MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 212

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In the darkness, in the dark labyrinth, two people slammed through the air and ran forward.

When Tang Mo and Fu Wen saw Grae, they decided to run away. They didn't plan to work with each other. The experience of the Black Tower on the fourth floor with the senior ** did not forget. Now Tang Mo is two people who have improved their strengths, but they are not the opponents of Grecia. Even if you join hands, I am afraid I can’t ask for it.

However this is a maze.

Tang Mo holds the luminous pearl that will shine, and illuminates the front of the maze. How can it be taken, the light can only reach the distance of ten meters in front of it. When the two men ran into a corridor and entered five meters, they discovered that this turned out to be a dead end.

The crimson dress flew backwards in a hurry, and Greya held a cane in his right hand, and his left hand was still very elegantly pressed on his hat, not letting the hat blow away. His speed is not slower than that of Tang Mo. After discovering that he has entered a dead end, Tang Mo and Fu Wen turned their heads and wanted to run again. Unfortunately, Graya has arrived.

The two looked at each other and suddenly attacked and attacked the left and right sides of Grecia.

Greia lifted her short stick and blocked the small parasol of Tang Mo. On the other hand, kicking on the left leg, and Fu Wen won the match.

The head of the blonde circus smiled slightly: "my lady, I just started to meet, it doesn't seem very good."

Fu Wen faintly said: "Retake our head?"

Graya’s eyes are bright: “Do I have this honor?”

Tang Mo smiled and said: "Come and try!"

The pink parasol opens with a bang, and its owner squats into the air, and then falls down in a completely physics-independent way. The more you fall, the faster it gets. The rounded head of the umbrella went straight into Greia's head, giving him a look.

If it is just a small parasol of the wolf's grandmother, Greya will not be too valued. But this has been processed by Schrödinger.

Schrödinger is the most popular scientist in the Black Tower world. It looks very unreliable and the work is very secure. Grea didn't dare to care. He slipped back three steps, avoiding the attack of a small parasol and hitting it with a cane. With a short cane and a small parasol colliding, Grea felt the strength of the wrist and was surprised: "Just like this?"

He thought that this small parasol would be stronger, perhaps a rare prop!

This is not a rare prop, even if it has been strengthened by Schrödinger, it is also a good prop. But this is enough. Tang Mo grabs the small parasol that was shot and opened, and opened the night pearl to attract the effect of rare props. Sure enough, Grecia's walking stick was sucked straight into the night pearl.

But the stick was not sucked up immediately.

Grea grabbed the cane with one hand and the other against the wall, preventing the cane from advancing. His eyes stayed on the night pearl for half a second, and he looked at his cane. "Attracting the metal?" The next moment, the blond man bottomed his right hand and cut off the hollow pattern gold used to decorate the handle of the stick.

Gold was all sucked into the night pearl, and Grea smoked his eyelids. He looked up again, but saw Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the opportunity to turn a corner and took the opportunity to slip away.

Grea gnashed her teeth: "Tang Mo! Fu Wen took it!" Then catch up.

Such chasings are not uncommon in Noah's maze.

For the first time, Bai Ruoyao felt that he was so unfortunate. His lucky value was to run out of light. How did he meet the wolf grandmother! At the moment he saw the other party, Bai Ruoyao recognized it. This is the very famous monster wolf in the Black Tower world.

If there is a strongest ** in the underground kingdom, it is not conclusive. Among the information collected by Bai Ruoyao, some players think that Santa Claus is the strongest, some people think that Queen of the Red King is the strongest, and some people think that the head of the circus is the strongest. Then in the monster world, there is only one strongest monster, that is, the wolf grandmother.

Oh shit.

He whispered a swearing slogan, and Bai Ruo ran away without going back. If Tang Mo will be surprised to see this scene, Bai Ruoyao can still run so fast. People are not forced to the extreme, do not know how much potential they have.

But Bai Ruoyao is still lucky. The information he collected did not tell him that in the first step of the Black Tower world, the slowest is the wolf grandmother. If at this moment he encounters the Queen of Reds, he has no chance to run, and will be immediately torn into pieces by the other party.

Peter Pan, who wielded a giant sickle, ran a sled in the labyrinth corridor and shouted that he never hurt the children, but the player hit the Santa Claus. There is also a violent queen of red peaches, a little black cat Schrödinger who is held in his arms by the robot butler...

Noah's maze is like a huge city, twenty-nine players are trapped in it, and the black-tower monsters behind them are chasing them.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took another turn and Greya was getting closer and closer to them.

At this time, Tang Mo suddenly saw a black box on the ground next to the labyrinth wall. He and Fu Wen took a look at each other, and the two men ran all the way, while quietly approaching the box. After looking at the two lines of text on the box...

Tang Mo: "..."

Fu Wenzhan: "..."

I saw a small black box with a whiteboard and a black pen on it -

"Having a life of wisdom has the value of being saved. 』

"Black chemical fertilizer will evaporate when it is grayed out"

What are these special ghosts!

Tang Mo understands that this box is placed here, definitely not an ordinary thing. But Grecia chased very tightly behind her, and the two didn't have time to stop and look at the abnormality of the box. Fu Wen took the bend and took the box away, but his hand hit the box and was bounced off. He looked up: "Can't take it."

Tang Mo also went to try.

An invisible barrier was placed on the outside of the box, preventing the two from touching the box.

Graya was only less than 20 meters away from the two people. Tang Mo took the initiative and shouted: "Black fertilizer will evaporate!"

"Hey! The official player of China 1 District Tang Mo successfully opened the No. 104 treasure chest."

Where does Tang Mo have time to manage what it is, he hoists when he picks up the box. While running, he opened the box. A pink sugar ball suddenly jumped in front of him, Tang Mo reached out and grabbed it -

Tang Mo did not hesitate to shout: "Noah saves me!" The voice fell, he threw the sugar ball behind him.

The pink sugar ball turned into a huge ball in the air, slamming on the ground and blocking it in the middle of the maze. The invisible labyrinth ceiling wall on the top of the sugar ball, against the wall. Grecia braked quickly and stopped in front of the sugar ball. It is impossible for him to go left and right. Noah's maze is protected by the black tower, and all buildings cannot be destroyed. The only way out is to break the sugar ball.

The sugar ball is enlarged and the saliva on the sugar ball is magnified several times. Grea smelled the smelly smell of the sugar ball, and the face suddenly went black. He heard Tang Mo and Fu Wen's footsteps getting farther and farther, and his mouth twitched and said: "Oh, Noah." Then he lifted his cane and smashed the sugar ball with a blow.

The saliva on the stick was wiped clean, and Graya quickly caught up.

On the other hand, Bai Ruoyao was about to be caught by the wolf grandmother many times, and escaped countless times. He was exhausted and his smile on his face could not be maintained. At this time, he saw a black lacquered box on the ground. His eyes lit up and went up to look down.

"Black Tower thinks that human sin is very big, and all that is thought of all day is evil. 』

"Red Snapper and Green Snapper and 驴"

Bai Ruoyao: "..."

What the hell!

A similar black box appeared on the way to the players' escape.

Each player sees different words. Some players see English written in the box, some people see Japanese, and others see Chinese. The players in the maze are the most powerful players in the world. They also understand the usage of these boxes in a flash, but under the chase of the Black Tower monsters, many people have no time to say the tongue twister to take the box, they are forced to move forward. run.

Mu Huixue is a Cantonese, and he is not born to be flat. Seeing these tongue twisters, her face is green. Behind her is driving a sled, shouting "Don't run kids, Santa won't hurt you", and hit other players' Santa Claus.

Santa does not deliberately kill the player, but his sled accidentally pressed you and hit you, it is not Santa's fault.

I came across a box and went back to the snow and looked down: "..."

At this moment, a dull, hoarse voice rang at her side. Mu Huixue turned to the first look, Andre stared at the words on the box, honestly said a bunch of Russian tongue twisters, and then picked up the box and ran. Running and running, he looked back at the strange snow: "Do you not run?"

Mu Huixue: "..."

For the first time, she hated her native language as Chinese.

Mandarin can go to the special difficulty, this is Russian, just the words that Andrea said just now she can say it!

Yes, the words on the box that different players see are different.

All the way to run, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took each of them to hold four boxes. Two of them are northerners and one is a southerner, which just makes up for the shortcomings of the other side. Most of the tongue twisters can be said at a glance. Very few can't tell, Fu Wen can also adjust quickly, say the tongue twister, take the box.

The props in the box can sometimes resist the chasing of the head of the circus, and sometimes it is an ordinary weapon of aggression. There are good and bad, and Graya has never been able to catch up with them.

Another box, Tang Mo bowed his head and said the tongue twister on the box. He opened the box.

[Owner: Tang Mo

Tang Mo’s eyes lit up and he quickly picked up the sponge. The sponge quickly picked up a bubble from him, and Tang Mo pulled the hand of Fu Wen’s hand to touch the bubble. Just listening to the sound, like the sound of a broken bubble, Fu Wen took the whole person into the bubble. The giant bubble wraps around Fu Wen, and when it hits the wall, it slides fast and doubles faster than they can escape!

Tang Mo also quickly put himself into the bubble, the two used the bubble as a means of transportation, and soon opened Grecia.

Tang Mo turned his head and saw the figure of the blond underground man getting smaller and smaller. Finally he stopped in the same place and quietly looked at himself and Fu Wen. It seems that I can't catch up. Greia looked at them silently for a while, then pressed the top hat, and the corner of the mouth slightly hooked and turned back to run.

Tang Mo was relieved.

The bubble effect disappeared, and Tang Mo continued to explore in the dark maze.

Along the way they collected a lot of props, including Noah's toothbrush, Noah's nail scissors, Noah's hair, and even the underwear that Noah passed.

They walked cautiously in the maze. Once they heard the footsteps of the monsters, they quickly hid and waited for the other to leave the reappearance. Tang Mo found that they were getting more and more black boxes and fewer and fewer monsters.

After about half an hour, Tang Mo stopped and listened for a while.

"What sound have you heard?"

Fu Wen listened for a moment and slammed: "Water sound?"

The sound of the water was getting louder and louder. At first, I couldn’t hear it at all. Now even if the two are running, they can hear a patter of water.

There was an unpredictable hunch in Tang’s heart, and he always felt that there was something wrong with this water.

At this time, the two turned a corner and bumped into a box. When they were chased by Grea, they only saw a box for a long time. Now you can see a box in two steps, and there are so many boxes.

Tang Mo went forward and wanted to get the box, Fu Wen suddenly said: "Not good!"

Tang Mo turned to look at him.

"Is the head of the circus running because I can't catch up with us?"

Tang Mo stunned, and he thought about it, his eyes wide open: "He thinks we are going to die, so we are not going to chase us again?"

Fu Wenjue: "What makes him think that we will definitely die, and we don't need him to do it."

The two stared at each other, and the next moment, they said in unison -

"Can't leave the maze!"