MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 249 : Negotiating, giving each other a chance.

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Chapter 249: Negotiations, giving each other a chance.

The traffic all the way went smoothly, because two drivers drove two shifts. After two days and two nights, they arrived at the Yincheng base.

The base of the Silver City is an ultra-small base. The predecessor is just a small mountain city. The total area of ​​the city is about 30 to 400,000 square meters. However, the Yincheng base is small and small, but it is the most solid base of all the bases (except Lingtian base). It was originally surrounded by the city wall. After the later transformation, it was widened and thickened, and then awakened. The ability to coagulate and strengthen, the zombies below the fifth order and the attack of mutant creatures can't shake it.

The base is as strong and secure as a fortress, making it a place where many awakened strongmen choose to settle. After all, these awakened strongmen and family members are not necessarily strong, and there is a stable place for them to have no worries. Of course, more importantly, the location of the Silver City base is very good, three directions and three bases are practiced, and there is a large mountain range in a continuous direction. The survivors are numerous mutant beasts and plants, and are hunters. This paradise also makes this small town full of people and wealth.

The Silver City base was built by a survivor who was awakened by the mountain city residents and led the survivors of the mountain city. Because of the self-sufficiency, the original base infrastructure is much worse than it is now, a powerful three years ago. The beast tide was almost destroyed by the wall. Fortunately, the rescued Lingtian base awakens arrived at the most critical moment and helped the base to survive the crisis.

Knowing that everyone who wants to protect the base, relying on their own incomprehensible leaders to think twice about gains and losses, and finally decided to invest in the Lingtian base, become a member of Lingtian base. In order not to attract the attention and suppression of other bases, the two bases did not announce the news. Instead, they announced that they would use the relationship between borrowing and lending. Lingtian Base began to assist the construction of the Yincheng base, with a 20-year period, allowing the Yincheng base to continue. Pay off debts. But the two still belong to the independent base of power.

Even at the time, even the news caused the surrounding base to shake. There was a ridicule of Lingtian’s base, and the materials were so sleepy. Even though they were willing to lend to a small base with little oil and water, the decision-makers at Lingtian Base were absolutely It was the head that was shot. There are also contempt for the leader of the Silver City base. Even if you do this unnecessary construction, you have to pay debts for 20 years, which is almost a lifetime of hardship.

But when the Yincheng base is well built, and the awakened people are strong, the Yincheng base becomes a paradise for hunters. It became a cornucopia of accumulated wealth, and all the talents understood the intention of the original Lingtian base, but at the moment they want to share a piece of cake is too late. Not only has the Lingtian base grown up, but even the Yincheng base is not a small base that is casually bullied. The strong ones are not scornful.

Xiao Ziling also took the task to come here earlier. At this time, he was familiar with the road. He took his backpack and ignored the Chu Yutian. Get off the bus and go straight into the city, ready to find a familiar hotel to stay. The Silver City base is designed to satisfy so many temporary hunting teams. The hotels and restaurants in the base are the most, and as soon as they enter the city, they see countless such listings.

Xiao Ziling is not a person who pays attention to enjoyment. He still chooses a mid- and low-end small hotel that he used to stay in. As long as he goes out alone, the habit of careful calculations of the past life will come out, and I can't wait for a crystal nucleus to be used in two.

The receptionist at the small hotel was still the thin man before. The staff at the Silver City base are almost all male, and almost no one is a woman. Why does this happen? That's because the Silver City base is full of powerful hunters. No one can be sure whether these hunters are law-abiding people, and will not hurt the staff here because of their dissatisfaction. Therefore, in order to protect the safety of girls and for the smooth reproduction of human beings, these girls were sent to the Lingtian base.

Therefore, in the entire Yincheng base, in addition to the old women who do not want to leave home, and the young girls who grew up with their parents, there are only a handful of women who have worked hard with their husbands. Of course, the powerful female awakened Still not missing.

The thin man seems to be a very good person. When he saw Xiao Ziling, he smiled and said, "I am the original gentleman. Is this still a single room?" If you don’t see a man behind him, he is I will not ask this sentence. In the past, the former gentleman wanted a single room.

"Single room..." Xiao Ziling thought that he didn't want to answer directly. At this time, Chu Haotian, who was behind him, suddenly said: "If you want a double room, I will be with him."

Xiao Ziling’s cold eyes: “Who knows you?”

Chu Yutian smiled and said: "He is angry with me. You can open a double room for me." Although he and Xiaoling can enter Zifu, it doesn't matter if they are single, but in order to avoid attracting attention, Chu Yutian decides Still do as normal people do.

The thin man heard a sneak peek at Xiao Ziling, and found that although he was cold-faced, he did not speak against it. He knew that the two men were probably aware, and as the man said, the two were in a state of discomfort. He knows what can ask what can't be asked, so he pulls down the drawer and takes out a keyway from inside: "Double room 217, need two second-order crystal nucleus." The double room is obviously more expensive than the single room, he actually I am very happy to pick up this business.

Chu Yutian took two second-order crystal nucleus from his backpack (in fact, in space) and handed it over. By the way, he brought the key back. This is the Xiaoziling’s way: "Xiaoyuan, don't be angry, I am going to you." Can't you apologize?" Xiao Ziling's identity here is the original, Chu Yutian understands what to call.

Chu Yutian’s eyes have a pleading. Xiao Ziling does not know whether it is a function of the heart. After Chu Haotian changed his face, he could find something he had never seen before. Guiqiu? Can Chu Yutian, who can’t refuse to be arrogant, be so whispered?

Xiao Ziling couldn't figure out if he was delusional, or it was really like this. He could only make a head-to-head, negative airway: "With you!" But when he said this, he felt that something was wrong, so he could only take a backpack. , hatefully stepped on the steps to Room 217.

Chu Yutian mouth with a smile, Xiao Ziling's performance made him understand that in fact his family Xiaoling is not feelingless to him, otherwise it will not be so good to speak.

Entering the room, Xiao Ziling took the backpack to one of the beds and turned around. He held his chest with both hands: "Chu Tiantian, it seems that we have to talk about it."

Chu Haotian is of course willing. He had long wanted to be open and honest. This time he followed Xiao Ziling, he did not intend to let Xiao Ziling continue to stupid.

Xiao Ziling Maomao sat on the bed with a golden knife and blamed Chu Yutian for cold words: "Chu Yutian, as a base leader, how can you discard your responsibilities? Privately come out to chase a man? You are worthy of those who follow you. person?"

Chu Yutiandao: "I believe that Haozhe Jingwen them, believe in Xiaoqi, they will build the base very well."

Xiao Ziling heard and said: "Chu Yutian, this kind of words can only lie to children, I can remember your dreams. You have to build a new world without zombies. If you are so irresponsible, this dream is fundamental. It is impossible to achieve. And to achieve this goal. Not only you have to work hard, but also you pay a certain price." How can Xiao Ziling not remember to unite the human base, Chu Yutian chose marriage, when he died, Chu Yu Tianming The three ladies on the marriage were all married.

Chu Yutian looked at Xiao Ziling with a puzzled face. I don’t understand what Xiao Ziling said when he said this.

Don't understand? Xiao Ziling continued to sneer: "Maybe, in order to unite with other bases, there will be a possibility of marriage. And I will never allow my lover to bear me. If there is one day, I will retaliate."

Chu Yutian eyes closely on Xiao Ziling. Seeing the persistence in Xiao Ziling's eyes, he couldn't help but smile. "Xiaoling, after falling in love with you. I never thought about letting anyone join us. I won't, and won't let you have Opportunity to do this." The exclusive desire of Chu and Tian is stronger than that of Xiao Ziling. This is also the reason why Chu Xiaoqi’s swaying around Xiao Ziling’s side makes Chu Yutian hate.

"Don't your dreams not be completed?" When the career and love conflict, can Chu Yutian still be so sloppy?

Chu Yutian eyebrows sighed: "Do I need to be so wronged? If those bases can understand, I will follow the safety of the points, if I want to mention the conditions?" Chu Yutian said here, eyes narrow, one The dangerous atmosphere of the stocks spreads, "Then there is no need for them to exist."

Chu Yutian said that the cold and decisive, it seems that he had this kind of thinking, which makes Xiao Ziling somewhat confused. If so, then why did the former Chu Yutian agree to the marriage?

Was he also confused by the so-called truth of his previous life? Having said that, there is no woman at all around Chu Yutian, and even the most beautiful Jiang lingo of previous life has been killed by him...

Seeing the confusion in the eyes of Xiao Ziling, Chu Yutian knew that there was a play. He walked to the front of Xiao Ziling and slowly squatted down. He held the hands of Xiao Ziling and said with sincerity: "Xiaoling, give me a chance, let me show it to you." I will let you know that those you are worried about will not happen."

Xiao Ziling bowed his head and saw the unrelenting enthusiasm in Chu’s deep eyes. His heart could not help but sway, would you really try it? From the status of a decent younger brother to the only pillow person in Chu Yutian?

At this time, Chu Haotian bowed his head and kissed the right hand palm of Xiao Ziling, then whispered: "Xiaoling, I like you!"

These words directly stunned Xiao Ziling from the hesitation of the disaster, who is Chu Yutian like? Xiao Ziling felt that his heart had a bitter taste. He slowly took back the hands held by Chu Haotian. This action made Chu Yutian’s eyes panic, and did not know what happened to Xiao Ziling’s mood.

Xiao Ziling asked faintly: "Chu Ge, do you really like me?" This is the real reason why Xiao Ziling has refused to accept the feelings of Chu Yutian. Xiao Ziling believes that Chu Yutian likes the Xiao Zongling, who is pure and lovely. Instead of him, he has been mixed for ten years in the last days, and he can do anything to survive, and the heart has been blackened by Xiao Ziling.

Chu Yutianyi: "Well? How?"

"I have been very simple since the beginning. The so-called innocence is pretending." Xiao Ziling said the truth.

"I know!" Chu Haotian is very calm, perhaps confused by Xiao Ziling at first, but after so many years, he did not know the true nature of his family Xiaoling.

"I am very old. When I was talking to you at the beginning of the river, my true age is true. Chu Yutian, between you and me, according to the age, you have to call my brother..." Xiao Ziling shook his head and smiled. "In the beginning, in order to integrate Team, because the appearance is misunderstood by you, I will be wrong, because such misunderstanding makes it easier for me to gain your trust, Chu Yutian, I am despicable."

Chu Yutian heard his words and reached out to the waist of Xiaoziling. He retorted: "Xiaoling, at that time, we still know each other. No one knows whether the other party will hurt themselves. You take advantage of the appearance." It’s a clever way to hide, in order to survive, what’s wrong? To say this, I am not more despicable. At that time, you have saved me at a painful price, but I still design to test you for myself. Ignore your previous efforts..."

"As a leader, of course, you can't just believe in a person. If you believe me casually, I won't choose to follow you." Xiao Ziling doesn't think that Chu Yutian is wrong, the qualified leader must be rational, can't be emotional. Drowsing my mind.

"You see, you can forgive me, why do you care about your original cover? As you said, we are all just beginning to know, how can we casually believe in a person and expose their own nature?" In fact, I already knew that you are definitely not as simple as the one you showed on the surface, but this is why I am willing to let you follow me. Over the years, you have seen me let a really simple person stay with me. ?"

Xiao Ziling recalled the past, indeed, as Chu Yutian said, Chu Yutian did not touch those who were really simple and lovely, and these people also wanted to follow Chu Yutian, remembering that a boy was pure enough to let Xiao Ziling not bear Refused, but also helped, but Chu Haotian is still a stone heart, sent them to other teams, or logistics team.

"A really simple person is not living long, especially around me. And Xiaoling is not, you know how to hide yourself, know how to do it, even better than I thought, and only you can make me feel at ease. So Xiaoling, which I like, is not the one you think, but the one you really are." Chu Yutian finally said his own words, so Xiaoziling’s heart was sour and awkward.

"But, you need an heir, always have a wife."

Chu Haotian was angry when he heard this. He raised his hand and knocked a small head of Xiao Ziling: "Xiao Ziling, I thought you can understand. In the past few years, I have been practicing Xiaoqi, that is, let him be a qualified heir. Do you think I still need other heirs? So, the problem you said does not exist."

Xiao Ziling frowned. Could he tell Chu Yutian Xiaoqi to be the future passer? However, the face of Xiaoqi and Chu Yutian is almost exactly the same. Xiao Ziling feels that the blood of Chu Yutian should be correct.

Chu Yutian sighed: "Xiaoling, as I said earlier, give us two opportunities for each other. This time we both, we will quietly try, if you really can't accept my feelings (he I will definitely let Xiao Ziling have this opportunity.) I will let go. (That is impossible.) We are still returning to the relationship between the older brother and the younger brother (he only accepts the husband relationship), and I will completely die. I don’t know what it’s like to die. I’m not going to get entangled anymore (I’m going to be entangled in my life for a long time).”

Chu Yutian’s words finally made Xiao Ziling’s heart soft, just as Chu Yutian proposed, giving each other an opportunity. If he still couldn’t let go of his heart, I believe that Chu Haotian would not force him any more. And he really didn't want to give up everything in the Lingtian base. He managed to climb the high position.

Well, his Xiao Ziling is a despicable person! Xiao Ziling was facing Chu Yutian and finally nodded.

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