MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 260 :within Temptation? Let's go to bed! (弑雨世羽和氏璧加)

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Ps: Thank you for the pink support of the book of Freedom! Finally added a chapter, thank you again for the support of Yu Yu Shi Yu! Tired, I have to rest, parents have to rest early, and have to go to work tomorrow... It’s a hard life!

Chapter 260: Temptation? Let's go to bed! (弑雨世羽和氏璧加)

Chu Yutian is very simple, straight to the corner of his mouth, indicating that Xiao Ziling is not related to him. After all, Xiao Ziling wants to join the team. Now the captain is killed by their joint death. How should Xiao Xiaoling come forward to solve it? Well, Chu Haotian’s bad habit of being a boss has come out again, and he likes to throw his troubles to the younger brother.

Xiao Ziling did not care, the boss refused to control, and he did not cold-blooded to throw these young people who were born in this wilderness to live and die, so he went over and asked the three people: "What do you think now?"

This made the attention of the three people notice him. They looked at Xiao Ziling, and it seemed that they did not understand the meaning of Xiao Ziling’s words.

Xiao Ziling sighed: "The captain is dead, and the quest items are also lost there. We can't complete the task. If we don't have the captain, the hunting team will not exist. Plus we have no choice but to know where the corner is. So I want to ask your thoughts, what are your arrangements?"

Qian Lu first answered: "The original brother, we want to follow you, you are our captain, wait for the base, we can find another person to set up a new hunting team."

Wang Jingyu’s actions, just now Qiandao has thought about it. The captain is not so sincere on the surface. He may have thought of sacrificing them at the beginning, and even done this more than once. It is a pity that they have been deceived by his superficial sincerity. In the end, they are in a desperate situation to understand the true face of this person. Perhaps the reason why Wang Jingyu’s evil deeds have not been exposed is that no one in his team can survive except him. That is to say, people who know his true face can’t live. The same is true this time. If it weren’t for the original and the party, they might all die in the town, not to mention revenge.

When Ye Wen heard the money road, his eyes were bright. He nodded heavily: "The original brother must be a good captain. Please don't abandon us. We are very weak, but we will work hard and we must advance our team."

The hunting team had a clear distinction between the ranks of the major league bases a year ago, and these alliances promised. In their bases, different levels of hunting groups will enjoy different treatments and higher levels. The better the benefits are enjoyed, the associated fees charged by the base will be reduced by level. The news was announced, so that all the hunting teams are very motivated, because they can use their efforts to get a better life and enjoy the privileges they did not have the opportunity to get. So the fierce hunting team upgraded heat to spread in all corners of the earth, and the establishment of the hunting team was unprecedentedly prosperous.

The hunting team is divided into many levels, and it is not graded at the beginning. Then there is black iron, bronze, and silver. Gold, diamonds. There are no hunting groups above the gold level, only seven silver hunting groups. There are only a hundred bronzes, the largest number is the black iron level, and the new rankless team that rises every day.

Ye Wen’s words made Huo Zhengyu look at Xiao Ziling with enthusiasm. In fact, he did not believe in Wang Jingyu from the beginning. Instead, he felt that the original and Fang Yi were more appropriate. If the original promised to lead them, he would be willing to Yi’s move made him understand the true meaning of the teacher’s partner. He wanted to be with these people and give his strength to build their hunting team.

These sincere and clear eyes made Xiao Ziling unable to say anything that he refused. He said, "Well, this is a big event, let me think about it."

The three dolls nodded very much, and the eyes of worshiping Xi Xi were enthusiastically bet on Xiao Ziling's body, so that Xiao Ziling could no longer stay and directly collapsed.

Returning to Xiao Ziling, who was surrounded by Chu Yutian, couldn't help but raise an envy. I didn't expect that after this bitter betrayal, these newly-discovered young people still have the confidence to trust others. This is not easy. Like him, a betrayal hurts and can no longer return to the original purity, so it is still impossible to put down the protective shell of the heart.

Xiao Ziling, who could not leave the three young people, could only take them to the Qinling base. Although Chu Haotian felt that they could not pass their two worlds, it was regrettable that they did not raise any objection to the decision of Xiao Ziling.

The sky slowly darkened, and the five finally arrived at a village that had been abandoned. The zombies here had been cleared by the hunting team, and the food and materials inside had been wiped out by these hunting teams, except for a few. Broken house, nothing else.

A few people worked together, Chu Yutian went outside to collect the wood, burned the fire at night, baked the dry food they brought, and burned a pot of hot water. Huo Zhengyu and the other three are looking for warm things like straw. The closer they are to the west, the colder it is. It is not so easy to rely on the fire to get through the cold night. The warm sleeping bags they originally prepared, because the town fled, early I don't know which corner to drop in.

Xiao Ziling released the ice arrow to a tent that was found temporarily. Well, the problem of drinking water is Xiao Ziling's responsibility. Although Xiao Ziling can directly use water balls, his current identity is an ice-powered person. He can only put ice arrows. Of course, when three children don't pay attention, he will mix some water. Going in, the release of water polo is the simplest and most spiritual, and the ice arrow must be converted by the fourth-order skill of the Qingxin technique, which is very laborious.

Soon, Chu Haotian took a lot of wood dead branches, determined that these can burn a night, then stopped, he took a pile of dead wood to sit next to Xiao Ziling, who was working hard to fill the ice arrow in the earthen jar under. Xiao Ziling stopped his movements and glanced at Chu Yutian, who was trying to ignite the dead wood. His heart was a little embarrassing.

This time in order to recover him who wants to escape, Chu Haotian put down all the matters of the base, suspended his pace of expansion and spread the land with him. During this time, in order to take care of him personally did a lot of chores, like this kind of wood to carry heavy things to boil water, such as the previous Chu Haotian did not bother to do things, he is now doing a handy, willing.

Looking at the face of Chu Haotian's serious focus on doing things, a sweet and sour taste is slowly spreading in Xiao Ziling's body. He feels warm in his heart, and his face starts to heat up. It’s a man who doesn’t say anything about it. Just as a partner, Chu Haotian is actually very competent. He knows him until now, he is self-satisfied, not escaping from the outside, hooking up and hooking up. In the past six years, Chu Haotian did not have a woman at all, and of course there is no man except him. And this time the two went out, basically Chu Yutian was taking care of him, and asked for care. Like this time, he wants to change his decision, does not ask the reason, firmly stands by his side, choose to believe in him and support him.

And what about yourself? Some of them are pets and pets. They haven’t given him a good face all the way, and even some evil looks... I thought that Xiao Ziling was shocked. He found that he was not favored by Chu Haotian for a long time. In the face of Chu Yutian lost his sense of proportion, the so-called younger brother, he has long forgotten. Now think about it, what is his behavior during this time is what the younger brother should do?

When did he forget his original position? Beginning for Chu Yutian's enchantment? No, even earlier... his mindset has already had problems, but it was not discovered at the time.

Now, he has become more aggressive. He is so bold and fearless. There is only one reason. That is, he has placed himself in the position of the people on the side of Chu Yutian, so he is so crazy and enjoys the peace of mind. Take care of meticulously, and occasionally send a little temper. Even Chu Yutian to change those things that are loved, he just feels dizzy, not anger, disgust, this kind of mentality is not a pillow person and what? The wary little brother? ... lie to the ghost!

Xiao Ziling covered his mouth and stopped the laughter that was about to overflow. He shrugged his shoulders silently, laughing and tears coming out.

I have always thought that I can't accept the feelings. I used to enjoy the peace of mind, but I still think that this is to maintain the dignity of a man. I also want to reposition the relationship between the two to the position of the younger brother. Oh, it’s ridiculous. Which younger brother will direct his own boss to do this? Will anger the boss, and step on a few feet, and then proud?

Chu Haotian, who had just ignited the dead branches, discovered the abnormality of Xiao Ziling. He looked at Xiao Ziling with incomprehensibility and asked an eyebrow: "What are you?"

Xiao Ziling finally calmed his own laughter, and then he looked up and looked at Chu Yutian. His eyes were very complicated. Finally, he made a determination, so he made a slight tick and said: "Tonight, let's go to bed?" Xiao Ziling, Since you have enjoyed the treatment of the pillow, you can't pay the price you deserve...

The wooden strip that had been ignited in the hands of Chu Yutian was directly shocked to the ground because of this. At the moment, he managed to control these. He clenched his fist and put a few coughs on his mouth. This was only because of this. The beating heart, staring seriously at Xiao Ziling in front of him, wondering if he is playing with him, or is he just having an auditory hallucination?

Xiao Ziling's right hand slowly licked his lips, sticking out his tongue and squatting slightly, aiming at Chu Yutian's throat and sliding up and down because of his movements. He was satisfied, and his mouth swayed with a smile of smile: "Why, you don't want to?" ”

Chu Yutian hugged the goblin who tried to seduce him, and replied with a grin: "Damn, I want to die." Even if he was played by his family Xiaoling, he also recognized, this **** clumsy but Cute temptation, he can't resist. He already knew that as long as he was on his home, Xiaoling, what calm and calm is a shit...

Xiao Ziling gently exhaled in the ear of Chu Yutian: "So, after they have finished sleeping, I am at the mercy of Chu Ge..."

What you get is the sorrow and pain of Chu Yutian: Xiao Ziling, you must punish me, but seduce me but I still have to bear, you are too cruel!

Read The Duke's Passion