MTL - The First “Soft Chinese Paper” In the Interstellar!-Chapter 4 Shattered worldview

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The fighter jets that quickly moved away from the hull cut through the quiet space and headed for the darker unknown.

At the moment when the fighter jet started, Wu Bu was so excited that his heart beat faster, and he forgot to flee. The dazzling data screen passed by and disappeared. This should be the seat designed for the co-pilot, but he didn't know he could help. what busy.

The **** headed by Philot followed closely behind the side. The four fighter planes rushed forward. As long as they could avoid the chasing pirates, they would have the opportunity to join the reinforcements!

It's just that they haven't realized the danger is approaching.

Mintor on the main ship's bridge punched the console impatiently. This group of vermin in the universe released interfering particles when they arrived here. Now he can't get in touch with Major Hayward and Philot. , tell them that the enemy's target is likely to be Major Hayward!

Fortunately, they detected the enemy in time and sent a signal for help to the nearest garrison, and now they must find a way to hold on until the reinforcements arrive!

Wu Bucai couldn't take back his astonishing gaze. Hayeyer had just ordered him to follow, but Wu Bucai didn't understand what it meant. A creepy feeling protruded from behind, and there was something slowly rising behind him. Near the back of his neck!

"What?! oh! Shit!"

There was a cold piercing sensation in the back of the neck, Wu Bu Bu waved his arms in a panic, wanting to pull out the ultra-fine fibers that pierced the back of the neck, but with a flash in his head, everything in front of him switched instantly!

In his mind, he clearly showed a 360-degree spatial panorama with this fighter plane as the origin. This is impossible to achieve through human eyes, but his mind is such an open and clear vision.

Wu Bubu raised his head slightly in admiration, and the vision in his mind expanded again with the elevation angle of the line of sight as the horizontal plane!

"It's amazing!" Wu Bu couldn't help admiring, but this admiration was also the last sentence he said in a normal tone, because for the rest of the time, he was roaring with his life!

"Major, an enemy plane is found right behind." At the same time that Quanzhi System was reporting to Hayward, Wu Bubu also found the approaching enemy plane, "Damn it! There are twelve enemy planes!" And they only had four!

Wu Bu's heart was beating wildly, although he still couldn't figure out his position, but the kindness and protection of Hayward made him naturally classify those who attacked them as enemies.

"Did you see it clearly?" Hai Ye didn't speak since he gave the first order. He even used brain waves to communicate with the Quanzhi system, because he was in severe abdominal pain now! I thought that the shock on the bridge just now had no effect, but now it seems that it is still careless! So he connected the Quanzhi system to Wu Bu's brain the first time he found something wrong!

A driver who has not entered any information can only use the most primitive neural link to integrate with the Quanzhi system.

"I see clearly!" Wu Bubu was short of breath, looking at the clear picture in his mind, he didn't understand why he could see clearly, but Hayward was not so sure.

However, he didn't worry too much about these small details, because the enemy plane behind him was already chasing!

"Damn... Wu! Concentrate and let your senses zoom in with the field of vision! Give an order!" Sweat rolled down from Haye's forehead, and the severe pain made his vision shaky.

"Go, what order?!" Shouldn't it be the pilot of the fighter who gave the order? !

"...Listen, I'm going to give you the main field of vision as well, and run away desperately, that's what you have to do!" Hayward couldn't get in touch with the other fighters who were forced to leave, so he resolutely gave up the main field of vision in his mind. Control, with the only remaining concentration to assist Wu Bu's brainwaves.

"What?! What are you going to do? I've never piloted a fighter plane, and I said I'm just a technical soldier! I admit that I'm fascinated by machinery, but I'm not a genius without a teacher, this is not a joke, I don't want to Killing us all! Major Hayward, did you hear me! I won't... ah~~~~~~" The full influx of vision information made Wu Bu's world spin in an instant, and the fighter plane suddenly changed direction.

"Stabilize! Feel the fluctuations of the Quanzhi system, concentrate on accelerating!" Hayward endured a sharp pain, praying in his heart that his assumption was correct, and now their lives can only depend on this 70% miracle!

Wu Bubu held his breath, calmed himself, and regained his clear vision. A friendly plane exploded in an instant, biting his lip heavily. While Wu Bubu was frightened, he also felt something was wrong, "Why didn't they attack us?" Shoot them!

"Concentrate on speeding up!" Now is not the time to explain and question, it is important to get rid of the enemy plane.

In Wu Bu's thinking, he leaped forward with all his strength, as if he was about to pierce the axis of time. Haye, who was gasping for breath, felt the rapid operation of the Quanzhi system being driven. The instant momentum made his mind buzz, and then I can no longer keep up with Wu Bu's speed!

This is the conduction velocity of 70% water! They may still be saved!

Wu Bubu kept exclaiming, and escaped the meteorites in a series of thrills. When he took a breath, he realized that the enemy plane had been thrown a distance away, "Huh, Major, are you alright? What are we going to do..."


A scream of pain came into Wu Bu's mind, startling him, "Major, what's wrong with you?!"

Hai Yehua rolled down in a cold sweat, and now the control of the fighter plane is still in his mind, but he has put most of the assistance in Wu Bu's mind. Now he is really reaching the limit, and he can only take a risk!

"The full intelligence system is 100% deployed! Change the master control!" Hayward gave an order, and the body was deformed during rapid flight. When Wu Bu's chin landed again, the humanoid combat armor instantly became a body, a sharp turn , plunged into the giant meteorite group that was about to pass by.

"Major, given the current situation, it is highly likely that you will survive here temporarily. Your heart is beating fast and your brain waves are fluctuating severely. I don't approve of handing over the control to this novice."

A calm voice suggested to Hayward, if it weren't for the sound of a hard metal texture, Wu Bu would definitely think that there was another person hiding in the cockpit!

"I agree! I agree with this... Xiaoquan's opinion!" Wu Bu's mind was still driven to observe the surrounding crisis. Hearing that someone finally understood him, he hurriedly agreed.

"Correction, my name is Abel, not Xiaoquan." The hard voice made Wu Bubu smile awkwardly.

"Master control transfer... Wu! You just need to concentrate on improving the mecha function, and the rest of Abel will... help you. Abel! You must put Wu's safety first! I... uh!" Hayward was attacked by pain again roll.

"I'm sorry, Major. Your safety is my priority. Your pain index is rising. Do you need to be quarantined?"

"..." Hayward didn't have the strength to speak at all, and his whole body was stretched straight in the translucent driver's seat.

"Major, where is he injured? Is there no first aid kit in the cabin?!" Wu Bubui didn't find the danger for a while, so he let the humanoid mecha grab onto the giant meteorite and drift with the meteorite group.

"The major isn't hurt, if you need a first aid kit, at..."

"I don't need it! I'm asking you, Major Hayward, what's wrong with him? Aren't you Quanzhi System! Find a way to help him!" Wu Bubei began to hate this dead-headed guy.

"I can't help the major produce in the current conditions."

"But... eh?!" Σ(?oΔo?)

"In addition to providing sterile isolation, I can't help the major with production. I detected that the enemy has released interfering particles since we left the main ship, and we can't communicate normally. Currently..."

"No, no, wait a minute! What are you talking about, Major, Major Hayward?!" (;'??Д??`)

"The major should have suffered some kind of physical shock, which caused the premature birth. Now the situation is more critical."

As if in order to give the chaotic Wu Bu the last blow, Hayward cried out in unbearable pain.

In Wu Bu's cluttered brain, a crackling sound echoed clearly, and the originally unhealthy worldview was completely shattered at this moment!


"Born, produced, produced! Why, why, how..." Wu Bu could not control the trembling of his vocal cords.

"Please try to keep your mind clear, brain fluctuations will... be careful!"

The body bounced away suddenly, and a bright white thorn flashed across Wu Bu's mind, hitting the location where they were hiding just now, and the huge meteorite was instantly torn apart.

A red mech, also humanoid, flashed out of hiding and shot at them!

"Ah! Bastard!" Wu can't hate this unfortunate thing to death, but after all, he has received military training, and he needs to keep his eyes wide open when he encounters danger. He can still do it.

"Major!" Wu Bubu shouted loudly, but got no response.

"Please concentrate, I can't control the fighter alone, the pilot's brain waves must be synchronized, please relax and fight back."

Relax and fight back? !

Wu can't grit his teeth, if this Abel is a person, he must be caught and beaten in front of him, or if he can survive, he will dismantle this guy!

To vent his anger to vent his anger, Wu Bubu still forced himself to calm down, magnify his senses, and quickly dodge the moment the enemy plane appeared in his field of vision!

The red mecha was chasing after him. The driver narrowed his light brown eyes. It seemed that he underestimated this Hayward. Although the other party would only dodge timidly, there were not many people who could escape his pursuit. It looks like it's going to be a real deal.

However, a slightly mocking voice suddenly came from the call channel, "Hey, Peano, are you playing cat-and-mouse with our prey? Now is not your game time."

"Hmph." The man called Peano had an impatient expression on his face.

"Hey, don't be so childish, let me help you catch mice, this task, the boss is not assigned to you alone."

"You don't need to meddle in your business."

Wu Bu's brain soon felt exhausted, and this exhaustion reduced his ability to react. Just when he thought the red mecha had given up the pursuit, another enemy plane appeared behind him, trapping him in the chaotic environment. in the meteorite group.

God! Am I going into your arms? !

Wu Bu could only have time to annoy his bad luck in his heart. The enemy plane behind him suddenly launched an attack. While dodging in a hurry, Abel was hit and the cockpit shook for a while.

Hai Yehua's situation was very bad, his whole body was about to hang out of the driver's seat, and Wu Bu Bu could clearly hear the cracking sound coming from the major's body, intermittently, which made his nerves even more tense.

"Please pay attention..."

"Ah!" Before Abel's warning could be finished, the impact of being chopped made Wu Bu's brain hurt.

Is this the end? !

The mecha in front of him seemed to be laughing at him on purpose. He waved his sharp arm before rushing towards them. Wu Buke opened his eyes subconsciously, looking at the last horror of life.

The sharp blade cut open the mecha, and the severely damaged mecha was kicked on a meteorite. The explosion exploded instantly, and the light group went on and off. Wu Bu Bu saw the most shocking scene in his life, a dark blue humanoid machine. Armor, wielding a sharp blade, destroyed the enemy aircraft with one blow, rescued him from the **** of death, and flew back to his mecha with a purple halo.

The dark universe seems to be used to set off this heroic **** of war, Wu Bu can feel the sudden rapid beating of his heart!

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels and the little demons for their support, please show me that you will torture me again! In this cold world, give me some warmth! What? What is warmth?

~~~~~~~ The two words that hurt me in the message are warmth~~~~

Wu Bu: T_T's shock value is too high, I ask for a raise!


Mintor: …


Slag Author:…

Wu Bu: Hey! Don't ignore me! By the way, who was the guy who appeared last? So pulling! ?

Philot: (“▔□▔)

Mintor: (~_~;)


Scum Author:─━_─━?

Wu Bu: Hey! what does it mean!

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