MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 2

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The whole world.

All humans stopped at this moment and looked at the black tower closest to themselves.

They never thought that the black tower was so huge, no matter how far away from the tower, they could clearly see a tiny blue light spot appearing on the dark tower. They hover and flash, blue dots make up a string of characters, like a dead old computer, quickly gliding on the black tower, and finally gathered in the center of the black tower into a blue line -

"Hey! In three days, please let all players eliminate any player, including not limited to the game mode."

The crisp children’s voice sounded at the same time.

Tang Mo stood on the balcony and looked at the tower without looking at it. The cold autumn wind blew across his cheek, and a drop of sweat from the bean slid down the forehead. He stared at the black tower, but the black tower returned to calm, the blue font disappeared, and the children disappeared, as if they were the same.

Half an hour later, Tang Mo rushed to the door of the library, and countless people squeezed the vicinity of the Black Tower, and it was crowded with people, even blocking the road in front of the library.

The crowds crowded and blocked the city center. Tang Mo looked at it for a while and turned to the library.

Ten minutes later, Director Wang went to the service desk: "Go home today, don't have to go to work, wait for the notice at home."

Xiao Zhao was so excited that he came over and couldn't help but ask: "Director, is it related to the Black Tower? This morning, the Black Tower made a sound, you heard nothing. What the **** is going on? Where is this thing coming from? Isn't that really the end of the world?"

Director Wang suddenly began to face: "What the end of the world, nonsense. You young people don't talk nonsense all day, look at the messy things."

Xiao Zhao is the youngest girl in the library, the 96-year-old girl. There is a trace of fear in her round eyes, but more is surprise and curiosity. When Director Wang left, she said: "Tang Mo, you also heard it, Black Tower spoke, it said what went online, and said what to eliminate."

Tang Mo packed up and went home, and his heart was annoyed, and he casually perfume: "I didn't pay attention."

"Do you say this is the end of the world? I don't think it is really the end of the world, where is the zombie? The black tower said that it is necessary to eliminate the player, it should not turn us into a zombie? Is this what the country is?" Conspiracy...not right, the Internet says that there are black towers in the world, and today they are talking. Which country can be so powerful, the United States will not do it."

Tang Mo was not in the mood to discuss such a thing. I don’t know why, after he heard the black tower talking and saw the line that appeared on the black tower, his heart began to jump very fast.

Adults have a normal heartbeat between 60 and 100 beats per minute. When Xiao Zhao spoke, Tang had a few clicks.

He now has a heartbeat of 130.

But he didn't feel that there was any discomfort. It was a panic in his heart, as if something was wrong.

Tang Mo looked up and looked around. The service desk is in the middle of the lending room, and there are bookshelves around. Looking to the left is a humanities book, and to the right is a history book. He didn't know what he was looking at. From the sight, the sun shone through the window, and a tiny dust fluttered in the air.

"Tang Mo!" The loud female voice shouted Tang Mo from the state of disappointment. Xiao Zhao had some dissatisfaction in his tone: "I just called you a few times. What happened to you? What are you thinking about, why don't you talk?"

Tang Mo reached out and wiped his face and his hands were moist. He turned to look at his colleague: "...nothing."

The heart jumps faster.

Xiao Zhao picked up the bag: "I want to go see the black tower. Do you want to go with me? When I entered the library, I saw many people there, let us go along the way, go with them?"

Tang Mo quickly shook his head: "I am going home."

Because Xiao Zhao didn't seem very happy about the matter just now, he left the library first.

However, Xiao Zhao did not go to visit the Black Tower. When Tang Mo left the library, a group of martial arts and police officers got off and drove the people around the black tower. They surrounded the black tower with white plastic plates. The white plastic wall was surrounded by the library door. The black tower is tightly guarded and does not allow people to enter.

Many people stand outside the wall and take photos with their mobile phones against the Black Tower.

Tang Mo took a photo and went to the taxi to go home.

On the Internet, the Black Tower incident has become a hot topic in the world.

Tang Mo was lying in bed and brushing a circle of friends. His college students studying in Japan and the United States sent photos. The text in the black Tata is no longer Chinese, but has become Japanese and English.

Tang Mo will not overturn the wall, but the classmate who studied in the United States replied several times in the circle of friends.

[Now the airport ticket is too difficult to buy, I can't buy a ticket to return home, my roommate has money to return home in the afternoon. 】

[When it was talking, we were still at night, and we also put a song, my friend had a video, I passed the video. 】

Tang Mo opened a small video of this classmate's new hair. A familiar black tower was suspended beside the Lincoln Memorial. It flashed with colorful light and was particularly eye-catching in the dark. This song is not "Singer Bells", but it is also obviously the first child. After a song is finished, the same crisp and high child voice is said in English again -

"Hey! On the 15th of the month, the earth was on the line. 』

This is all about it!

Tang Mo slammed the phone into the bed.

The official did not disclose the specific information of the Black Tower, but these towers are too many, and the Tibetans can't hide them. Some people have already sent data on the Internet—on average, every 10,000 square kilometers of land will stand a black tower.

Even in the ocean, there are countless black towers.

Tang Mo stood up and walked around in the room with irritability. His heart could not stand still, and the heart jumped out of the chest. When Tang Mo went to the 160th round trip, he suddenly stopped.

...this is not like him!

How suddenly did he get so upset?

Tang Mo went to the bathroom and stretched his head under the faucet. He didn't worry about catching a cold. He opened the cold water directly and rushed to his head. The mood seemed to calm down. He poured a cup of cold water back into the room, turned on the computer, and opened the bridge software.

He needs to be calm.

This sudden sense of anxiety is not controlled by him at all.

Perhaps it is because the heartbeat is too fast, affecting his judgment? It should now reach 150 times per minute.

Tang Mo looked at the computer screen indifferently. Probably because of such a big event, there were too few people who wanted to play games at this time. He matched ten minutes before entering a room and opened a card. The game was going on, the brain was spinning fast, Tang Mo’s heart gradually calmed down, and the heart seemed to jump too fast.

He played from day to night until he was too sleepy and fell asleep on the bed.

The next day, the uneasy feeling of anxiety was floating on my heart. Tang Mo once again opened the bridge software and continued to play cards. In this way, I played for another day. Tang Mo’s face was ugly, and all eyes were bloodshot. The brain was tired and closed to the eyes to fall asleep.

The prompt of QQ sounded.

[Victor: Have you played all day? 】

Tang Mo smashed his eyes and replied: [Well, a little uncomfortable. 】

[Victor: It’s definitely uncomfortable to play for so long, take a break early. 】

[Grinding sugar: um. 】

[Victor: A little further from the Black Tower. 】

Tang Mo has already fallen asleep at the computer desk.

When he woke up the next day, he saw the news from Victor and quickly replied to the other side, but Victor had already gone offline. Tang Mo stretched out and suddenly felt that the spirit was much better, and his heartbeat was still very fast, but the sense of anxiety that did not know where it came from disappeared without a trace.

The Black Tower incident is still being discussed on the Internet.

The government did not give a specific explanation, but it strongly suppressed public opinion. Many netizens can only discuss the relevant information of the Black Tower in private. The discussion is also something that is useless. The sensitive vocabulary can't be sent out.

Tang Mo has opened several posts that speculate on the truth of the Black Tower. Most people think that Black Tower is the result of research on a top technology. There are also a small number of people who think it is the end of the world, but their tone is entirely joking, so they have not been deleted, and these people are nonsense in the post.

In the afternoon, Director Wang made an announcement in the library group.

[Director Wang: Emergency notice! The library was requisitioned as a temporary research center the day after tomorrow, and any personal items were taken away within two days. I will inform you again that the library will be requisitioned as the day after tomorrow...

The group suddenly fried the pot.

Several old employees have asked the library to be requisitioned, and they will go to work in the future. There are also a few young employees jokingly saying: [This is going to be the end of the world, and still work. 】

Tang Mo looked up and looked at the black tower in the distance. He picked up the bag and took the bus to the library.

I have to say that China is doing a very good job in terms of social stability and stability. Except for people whose work units are too close to the Black Tower and have to go home for a holiday, other public facilities are running very smoothly as usual.

However, when he got on the bus, Tang Mo saw an ashtray in front of the driver. The inside was full of ash, and there was still a cigarette on his mouth.

A middle-aged woman complained: "How do you smoke when you drive this car, isn't it a smoking ban?"

"It’s very annoying. I don’t want to drive without smoking. Would you like to open it?”

"Hey, why are you talking about this? Not smoking is your own bus company's own regulations, you smoke is not right, you still don't let people say?"

The driver and the woman quarreled, and the two female college students sitting next to Tang Mo rushed to persuade. It’s hard to persuade the two girls to sit back and say, “One day is today?”

"Oh, you said that, it’s really the third day."

The girl said while playing the mobile phone: "What to say to eliminate the player is not limited to the game mode. What the meaning of this is, there is no movement for three days. What kind of game is it? Is our two stone scissors a game?"

“Would you like to try it?”


"Ah, I lost. Then I was eliminated by you?"

The two girls looked at each other and laughed together.

Those who are in the mood to do buses and continue their daily lives are all people who don't care much about the Black Tower incident. When Tang Mo arrived at the library, he saw thousands of people holding the signs stuck on the road and confronted the Wu | police. These are the people who are very concerned about the Black Tower incident, and those who really feel that the Black Tower will bring the end of the world.

Tang Mo bypassed the library from the back door. It seems that only he was eager to come back to pick up things. There were no other people in the empty library. There was a slogan from the crowd, and the shouts echoed in the library. Tang Mo found his own cabinet and took out a few books inside.

He was about to leave, suddenly heard a dull voice in the southeast corner.

Tang Mo stopped and looked there. A moment later, he took a black explosion-proof stick from the security cabinet, picked up his toes and carefully walked to the corner.

"Who's there?"

No echo.

Vaguely, I heard the sound of someone swearing in the corner. The other person stuffed the book back into the bookshelf and got rid of a book when he was in a hurry.

Tang Mo went to the corner of the bookshelf, turned around and said: "Who is there!"

A plain-looking young man with a mess of hair, panicked to Tang Mo, holding a book in his hand.

Tang Mo’s hand holding the explosion-proof stick relaxed and was surprised: “God stick...cough, Mr. Chen? How come you are here?”

The **** stick action looked stiffly at Tang Mo, and laughed twice, and stuffed the fallen book back into the bookshelf.

Tang Mo frowned: "How did you get in?"

"There is a window in the east that is not closed... I just come in and see..."

Tang Mo recalled that there was a window on the east side of the library, but the window was attached to the ground and connected to the basement, mainly for ventilation. How did this **** stick come in? Is it really climbing the window?

Tang Mo: "Mr. Chen, you will be very embarrassed, you are stealing."

"I didn't steal anything!" The gods hurriedly said.

Tang Mo looked at him up and down, holding the explosion-proof stick in his hand, went to the bookshelf in front of the gods, and looked carefully.

There are really no books, the same as when he left three days ago.

"Then you want to come in this time is wanting..."

"Hey! Against the game, who stole my book in the end" has been triggered. At 17:52 on the 17th, players Tang Mo and Chen Fangzhi entered the game safely. The player has entered the sandbox, the game map is finished, the data Loading completed..."

For a moment, the slogan called Haotian outside the library disappeared cleanly.

In the empty library, a cunning child’s voice rang out of nowhere, singing a virginity that no one had ever heard.

"La la la, la la la.

Gently hit a stick,

Two players play house.

Not talking for three days and three nights,

Angel devil wants it.

Hey... Who stole my book? ”

Read The Duke's Passion