MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 3

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People who don't believe in Black Tower are just watching the fun from start to finish. They believe that this is the government's high-tech research results and will not cause any harm to themselves. The government is always impossible to harm people. Even if there is anything, the leader is also a human being. Even if the sky collapses, there are people on the top who have nothing to do with them. Anyway, they can't do anything.

Those who believe in the Black Tower are afraid of the extreme on the third day.

"What is a game! What is a knockout! We want a statement!"

"Say! Explain!"

"What is it, you must give an explanation!"

There are more and more people in the tour | blocking the city center of Suzhou, there are some people in the middle of the water to fish, want to see if you can get some benefits. Even if the martial arts and policemen warned to drive away, they also refused to leave with the advantage of the number, and they were surrounded by white walls, and even had a tendency to break through the wall.

Such scenarios have occurred around the world.

Huaxia is very good. Before the Black Tower incident, the country was very stable and had strong cohesiveness and control. In some poor and weak countries, especially those with weak government deterrence, the “Black Tower Dangerous Party” occupied government agencies on the first day.

"The Black Tower is God, it will lead us to a new century. The Black Tower is coming, my great and only Lord, please give us the power of new life!"

"Give us strength!"

Thousands of people are crouching in front of the Black Tower, eager for a beautiful new century.

Tang Mo does not know these things.

He held a black explosion-proof stick in his hand, even if the clothes were very thin, the forehead was already covered with fine sweat. The cunning child sang the virginity. He sang, and the ethereal and loud voice echoed in the empty library for a long time.

"Have you heard it?" Tang Mo almost chewed a few words from the teeth.

The **** stick has already been scared to kneel on the ground, and the messy hair blocked his eyes. When Tang Mo looked at him, he could only see a pair of eyes that were trembling with fear. The gods were so scared that they couldn’t even say anything. They were afraid to climb straight back and shrank to the wall. They held their heads and said, "What is that... what is it..."

Where does Tang know?

After singing the virginity, there was no more sound in the library.

Gradually, Tang Mo calmed down.

Some people will be helpless when they encounter big things and panic. Tang Mo is just the opposite.

Tang Mo is born to be an extremely rational person. Five years ago, his parents had a car accident. At that time, he just went to college. If he changed others, he might feel collapsed. Tang Mo handled the funeral of the two in an orderly manner, until after the end of everything, one person secretly cried, and then began to consider his future.

And since he had a quick heartbeat and a sense of anxiety in the first two days, he found himself becoming more calm than before.

Tang Mo took an explosion-proof stick in his right hand and took a thick and large book from the G-class bookshelf as a shield and walked to the window.

Outside the window is a white without margins.

This is the window on the east side of the library. Normally, I can see the main street in downtown Suzhou from here. I can also see several famous ancient gardens.

Tang Mo’s hand holding the explosion-proof stick is even tighter. He seems calm, but he is always alert to the movements around him. Every time he walks through a bookshelf, he is ready to fight back.

He looked through the windows on the third and southeast of the library and returned to the original place.

"We are not in Suzhou."

The godsman sat in the corner of the wall and looked at Tang Mo in horror.

Tang Mo didn't want to say this answer, but he bludges and said: "We are surrounded by a blank space, but it is indeed a library here. Probably similar to the library being moved out of the air into a large blank room. I I have been working here for a year. I just looked at the service desk. My colleague’s cup is still on the table, exactly the same as the library."

After all, it was not a single person. The gods and sticks listened to Tang Mo and said a lot, and also gathered up the courage to stand up. He looked around and suddenly said, "Oh, this is the book I secretly placed here last week!"

Tang Mo looked in the direction of his fingers.

"I am afraid that this book will be borrowed by others and hidden in the gap between the two bookshelves."

Tang Mo: "..."

It turns out that those are all you do!

Tang Mo is the administrator of the library. The **** stick is a frequent visitor. Both people have confirmed that this is the library. That is definitely true.

Tang Mo took the **** stick to the security cabinet and took another explosion-proof stick. Everything is unknown now, so that the stick of the gods can protect his own safety. Second, if the two encounter any danger, they will have a helper.

The two just walked to the service desk, and suddenly, a burst of footsteps came from near the bookshelf deep in the third floor.

The gods were so scared that Tang Mo was scared to have a cold sweat on his back.

He had just seen it there, no one at all! Who is this footstep?

The two clasped the explosion-proof stick and carefully stared at the front, and the back against the wall. The sound is getting closer and closer, and it is still very irregular, much like a child hopping on the ground. Thirty seconds later, a small black shadow appeared from the depths of the bookshelf. It was a little girl with a pair of ponytails. In the late autumn of November, she wore a red dress and stepped on a pair of bright red shoes.

The voice that just slammed was the sound of the leather shoes on the ground.

"Ghost... Ghost! Ghost!"

The gods are afraid to shrink behind Tang Mo.

But Tang Mo is also afraid!

... This is not a question of calmness and not calmness. What is this special thing about running a mosaic!

According to the head, the little girl in the red dress looks like she is only seven or eight years old. She is wearing a delicate little skirt, small shoes, and even the small bag on her back is a Disney pink Minnie, very meticulous, looks no different from the real person. Only her face, which is a thick mosaic.

No eyebrows, no eyes, no nose, no mouth.

Only mosaic.

Tang Mo clenched his teeth and suppressed the desire of a little girl to knock on the bottom of his heart.

"Brother, have you seen my book?"

How the sound is crisp and nice, watching this face, Tang Mo only feels creepy.

Tang Mo was cold with a face, staring at the little girl, not answering.

The little girl asked again: "Brother, have you seen my book?"

Although this little girl looks very weak, Tang Mo should be very easy to subdue her. However, given that this place is too strange, the little girl has another face mosaic, obviously not a real person, Tang Mo did not dare to move around, can only cooperate. He licked his lips and, after a moment, tried to show a smile that looked very kind: "Children, what books are you missing?"

"Brother, you laugh so ugly."

Tang Mo: "..."

Little girl: "My book is gone. Can you help me find it? Brother is so annoying. I hate reading books the most, but she bought me a lot of books. Those books are so ugly, but I lost my mother. Very angry. The book is gone, my mother will kill me. Brother, can you help me find the book?"

Tang Mo no longer deliberately smirked: "Who is the mother?"

"Mom is mom, brother, you are so weird."

The **** stick twitched from behind: "You can't find a book, mom... Mom will kill you?"

"Yes, my mother will be very angry. My mother is very angry."

The **** stick said: "Isn't that murder?"

The little girl licked her head and the ponytail on the right fell and fell on the face of the mosaic. I don't know how Tang Mo feels that without this mosaic, the little girl should be laughing now. She was looking at herself and the gods with a pair of black lacquered eyes, then she said, "Oh, but if my brother doesn't help me find the book, I will kill my brother."

A bucket of ice water poured from the head to the foot, Tang Mo licked his lips and stared at the mosaic girl.

After a moment, he faintly asked: "Do you remember what book? I will help you find it."

"Well..." The little girl swayed her head and the ponytail swayed from side to side, seeming to be thinking hard. She "hmm" for a long time: "I can't remember it!"

Tang Mo has long guessed that this will be the answer.

Suddenly, the little girl hurriedly said: "Ah, go to school. If you are late, the teacher will kill me. I will go first, brother, you have to help me find a book." She said, she is carrying The small school bag ran into the depths of the bookshelf again.

The little girl is gone, and this weird game has officially opened.

Tang Mo and the **** stick originally hid at the service desk and did not go out to contact the little girl. At the moment when the little girl disappeared, the computer that the service desk belonged to Tang Mo suddenly lit up and the two walked over.

On the blue background of the computer, a paragraph of text emerged, which is obviously a diary.

Tang Meng read it out: "November 15th, sunny. I lost my mother's book! Mom will kill me!"

God stick: "Changed! The word has changed! November 16th, Yin. I passed the mother, my mother still doesn't know that the book is gone. Where is the book, where is the book. Mom will kill me!"

The text on the computer screen changes again.

Tang Mou read: "November 17, Yin. Mother seems to have found out, did she find out?" The text changed, he continued to read: "November 18, rain. Hey... Mom really killed me. ""

Tang Mo and the gods are silent.

"...Do we really die?" The gods muttered to himself.

Tang Mo looked at the **** stick.

The work of the library is very boring. Every day, people in the shape of a person are received. When they are resting, they occasionally talk about the wonderful things they have seen today. The **** stick is the wonder of the miracle. He doesn't seem to have a job. He goes to the library to read books every day, and he has always been a god. Xiao Zhao said that the **** stick was smashed by his girlfriend before, and he was psychologically perverted.

In the hearts of these staff members, the **** stick is a very strange person, funny and pitiful.

Now the gods look at the expression of Tang Mo, it is really pitiful.

Tang Mo looked out and he was afraid. In fact, he is also afraid, but at this time they need not be afraid. Tang Mo thought about it, or honestly replied: "Maybe it will really die."

The gods stared in despair.

Tang Mo: "Wait a minute, the text on the computer has changed. As a girl who is obedient and sensible, mosaic..." Tang Mo’s expression was distorted and continued to read: "The mosaic has only one drawback, that is, she does not I love reading books. Mom hates the little girl who doesn't like reading books, especially the little girl who throws away the book and lie and is stolen. But the mother doesn't know that the mosaic is not lying, she didn't throw the book away. It was the devil who stole it."

Looking at the word "devil", Tang Mo frowned.

"The devil hates the book most. The devil is illiterate. Why do you want to study? Only those birds with wings can read it. The unlucky demon was discovered by the angel when he stole the book. He did not burn the evil. The book, he secretly hid the book in a library. However, the bookshelves of the library are all the same. After the angel leaves, the stupid demon is stupid, and he makes an angry cry."

"These **** books!"

When Tang Mo finished the text, a clear children’s voice suddenly sounded in the library.

"Hey! Against the game, 'Who is stealing my book?' officially opened. During the game -"

"First, violence is prohibited."

"Second, angels can get a message about books during the day."

"Third, the devil can burn any bookshelf at night."

"Smart and kind angels, three days later, the mosaic will be killed by angry mothers. Do you have the heart to watch such a cute little girl die?"

Tang Mo: "..."

She is a cute fart! ! !