MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 216 : Black hole? Unexplainable existence.

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Ps: Thank you for your love of pink and reward support. They are all familiar names. I am moved and embarrassed... I finally added one more time, and I can return a little bit of your support. I hope that there will be more possibilities next...

Chapter 216: Black Hole? Unexplainable existence.

At this time, standing in the middle of the three people Chu Yutian hands again drawn a circle, the mouth continued to swear: "The world is double dragon!" With this sound, the two columns suddenly appeared one above the two electromagnetic dragons, in the sky Hovering out...

At the same time, Dong Haozhe has no intention of fighting, and sees that Chu Yutian’s skills will be completed. He will not retain it and directly use the fourth-order skills to oscillate.

Air turbulence is a very horrible skill. Its attack is not reflected on the surface, but inside. It often faces everything as usual without any scars, but inside, it is shattered by this invisible shock force. This is the ultimate killing trick that never stops. It is very expensive. Dong Haozhe generally does not use this trick easily. Once you use this trick, it means that you are not dead or the moment of my death. Since Chu Haotian has already prepared almost everything, then he does not need to keep his hands.

Sure enough, after the air trembled, the two appearances remained the same, but all the genetic monsters that were destroyed by the earthquake fell directly to the ground, and the blood in the mouth flowed out like water, and died directly.

After Dong Haozhe showed his move, he sat down and gasped. Although it is a good skill, but this skill is now showing a sense of powerlessness.

On the other side of Chen Jingwen, the winners and losers are also separated at this moment. It is still more powerful with Chen Jingwen's endurance. The two genetic monsters can't hold back the erosion of the water dragon prisoners and directly turn into two pools of blood, but because of this, Chen Jingwen's ability is almost Consumed empty, the fourth-order skills of the awakened are undoubtedly fatal killers, but the level of fee power is also staggering. He went back a few steps in a row and finally couldn't help but sit down and rest.

At this time, the genetic monsters who were originally powerless and unable to move began to return to normal. They stood up one by one and found that the seven high-level genetic monsters who led them were killed by the humans in front of them, and suddenly they became angry and mad. . For these genetic monsters, it is necessary to protect the leader's head, and the leader is dead. They must avenge their heads. This is their only idea. It also means that this is an endless battle.

Xiao Ziling saw Dong Haozhe and Chen Jingwen almost no fighting ability. A water whip used to entangle the two people behind Chu Yutian, and he was careful. Stare at the genetic monsters to prevent them from suddenly attacking. He was anxious in his heart, hoping that his boss could quickly send out skills to get these horrible genetic monsters, because he was too quick to support.

Chen Jingwen, sitting with Dong Haozhe, looked at Xiao Ziling, who stood in front of them and covered them. He really looked down on Xiao Ziling. He didn’t expect his strength to be so strong. The same two genetic monsters, he consumed all his strength. Can be solved. Xiao Ziling also solved the problem but still has the ability to fight again. In contrast, Xiao Ziling’s ability has already been higher than his line. The previous worries now seem to be a white mind. For this matter, not only did Chu Yutian dissatisfied, but also let Dong Haozhe and his differences...

Dong Haozhe pinched his palm. Chen Jingwen looked at the past but saw the comforting eyes of Dong Haozhe. Chen Jingwen smiled bitterly, Dong Haozhe always looked very clear, but he was limited by his own inherent ideas.

At the scene, almost all the genetic monsters that could fight stood up. They roared against the four people of Chu, and waited for the final counterattack.

At this time, Chu Yu Tian Yao guide to the north, a cold drink: "Shuanglong fit!"

The electromagnetic dragons on both sides of the electric column quickly flew toward Chu Yutian. When the road passed, all the running power equipments of the base, or the connected dormant equipment could not withstand this huge energy, bursting open. Under this circumstance, the Jingyun base was seriously damaged.

The two electromagnetic dragons flew to Chuyutian sky for a very fast time, perhaps only a few seconds, they began to entangle, and finally became a pair of yin and yang gossip maps, the only difference is that this gossip map gathered infinite Lightning energy.

Yuan Xiao, who was hidden in the corner, saw this scene. His face was pale and very anxious. He looked back and looked at it. Suddenly a white shadow passed by in front of his eyes. His expression was suddenly loose. Without the anxiety just now, he smiled calmly. .

He did not think that the two women who were originally cumbersome by Chu Haotian turned out to be fourth-order masters, which made him understand that this Lingtian base is probably a difficult bone. I was worried that they would be turned over by them, but when they saw the white shadow, they knew they were dead. How have they exhausted their abilities, how to withstand the attack of such a huge genetic monster? It can be seen that death is an inevitable result.

As for the Chu Yutian, although he used this skill is very powerful and terrifying, even the king's skills, but how? Whether he can succeed or not is a problem... Yuan Shao’s eyes are a bit ridiculous. The arrival of Bai Ying represents the determination of the base to kill Chu Haotian. Chu Yutian’s life can only stop here.

Bai Ying finally stopped on the roof opposite Chu Yutian. This is a monster with a whole body of white hair, but I don’t know what kind of creature, because it is covered with white hair, I can’t see what it is. I saw it suddenly screamed, and the genetic monster on the scene seemed to have got an attack command, madly rushing up, even if those who had not recovered, did not fear to follow the front of the genetic monster to charge the Chu Yutian four .

At this time, Chu Yutian mouth sneered a sneer, his hands jerked together, silver hair suddenly grows wildly, dancing in the air, he sighed: "Thundering the world!"

The original erected gossip map suddenly spreads, then expands rapidly, covering the entire battle scene. The yin and yang double dragons begin to vent the hidden thunder energy, and ruthlessly slam the genetic monsters. Now there is a screaming scream. ......

Upon seeing it, the white-haired monster glared at his eyes angrily. It suddenly opened his mouth, and a black shadow cast a black belt, which was sprayed toward Chu Haotian.

While guarding Xiao Ziling, he was shocked and thought that he didn't want to, and the direct water whip hit the past and tried to intercept.

When Xiao Ziling slammed in the past, he felt that something was wrong. The water whip seemed to be hit by the void. There was no point at all. When the water whip touched the shadow, the shadow began to get excited. It madly sucked the water whip. Xiao Ziling was like this. Was pulled over and flew to the shadow.

Chen Jingwen reacted very quickly. A small water dragon was directly wrapped around the legs of Xiao Ziling, and he was dragged hard.

Xiao Ziling took the initiative and immediately gave up the water whip. When the shadow almost swallowed the hand of Xiao Ziling, he was rescued by Chen Jingwen.

The strength of pulling was too big, Xiao Ziling directly fell on Chen Jingwen's body, and two people fell into a ball. Xiao Ziling thanked him with a certain heart: "Chen Chen, even if you saved me, what is this?"

At this moment, the water whip of Xiao Ziling has disappeared without a trace, and was completely swallowed up by the black shadow.

When Chen Jingwen saw it, his face was pale and difficult to hide his fear. He hugged Xiaoziling in his death, like a life-saving straw: "It is a black hole! A black hole that can devour everything! What is going on?" The black hole is not formed naturally by the universe. ? Why is it the ability of this creature? This can't be explained at all.

The black hole in Chen Jingwen's mouth firmly spread to Chu Yutian. At this time, Dong Haozhe Chen Jingwen and Xiao Ziling were helpless. Xiao Ziling was ready to take Chen Jingwen and Dong Haozhe into the purple house to avoid.

At this time, Chu Haotian finger pointed to his front, whispered vaguely: "... enchantment." Chu Yutian suddenly appeared a vague transparent barrier.

When Yuan Shaojian saw this, he couldn't help but sneer. The black hole was able to swallow all the existence. How could the small barrier of Chu Haotian resist the black hole?

Everyone looked at this person with a nervous look, and the shadow finally touched the transparent barrier. There was no shocking sound, no horrible energy riots, and quiet as if nothing had happened.

This quiet scene surprised everyone, but even more surprisingly, the shadow seemed to be burned when it hit the transparent barrier. It suddenly jumped up and even had a fearful desire to escape. But there is no doubt that this is impossible, and the shadow is bitten by the transparent barrier.

Yes, just like being bitten, the shadows struggle on the barrier, but they can't break free. Instead, in the passage of time, the shadows gradually decrease in size, seemingly swallowed by the barrier.

Yuan Shao’s eyes wide open and he can’t believe it. What is it that can devour a black hole that can swallow everything? What exactly is that transparent barrier? He couldn't believe that the scene that shouldn't have appeared was alive.

He was very sorry. At that time, Chu Yutian said that it was too light. No one could understand what skills it was.

Chen Jingwen looked at Chu Yutian with a look of surprise. It seems that their crisis has passed. I didn't think that the black hole of horror has no way to take his own boss. Restoring the calmness of Chen Jingwen’s reason, he quickly returned to his position and began to infer what kind of ability Chu Yutian used to block all of this. It can only block the existence of black holes like black holes. This is the conclusion that scientists have inferred. Also have this ability?

Chen Jingwen, who was immersed in contemplation, forgot that he still had no hand in holding Xiao Ziling. This scene made the other two men around him quite uncomfortable. Of course, the objects they were jealous of were different.

Soon, the lightning anode and cathode finally released the light and thunder energy. At this time, the whole site was black, and the genetic monsters were almost smashed into thunder by lightning. Only a few powerful genetic monsters were left behind.

And Chu Yutian's side, the barrier finally swallowed up the last trace of shadow, leaving no traces, and the transparent barrier to complete all of this finally disappeared.

The white creature saw that the trick of his own hand was cracked, and he saw that his younger brother was almost completely annihilated. It could no longer control his anger, and opened a wide black ball with a large mouth.

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