MTL - The Favored Little Peasant Has Stolen the Heroine’s Life!-Chapter 492 one who escaped

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   Chapter 492 The one who escaped

  Little Chuzi!

   Hearing Leng Xueran's name for Chu Qiuzie, Yuanbao's eyes widened.

   Chu Qiufeng had a melancholy expression on his face, and said, "Master Leng, I'm already at this age, can you stop calling me little Chuzi?"

"do you have any opinion?"

   Leng Xueran's face that was still smiling just now, changed his face instantly, covered with frost, full of evil spirits.

   "No, no opinion!"

  Chu Qiufei wanted to say that he had an opinion, and he was the boss of his opinion.

   However, the fist is not hard enough!

  Leng Xueran's strength is that the real person Wuwei has to be carefully served. He is a little shrimp, so he should be treated with more caution.

   "Go and rest if you have no opinion!"

   "By the way, you are not allowed to tell your master that I am here!"


   Chu Qiufei stepped back extremely humbly.

   Don't look at him as the suzerain of the Shangqing Sect, and also a big boss in the world, but above the big boss, there are also giants.

  If Wuwei is a real person, such as Leng Xueran, they are the overlords among the giants.

   Even in the same fourth realm of cultivation, the specific strength gap is average.

   To put it a bit harshly, if Leng Xueran wants to clean up Chu Qiufeng, he just needs to stretch out his hand.

   Chu Qiufei sometimes really wants to change his name.

   The reason for this other person's defeat is that there is no invincible hand in the world, and he has high expectations from his master. As a result, the person who can give him a defeat in this world is beyond the number of two hands and two feet.

   Sadly, he wanted to change his name, but Wuwei didn't allow it.

   Looking at the back of Chu Qiube leaving in a daze, Yuan Bao instantly understood that Leng Xueran was a super thigh. If that's the case, then definitely hold on to it!

   Although she is the junior uncle of the Shangqing Sect, and her cultivation has reached the fourth realm, she can feel that her current strength cannot even defeat Chu Qiu.

   After all, she has too few exercises.

   She needs time to accumulate, and she needs more combat experience.

   "Senior sister, why are you uncomfortable?"

   "Let me tell you, I am very good at healing!"

   Yuanbao decided to hug his thighs, so he must first cure Leng Xueran's dark disease.

   "Little Junior Sister, I'm just a little bit of an old ailment, it's been many years!"

Leng Xueran briefly explained his situation, "In order to suppress an evil thing, the evil spirit invaded the heart veins. Over the years, although I have been relying on my cultivation to suppress this evil spirit, but recently, I found that this evil spirit seems to have a growing trend, if I can't suppress or clear this evil spirit, I should be relieved!"

   "This evil spirit is not due to injury!"

   "I'm here mainly to see what kind of junior sister Wuwei has received!"

"not bad, very good!"

   "You are at this age, and you have reached the fourth realm of cultivation. In the future, it may really be possible to break through the land gods and become human beings!"

   "In this case, I have no regrets!"

   Leng Xueran didn't give Yuanbao a chance to speak at all, and he just said it with a bang.

   "Senior sister, it's just the evil spirit, I think I can cure it!"

   Yuanbao waited for Leng Xueran to finish speaking, and then he replied sloppily.

   Evil spirit, she can really cure it.

   When she was treating the disciples of the Shangqing Sect, she helped an elder to clean up the evil spirits. Of course, relying on the power of incense to clean up the evil spirits will consume a little bit more.

"how is this possible?"

   Hearing Yuanbao's words, Leng Xueran was horrified and didn't believe it.

   "Senior sister, as the old saying goes, it's a mule or a horse, pull it out for a walk!"

   "Whether I can clear the evil spirits, won't I find out after trying it later?"

   "Even if you can't, is there any harm to you?"

   Yuanbao spoke in disapproval.

   Leng Xueran shook his head and said, "Little Junior Sister, you don't understand!"

   "This evil spirit is the most bizarre, just like having self-awareness. Once, senior sister's master also wanted to help senior sister to clear the evil spirit, but it was affected by the evil spirit, and finally the soldiers died!"

   "I can't hurt you!"

   "If you break through to the land gods, you may be able to directly suppress and refine this evil spirit, but now, you can't!"

   "Senior sister, have you thought about what will happen to the evil spirit in your body after you are relieved?"

   Yuanbao looked at Leng Xueran solemnly and asked a serious question.

   This time, Leng Xueran was speechless.

   The evil spirit will not dissipate on its own. Without Leng Xueran's suppression, this evil spirit will inevitably affect the surrounding world, causing large-scale pollution, and even forming a Jedi.

   "Senior sister, if you have to trust me, just listen to me, I can really clean up the evil spirits!"

   "Before, one of the elders of the Shangqing Sect was contaminated with evil spirits, and I dealt with them all."

  Yuanbao is very confident in the incense desire power condensed in this incense burner.

   No matter how bad it is, she can completely bring this evil spirit into the space.

  This space is self-contained, and the incense burner is condensing the power of incense every moment, and sooner or later this evil spirit can be wiped out.

   Of course, the result of this is nothing more than that she can no longer use the space in the short term, and she has no incense and wishing power to practice.

   But, now she is in the Qing Sect, with abundant spiritual energy in heaven and earth, as well as primeval stones and various heaven and earth treasures to assist her, so she may not necessarily need the power of incense and wish.

   "Senior sister, this is already the case, you believe me once!"

   Yuanbao was going to hold Leng Xueran as her thigh, so she decided to fight!

   "That's fine, let's go find your brother!"

  Leng Xueran finally chose to gamble.

   She already does.

  If she is finally resolved, this evil spirit will erupt, and someone will still need to come out to suppress it. In that case, why not take a gamble?

   "Little Junior Sister, are you sure you can do it?"

   When the real person Wuwei heard what Yuanbao and Leng Xueran said, he also looked solemn.

   "Senior brother, I think you should have some confidence in me after going through the things in the Vast Sea Desert!"

   Yuanbao threw a big white eye at the real person Wuwei.

   Her luck is truly invincible.

   The vast sea desert with the natural Jedi formation can't trap her, how can she be smashed into the sand by the mere evil spirit? She has both hands ready.

   "Then take a gamble!"

  Wuwei real person finally decided to fight.

   "Come on, let's go to the Hanhai Desert!"

   went to the vast sea desert, even if there is an accident, it will not affect other people.

   The Hanhai Desert is a natural Jedi formation, even if the evil spirit escapes, it will not affect the people outside. Of course, once the evil spirits escaped, the vast sea desert would completely cut off the connection between the abandoned land and the outside world.

   "Senior brother, I think you can relax!"

  Ingots are full of confidence!

  It's a pity, whether it's Leng Xueran or Wuwei, they are all in a state of anxiety.

   Both of them are ready for the last fight. If the evil spirits really can't be suppressed, then even if they fight for their two lives, they have to keep the ingots.

   Over the years, Yuanbao was the only one who let them see the breakthrough to the land fairy.

   According to legend, the immortals will eventually return.

   And once the immortals return, all spirits in this world will be harvested for the immortals.

   Avenue is fifty, Tianyan is four or nine, and people are one of them.

   Even if the immortals are powerful, the human race is not without the possibility of survival. This is the one that escapes.

   It’s just that no one knows where this “one” is.

  When the Hanhai Desert emerged overnight and isolated a small world, some people thought it was a sign before the disaster, and some people thought it was the one who escaped.

  It's a pity that the vast sea desert has always existed for many years, but the one that has gone away is invisible.

   As a result, more and more martial arts sects are no longer trying to find the one who escaped from the abandoned place besieged by the vast sea desert.

   But there are always exceptions!

  Shangqingzong and Daxueshan are exceptions.

   As for the Xuanxin Sect, they no longer believe that the one who escaped will appear in the abandoned place.

  The reason why they still keep people in the abandoned place is not to find the one who has escaped, but as a means of punishing their disciples.

  Yingli was sent to where did he go because he offended a certain son of the Xuanxin Sect.

   Then, she also used herself to save others, thinking that Ji Zhao and Tuoba Bodhisattva were like this, but they did not know that they were on a mission.

  Otherwise, how could the two of them agree to Yingli's suggestion so easily?


   Leaving from Shangqingzong, Yuanbao, Wuwei Zhenren, and Leng Xueran quickly reached the edge of the Vast Sea Desert.

   The three randomly found a place to step into the vast sea desert and go deep into the land of thousands of miles.

   "Senior sister, it might hurt a little later, so bear with it!"

   Use the power of incense and will to clean up the evil spirits. To put it bluntly, it is the collision of two forces. The winner kills the loser and occupies everything.

   "Senior sister, let go of the suppression of evil spirits now, protect your heart and brain, and leave the rest to me!"

   Yuanbao mobilized the power of incense and poured it into Leng Xueran's body.

   Feeling the same aura intruding into the body, Leng Xueran also let go of the suppression of the evil spirit.

  This evil spirit has been suppressed for decades, and it has long been suffocated. Now that the suppression is suddenly found to be loosened, it suddenly jumps out.

   However, before it could wreak havoc in Leng Xueran's body, he was surrounded by the power of incense.

  In an instant, the meridians in Leng Xueran's body became a battlefield.

  Incense Willing Force rushed towards the evil spirit energy, and when the two collided, the evil spirit energy was partially annihilated by the Incense Willing Force.

   And this, naturally stimulated the evil spirits.

   Violent collision erupts!

  Leng Xueran's beautiful face was instantly distorted.

   Sure enough, it really hurts!

   It's just that Leng Xueran has practiced for so many years, what hardship has he not experienced? What pain did you not experience? She gritted her teeth and held on.

   Feeling the bursting of the meridians, Leng Xueran was also very stable.

  Yuanbao motivates the incense wish power, constantly colliding with the evil spirits, the evil spirits annihilate the incense vows, and the incense vows also consume the evil spirits.

   Moreover, while fighting against the evil spirits, Xianghuo Yuanli is also repairing Leng Xueran's broken meridians.

   As soon as the battle started, it became incandescent.

   The evil spirit is indeed very ferocious, and it is extremely contagious, however, the incense will just restrain it.

   Slowly, Leng Xueran's expression returned to normal, his eyebrows opened, and there was a look of joy in his eyes.

   She could feel that the evil spirit in her body was weakening.

   Even the evil spirits that were whistling and trying to rush out of her body actually started to retreat back, trying to hide in her heart.

   "This thing is actually conscious!"

   "Just, want to hide?"

   "Think beautifully!"

   Leng Xueran mobilized his true essence, blocking the retreat of the evil spirit.

   At this time, the incense and wishing power motivated by Yuanbao also completed the all-round encirclement of the evil spirit.

   I have to say that the evil spirit in Leng Xueran's body is much more domineering than the evil spirit in the body of the elder of the Shangqing Sect.

   Yuanbao consumed a full 10% of the incense willpower in the censer in order to clean up this evil spirit.

   But even so, this group of evil spirits has not been completely annihilated.

   "Since that's the case, let me out first and go to jail!"

Yuanbao directly controls the core of the incense qi that envelops the evil spirit, and puts it into the space and throws it into the incense burner that condenses the incense will, so that the incense will fight against this group of evil spirits all the time. Sha Qi launched an attack.

   She didn't believe it anymore, there was just a bunch of evil spirits, and she could even pull out the palm of her hand.

   "Little Junior Sister, you really are the one who escaped!"

   At the moment when he felt the evil spirits in his body disappear, Leng Xueran picked up Yuanbao and kissed Yuanbao several times on the face.

   This evil spirit has troubled her for many years, and even her lifespan is being affected.

   But now, Shen Wei is gone!

   "Sister, congratulations!"

   Seeing Leng Xueran like this, Wuwei real person understands that the evil spirit in Leng Xueran's body has been dispelled!

   "Happy together, rejoice together!"

  Leng Xueran's face was full of joy, and then his expression changed.

   "Luo Wuwei, hurry up, take your little sister to avoid, I'm going to advance!"

   Just as Leng Xueran spoke, a terrifying thundercloud appeared above Leng Xueran's head.

  This thundercloud was born out of thin air, and chains of lightning crackled in the black cloud.

   Real Wuwei almost froze when he heard Leng Xueran's words.


  Leng Xueran has already reached the pinnacle of the fourth realm. If she wants to advance, doesn't she want to become a land fairy?

   But, looking at the thunder calamity in the sky, can Leng Xueran survive it?

   "Senior brother, don't worry, senior sister will definitely succeed!"

   Yuanbao is not worried that Leng Xueran will not be able to survive the calamity successfully, she is now a super nurse.

   You can use the power of incense and wish to restore Leng Xueran's cultivation base at any time. As long as this thunder calamity cannot be killed in one hit, then Leng Xueran will definitely be able to successfully overcome the calamity.

   At that time, his backer will be the first terrestrial immortal in this world!

   Oops, I get a little excited just thinking about it!

   Yuanbao stared intently at Leng Xueran under the thunder cloud, thought for a while, and then threw some of the incense and wishing power to Leng Xueran.

  As a result, as the incense and wish power fell on Leng Xueran, the terrifying black thundercloud above the sky seemed to have faded a lot.

   But Yuanbao didn't notice this.

   She was looking at it eagerly, wanting to see what happened to this tribulation.

   The thunder in the thundercloud fell quickly, hitting Leng Xueran below straight.

   However, it was blocked, er, to be exact, it was scattered!

   Leng Xueran threw a punch, and this thunder was smashed away by her punch!

"This unscientific!"

   That is lightning!

   Yuanbao can't figure it out.

   (end of this chapter)

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