MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 250 :task? Escort supplies.

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Ps: Thank you for the dark night dance, babo, free flight, oo blue magic month oo reward support! Thank you for the end of the shadow, dazzle, yy200, Mu ink, white, falwfajfaj pink support!

You must be surprised. Why haven't you thanked me for a long time? Thank you for your name this time, and I only thank the parents from the previous day to the present. I told myself that I started to name me on Monday, and those who supported me in front of me, I put them in my heart... Well, actually I want to peek, I don’t ignore my laziness. Let's go.

I have been waiting for a long time in the early morning, because I did not inform, so I waited, I am sorry. I was too tired to think about it. I prepared to get up in the middle of the night and I went to sleep last night. When I blinked, huh, it was the day after the next day...not explaining anything, just want to say that sometimes there are often Sudden things, can only ask my parents to forgive me.

Chapter 250: Mission? Escort supplies.

Early the next morning, Xiao Ziling took Chu Yutian to the highest and largest building in the center of the Yincheng base. This is the most lively place in the base, and it is the hunting mission center of the Yincheng base.

The center has four floors. The first floor is the Hunting Mission Registration Center. It is the place where the awakened people release tasks and accept tasks. It is also the favorite place for all the awakened people at the Silver City base because they can receive them here. Tasks and groups that I can do to some effective teammates.

The second floor is a free trading center. As long as you pay a certain admission fee, you can freely exchange goods with other awakened people. The second floor transaction must be voluntary. If a forced transaction occurs, the base will stop it. If the circumstances are serious, they will be directly expelled from the base, and those who repeatedly commit the change will be permanently expelled. Of course, this is only limited to the trading center. Once the trading center is out, any transaction disputes are not related to the base. Awakened people can only solve it themselves.

The third floor is the official trading place of the base. The awakened person can sell the hunting prey of his own to the base directly. When the base receives the item, it will send someone to identify it, and once the value is determined, it can be paid to the awakened person immediately. Awakened people who do not have time to set up their stalls or who are in urgent need of financial turnover will usually go here to sell their valuables to the base. Although they are lower in price than they are, they are safer. There is no need to waste time on stalls. To know that powerful hunters have enough time to hunt for more prey, the loss of prey value is not worth mentioning.

The fourth floor is the most high-end auction house in the base. When preparing a batch of precious goods, the auction house will hold a large-scale auction, and often the invitation for such an auction can only be the base leader. Or a powerful awakened person can get it.

Of course, the place where Xiao Ziling takes Chu to the sky is not the high-level auction place, but the task hall that ordinary awakened people like to get together. Of course, if there is time. Xiao Ziling also wants to take Chu Yutian to visit the free trade center on the second floor.

According to the identity of the two people, they can only go to the place where ordinary awakened people can go. When Chu Yutian came, he was reminded by Xiao Ziling that he could lower his power and other levels. Now Chu Yutian can only Very aggrieved to become a third-order speed kin. Why do you become a speed abilities? Xiao Ziling believes that the teleportation of Chu Yutian can be explained by speed power.

When Xiao Ziling entered the hall, he saw that the staff responsible for the enquiry task had been surrounded by countless awakened people. He did not worry too much, but reached out to pull Chu Yutian and let him go with him.

Chu Yutian saw someone automatically send the tender tofu. When he suddenly broke out his thief's hand and held it tightly, the delicate lubricated touch in his palm made him feel excited, and his mouth was slightly picked. Satisfied with it, the heart can't decide not to let go.

Xiao Ziling didn't realize that he had been eaten by a certain color wolf. He took Chu Yutian to the front of the display wall in the east and began to patiently look at the task of scrolling every three minutes on the wall. He forgot that his hand was still held tight by someone.

Chu Haotian just glanced at the task on the display wall and was not interested. He decisively put his sight on Xiao Ziling, and once again discovered that his family Xiaoling was a disguise. The atmosphere of the whole body, the implied in the bones, completely Unable to cover up, still the most eye-catching one here. (Chu brother, you have not saved!)

"No. 36 mission turned out to be an **** mission, strange..." Xiao Ziling suddenly saw a very abrupt task and couldn't help but talk to himself. It is necessary to know that the mission centers of the Yincheng base are generally hunting missions, or temporarily forming a squad and other information. Suddenly such an **** mission has caused Xiao Ziling to be curious.

Chu Yutian saw Xiao Ziling paying attention to this task. Only then did he look at the display wall. He saw that the task was to encourage more than three third-order awakened people and escorted the materials of a certain chamber of commerce to pray for the original base.

"Maybe the people there have been here and found that it is a paradise for hunting. They have temporarily collected these materials. They want to go back but there is not enough escorts." Chu Yutian quickly gave his judgment. After all, he prayed back here. The original base is not close. There are five bases to go through. This road is definitely dangerous. Not only must we be careful about the siege of zombies, but we must also be careful of the sneak attack of the mutant beasts. We must also be careful of those who are expelled from the base and become rogue. The travellers on the way to robbery are the way they depend on survival.

Seeing Xiao Ziling, who was in contemplation after listening to his words, Chu Yutian thought of the task that Xiao Ziling took out this time and understood the plan of Xiao Ziling: "Do you want to pick up this task?"

"Well, it is a good excuse, it is very suitable for us. Praying the original base is our must, from which the past four bases are the Qinling base. If we successfully join the caravan, we do not need to find someone to form a base and a base. The mantle turn can save us a lot of time.” Xiao Ziling originally wanted to hunt here for a few days, then took some hunting to the prey and teamed up to the next base to trade, and used a journey businessman’s identity to transfer to the Qinling base, but since With a better choice, Xiao Ziling does not want to waste time.

Chu Yutian’s heart is actually not very willing. His original idea was to live a happy and sweet world of two people, and two people drove themselves. However, he understands the concerns of Xiao Ziling, and in the sixth year of the end of the world, the travellers who drove alone have long since ceased to exist. Gasoline and diesel have become the blockades of major bases and they are all monopolized.

Although there will be regular traces of gasoline and diesel in the dark market, they will be awakened by high-priced acquisitions as soon as they appear, in their current status. As the cannon fodder mixed at the end of the last days, it is impossible to have such precious materials. If it is true that Chu Tiantian thinks like this in the past, it is actually telling the other party that they are very suspicious.

Helpless Chu Haotian can only nod and promise, followed Xiao Ziling to pick up the **** mission. The staff told them where to sign up, as to whether they could successfully join. It depends on their own strength. In this kind of task, the task center is charged according to the number of days that the other party requests the announcement task. In the number of days the party pays, anyone asks them to tell the other party to register the place, unless the other party temporarily cancels the announcement.

Xiao Ziling knows where it is, it is a parking lot. There are two parking lots at the Silver City base. One is the parking lot used when the team enters, and the other is used at the time of departure, and the address told by the mission center is the parking lot used for the departure of the Yincheng base.

The two arrived here. I saw that there were a few big cards parked there and loading them, and there was a table not far from these big cards. There was a circle around them. It seemed that they should be the place to sign up.

Xiao Ziling saw this scene, and his mouth showed a bitter smile. He suddenly felt that he had returned to his previous life, in order to obtain food, in order to survive. He can only accept this dangerous task, and struggles on the death line every day... His heart begins to have an unspeakable sorrow and grief, and the whole person is enchanted.

Suddenly I felt a tight palm. Xiao Ziling looked subconsciously, but saw a pair of eyes with nervous concerns. Chu Yutian is hard to hide his worries, and I don’t know why Xiao Ziling’s expression has become so sad. There was a panic in his heart. At this time, Xiaoling gave him a feeling of losing him. He couldn't accept the pain of burying his heart, so he clenched the hand of Xiao Ziling and made up his mind that he couldn't let go of Xiao Ziling's hand if he died.

Chu Yutian’s worried eyes made Xiao Ziling return to God. He gratefully returned to Chu Yutian. If it wasn’t Chu Yutian, he would not be able to wake up in the past, the higher the order, the strength of the demons. It is getting more and more powerful. As long as there is a loophole in the mind, it will appear quietly, making it hard to prevent.

Seeing that Xiaoziling returned to normal, Chu Yutian only let go of his heart.

The registrar felt that he was coming back at the table. He was already numb for a day. He did not look up. He directly asked the numbness he asked today: "Name, type, several orders?"

"The original 祺, the fourth-order ice abilities." Xiao Ziling's words made the registrar finally react, he jerked his head and his face smiled. His reception is now a third-order, and finally came to a fourth-order, and he couldn't hide his smile. "Welcome, welcome, but please accept our test first." The instrument is now very common. In order to fear the ecstasy to lie and order the accidents, the recruiter will prepare this. Of course, none of them can go to the test center of the base to test. Each base has such equipment. More precise than this portable instrument.

Xiao Ziling and Chu Yutian quietly changed their eyes. Since this instrument came out, Lingtian base has studied it and found that the awakening of this instrument can be concealed, but who would be so idiot to cover up his own order? The higher the level, the higher the position in the base, which is known to all awakened people.

Xiao Ziling enters the ability and controls it at the fourth level. Sure enough, the instrument's light jumps in the first step of the fourth order, which indicates that Xiao Ziling is the fourth-order primary level.

Seeing that Xiao Ziling is indeed a fourth-order powerhouse, the registration staff is more enthusiastic and busy: "Your joining is an honor for our caravan." The fourth-order awakened person said that they are captain-level characters, and he joined, Their caravans have undoubtedly added a security.

"Fang Yi, the third-order speed variator." Chu Yutian saw the registrant's gaze on his body and introduced himself.

The receptionist’s face, which was still smiling, converges when he hears Chu’s words. His brows are wrinkled and disappointing. Although the third order is in line with their requirements, speed abilities are recognized as garbage abilities, and their combat effectiveness is extremely poor. He can't waste their food on such a junk person.

When he just wanted to refuse, he heard Xiao Zongling said: "He is my younger brother. The weak is weak, but I have to take him. As for the reward, I can halve it..." In the words, Chu Yutian actually heard it. A little gloating.

Chu Haotian was depressed. He did not expect him to be dismissed. Not only did his status change directly from the boss to the younger brother, but he also let his family Xiaoyan’s words despise. However, seeing Xiao Xiaoling’s cheerful smile and hidden face, he can only touch the nose by default. Since his Xiaoling wants to make a turn to turn the serf and sing, how can he cooperate?

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