MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 493 Ying Li has an accident

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   Chapter 493 Something happened to Yingli

   Well, this world is not scientific at all!

   After a brief shock, Yuanbao was relieved. If speaking of science, she herself would not be able to explain her own terrifying cultivation strength.

   Moreover, after thinking for a while, Yuanbao understood how Leng Xueran blasted away that lightning bolt.

  Thunder and lightning, to put it bluntly, is also a kind of energy.

   Ordinary people are too weak in the face of lightning, but powerful warriors have the ability to move mountains and reclaim the sea, and lightning is really not a problem.

   In fact, even if Yuanbao goes now, it can shatter this thunder.

   Of course, Yuanbao can't be as casual as Leng Xueran.

   "Senior brother, how many ways does this thunder tribulation have?"

   Yuanbao turned his head to look at the immortal Wuwei whose eyes were a little dull, and asked aloud.

   "Uh, don't know!"

   "It depends on the situation!"

  Wuwei real person came back to his senses, with deep envy in his eyes.

  Crossing the Tribulation!

   As long as you have survived the calamity, you can become a land **** and prolong your life for a thousand years.

   "Senior brother, please introduce me!"

   Yuanbao is really curious about this.

Before I crossed before, I often read in the novels that there are four or nine robbery, nine or nine robbery, and what kind of robbery, fire robbery, heart demon robbery, etc. I don’t know if it is the same here. There are these calamities.

   "This, I'm not very clear, but I have seen some records in the classics of our Shangqing Sect, and they are all just a few words."

   "It is said that this calamity is also divided into three, six and nine grades, depending on the talent of the robbery person and the merits and demerits of his life."

   "If this person does too much evil in his life, he will encounter nine calamities, and he will die without life."

   "Therefore, at the beginning of martial arts practice, warriors were very concerned about this, and they would not kill life easily. Those were the golden years of martial arts practice."

   "However, slowly, everyone found that when they reached the fourth realm, it seemed that the road had come to an end. There was no hope of breaking through the land gods and becoming human beings. Some people went crazy."

   "Killing and killing life has become the norm."

   "That period of time was the darkest moment of martial arts practice. Whether it was ordinary people or warriors, their lives were in danger."

   "Afterwards, a group of amazing martial arts experts stood up. They joined many like-minded people to set up a martial arts sect to bless one side."

   "Those warriors who did evil encountered the siege of the sect and could only escape into the mountains."

   "Afterwards, these warriors also united, and this is the predecessor of today's four major demon sects of martial arts!"

   "After this, there was a rare peace in the world. Until a thousand years ago, the Hades, the head of the four major demon sects, held an evil memorial ceremony. With the lives and blood of millions of civilians, the demons from outside the sky were attracted."

   "The devil from the sky made the suzerain of the Hades Sect, Ming Wuji, break the restrictions of heaven and earth and break through to the gods of the land."

   "If it wasn't for the will of heaven and earth to suppress the demons outside the sky, I'm afraid this side of heaven and earth has completely turned into a demon domain."

   "The reason why the Shangqing Sect has fallen to the present level is to fight against the Ming Wuji, the land gods, and the power of one person, almost suppressing the current world!"

   "If it weren't for his wickedness, his karmic thoughts, and the calamity coming, I'm afraid that all the masters of the fourth realm of the righteous sect at that time would come out and hate him on the spot."

   "At that time, what Ming Wuji endured was the Nine Heavens Tribulation!"

   "Nine, nine and eighty-one thunderbolts completely turned the old thief into ashes."

   Listening to the real person Wuwei said here, Yuanbao hurriedly conveyed the wishing power of the incense in the incense burner to Leng Xueran.

   She didn't know how many people Leng Xueran had killed in her life, but since there is a demon in this world, then, according to the principle of confrontation between righteous and demons, Leng Xueran must have killed a lot of people.

   In case of karmic thoughts entangled in the body, wouldn’t this calamity be very violent?

   She was waiting to hug her thighs.

   Yuanbao sent out the incense wish, and then found that the thunderclouds in the sky seemed to have faded a little.

   "Is it an illusion?"

   Yuanbao is not sure if the thundercloud is really faded.

   But that’s okay, not sure, just try again.

   Yuanbao continued to send out incense and wishing power, and at the same time, his eyes were fixed on the thunderclouds in the sky.

   Then, Yuanbao found that the thunderclouds in the sky really faded.

   That is to say, her incense and willingness will work.

  In that case, hurry up!

   Anyway, incense has a lot of willpower, and it is still being produced continuously.



   One after another thunderbolt fell from the thundercloud, but they were all smashed by Leng Xueran with his fist.

   "Senior Brother, does Senior Sister Leng have no weapons?"

   Watching Leng Xueran smashing these thunderbolts with one punch, Yuanbao always felt that the image of this senior sister was a little too fierce. In her previous thoughts, Leng Xueran should be like a fairy, and every move should be full of fairy spirit.

   "Uh, Senior Sister Leng is practicing boxing!"

   "Little Junior Sister, don't imitate your Leng Senior Sister, girls still need to pay attention to their image!"

   "Mmmm, senior brother is right, I'll tell senior sister Leng when I look back!"

   "Don't, little junior sister, you must spare senior brother!"

   Hearing Yuanbao said that he was going to tell Leng Xueran about this, the real person Wuwei instantly collapsed.

   "Senior Sister Leng has survived the calamity, and you are a fairy on the land. Your senior brother and my old arms and legs can't stand her toss, so you should respect the old and love the young!"

   "Senior Brother, when are you going to cross the Heavenly Tribulation?"

   Yuanbao looked at the real person Wuwei curiously, "I think it's not a coincidence that Senior Sister Leng survived the catastrophe, nor is it the only one. Maybe, after some time, the road ahead will be clear?"

   "Don't, please don't!"

  Wuwei real person stunned, "Little Junior Sister, please don't say such words again!"

   "If the road ahead is really clear, we can all break through the limitations of heaven and earth and be promoted to land gods, which is not a good thing!"

   "Why? Are those immortals who once disappeared coming back?"


  Wuwei Zhenren nodded, "Why did the immortals leave? According to later generations, it was because the aura of this world was not enough to support them to live here, so they chose to leave."

   "It's also because of the lack of spiritual energy in heaven and earth, we people can only change the practice of immortality into martial arts."

   "If all of us can advance to the level of land gods, it means that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has begun to recover, and it also means that the great change will come, and it will be another catastrophe!"

   "Why are the common people?"

   "Fairy God, **** it!"

   Speaking of emotional excitement, Wuwei Zhenren was a little bit angry.

   "Senior Brother, Senior Brother, calm down, calm down!"

   Yuanbao hurriedly threw a little of the incense and wishing power to Wuwei Zhenren and helped him wake up.

   It was the first time she found out that her senior brother had such a compassionate heart.

   It's just that this spiritual energy is revived or something, I'm afraid it's not a joke, right? And the so-called immortals have already left, and they must have gone to a place more suitable for them to live.

  Is it possible, those immortal gods were kicked by donkeys in their heads?

   has already left, are you still thinking of coming back?

   "Uh, little junior sister, I made you laugh!"

  The real person Wuwei finally calmed down, "In the beginning, our master, uncle, and uncle were all killed in the catastrophe created by Naming Wuji!"

   "According to the surviving seniors, the demon from the sky was suppressed by the will of heaven and earth, but was expelled from this world."

   "Once the aura of heaven and earth recovers, the upper limit of the powerhouses that this world can accommodate will increase, and the demons from outside are likely to come again."

   "Senior brother, isn't this a good thing?"

   Yuanbao looked at his senior brother in confusion, "The upper limit of the powerhouses that can be accommodated in heaven and earth has been raised. When the time comes, the devil from the outside world will come, can't we take revenge?"

   "Where is it so simple?"

The real person    Wuwei sighed, "The upper limit of the powerhouses that heaven and earth can accommodate is raised. This upper limit is not as simple as we think."

   "Like now, Junior Sister Leng has advanced to the terrestrial fairy, but she is only the first-level terrestrial fairy, but the upper limit of the heaven and earth is the ultimate terrestrial fairy!"

   "If a demon from outside the sky comes in at this time, who can stop it?"


   Good guy, really good guy!

  Yuanbao now understands.

   No wonder Wuwei Zhenren is not at ease, whoever has changed, will not feel at ease when encountering such a thing.

   This is a huge gap!

   The most important thing is that the enemy who came here also has powerful techniques and supernatural powers that surpass this world.

   Such a battle, how to win?

   Even if Yuanbao feels that he is hanging, his head is as big as a bucket at the moment.

   "Senior brother, there must be a way to the front of the mountain. There is no way out, there will always be a way. Don't put too much pressure on you. In the future, there may be no way!"

Soothing words like    ingots have no effect at all.

  The terrestrial fairy, that is beyond the fourth realm of practice, the gap between the two is not the same.

   Once a ghost, he almost destroyed the entire Zhengdao sect. If the demons from outside really came that day, how many terrestrial gods would they need to compete with each other?

   Just as Yuanbao was talking to the real person Wuwei, the thundercloud shrouded in Leng Xueran's petition slowly dissipated.

   A rain of rain fell from the sky and melted into Leng Xueran's body.

  The land fairy, it's done!

   Yuanbao and Wuwei, who stood a hundred feet away from the place where Leng Xueran transcended the calamity, also dipped a little light and received the nourishment of the rain from the sky.

  Although it's just scraps, Yuanbao can feel that his cultivation has made progress.

   As for Wuwei, he saw a chance to break through the land gods!

   As long as you give him a little more time, he will definitely break through the land gods.

   "Senior sister, congratulations on breaking through the land fairy!"

   Yuanbao, after Leng Xueran's meritorious deeds were completed, the speed came to the front, and he congratulated the other party.

   "Little Junior Sister, thank you!"

  Leng Xueran looked at Yuanbao gratefully.

  If it wasn't for Yuanbao to help her clear the evil spirits in her body, let alone the advanced terrestrial gods, she would have very little life left.

  This cause and effect, I owe it to Dafa!

   "Senior sister, you're out now!"

   "Junior Sister Leng, congratulations!"

The real person   Wuwei also stepped forward to congratulate him.

   "You, too soon?"

  Leng Xueran stared at the real person Wuwei for a second, and found that the real person Wuwei's breath was also heading towards the land immortal.

The real person   Wuwei smiled and said: "Thanks to my sister, I got a little rain from the sky, and then I realized the last chance!"

"Not so polite!"

  Leng Xueran waved his hand lightly, "In the final analysis, I still have to thank you Shangqing Sect. I didn't expect that the one who escaped was really found by you!"

   "Junior Sister Leng, please keep this matter a secret!"

"I know!"

  Leng Xueran nodded, "Allow me to go back to the sect and explain a few things. Then, I will stay in the Shangqing sect and stay by the side of the younger sister!"

   "Just, in order to prevent future catastrophe, this news must be spread as soon as possible!"


   Yuanbao listened to the conversation between Wuwei and Leng Xueran, and wanted to say that they were worrying about nothing.

   After thinking about it, she still didn't dare to talk.

   For nothing else, he turned his own words into a flag.

   According to legend, those who hoist the flag are often shrouded in bad luck.

   The three quickly left the vast sea desert.

   However, when they got out of the Vast Sea Desert, they found that it was not at the edge of the mountain village at all, but in the middle and south of the land far away from the Shangqing Sect, but it was very close to the Xuanxin Sect.

   "Senior brother, I want to go to Xuanxinzong for a walk!"

  Since Yingli came out of the Abandoned Land, except at the beginning, I had contact with Yuanbao, and then I lost contact. Occasionally there is contact, just send a message and say a few words.

  Yuanbao thinks that this may be because the mentality of her master teacher has not been adjusted.

   I was very busy before, and I didn't have time to come over and chat with my master master. Now that I am on the way, I must go and meet.


  Wuwei real person will not refuse the request of Yuanbao, it is not a big deal anyway.

   As for Leng Xueran, he directly turned to the Jade Maiden Gate.

   Yuanbao, along with the real person Wuwei, soon arrived at Xuanxinzong.

   After meeting Su Ding, the suzerain of Xuanxin Sect, Yuanbao proposed to meet Yingli.

   However, when Su Ding heard Yuanbao's request, he frowned, and then opened his mouth with a look of embarrassment, saying: "Little Master, this, Yingli has realized something not long ago, and it's not long before he retreated!"

   And just as Su Ding finished explaining, there was a beeping sound from Yuanbao's mobile phone.

   She took out her mobile phone and saw a text message from Yingli, saying that she was practicing outside, so Yuanbao didn't have to worry about it. When she was free, she would go to Shangqingzong to visit her.

   "Sect Master Su, you said, should I believe your words or this text message?"

   Yuanbao looked at the suzerain of the Xuanxin Sect with a somewhat unpleasant expression.

   She now understands everything.

  Yingli must have had an accident!

   "Sect Master Su, Yingli is my enlightenment mentor in the Abandoned Land. If she has three strengths and two weaknesses, then the Shangqing Sect and the Xuanxin Sect will never die!"

   As the junior uncle of the Shangqingzong, Yuanbao wants to declare war with Xuanxinzong, she really has this qualification!

   "Little Master, calm down!"

  Su Ding heard Yuanbao say this, and saw that Wuwei did not refute, the whole person panicked.

   Xuanxin Sect is a little worse than Shangqing Sect.

   Moreover, there are many sects that have kept up with the Qing sect. If the two sects really go to war, the Xuanxin sect is afraid that the game will be over.

   "Yingli did have an accident!"

   "Where is my master now?"

   Hearing Su Ding say that something happened to Yingli, Yuanbao's killing intent unabashedly burst out.

   20,000 words, so tired, take a break, ask for a monthly pass!



   (end of this chapter)

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