MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 259 : Yin Zhao? In the way of his own

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Ps: Thank you for your pink support! Thanks for the support of babo, small suckling pig bigfoot, dark night dance! Still in the codeword, I hope that I can add a more chapter tonight, and complete the debt of Yu Yu and Yu.

Chapter 259: Yin Zhao? In the way of his own

When Xiao Ziling and Ye Wen are about to fall into the zombie group, the first Chu Yutian hands slammed the two hands in their hands and hurriedly said, "You must run first!"

Huo Zhengyu and Qian Lu both felt that they had pushed them both afterwards, and their speed was even faster than that of Chu Haotian.

Huo Zhengyu jerked back, nervously and proactively looking at Fang Yi, who had already rushed to the original and Xiaowen. He knew that Fang Yi pushed them away to save the original and Ye Wen. He also knew that Fang Yi might Will lose his life because of this choice, but this desperate attempt to guard his teammates shocked his soul. He suddenly understood what the teacher in the base school said was the kind of partner that can deliver life...

Huo Zhenyu turned his head again and looked at the front with determination. He firmly supported the money road that had been running around and panted, and quickly ran forward through the thrust of Chu Haotian. In fact, it is better to give up money for living, but...

Huo Zhengyu's mouth is smiling: Fang Yi, Qian Lu, I am guarding, and you must live to save the original and Ye Wen, we are partners.

Chu Haotian was very fast. He arrived before the two people were about to be killed by the zombies. Although Chu Yutian knew that these second and third-order zombies had no threat to Xiao Ziling, but they still could not keep calm and directly cast teleports. , taking the two away from the zombies. Well, as long as there is a slight possibility, he will worry about the safety of Xiaoling, which is not intelligent control.

Everyone ran for a while, except for Huo Zhengyu and Qian Lu, who had a slight advantage and ran ahead, and several others almost went hand in hand. Wang Jingyu, who is on the far left, seems to have heard the face behind him. The zombie sound came, and he seemed to feel the sharp claws of the zombies wiping his back slightly... The fear of the blade of death hanging on the back of the head was about to drive him crazy, he couldn’t help but touch the chest again, looking for Consolation, the task is still lying in his arms, this is his chance to rise.

Never die here. Seeing the moment of flying into the sky! Wang Jingyu bites his teeth and runs to the side of the five people. The front is Huo Zhengyu and Qian Lu (Xiaolu). The one behind them is Fang Yi and the original and Ye Wen (Xiao Wen) who are pulled by him. This close front and rear position made his eyes bright, and one let him escape his life. Let these people bury themselves here, and the poison of the exclusive interest comes to mind.

Non-toxic, not a husband, in order to climb up. Sacrifice is a must! Wang Jingyu's eyes reappeared again. He said with one hand and one scream: "The earth wall!" He has mastered the ability to put skills while running. He decided not to use it at the crucial moment. It is also the killer he has always hidden.

Then a three-meter-wide earth wall was directly blocked in front of Huo Zhengyu and Qian Lu. This sudden scene left Huo Zhengyu and Qian Lulian's reaction without directly hitting the earth wall. The momentum of running wild, let them directly rebound. Go to the Chuan Tianzhu behind him...

Later, Ye Wen saw this sudden scene, suddenly comprehending, and turned his head to look at Wang Jingyu. He saw the sincere face with a sinister smile and a look of disdain. What else does he understand? Wang Jingyu wants to let them die here. Help him block this group of zombies.

"Wang Jingyu, you bastard!" Ye Wen couldn't help but roar, his eyes roaring, red and red, and he wanted to rush to eat his flesh and bones.

Wang Jingyu, who passed by them easily, swept the eyes of Ye Wen’s hatred, leaving only a cold words: “Don’t blame me, the end of the world is the world where people eat people...” They stay away from each other and leave it to the leaves. The text is a fascinating back.

Seeing that Wang Jingyu was about to disappear in front of them, suddenly a cold voice sounded: "Ice Seal!"

Xiao Ziling directly released his long-prepared skills. He has been waiting for Wang Jingyu to reveal his true meaning. Only then can he kill without any scruples and solve his demons. When he saved these young people who were almost killed by Wang Jingyu, Xiao Ziling felt like saving himself from his previous life...

With this sound, Wang Jingyu suddenly felt that the right foot in the running was fixed, and could not be pulled. He was shocked and looked down. He saw that his right foot had been frozen by an icicle. Sticking to the ground can no longer act.

"Original, you Yiny!" When I saw the icicles, Wang Jingyu knew who was the hand. He screamed at Xiaoziling with horror.

Xiao Ziling sneered, his hands pulled, and there was a long whip in his hand. He flew in the air and rolled up Huo Zhengyu and Qian Lu, who were banned in the air by Chu Yutian, slamming in one direction. Chu Yutian grabbed Ye Wen’s back collar and grabbed Xiao Ziling’s small waist in one hand. After several consecutive steps, he crossed the sinister earth wall and ran in the direction of Huo Zhengyu’s money road.

Wang Jingyu saw that he was left in the end, and he saw that countless zombies were coming up behind him. He angrily released countless earth walls and protected him in layers until he could not lose his power. He anxiously grabbed a third-order crystal nucleus that he had been preparing from his pocket, absorbing energy to supplement his abilities, pulling out the Tibetan knife and desperately slamming the icicles that frozen his right foot, hoping to open. But how strong the icicles were, and the knives were cut and they only left a few white marks.

Wang Jingyu’s earth wall released in front of him was being crushed by a zombie one by one, and his abilities had just recovered a little. He could not be killed here. He must leave here. The good future is waiting for him. As long as he gets paid, he can call for the rain...

Be sure to leave, be sure to live, he wants to retaliate against the original, he wants to let those people die. Wang Jingyu's eyes began to red, his eyes began to mad, and a decisiveness appeared in it.

So the Tibetan knife in his hand changed his direction. This time he did not cut to the icicle, but the top edge of the icicle. He chopped to his calf.

"Ah!" The severe pain made Wang Jingyu screaming in the face, and the knife was sharp. He cut the calf directly and the blood spurted out. Wang Jingyu is about to faint, but he bites his lips and keeps himself awake. At this time, the infinite hatred of the original makes him endure the pain that he couldn't stand.

He wants to live, he wants to take revenge, he must let the original death is very miserable, Wang Jingyu's eyes are sinister, and the original and sly face has lost the original warmth. He did not dare to stop, carrying a broken leg, his left foot to force, desperately jumping forward, leaving a strong blood.

The sweet blood gas made the zombies in the back even more mad, attacking the earth wall more violently. Finally, all the earth walls were crushed by zombies, and the zombies who were unblocked in front were staring at Wang Jingyu who was jumping in front. The people who are screaming are fascinated by the blood of them.

"No... I can't die, I want to live..." Under the pressure of death, Wang Jingyu broke out of infinite potential, even if he lost half of his legs, this speed is not slower than those chased. At this moment, Wang Jingyu suddenly felt a strong electric shock hit his body, he was a numb, and then fell heavily to the ground.

This fall directly declared his ending, countless zombies rushed up, sharp claws and teeth came to him, he only felt that the flesh and blood of his body was bitten down alive.

"Original, I will not let you go to ghosts... Ah...!" Wang Jingyu looked desperately at the direction of Xiao Ziling's disappearance, leaving the last sentence of grief and indignation, with his full resentment, becoming a zombie food, being Ending the food, leaving only a pair of bones.

At that time, Chu Yutian finally showed a smile of satisfaction. From the very beginning, he controlled the whole game and monitored everything in the field. When he saw that Wang Jingyu was really swallowed by the zombies, he took back him. The mental strength, he completed what he was going to do.

That's right, the reason why Wang Jingyu was swallowed up by the zombies so quickly is because of Chu Yintian's sinister tricks. He released a cracking electricity, which is the power that will break away from Wang Jingyu, and sent him into In the mouth of the zombies, it became food.

Since he wants to harm his little mausoleum, he must pay the price of his life. Chu Haotian always calculated a grievance.

Perhaps because of Wang Jingyu's food, the strength of the zombie chase has weakened a lot. This has allowed Xiao Ziling to escape from the encirclement of the zombies. Several people are fortunate to escape this desperate situation. Of course, these people do not include the Chu Xiaotian Xiaozi Mausoleum. Two people.

When Chu Yutian checked the surroundings and determined that there were no more zombies around, Ye Wen finally fell to the ground, crying and crying. There were many reasons for crying. Perhaps it was the first time to face betrayal, and He has always cared for his brother-like captain. They turned their faces in ruthlessness, and they put them to death in the dark. This blow made him unable to accept it for a time. Perhaps it was the joy of the rest of the robbery. Maybe he understood the cruelty of the end, and the young boy who had just left the college to leave the base could not adapt.

Huo Zhengyu is the oldest of the three, and his experience is much richer than the other two. He walked over and patted Xiaowen’s shoulder: “This is a kind of learning, we must learn how to discern people’s hearts. But we are very lucky, we I found a comrade who can deliver the back."

Ye Wen looked up, his tears were still dry, but his eyes were still firm and did not shake: "Well, I know, I will be fine if I cry, I am just glad that this time there is the original brother and Fang Yi."

Huo Zhengyu smiled and nodded. Only Qian Lu was meditating on the side. When he relaxed, he began to think back to the scene and began to understand what Wang Jingyu had done to them.

Xiao Ziling and Chu Yutian exchanged their sights. When they fled, they seemed to be forced to go nowhere. They chose a direction to break through. In fact, this is a long way to arrange for the Xiaozi Mausoleum, and several times to save people and lead the way. This direction is planned. They have already embarked on the road to the Qinling base. However, what makes them embarrassed is what the three young people should do. They don’t have the idea of ​​being a babysitter.

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