MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 38 Set foot! Open the wood!

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The days of June and July change, and it ’s still bright in the morning. It ’s not a big time until noon, and thunderstorms hit in less than a quarter of an hour. There is a damp and gloomy world, except for the sound of rain and thunder. It's up!

People moved the lounge chairs to the pavilion, lay cold on it, covered a thin blanket, listened to the sound of rain outside, and calmly thought about things.

Leng Yirou gave the map to General Leng Lao. Although these tokens are important, they will not let General Leng Lao stay with him all day long, but the fact is that it only shows that General Leng Lao understands it. The hidden secret, maybe the token is already in his hands. If the Leng family now is a Leng family hundreds of years ago, then it seems to be justified!

The word "Bing" has already been signed. Then there is the word "Zheng". Although she doesn't know the teacher Gong Yuwei, almost everyone in the world knows that the emperor's surname is Crane and the old lady is the emperor. When the situation was turbulent, the emperor's division came out of the mountain to stabilize the court, and took all the power of the Quartet princes. If there were no accidents, he was a member of the crane family, and the token of "Zheng" might be in his hands.

Do not! Leng Yan's eyes flickered, she remembered the dark guards around Gong Yuwei. Those dark guards were not many, but they were not few, and they all had high martial arts; according to Gong Yuwei's temperament, he would not train the dark guards. , Then there is only one possibility, that is, those people are the crane family, he got the token of the emperor, so he got the loyal following of these dark guards.

In addition to Gong Yuwei, there is Longyue Li, the flower family, the martial arts flower family, huh, although hundreds of years have passed, there are still traces to be found. The "wei" token in the second place of the token may be Flower home owned.

Leng Yan sighed in her heart, and looked at the sky. I didn't expect that her side was so crouching, tiger and hidden. Even the identity of Gong Yuwei was not as simple as she seemed. She also understood why he was so old-fashioned. Independent of Chaotang, in addition to his own talents, the forces behind him also made these emperors unavoidable.

Looking down, Leng Yan no longer thinks, the seven major tokens are gathered, how easy is it? Do n’t say where the “master” token is, I do n’t know where it is, it ’s impossible to get the Liang ’s Xiao family ’s token alone, and I ’m afraid that no one can come together, and in other words, even if she finds a way to gather use? Work hard for a long time to give away? Or should she be a queen?

Although she is interested in power and likes to stand in a high position, it does not mean that she will like the so-called emperor. Since she does not like it, she will waste so much effort to make wedding dresses for others. She is not a fool and naturally will not do it. This kind of struggling thing.

After thinking about it, Leng Yan wouldn't be tangled. Anyway, the word "Tan" is now owned by her, and Mo Zhai's development forces have begun to take shape. She doesn't need to hold the whole world in her hands, as long as no one threatens her It is ok, so instead of thinking about those things here, it is better to sleep well.

"Squeak!" Kano jumped onto the reclining chair, and just came back from the yard to get wet. He also did not run directly to sticky cold, but instead rolled a few circles on the mat specially prepared for it by the side. It's almost done. I cleaned the water stains on my body with my tongue and licked all four paws. Then I got to the cold side and rolled down.

Leng Yan smiled at this, and suddenly remembered: "Lu Chang! Bring the paper and pen!"

"Yes!" Lu Chang quit, and took a pen and paper with him a moment, dragging it with a plate.

Leng Yan sat up from the chair, picked up the pen and dipped in ink, and then thought slowly before writing down: Can the border be settled? Does it feel boring?

After writing it, I have a headache. It doesn't look like love words! But she couldn't write it, it was really hurting, stunned her head, and she just couldn't understand the style: Mo Zhai, the new prairie in the grassland, was the one I sent. If I had the opportunity, I could help her!

Stopping the cold eyelids and pumping, I can already believe that Hua Jinzhi saw the expression on this letter, and always felt that he would not be too happy, but had to add one more sentence at the back: Jin Zhi! Wanggui!

Writing down: Leng Yan!

Leng Yan rarely wrote letters, but such letters made her almost knotted, and dried the paper and folded it up: "Send it to him!"

Lu Chang saw her writing with her own eyes, and naturally knew who it was for. She took the letter and sealed it up: "Slave sent someone immediately!"

It didn't take long for Lu Chang to return: "Mr. Queen! The letter has been sent out and it will arrive in three days!"

"Huh!" Leng Yan nodded, but she wasn't in a hurry.

Lu often looked coldly and suddenly said, "Does the Queen Mother know that Liang Huang has a fiancee?"

Leng narrowed his eyes and frowned, "What happened to his fiancée to care about the family?" Last night Long Yueli also said that, but she didn't care that she didn't like gossip.

"But Liang Huang personally said that his fiancee is the young lady of the car family!"

"Oh?" Leng Yan heard the words and became interested: "Isn't this car owner's family hidden for nearly a century, hasn't anyone seen it? Why did a fiancee come up again? Or is this car owner not the same? Car home? "

"The queen mother thinks there is another lady in the world who is worthy of being Empress Liang?"

Leng Yan chuckled: "This is true too!"

Lu Chang shook the dust in his hand and said, "The sub-car family has indeed been hidden for many years, but this is only known to the world. You must know that the sub-car family once controlled the wealth of the world. Even now, it is not scary, so it is very private. Normal, if it is found by the Xiao family, it is reasonable to have a marriage! "

Leng Yan looked at the rain curtain outside the pavilion: "Long Yi also knows, right?"

"Liang Huang said in public that the emperor naturally knew that he sent someone out last night to look for it!"

Leng Yan heard a mocking laugh and said, "This Long Yi is really quick!"

Lu Chang smiled: "Zi Chejia is well-known for doing business, and its wealth is innumerable. Today, the most important thing for Feng Yu is food and silver. Moreover, even if there is no shortage of such a golden mountain, the emperor would not have allowed Liang Guo to do so. Before, I do n’t know if the car family is still born, but now that I know it, I wo n’t let it go! ”

After speaking, Feng turned around: "But since the Xiao family first made an appointment with the car owner, even if the emperor finds it, it will be futile!"

"It was a toss, and finally the bamboo basket was empty. This is fun! It seems that you don't need to mourn the family to block him and he won't be soothing!" Leng Yong was so grateful that he thought of one thing: "Right! Has he re-sent someone to Mobei?"

Lu Chang shook his head: "Not yet, because Snow Country also stopped the offense, and the two sides started deadlock again!"

Leng Yan lowered his eyes and raised his hand to touch Kano's fur: "Remember to pay more attention to the news of the grassland recently!"


Leng Yan suddenly looked up and murmured: "Gong Yuwei should be back soon?"

Gong Yuwei did return, bringing back the situation of disaster management, and also brought back the filial prince's sister-in-law and a bunch of criminal evidence, but Long Yi did not try it immediately, but suppressed the matter. After all, prince filial Leading a war, he couldn't be so cold to Prince Filial Piety; as for Gong Yuwei, he only gave two token rewards, nothing more.

When Leng Ye heard the news, he just laughed coolly, and as a hero of the Dragon family, he might as well be a slave of the corrupt officials!

Gong Yuwei came back coldly and did not rush to see her. Even after two months, she was still a little unhappy, and she could not find a reason to meet him, or to say something, even if she had one. The idea!

She likes Gong Yuwei, but she just likes it. They just kissed and hugged and kept on the line of defense. She was very clear. She couldn't see much enthusiasm in his heart, and now she can't tell that much energy and She tried to coax him, and didn't want to provoke too many people. Her heart couldn't bear too many deep feelings, and she was suffocating after a long month.

At the end of July and early August, the weather is clear and the wind is cool. It is the best time to go out and get out. Leng Ye is in a good mood to pack and prepare to leave the palace. Leng Yirou can now speak, and she is going to take her to go out. She had been staying at Xuanwangfu House, and she was afraid of boring her.

Leng Yan had just stepped out of the palace door, Du Heng hurried in: "Mr. Queen! Lord Xiang, please see me!"

Leng stunned his body and looked down slightly: "Just say that Ai's family is unwell, no one will see!"


When Du Heng went out, Leng Yan sighed long, and then he converged and went out.

Gong Yuwei is still in white. He hasn't been idle for the past two months, but he didn't dare to work as hard as before. He didn't dare to eat less tonics. He was afraid he would come back and make her look uncomfortable. A little thin, but not pale or weak, standing there quietly, straight and loose.

After thinking about it for two months and feeling guilty for two months, he finally came to see her now. He came to ask for sin!

Du Heng came out with a duster: "The queen queen said she was unwell and no one was there. Please come back, my dear friend!"

Gong Yuwei heard that she was worried first, and she had recovered before she asked her heart. She was not sick, but she didn't want to see him. It was his fault that she suddenly looked sad!

"Master Xiang?" There was no response when Gong Yuwei rang slightly, Du Heng had to call him.

Gong Yuwei returned to his mind, took out a white handkerchief from his sleeve, and handed it to Du Heng: "Please, Du Gong, pass this to the queen mother!"

Although the harem is not allowed to teach privately, the queen queen is different. Moreover, he also vaguely knows what the queen queen and the prime minister seem to have, so Du Heng did not refuse to accept it: "Master, rest assured, the slave must be given to the queen queen!"

Gong Yuwei heard the words looked up inside Weiyang Palace, finally turned around and left, but the back view is a bit lonely!

Gong Yuwei walked out of the palace door all the way, and as soon as the money came out, he quickly rushed up: "Sir Lord! Did you just see the little girl?"

Gong Yu shook her head slightly and stepped forward to go to the carriage!

Xiaoqian immediately said: "I know that you haven't seen him since I was young. I just saw the girl out of the house just now, but I don't know if I should go to our prime minister's house!"

Gong Yuwei heard the words and immediately turned around, grasping Xiao Qian's shoulder, "She just left the palace?"

Xiao Qian was jumped by Gong Yuwei, and he nodded: "Yeah! I just saw the girl Xiao Xiao came out, I don't believe you asked Wei He, he just saw it!"

Wei He just drove the carriage and nodded at the words: "Return to Grandpa! Just now we did see the little girl coming out!"

"Which direction does she go to?" Gong Yuwei asked nervously, with a moment of anticipation in her heart.

"There!" Xiao Qian raised his hand.

Looking at the direction he was pointing at, Gong Yuwei's heart sank immediately, and that glimmer of expectation shattered, leaving only sadness, and that direction was not Xiangxiangfu!

With both hands down, eyes narrowed so that people could not see clearly: "Back to the house!"

Xiaoqian was a little puzzled: "Aren't you going to look for Xiaoyue girl?"

Gong Yuwei sat back in the carriage and did not speak! Xiao Qian and Wei He looked at each other, they really didn't understand Xiang Ye, this was a shit!

The carriage drove slowly back to the Prime Minister's Mansion. Xiaoqian had just got off the carriage and was about to open the door, but he heard Gong Yuwei suddenly say, "Turn your head! Go to that street!"

The two looked at each other again, but smiled at the same time, Xiang Ye still wanted to see the little girl!

"Drive!" This time Wei He speeded up, and soon went across the street to the other side.

Leng Yirou has recovered very well. This month, she has a lot of body. She is healthier than when she saw it at the Xia family, her face is ruddy, and her thin hand bones are a little bit meatier, unlike a skull. I was so pleased that Leng Yirou was able to speak the most, and when she looked at her with a smile, she was so happy that she didn't even care about that name.

"Aunt!" Leng Ye could not find a good title, so she called her aunt simply: "It's a nice day today, let's go to the green and let you breathe, or you will be suffocated in this palace!"

"Where is it? I'm very good!" Leng Yirou held her hand affectionately, with a look of affection. Although she also wanted to go out and look, she was still worried: "Is it appropriate to go out now?"

"There is nothing inappropriate, and the surnamed Xia dare not do anything. If he dares to shoot, I would be very desperate!"

Leng Yirou raised her hand and touched Leng's head: "Stupid girl! I don't want to make you trouble!"

"No trouble at all!" Leng Yan took the cloak on the side and said, "Let's go!"

Just pulling Leng Yirou out of the room door and saw Jin Yu coming, Leng Ying paused, raised his finger and asked outside, "Let's go to the green, should we be together?"

Jin Yu raised an eyebrow: "Do you want me to go with you?"

Leng Yan shrugged, a little conscience: "Be a free bodyguard!"

Leng Yirou heard Lala Leng's hand, an elder's tone: "Elite! We have troubled Jin Gongzi a lot, you can't be so impolite!"

Leng Yi patted Leng Yirou's hand: "It's okay! I don't need to be polite to him, and he is willing to do so, so much!"

Leng Yirou looked at her helplessly, but she didn't blame it, only kindness.

I don't need to be polite to him! Does this mean that their relationship is different? Jin Yu was in a good mood for no reason, and she was behind her with one hand: "It just so happened that I didn't go out for a few days, so just go and see!"

After looking at Leng Yirou: "Aunt doesn't have to be polite to younger generations, I should protect you and her!"

Leng Yirou has been healed by Jin Yu these days. He has always felt good about this young man. Now seeing him so politely, he also seems to be very indulgent in Jinghua. Thinking of Jinghua ’s lonely identity, I ca n’t help thinking about something else, Jin Yu is even more pleasing to the eye: "Then I trouble you!"

"Aunt polite! We should go out too!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Leng Yirou took Leng Yi's hand, and the anti-customer greeted Jin Yu and followed.

When Leng Yirou couldn't see Leng Yirou, she rolled her eyes and pretended that she knew how to pretend. She also called an aunt. This is her aunt. She didn't say a few words, okay?

To Leng Yan's eyes, Jin Yu raised her eyebrows proudly. In Leng Yan's eyes, there are only two words-smelly fart!

The three went out, and the carriage was ready. When Leng Yi got into the carriage, Leng Yirou would put her in the middle. She and Jin Yu were sitting on the side. The carriage was not very large, so they sat next to each other. Close together, coupled with Leng Yirou's intentional or unintentional let her lean to Jin Yu, Leng Yi more silent, long sigh in her heart: Aunt! How did you pull the red line?

Jin Yu naturally saw Leng Yirou's intention, and answered her words very "behaviorally". The smile on the corner of her lips grew deeper and deeper.

Leng Yirou seemed to be afraid that Jin Yu, the niece, flew away, and was very enthusiastic all the way. When asked from Jin Yu's life experience, what he was doing now, she sent the eighteenth ancestor out, and Jin Yu was very patient Answered, the more they talked and became more enthusiastic, leaving them cold and rolling their eyes in the middle, all kinds of speechless and weak.

"It turned out that your master was the famous **** doctor. The brilliant father had been rescued by the **** doctor and later formed a friendship, and now you meet again, really fate!"

"Aunt is right!"

Leng Yan: Can this be related to fate? Don't she do it?

"Jinghua's temperament is sometimes stubborn, but she is also forced. She is very kind!"

Jin Yu squinted a cold glance, holding back a smile: "Well! I know!"

Leng Yan: "..." Aunt, which one of your eyes saw my heart kind? There is also Jinyu asshole, laugh when you want to laugh, don't be too bad for the kidney!

Along the way, Leng Yirou talked about various good words, Jin Yu gave a very face-to-face answer, and then Leng Yirou was the mother-in-law looking at the son-in-law, and the more she looked at it, Jin Yu was proud and smelly; Tucao!

The road out of the city was a bit uneven. The carriage was shaking. I did n’t know what was going on. The carriage suddenly trembled. I was not afraid of cold. I hurriedly reached out to help Leng Yirou, but I did n’t want to be pushed away by her. The carriage was stable. Leng Yirou was also ready, but she was pushed into Jin Yu's arms, and he also hugged her very cooperatively, holding her shoulder in one hand, and wrapping her around her waist in one hand.

Jin Yu glanced at the opposite Leng Yirou with a meaningful smile, looking down at Leng Ye, her voice dripping softly: "Be careful!"

Leng Yan gave him a hard glance: Be careful of your head! Asshole!

Sit fiercely from his arms, cold stomach aggrieved helpless! Seeing Leng Yirou's more and more satisfied with Jin Yu, Leng Yan could not wait to pierce Jin Yu and dig out his heart for Leng Yirou to see. This is black, he is lying to you!

The carriage finally stopped, Leng Ye could not sit still, and went out with light work. Here is an open meadow. The grass has just begun to yellow. The wild chrysanthemums and some unknown flowers are poured out. Don't have a taste; Leng Yan took a deep breath, and the sullenness in his heart was a little dissipated; then he turned to look at the carriage, and immediately felt that his heart was choked by something.

Jin Yu raised her hand and helped Leng Yirou to get out of the carriage, Leng Yirou patted his hand, and smiled so lovingly, that Jin Yu had become her niece's uncle; Jin Yu had never been close, But at this moment, there was no objection at all, but it was very useful; the cold sigh of breath was just in her heart, and she couldn't let it go. She almost strangled her to death, and she sighed to her!

"Jinghua! I think you guys are so good together, do you have any ideas?" Leng Yirou whispered Leng Yan and took the first two steps.

Leng Yan would like to tell her that it's useless to keep your voice down. His martial arts is so high that he can hear it even if he presses it softly.

"Aunt! Why do you have to pull the red line with me?"

Leng Yirou patted her hand and sighed longly: "Jinghua! Your aunt is sorry for you. You have suffered for so many years for the Leng family. Now you have to keep a glorious age in that cold palace, you are the only one." At the age of ten, it was exactly when he was in full bloom, how could he just waste his youth for nothing? "

Leng Yan heard a bit of emotion in his heart: "Don't talk about me, what about you? Have you ever thought about finding a new person?"

Leng Yirou heard her and gave her a glance: "Aunt said you, why do you ask me back? I'm almost forty years old, I've almost reached the ground, and now I can watch you and Yue'er each. Well, it's already the greatest comfort for me. What else do you want? "

Leng Ye didn't think much about it, and everything had to be personally willing!

"Jinghua! Aunt told you, think about it? Aunt can't be wrong when it comes to seeing people!" Seeing Leng Yi silent, Leng Yirou immediately started to persuade.

Lengluo silent, aunt, you really read this time wrong, it is a black wolf in sheep's clothing! "Aunt, don't you know my identity, how can it be possible!"

"What's impossible?" Leng Yirou squeezed heavily on her hand: "Don't the aunt died once? He has a good medical skill and gets some fake pills. You took off the queen mother's identity, changed her name and lived in seclusion with him, neither knows!"

Seeing her silent, she persuaded intently and earnestly: "Jinghua! Ronghua is rich and wealthy, but everything is cold and ruthless. You are still young. You should plan for your life. There is a person who is cold and hot around you, more than anything else. it is good!"

Leng Yan sighed: "Aunt! I know! Can you let me think about it?"

Leng Yirou knew she was in a hurry, and patted her hand: "Okay! Aunt doesn't force you, think about it yourself!"

Seeing that she finally let go of herself, Leng Yan gave a sigh of relief, shifted the topic and talked about something else, which made her more comfortable!

Jin Yu silently walked behind the two of them. He naturally listened to their conversation in their ears. He also had a good opinion of Leng Yirou. He saved this person as a profit! His eyes fell on Leng's face, and his smile was even deeper!

Leng Yan prepared a lot of things. The three of them walked on the grass for a while, and then they moved out of the place, ate and chat together, and played until the afternoon.

"Go back alone and be careful!" Leng Yirou insisted.

"Aunt! I know, don't worry!" Leng Yong patted her hand comfortably, glanced at Jin Yu before getting off the carriage.

This is a crossroads. Leng Ye did not go to Xuanwang Mansion, but prepared to return directly to the palace! Watching the carriage go away, Leng Yan shook her clothes and prepared to return to the palace. She had just taken two steps, and suddenly a low voice came behind her.

"Little sister!"

The sound that I hadn't heard for a long time, Leng Min's heart door that was about to be pulled moved, and she paused, preparing to be ruthless when she didn't hear her step up, and her sleeve was suddenly pulled by her. Behind her sounded: "Little cock!"

This voice with repression and helplessness, so that Leng Yan can no longer move.

She turned his back to him and did not turn around. Gong Yuwei let go of her clothes, holding her hands in her cool hands, and gently wrapping them, and it took a long time to say what she had always wanted to say: "Sorry!"

Leng Yan pulled back his hand: "You are not sorry for me!"

Gong Yuwei looked at the empty hand, and there was a missing piece in his heart, and his voice was slightly bitter: "I was too selfish that day, I stupidly hurt you with my so-called principles and kindness, when I knew what you did for me I regret it at that time. I don't ask you to forgive my mistake, but give me a chance to make up for it, okay? "

"No need!" Leng Yan stiffened, trying to keep his voice cold: "We are not people along the way, I am selfish and narrow, you are righteous and righteous, and you are clear-cut, you shouldn't have intersections, but from the beginning I I shouldn't provoke you, it's my own obsession, and now I don't want to say anything ... End it! "

"Xiaoyu!" Gong Yuwei looked at her back, all eyes were incredible: "You said ... end?"

The fist in Leng's sleeve was clenched: "Yes! End!"

Gong Yuwei was in pain, his eyes were broken into pieces, and he walked two steps. He was full of guilt, sincere apology, and full of expectations. What ended up being her sentence?

Seeing that she seemed to take a long step, Gong Yuwei didn't have the mood to think of anything else, and made an action that he had never dared to before. He rushed forward and hugged her waist, resolutely and resolutely. "I don't allow it! Xiaoyu, what you said, depends on me, for a lifetime, unless I don't want to rely on you, you will leave!"

Leng Yan's heart moved, the feelings of the past gradually returned to her cage, her heart was complicated!

"I am selfish in keeping with my principles, and I even put you out of all this. It's my fault, my fault, and I dare not ask you forgiveness, but don't you say the end is OK? I will change it for the sake of You and I can change everything! "

The bright sky suddenly rained, and the huge raindrops instantly wet this side of the earth, and the sky instantly darkened, accompanied by the roar of thunder, even more lonely here!

Something rolled into her neck, I wonder if it was rain in the sky or something else. Neither of them was sheltered from the rain, and they were instantly wet.

"Xiao Xun!" Gong Yu slightly hugged her hand and tightened her head slightly, her lips were slightly cold, and only her breathing was hot: "Xiao Xun! Please! Don't say the end is good!" "

Countless emotions passed through Leng Yong's heart. In the face of this kind of Gong Yuwei, how could she regain her heart? Leng Yan raised his hand and touched his hand. Gong Yuwei thought she was going to separate his hands. Both hands tightened tightly again. The voice exclaimed and shouted in the thunder: "I won't let go, never let go! "

Leng Yan covered the back of his hand and stroked it gently. The rain wet her eyes. For a long time, she sighed, raised her hand to catch Gong Yuwei's head, leaned her head to the side, and directly covered his cool lips.

Gong Yuwei opened her eyes in surprise, then slightly released her cold body to turn her around, and actively embraced her and kissed him. At this moment, what was conservative and what rules were left behind by him, he just wanted to hold him. Holding her and kissing her, only then was it certain that she still wanted her own.

The two kissed in the heavy rain. There seemed to be only two of them on this side of the world. The little money guarding the carriage opened their mouths, and their chins were about to fall to the ground: Cangtian, is that their best friend? The sage who was so cold as to be ruthless and didn't even look at a woman? Xiang Xiang, who has always been conservative enough to walk, now holds a **** the street and kisses him. Although there are not many people, this is the street!

Wei He was also a little surprised, but it was not as exaggerated as the small money. He stood quietly in the corner and did not go to see the scenery on that side.

Xu Jiugong Yuwei let go of Leng Yan, and his eyes flashed with joy, but there was still a little uncertainty: "Xiao Ye! Aren't you angry with me?"

Leng Yan raised his hand and touched his face, wiped off the rain, and kissed his feet on his lips: "Fool! Am I angry like this?"

Gong Yuwei finally grinned, a bright smile never before, a little silly, a little naive, it took him a long time to condense his smile, re-embracing the cold, and sighing longly: "Xiao! I can't guarantee that I will Do something wrong, but give me a chance to correct it? Do n’t tell me easily the end, my heart does not allow us to end directly! "

Leng Kui kissed his side: "Okay!"

Gong Yuwei heard the words hug her even more, hung her heart for two months, and finally fell after some ups and downs, after two months of torment, finally got over her head!

Leng Yan patted his back: "Hey! Why don't you go back to the Prime Minister's Office first? If you go down like this, you will get sick!"

It seems that Gong Yuwei noticed the rain, and felt a bit guilty: "I'm sorry! I've made you rain!"

Leng Yan took his hand and walked to the carriage: "Fool! Don't say so easily, I'm sorry I don't have any good!"

The two returned to the carriage, Wei He immediately drove back to the Prime Minister's Mansion. Uncle Xiang watched them soaked, and quickly ordered people to bring the hot water, let them wash each other, and finally rained and cleared!

In the place where they had just kissed, there was a tea house in the past. The curtains were hanging down to hide the figure of the people inside. Only a sloping purple corner was hanging down, which was extremely luxurious! The man just had a panoramic view of the following scene, but the curtain covered his eyes, Leng Yan didn't realize his existence because of his unstable heart.

"My son! That person seems to be Feng Yu's prime minister?" Tsing Yi Xiaoxi, aside, wondered.

"Huh!" Withdrawing his gaze from that place, a faint voice revealed a pleasant atmosphere, but with only one voice, the text was gone.

"It is said that the Prime Minister of Feng Yu is a disciple of Emperor Shihe, who has always been rigorous and upholding the rules, but now he has done such damaging things on the street, and the true rumors are not credible!" Means.

"No matter how rigorous and strict it is, it is a man. The relationship between men and women is the most difficult to hold on to. It's nothing strange!" His voice flowed like a clear spring, refreshing, and there was no extra emotion because of that scene. The slender hand turned the jade. Tea Cup: "How did you hear about Miss Zhe?"

Xiaoxi didn't say anything just, and replied: "No news yet! The people of Zicai said they didn't know the whereabouts of the lady, but Ms. Ziche disappeared for more than eighteen years. They did not send anybody. Looking for, and still hiding this news, must know the whereabouts of Miss Zhe, but I do n’t know why but I do n’t want to tell the son! ”

The hand turning the tea cup stopped, the tea in the jade cup was turquoise and clear, and a piece of tea dangled in the middle for a long time before stopping: "No one wants to marry his daughter who was born out to someone who will die soon!"

The voice seemed as if it wasn't his own life and death, it was just a blandish thing!

"My son! Don't curse yourself like this, you will have to live a long time and live a hundred years!" Xiao Yan's face disapproved, and there was some anger: "My son's identity is the most noble in the world. Why do they Suspicious son? We haven't said that they are climbing! "

"Everyone! Everyone has everyone's elegance, noble status, a hundred years later, it's just a cultivation of loess, we can't force others!"

The little sister heard the words and sighed, "That boy can't find him?"

"Look at it, let it all go!" Still faint and unemotional.

The little sister-in-law knew that the temper of his owner was useless, but although he knew it, he was still uncomfortable: "Why do you have to have a car lady? Is there so many good women in the world, isn't it better than that car car?"

A jade-like hand tapped on the table case, and raised his hand to pour tea: "It is not necessary for her, but ... not wanting, not willing!"

Looking through the bamboo curtain, he glanced at the place on the street, a gleam of light flashed, but a moment later he restored peace!

"A sneeze!"

Although there was not much rain, Gong Yuwei caught a cold!

Leng Yan washed it out first, and Xiao Qian brought **** tea to her. By the way, he told him that Gong Yuwei came out of the palace and went to look for her. As a result, she saw that she came out of Xuanwang's palace and went out of the cart with others. I waited there for noon and afternoon, and never drank water to eat. I had a few heat strokes, but got wet from the rain, and then caught a cold!

Leng Yan heard a sigh in his heart, drank **** tea and went to Gong Yuwei's room.



"it's me!"

"Xiaoyu? Wait a minute, I'll be fine right away!" Gong Yuwei's voice was a little hurried, accompanied by a sneezing sound.

Leng Zheng didn't care about him. When he pushed in the door, he saw that he was tying his wet hair with a headband, and his eyebrows frowned suddenly. "Why are you still **** with wet hair?"

"A sneeze!" Gong Yuwei sneezed, stopped the movements on his hands, and waited for the easing to come over: "I look so embarrassed, Xiaoyan, let's go out first!"

Leng Yan smiled helplessly, walked in and took the prepared towel next to him: "I've seen it again and again, isn't it because you're afraid I won't do it for you?"

Gong Yuwei's complexion was a little red because of illness, but also reddened by shyness: "I just don't want you to see it!"

Leng Yan put a towel on his head and gently wiped his hair: "If you really think of me as your person, you won't be afraid that I will see your unbearable side. After telling you, you will still treat me Exclusion! "

"I don't!" Gong Yuwei panicked a bit: "Xiaoyu! I didn't exclude you, but I was afraid I was not good enough, I was afraid you didn't like it!"

"Fool!" Leng Yan bowed his head and kissed him on the face: "Like someone is like all of him. When you are cold, when you are shy, and when you are embarrassed, I am not because you are upright, Or just like you, I like you as long as you are! "

Gong Yuwei heard that he held Leng's hand, and he was full of joy and didn't know how to speak well.

Leng Yan felt his hands seem rough, and he wondered at once: "What's wrong with your hands?"

Gong Yuwei's face changed slightly, and she immediately hid her left hand behind her back: "No! It's just a little cocoon!"

Seeing that he didn't want to see it, he didn't even ask about it. He raised his hands and wiped his head, waited for his hair to dry, and watched him drink the **** tea before pushing him to bed. I ’m tired after coming back in two days, so I do n’t have to go upside down, my body matters! ”

At this moment she was talking, Gong Yuwei did not refute at all, knowing that she cared about herself, his heart only rejoiced: "Okay!"

Seeing him being so obedient, Leng Yong rewarded him with a kiss: "Sleep! Come to see you when I have time!"

"Okay!" At this time he would listen to everything she said!

I was stunned by him, and got up and closed by Jiao Leng. I told Uncle Xiang to find a doctor, and then I went back to the palace!

"Mr. queen! This is the master who gave you the slaves today!" Seeing Leng Yan came back, Du Heng rushed things over.

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow, took the handkerchief and opened it. It was wrapped in a rosewood sculpted plum blossom. Although it was a good rosewood, the carving worker was really uncomfortable. And it has been modified by countless thick ones. The fingertips are rubbed to a little uneven, and the mule is turned, and the other side is engraved with two lowercase characters-Xiaoyao!

Leng Yan remembered the strange rough rubbing on Gong Yuwei's hand that she touched, and immediately understood why, in order to please her, he even carved this mule in person. He could not do any martial arts. He should never have done it. These, you can imagine how many times his rough hand should be scarred after being cut. I think when the heart is cold here, the wood may also open up!

Holding the mule in his hand and carefully rubbing the lines on it, you can imagine him holding a piece of wood and sculpting it with a knife and a knife, earnestly and helplessly, think of that picture, it feels funny and moved.

She fell on the bed with a smile, looked at the top of the bed, and sighed a long time later, after all, she could eat her! It's so cunning to hold her heart so that she can't let go anymore, each one is so cunning!

Read The Duke's Passion