MTL - The Enchanting Empress Dowager is Really Poisonous-v2 Chapter 37 The secret of Qianyingwei! Liang Guo Xiao Yan

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The plague finally came under control, but the snow country caused a tragedy, and the grassland was in chaos. The situation was already severe enough, but he didn't want to be so embarrassed by the snow country. His face as a big country was lost, and Long Yi was somber all day The civil and military officials were trembling, and Feng Yu ’s court was tense than ever before, and the culprit that caused all this was not felt, and he still lived in Xuanwangfu leisurely.

Jin Yu applied acupuncture to Leng Yirou, gave two precious elixir, and re-opened two prescriptions for people to catch medicine. Leng Yan had been sitting and watching, and he was not worried about his medicine at all. When he finished writing the recipe and threw it to people outside, he chuckled and said, "I haven't given you a reason, why did you change your mind?"

Jin Yu heard the words, looked up at her, her eyes flickered, her lips twitched slightly: "Because I find that instead of letting you give me a perfunctory reason, I might as well find a reason myself, so I will be more willing!"

"Oh? Tell me what reason you found?" Leng Yue looked at him curiously.

Jin Yu smiled mysteriously: "Buddha said: Can't say!"

Leng Yan silent: "When did you believe in Buddha?"

Jin Yu answered very well, "Just now!"

Leng Yan: "..."

He didn't want to say more about Leng Yan and didn't ask more. Anyway, he had given Leng Yirou treatment, and the result was obtained. She didn't care about the content!

After a few days of rest, Leng Yirou's complexion returned to a healthy color. Although she was still thin, she was a bit human. Leng Ye was very patient and stood beside her to take care of her. Leng Yirou always had tears in her eyes. , But not sad, but happy!

Leng Yirou waved his hand at Leng Yan, Leng Yan went over and held her hand, and looked at her softly: "What's wrong? Want to drink water or be hungry?"

Leng Yirou shook her head, suddenly holding the strength of her hand, she sat up slightly, Leng Ye quickly lifted her up and said: "Want to get up?"

Leng Yirou nodded, and Leng Yi saw she seemed to have something to do, bent over to put on her shoes, and carefully supported her to stand up.

Leng Yirou raised his finger to the study in the cubicle, Leng Yi helped her over, and when she entered the study, she glanced directly at the table case, and patted Leng Yi's hand in anxiety to indicate that she would She helped it over.

"Okay! Immediately pass!" Leng Ye always felt that she was not suitable for taking care of people, but these days she learned that some things are not suitable and unsuitable, but she is willing to do it.

Hold Leng Yirou to the table and sit down. Leng Yirou excitedly picked up the pen, spread out the rice paper with one hand, tried to stabilize the hand, and then wrote down. Leng Ye knew that she had something to say to herself, and she set her eyes on the paper. As soon as Leng Yirou finished writing the first sentence, he was surprised.

The handkerchief sent to General House seven years ago is a map of Tibetan tokens!

After writing, Leng Yirou added three more words: Qianyingwei!

Leng Yan took the piece of paper and quickly tore it into pieces, his face slightly heavy: "That's what Xia wants, isn't it?"

Leng Yirou nodded and raised his pen to continue to write: Qianying Wei is spread all over the world, with many branches. Xia Zhenguo is a member of Qianying Guards, the confidant of the old emperor, and a chess piece inserted in the Leng family!

Xia Zhenguo is the name of that general. He is actually the confidant of the old emperor. No wonder he can walk smoothly!

"He was looking for a token by Long Yi's order? But wasn't this token always in the hands of the old emperor? Because the person who saw the old emperor last was me, and Long Yi suspected them in my hands!"

Leng Yirou handed that piece of paper to Leng Yan, and re-written: There are seven pieces of Qianyingwei tokens in total, and the master, guard, soldier, fortune, government, exploration, and Xing can rule the world with seven orders. The old emperor There are only soldiers and detectives in the hands. The token of the Ministry of Defense should be in Xia Zhenguo's hands, but was discovered by your father's confidant. Xia Zhenguo stole the token and hid it. He was eventually chased down by Xia Zhenguo. He gave the address before he died I, the world knows only me.

Leng Yan was surprised: "It turned out to be that way, so he just married you for that token?"

Leng Yirou nodded.

"What about the other tokens? Are there any traces?"

Leng Yirou raised his pen: I don't know much. If you can find people related to Qianyingwei, maybe they will tell you more, you can also ask your father!

Cold smile: "Thank you!"

Leng Yirou pursed her lips with a smile, and looked at her softly!

Leng Yan gathered up the paper, went to the side and lit it with fire, and waited for it to burn to ashes before walking away, holding Leng Yirou's hand and holding her up: "Here is Xuanwangfu, for you the most In a safe place, those people would never expect you to be here. Your throat won't be long before you can talk. I really want to hear you say something to me! "

Leng Yirou held her hand, with a look of love!

Leng Yan helped her to the room and fell asleep: "I'm going back to the palace now, you rest in peace, I'll come back to see you later!"

Leng Yirou nodded, then closed his eyes and fell asleep!

Leng Ye summoned the dark guards of Longyue Li, and asked them to send a woman to take care of Leng Yirou, while changing clothes to go out.

"Are you going back?" Jin Yu walked in from outside the screen.

Leng Ye's action of changing clothes didn't stop. Quickly put on the eunuch's clothes on his body, tie the hair with a hair band and put on a hat: "I have to go back for something!"

Jin Yu stood by and watched her movements all the time, without talking!

After Leng Yan finished, he turned to look at him and smiled, "Don't you want me?"

Jin Yu didn't answer, Leng Yan took two steps to come in front of him, raised his hand and slid across his face, and smiled: "Well! The **** who can't eat the fireworks on earth is emotional, my charm is getting stronger!"

Jin Yu suddenly grabbed her hand, quickly grabbed her waist with one hand, lowered her head to cover her lips accurately, and quickly pried open her lips to siege the city. With a smile in his heart, Leng Yi raised his hand to hook his neck and let him kiss him wantonly.

It took a long time for Jinyu to let go of her, and her eyes were deep in color: "I really want you!"

Leng Yan looked at him with a gesture: "Aren't you afraid he'll kill you?"

"Don't be afraid!" Jin Yu took a bite of weight on her lips, and her eyes flashed inevitable: "You will be mine!"

Leng Biao nodded his brows: "I'm waiting!"

Shaking his sleeves out of the backyard, he was going to go straight to the palace, but didn't want to bump into Huaruier.

"You stand still!" Hua Rui'er looked at her and suddenly rushed over, and there was a gesture of cannibalism on her face!

Leng Yong paused and looked at her, and raised a brow: "What do you want to say?"

Hua Ruier hurriedly walked towards Leng Que. A pretty face was distorted by her. When she rushed to raise her hand, she would give Leng Ye a slap. Leng Ye raised her hand and pinched her wrist. Her eyes were slightly cold: "You Not qualified to hit me! "

"Bitch!" Hua Ruier stared at her angrily: "Seduce Yueli brother and seduce another man, cheap!"

"I am cheap?" Leng Yi smiled, holding Hua Ruier's chin with her other hand, and her face was deformed with force, and she suddenly enchanted her lips: "Are you really angry or jealous?"

"Don't you like Longyue Li? You have the ability to hook him back! Oh, Jin Yu is also very handsome, comparable to your elder brother that month, or should you consider seduce him? As long as you can hook one away That's your ability. If you don't even have that ability, it's best not to bark in front of me; I'm not a man, but I don't have the feeling of pity for the fragrant and precious! "

Huaruier's face turned red, her eyes spitting fire: "You ..."

"What a bitch! I know you want to scold it like this, can you scold something fresh? Such a cute little face, a **** bite, spraying dung with a mouthful, always feels a bit disgusting!" Leng Yan evil charm raised his hand with a smile Sliding across her cheek: "You said that if I scratched your little face, would it feel more harmonious?"

"you dare?"

"Don't say that, I'm the most irritated. If it really starts, it won't be good!" Leng Yi smiled flatteringly: "But I really want to know when you Does Brother Yueli help you? Or help me! Would you like to gamble with me? "

"You bastard!" Hua Rui'er was a little scared under her heart. The colder she smiled, the more enchanted her heart became.

Leng Yan threw her away with anger, clapping his hands disgustingly: "I only scream like this, I'm so disdainful, next time I want to play with me, get something out, or I will feel the price drop!"

No more watching her turn and leave!

"You slut!" Hua Ruier suddenly drew out the soft sword around her waist and stabbed at the cold back.

Leng Yan's eyes didn't blink, and she continued on her way. When the sword was about to touch her back, a strong internal force shook the sword directly. The white sleeves waved, and Hua Ruier was directly fanned to the side. On the rock, the body was affixed to it, and blood was sprayed from his mouth.

Jin Yu looked at the empty doorway and shook her sleeves helplessly: "You actually let this kind of goods seduce me without any hesitation. Should you say that you are too confident in me? Or are you too unconscience?"

Leng Yi returned to the palace. Everything in Weiyang Palace was as usual. Qingling knocked on the wooden fish every day to read the Buddha. That voice could be heard outside Weiyang Palace. No one suspected that the Queen Mother was not here, and Long Yi did not come. Naturally, nothing happened!

Leng Ye changed her gown, and squeaked Kano came over and stroked her in her arms, sitting in position and closing her eyes and meditating. Seeing that she had something in mind, Ziyu Qingling didn't bother. Only Lu Chang quietly stood beside her.

Coldly, I thought in my heart: Lord, Guard, Bing, Cai, Zheng, Tan, Xing, Qianyingwei! Qianyingwei ...

Suddenly, he opened his eyes coldly and fiercely, and then looked down and smiled: "Lu Chang!"

"The slave is here!"

"How is Fugong Fu recently?"

Lu Chang gave a slight meal, and then calmly replied: "The queen mother is concerned about the trouble, and his old man is all right!"

"I haven't seen Father-in-law for several years, but I miss it a bit, and suddenly want to visit him!"

"If the elderly knows that the queen mother is so concerned, she will be extremely grateful. I don't know when the queen mother will leave, so the slave will be ready!"

Leng Yan stood up: "It's better to choose a day than hit the sun, now! The family doesn't want too many people to know, just go out of the house with a micro-service!"

"The slaves understand!"

Two hours later, an ordinary carriage stopped at a mansion without a plaque. Lu Chang was clothed, got out of the carriage, opened the curtain and said, "Mr. Queen! Here!"

Leng Yan raised his hand and put on his arm, and came out as an ordinary woman, simple and ordinary!

When Leng Chang hit the ground, Lu Chang came up and knocked on the door. It didn't take long for a 60- or 70-year-old white-haired old man to open the door. When he saw that it was Lu Chang, he didn't ask much, opened the door and let them in!

This is a very simple and ordinary courtyard. I do n’t see luxury and there are not many servants, but I was a little surprised by Leng Ye, and I was a little curious about this father-in-law!

Bypassing the two corridors, I finally saw an old man with gray hair in a pavilion. His complexion was whiter than ordinary elderly people, and there was a sense of calmness and gentleness on his body. It should be the father-in-law.

"Old slave, the old bones, can still bother the Queen Mother to see it in person, it is really flattered!" Father Gong stood up and arched his hands, a pair of muddy eyes were very spirited at the moment.

Leng Yan raised his hand slightly to him, and sat down directly to the position opposite to him: "Ai ’s family has nothing to do. I want to hear the story of Father-in-law, I do n’t know if Father-in-law is willing to solve the sorrow for the family.

Father Fugong sat down with a smile: "The queen mother is sent, the old slave naturally dare not slack off, but just don't know what the queen mother wants to hear?"

Leng Yan looked at him, his eyes were clear and clear, he knew that he must know her intentions, and smiled slightly: "Just tell the origin of Qianyingwei!"

The father-in-law took the tea from the little **** who was waiting and put it in front of Leng Yan personally, and said, "The Qianyingwei had to start from Feng Yuliguo! At that time, the world was in chaos, the men were divided, and the world was cut into Dozens of small pieces, the parties refused to give up each other, there were soldiers and bloodshed every day, and the dragon family was the most powerful at that time, followed by the Wulin Chuqiao flower family, the cold family who was good at military solutions, and possessed world wealth. The car family, the crane family famous for its family rules and political means, the Hu family mainly for investigative information, and the Xiao family! There are seven families in total, and they occupy 60% of Feng Yu and Liang Guo's territory. The rest are insignificant! "

"The Qifang forces did not let anyone else, so they remained deadlocked until the owner of the Dragon family, which was the founding emperor of Feng Yu, discussed a game of chess with the owner of the crane family and convinced the family member of the crane family. The balance of these seven families was only broken! The sub-car family was rich in the world, and it was most envious of the major forces. The Long family had been eyeing it since the merger of the crane family and launched an attack on the sub-car family. There are only two side branches of the Zech family to return to the Dragon family! "

"The Leng family could have competed with the Long family, but at that time the Leng family owner was violent, and his son-in-law tried to fight for the position of the owner. Finally, the Leng family entered and the Leng family fell. The five major families returned to one, Hu family and Xiao family. The family also had to obey, so the seven families became one and the dragon family headed. Although the seven families were merged, their respective forces were still there, and their hearts were dissatisfied, so Qianyingwei appeared! "

"Qianyingwei has a total of seven tokens, the main one is the Dragon Family, and the remaining six are auxiliary ministers, higher than any noble prince. Once the faint emperor appears in the Dragon family, the rest can gather seven tokens and establish a new emperor. , So the seven families have finally settled down, and Qianyingwei's existence as a secret place has never been known! "

"The Dragon Family conquered the world and finally unified here, and then there was nothing wrong for nearly a hundred years! At this time, the Xiao family produced a stunning beauty, attracted by the male brothers of several major worlds, but was finally forcibly included in the palace by the emperor, but it never happened. He died three days later, and was killed by the torture of life. The major families were angry, so Qianyingwei had the biggest turmoil. "

"At that time, Ying Yu, the owner of the Xiao family, was extraordinary and talented. There was no need for the people in the Dragon family to be bad. He also had clear grudges and good fortunes. He was very popular. That man was his favorite sister. When he saw her sister die tragically, The emperor killed the emperor in anger, and finally caused the death of the body. Seeing that the Xiao family was about to be destroyed, he broke the token and took the Xiao family to the east of his sphere of influence. The Da Shijia also lost trust in the Long family. A group of young male brothers took away half of the family's power and followed the Xiao family owner, and then launched a rebellion from the east. It took more than a year to lay the land of the current Liang country, and since then The world's two points and Qianyingwei's tokens were also lost in that war. So far, hundreds of years, although there were many tokens in the middle, they never got together again! "

After listening to it, Leng Yan quietly smiled: "Apart from the Xiao family and the Long family, the other five families are divided into two and belong to different countries. Besides, that was an agreement hundreds of years ago. Who would obey it now? What is it for? "

"It's not unreasonable for the queen mother to say this, but don't forget the queen mother and the emperor. They have both received the token of Qianyingwei. One relied on it to stabilize a chaotic event 70 years ago, and the other relied on it. Ascended the throne, some things are still inaccurate. Besides, what the old slave said were hundreds of years ago. As for the true history, we cannot know it completely! "

"This is also it!" Leng Yan nodded in agreement, and looked at Fu Gong fairly. "If the Ai family did not make a mistake, then the token of the Hu family should be in your hands!"

Gongfu laughed when he heard the words: "The old slave knew that the queen mother would ask this one day!"

Leng Yan laughed slightly: "You obviously held the token, but you ran to Ai's house to find it, so that everyone thought the token was at Ai's house, it's really cunning!"

Father Gong waved his hand: "The queen mother can be wrong. Although the token was with me before, it is with you now, but you don't know it!"

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows, subconsciously looked at Lu Chang, and suddenly smiled at Shang Lu Chang, and he was a little puzzled: "Which one, Father Gong, is playing with Ai family?"

Father Gong took up his cup and drank tea: "The queen mother also asked the wrong question. You should ask yourself when you have regained his heart and let him follow you willingly. You must know this question, but the old slave ca n’t believe it. The solution, always looking for an answer to the Queen Mother! "

Leng Yan smiled and got up: "It's time for Ai's family to go back and think about it. It's getting late and it's time for Ai's family to return to the palace!"

"Mr. queen, walk slowly! I will not give it away!"

"No problem!" Leng Yan stepped out and went away!

After Leng Yan took a few steps, Father Gong's voice sounded again: "The old slave can still visit with her queen at such an age, so she will send an additional message. What will the queen remember the name of the emperor?"

After the cold footsteps, he continued to move forward: "Thank you very much! If the family of Ai is free, come and listen to the story of Father 9999!"

The father-in-law smiled: "As long as the bones of the old slave are not ancient, the queen queen is welcome to come at any time!"

Step into this house until the door is closed behind him and chuckled coldly: "Lu Chang! You can hide your family hard enough to hide!"

Lu Chang calmly, without the embarrassment of being caught in a pigtail: "The slave always believed in the wiseness of the Empress Dowager, sooner or later?"

Leng Yan heard the words and said, "This is a boast family?"

"of course!"

"Fucky!" Leng Yan gave him a nasty look and stepped onto the carriage!

Did not return directly to the palace, let the carriage stop at the General's Mansion, Leng Yan directly took out the dark guard in the dark, than he said the dark room of the old General Leng, then ran in and turned it over, but only found some weapons in the end. Calligraphy and painting, nothing!

Throw away the things in your hand, and coldly clap your hands: "It looks like I have to play with a dad I haven't seen before!"

After leaving the General Mansion, you can return to the palace directly this time, but Xuanwang Mansion will not go for the time being!

As soon as he returned to the palace, Du Heng came in and reported, "Mr. Kai Qi! The Emperor Liang Guo suddenly visited, and the Emperor is receiving it!"

Leng Yan raised his eyebrows and raised his lips, "Oh! Liang Guo's people are here too, this is fun!"

Lu Chang came over and asked with a smile: "Is the Queen Mother going to have a look? It is said that the emperor of Liang Guo today is young and handsome, and once she wears a purple dress, she is graceful and luxurious, and it is not worse than Lord Xuan!"

A cold gaze crossed Leng's eyes: "Lu Chang! Why does Ai's family think you have something wrong? Ai's family loves men, right?"

Lu Chang was unmoved and still smiled calmly: "Would you like to check it out?"

"Go! Why don't you go?" Leng Yi answered affirmatively, but added a sentence at the end: "But Ai's family went in the direction of his emperor, not his beauty!"

Lu Chang nodded: "The slaves only knew!"

Leng Yi kicked him in a bad temper: "I know you!"

Feng Yu and Liang Guo have been in peace for nearly a century. It is not much hatred, but it will never be very friendly. Because of the relationship hundreds of years ago, people in the two countries always have some meaning that is unclear. It was difficult for the imperial kingdom to take the lead, but the emperor of the Liang country ran to visit, it really made people not think about it.

Although Long Yi did not want to receive, after all, Feng Yutang was a big country, and the other party was still an emperor from the same country. He could not act as a villain, ordering a banquet in the Royal Garden, accompanied by officials of more than four grades.

"I am here to take the liberty to visit, if there is something abrupt, please call the Emperor Feng Haihai!" A luxurious golden silk robe with purple clouds and Jinhua clothes, a wide waistband, a jade crown, a beautiful face, a graceful look, a slightly thin body, but However, he could not hide his nobleness and natural temperament. Compared with Long Yi's demeanor, he looked more like a protagonist who came out to play. This is Liang Yan's youngest emperor, Xiao Yan!

Long Yi accompanied the smile, but that smile did not reach the bottom of the eye: "Liang Huang said a lot, and it's a shame that you can come to Feng Yu as a guest!"

Xiao Yan also smiled, but his smile was obviously more sincere than that of Long Yi, and his stunning face was even more inseparable because of this smile, feeling a strong dissatisfied look, Xiao Yan looked up at the past: "Xuan Wangye looked at the widow so much, but what advice?"

Long Yueli's face was very clearly written with the word "Unhappy", and his face smelled bad, but no one knew why it was unhappy! When Xiao Yan asked him, Long Yueli gave a cool smile: "Don't dare to teach, but Liang Huang's days are not short, Liang Guo has a lot of government affairs, and the emperor is the most hospitable. I'm afraid it's not good to stay with Liang Huang!"

This is obviously the tone of catching people! Xiao Yan seemed to have not heard it, and smiled slightly: "Xuan Wang is interested, but the widow rarely pays attention to the political affairs, all ministers and younger brothers take care of it. I have calculated it for a year and a half, and it has no effect!"

Longyue Liyi said: "The Emperor Liang is really assured of them!"

"It's all my family, what's not to worry about?" Xiao Yan asked faintly.

Long Yueli had a feeling of meeting his opponent, knowing that this matter could not be talked about, and instead said: "I heard that Liang Queen's Palace does not even have a concubine. I wonder if it is true?"

"Of course it is true. There is no Phoenix Emperor Yanfu for the widow. The harem is always empty!" Xiao Yan glanced at Long Yi and calmly replied.

Long Yueli raised his wine glass to cover her lips: "Liang Huang has a good temperament, I am afraid that many women like it? Is it so big in this world that Liang Huang doesn't look at it? Or is there something inexplicable?"

Long Yueli said this sincerely. A man would not like to be asked by others. No matter how good his temper is, he would have a deep face. Unfortunately, Xiao Yan is not an ordinary person, let alone angry, not even moving his eyes.

"The widow has a fiancée, the queen who has been appointed since the birth of the widow. Apart from wanting to see the scenery of the world this time, the most important thing is to get her back. When the widow is married, he will give Xuan Wang a copy. Post, please ask King Xuan to have a glass of wedding wine! "After speaking, the voice remained unchanged, but the words changed sharply:" The widow also heard a little about Xuan Wang. Whether it is the capital mansion or the southern fiefdom, it seems that Xuan Wang never had a concubine. , The widow is also curious! "

Got it! This sentence was immediately thrown back. Although it felt like there was nothing to say, but the listener was instantly upset!

Long Yueli knew that he was paying tribute to what he had just said, and it was a moment of unhappiness. He did n’t need to question, because a woman had already tried it, and he did n’t need to compare with him! I narrowed my eyes and drank a glass of wine: "I don't know which lady is so blessed to become Liang Huang's fiancee, and has Liang Huang kept her like a jade for so many years?"

Xiao Yan was thin, and her long, fair-skinned, jade-finished fingers slightly turned the wine glass: "She is the young lady of the child car family. Since childhood, it has been easy for widows to marry. In fact, widows have only seen her in love!"

I just saw the baby in the middle and was willing to wait for so many years. Long Yueli left his lips and he couldn't do it anyway, but Xiao Yan would not lie to him, which relieved his heart. He was loyal to his fiancee. Naturally I will not think of other women, so this peach blossom can go to another house! You can't blame him for being so nervous and making a big point. He really understands the charm of the unconscienceful woman, and the man in front of him is no worse than him. The woman loves beautiful men at first. I want to vomit blood, so I swear in my heart that this time I can't let her mess with peach blossoms again.

As soon as Long Yueli's belly fell, the **** shouted from outside: "The queen queen is here!"

Wensheng officials immediately got up and waited for the ceremony. Only three of them moved slightly, Long Yueli, Long Yi and Xiao Yan, but the eyes of the three fell on the entrance, waiting for the Queen Mother to arrive, although their respective moods were different. .

Leng Yan wore a dark black suit today. The golden silk thread was embroidered with large and large peony, with a complex head style, embellished with phoenix flowers, calm and elegant steps, and full of luxury. Light strokes, three petals of red lotus, beautiful and unparalleled, but few people look at her face!

Long Yueli was dissatisfied at the first glance when she came in. If she painted so beautifully, she would know to attract bees and butterflies!

Long Yi's face was complicated, he should hate her, hate the hatred, but every time he saw her face, his hatred was always depressed by many things, and could not be turned over!

Xiao Yan didn't have any expression, the corner of her lips was still a gentle smile, and her eyes were a little stunning!

"See the Queen Mother! The Queen Mother Chitose!"

"Be free!" Leng Yan slightly raised his hand, glanced at Long Yueli with a smile, crossed Long Yi, and finally fell on Xiao Yan's body, but it was a little stunning, but there were not many ripples, Xiao Yan was handsome It is not lost to Longyue Li and Jin Yu, but it is different from their beauty. The temperament of the aristocratic sons is displayed to him most vividly, but compared to those noble sons, his body is deeper and more stable. But his face was elegant and calm, and there was faint majesty and grace. This was not just a simple emperor.

"The Ai family has long heard of Liang Huang's extraordinary style, and now when he sees it, it is extraordinary!"

Xiao Yan flashed an invisible glance when she heard the voice of Leng Yan, and then smiled humblely: "The queen queen is ridiculous, but the queen queen's mother's appearance makes the widow amazing!"

"The Emperor Liang really speaks!" Leng Yan smiled and walked towards Long Yi, and his eyes fell on him unabashedly: "When the Ai family heard about the visit of Emperor Liang, the curiosity came over. I wonder if the emperor would mind?"

Long Yi glanced deeply at her, and raised her hand, and someone immediately moved to the table and laid it down next to him, laying bright yellow satin and putting on eating utensils!

Leng Yan sat down with a smile: "I have missed sitting with the emperor for such a long time, but I miss it a bit!"

Long Yi snorted softly: "If the fighting in Mobei stops and the people in the world are stable, the queen mother can sit with you like this at any time!"

Leng Yan raised his glass and chuckled: "The Emperor said it very well, and the Ai family also hoped that the world would be stabilized soon and the world would be leveled up. Snow Country?"

Long Yi stared at her face: "What does the Queen Mother think of General Zuo Wei?"

Leng Yan nodded and thought: "If the emperor is trustworthy, my brother is a good candidate. You must know that his representative has always been what people want, almost invincible!"

Everyone's heart is against him. As long as they are defeated, the people of the world have to respect him. Military power and reputation are given at the same time. I wonder if you dare?

Long Yi naturally knew the meaning, and turned ugly: "These things are left to the Royal Study to discuss, Liang Huang came to visit today, don't protrude Liang Huang!"

Leng Ye looked at Xiao Yan, his face remained unchanged, as if he hadn't heard them at all. Leng Ye slightly raised his lips and raised his glass: "I wonder if Ai's family is honored to have a drink with Liang Huang?"

Xiao Yan raised her glass elegantly: "The honor of the widow, please queen mother!"

Leng Yan raised his head and drank the wine, then looked at Xiao Yan again, then took a piece of flesh into his mouth and chewed, and his eyes fell on the song and dance not far away, and he no longer spoke.

Long Yi saw that she had nothing extra to do, and put down some vigilance, chatting with Xiao Yan and not having a match, occasionally drinking a glass of wine, the banquet continued like this!

The end of a banquet came to an end, and the appearance of Leng Ye did not have much effect. Long Yi felt so strange, but I could not guess the intention of Leng Ye!

"Tooth sour!" Leng Ye screamed when he returned to Weiyang Palace, drumming his cheeks, looking pitiful!

Ziyu was silent: "You have eaten two dishes of candied fruit, how can your teeth not be sour?"

Leng Yan rubbed his face: "Isn't that boring?"

Xiang Yan came in with tea and heard the words: "Isn't there still Wang Ye and the Emperor Liang Guo? How can it be boring?"

"They're sitting so far, it's fart!"

Xiang Xiang put the tea next to the cold tea: "Yeah, Ignore you!"

Leng Yan raised an eyebrow: "How do you know?" Long Yueli did not really look at her tonight.

Xiang Ye's expression that I knew: "But Liang Liang is beautiful? Well, not worse than Wang Ye!"

Leng Yan nodded honestly: "Although they can't be compared together, they are indeed rare beautiful men!"

Xiang Yan went to the side: "Then you ask for blessing!"

Leng Ye thought for a moment to understand the meaning of Xiang Yan's words, but was a little uncertain: "No, right? So his vinegar jar can also be turned over?"

Xiang Yan raised her finger and pointed at the window: "You'll know when you wait!" The words fell and Ziyu's hand was pulled.

Leng Yan: "..."

As soon as they disappeared, Long Yueli came in through the window, and their dark-colored robes opened freely, all of them revealing the atmosphere of evil, but there were some smiles on their faces ... Uh, Leng Ye could not find a language description!

Seeing Leng Yue staring at himself like this, Long Yue picked away from the evil fox's eyes: "Why? Don't you welcome the king?"

"Wrong expression, wrong voice, Longyue Li, how many vinegars did you drink tonight?"

Long Yueli heard the words, and her eyes narrowed suddenly, "Dare you ask?"

Leng Yan innocent: "I didn't do anything, can you stop being jealous?"

"What about Jinyu?"

Leng Yan helpless: "That was not what I provoked, it was he who stuck it up. I am innocent!"

"Innocent?" Long Yueli had a wicked look on his face, with a smile on his face, and his breath came very dangerously. He rolled up the cold frost and threw it to the big bed: "My king tells you what is innocent!"

Lying on the bed, Leng Yan was speechless: "Longyue Li! Can't you always soak in the vinegar tank? You don't feel uncomfortable. I look uncomfortable!"

"Then you don't want to think about who threw me in?" Long Yue approached dangerously.

Leng Yan: "... I didn't do anything today, and I didn't look at Liang Liang. What kind of vinegar did you eat?"

"Then you have nothing to paint so beautiful and do? Don't be afraid to flash people's eyes?" Long Yueli covered her body and suppressed her, biting her ears in a breath: "He looks good, right? But no matter how extraordinary he is, don't even think about it, there is a fiancee, no one for you! "

Leng Ye was completely powerless: "Longyue Li! Isn't your girl drugged by Jin Yu, and her nerves are out of order?"

Longyue was more dangerous from her eyes, and her big palm slid up along her waist: "My king will let you see if my king is abnormal!"

"Hmm ..." Leng's lips were sealed, and before she resisted Longyue Li, she clamped her hands and feet, and the wanton kisses and caresses fell like a storm, which she couldn't bear. Leng Yan was almost choked by his kiss, and his body was crushed by him. Just when she couldn't stand it, he stopped abruptly, and the whole person lay on her body without any action.

Leng Yong's reason returned to her mind, and her heart gradually sank. How did she not know why Long Yueli was like this, and how did she not know his uncertainty and uneasiness? She gave it all to him, because there were too many people around her, so that this proud person became so miserable!

He was covering her quietly at this moment, but she could feel his uneasiness, fear, and sadness, and there was a throbbing pain in her heart, and she was very distressed! Raised his hand around his waist, and took a deep breath. She used to think that her favorite was Gong Yuwei. Because of his simplicity, she accepted him with almost no resistance, but after so long Turning around, she didn't see her heart until this moment. It turned out that the person who had torn open her heart and lived in it had already taken root and sprouted, connected her flesh and blood, and could never let go!

She likes Gong Yuwei, and Gong Yuwei also likes her, but her love is pure and broken, regardless of anything, but Gong Yuwei has too many rules and restrictions, he can not give her the response! Hua Jin loves her, but more often she is indulging him! Only Longyue Li, only he wholeheartedly pretended to be her, hate was her, love was her, he was swallowed by helplessness, sadness, and sadness, and even tolerated other people for her. Never hurt her by half!

Leng Yan only felt sweet and bitter at the moment. The original true love would really be as beautiful as the book says, and it would make people yearn for it, but it would also make people want to die! She had just tasted the beauty of men and women in love, but she was going to bear the pain immediately, and she no longer knew what to do!

Looking at the top of the bed for a long time, Leng Yan suddenly said, "Leave! Let's have a child!" After hearing this, Long Yueli's body trembled uncontrollably. All surprised and couldn't believe it: "What did you just say?"

Seeing his expression, Leng Yan felt more painful in his heart, raised his hand and covered his handsome face, and gently rubbed: "I'm sorry I can't give you the only one you want, but I'm willing to give you a child and have you And my blood, our only child! "

Long Yueli looked at her like this, without expression for a long time! Leng Yong's heart suddenly panicked, she didn't understand what he meant by this reaction, and suddenly hugged him: "I just feel bad for you, I'm very confused at this moment, I don't know what to use to make you feel at ease, if you don't Just as I didn't say it! "

Longyue embraced her and sighed, "Fool! How would I not like it? Just knowing that this idea is too far away and too luxurious, so I never dared to think about it. Now I listen to you personally, I am I'm so happy I forgot to react! "

Leng Min's heart gradually calmed down: "Leave! I ..."

Long Yueli raised her hand and covered her lips: "Don't say anything else, I've never been happy and happy now, don't disturb me, let me hug you!"

Leng Yan hugged him back, and closed his eyes lightly. There was no * at this moment, only a strong love flowing!

—————————— Off topic ——————————

Uh huh! I do n’t know if someone likes Xiao Yan!

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