MTL - The End of The World’s Reborn Cannon Fodder Counter-attacks-Chapter 215 :skill? Thunder and lightning.

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Ps: There is still a chapter, still in the code, it is estimated that it will be more in the middle of the night...

Chapter 215: Skills? Thunder and lightning.

When the "Tianluo Net" disappeared completely, it was a mess in front of the four people. Except for the low-level genetic monsters who were stunned by electricity and fell there, most of them temporarily lost their ability to move and struggled on the ground, but there were Several high-level genetic monsters were not traumatized. They saw that the grid covering them disappeared. Some of the irritated and angry genetic monsters that were being slammed were fiercely rushed over, obviously wanting to eat the objects that made them suffer. Quiet their anger.

These genetic monsters still have some wisdom. They know that they attack a person intensively, and they choose Dong Haozhe... In their eyes, this food is the most healthy and meaty, and it is sure to be the most chewy when eating. Eat the delicious ones first, and avoid being taken a step by other genetic monsters.

When Dong Haozhe saw it, he smiled boldly: "It’s good..." The dragon that has already been prepared has greeted him.

Dong Haozhe thought that he was attacked by these genetic monsters collectively because he was stronger than Chen Jingwen Xiao Ziling, and these genetic monsters liked the challenge, but did not expect it was because of the delicious meat. If Dong Haozhe knew the truth, he would certainly burst into tears.

A huge popping sound, the genetic monster that was thrown over was blown out by the energy of the empty dragon, but because the attacking power of the dragon exploded by these monsters evenly, this blow did not cause any harm to them. I saw them twisting in the air, falling safely on the ground, and then fluttering past the fierce battle again, they will not end the battle without completing the purpose.

At this time, a water dragon and a water whip appeared out of thin air, each of which took away two unguarded genetic monsters. The remaining three genetic monsters were not affected by this, and they still fled to Dong Haozhe without retreating.

"Thank you!" Dong Haozhe thanked him in the mouth and was stripped of four genetic monsters. His pressure was alleviated a lot.

Of course, the shots are Chen Jingwen and Xiao Ziling. Chen Jingwen directly applied his most powerful skills, the fourth-order water dragon prisoner, and the two genetic monsters were firmly trapped in it. Originally, you should not use the fourth-order skills. After all, this skill is too consuming. Smart and wise people will never use the skills that are not your death or death when you don’t understand the situation at first. But he saw Dong Haozhe in crisis. . Did not wait for him to consider, the fourth-order skills have already come out.

Chen Jingwen was depressed, and he knew that when he met Dong Haozhe, he would become stupid, nnd, which is really too sorry for his fox title. He must have separated Dong Haozhe in the future. Lest you continue to be stupid.

On the other side of Xiao Ziling, the two genetic monsters were rolled up to his side with water whip. The water whip in his hand disappeared instantly, but he was replaced by a sharp short blade. He stabbed the head of one of the genetic monsters and heard a crisp squeak, like a metal hit, and the specially treated short blade couldn't penetrate the layer of metal that was full of metal texture.

"Good hard skin." Xiao Ziling's brows are wrinkled. The skin of these genetic monsters has evolved into a metallized state. If there is no estimation error, I am afraid there is still the ability to absorb damage.

Sure enough, Dong Haozhe once again proved this point. His empty dragon directly hit a genetic monster, and the skin was recessed on the spot, but the surprising situation happened. The skin actually slowly rebounded and recovered. And the genetic monster that was attacked had nothing to do after landing, and stood up and quickly rushed up again. There was no trace or impact of injury. In this way, either its pain is artificially erased, or Dong Haozhe’s empty dragon does not cause any trauma.

Since the sharp blade is ineffective against them, Xiao Ziling decisively puts the short blade in his hand into the purple house, and the water whip in his hand appears again. He chooses to fight first and then look at the situation.

At this time, Chu Yutian fiercely put his hands together, cold and shouted: ""Yin and Yang two levels now! ”

The pressure on him suddenly appeared in an overwhelming manner, and it echoed the north and the south. Two dazzling electric pillars descended from the sky. The electric column was surrounded by countless powers and made a harsh tear.

The Jingyun base appeared in these two electric posts out of thin air. Everyone looked at the two places in horror. I don’t know what happened. Even if they are far away, they can feel the enormous energy contained in them. It is enough to destroy the whole Beijing. Cloud base.

Major General Yuan saw this scene, his face began to distort, and the look of jealousy were unmasked. Why is such a powerful and terrifying lightning system skill understood by Chu Haotian... Yuan Shaozhi is very clear that this skill is probably the most powerful one in the lightning system, because the lightning energy in his body has started to riot, and he wants to urgently Get out of your body and bring to the two electric posts. He knows very well that this means that his lightning abilities are surrendered to the king, which means that his lightning is completely surrendered to Chu Haotian. It is no wonder that his attack has no effect at all, but he has a gain effect on him. Imagine how a surrendering minister might threaten the king.

On the opposite side of Chu Yutian, the Fenglin base martial arts slashed a genetic monster and directed his men to escape to a narrow passage. These genetic monsters wanted to leave a fifth-order monk, never Maybe, if I want to escape the monk, I can still do it, but how could she leave her military division and her men, so she can only fight and pay a few injuries, and this has found a place to fight back. When she was off, she stood at the mouth of the passage. Because the passage was narrow, only three of these genetic monsters could attack at the same time. For the monk, the pressure was not heavy. She told her to pay attention to the other passage of the passage. In the front and sneaked in the back.

Although it seems that there is no danger in this monk, the military division Chen Shuang knows that this is not a long-term solution. When the martial arts abilities consume light, they are the fish to be slaughtered.

When Chen Shuang couldn't think of a good way, suddenly the huge electric column suddenly fell, and the genetic monsters were confused, and they forgot to attack them.

Chen Shuangyi asked with a shocked face: "Wu Zun, what is this all about? Where is this electric column coming from?"

The genetic monster suddenly stopped attacking and let the monk breathe a sigh of relief. She silently sensed this energy, and the corner of her mouth showed a smile: "It seems that the partners we want to form are very powerful."

Chen Shuang pleasantly said: "Wu Zun, is it Chu Yutian..."

"Thunder and lightning, and dare to be so arrogant in the Jingyun base, in addition to who he will be? Do you think that Major Yuan will dare to do this? And ..." Wu Hao did not say the last sentence, because this can only be their fifth order The person can understand, her smile is more concentrated, this thunder energy, is completely imperial, how could this be the small family that the younger Yuan will be able to comprehend... awakening skills or if you want to see people.

Dong Haozhe Chen Jingwen Xiao Ziling three people saw Chu Haotian began to launch his most powerful skills, the three did not keep hands, began to fully open the horsepower, ready to quickly solve these high-level genetic monsters.

Dong Haozhe and Xiao Ziling are very fierce. I saw that they and five genetic monsters are coming and going. You chase me and flee in the field. It is difficult to solve. And Chen Jingwen stood there and did not move against the two genetic monsters. It seemed to be very easy and casual. In fact, among the three, Chen Jingwen was the most dangerous.

The name of the water dragon prisoner is that the water system is used as a prisoner to trap the opponent. Before the power is exhausted, the other party is eroded, and the other party is dissolved. Of course, the breathing creature can completely block the oxygen and let it suffocate, but the latter basically has no good effect. Because as long as it is an awakened person, there is the ability to control breathing. Even if the first-order awakened person can close the air for about fifteen minutes, and this time is enough for the awakened person to counterattack, so the water dragon prisoner mainly looks at the first function. The water in the water dragon prison has a strong erosion effect, which is less than the concentrated sulfuric acid.

Because the trapped in the water dragon prisoner for quite some time, the skin of these two genetic monsters can no longer resist erosion, and began to emit a sizzling sound, just like the splash of sulfuric acid, the original metal texture began to melt. Signs. The pain of this stripping caused the two genetic monsters in the water dragon prison to start struggling fiercely, and the strength was almost broken out.

Chen Jingwen’s face was fiercely white, and he swallowed the smell of the chest, and again transported the ability to increase the intensity of the water dragon prisoner. Since there is an effect, the two monsters can not be smashed out of the water dragon prisoner. At that time, it depends on who can't support it first.

The erosive erosion that appeared in Chen Jingwen allowed Xiao Ziling to remember his mind. He whispered the terminology in his fight, and a hot water burst from him, keeping up with the two genetic monsters chasing him, the water that suddenly struck. The gas could not be evaded at all, and it was covered directly.

I heard two genetic monsters, suddenly stopped and roared. The violent high temperature of the water caused a blisters on their skin, covering the whole body, and no longer the metal texture.

The water system spells the atomization of the spring, with no more than the high temperature of the magma, plays a key role at critical moments. Xiao Ziling was very decisive, and the short-edged blade appeared again in his hand. He used the speed ability to slam into one of the genetic monsters, but this time it was easy to pierce the skin and slammed into it. Also let the monster scream in pain and bite to the man who made it suffer.

There is a play! Xiao Ziling once again used the speed ability to fly backwards, flashing the bite of the monster, and opened the distance. His hand turned over and the short blade instantly turned into a Tang knife.

"The moon is empty!" With this sound, once again, there is a powerful attacking moon, and countless swords flew past.

The two genetic monsters have no space to evade. Under these blades, they become a boiled meat sauce. If you don’t break the metal texture of the skin, even if you start to display the moon, you may not be able to threaten the two genetic monsters. At most, they can only be given a slight injury. The ingenious cooperation between the Qingxin water system and the mysterious sword, Xiao Ziling vs. two genetic monsters, and finally ended with Xiao Ziling.

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