictable, ruthless and ruthless.

"The candidate has been decided. Someone should report this person's information to you later. In any case, please remember that he is my personal guard."

Luo Yanker ended the call, walked into the spacious and empty lounge, stood by the bed, looked at the light wheat-colored human body twisting on the white big bed, and the dark light in his eyes floated.

The author has something to say: scum author: How does it feel to shoot the God of War with one shot?

Wu Bu: ...(oT-T) Corpse

Philot: Waxing...

Mintor: Waxing...

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