MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 211

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“Hey! Welcome to the music lab of Noah!”

The crisp children's voice rang in the ear of Tang Mo. When he opened his eyes, his face changed, and he quickly turned his head and avoided a black thing that was shot at him. The thing flew over his scalp and shot straight into the wall behind him. Tang Mo looked up and looked at the guy who shot the hidden weapon to himself, but in front of him, he could not find a person.

This is a quiet and narrow corridor, the light is dim, only to see the three meters around.

Tang Mo observed all around and whispered: "Fu Wen won?" The voice constantly echoed between the walls, forming an echo, and returned to Tang Mo Er.

Tang Mo’s heart sank at once.

He did not even have to be assigned with Fu Wen!

In all the tower games of Black Tower, as long as the player confirms the team entry, they are usually assigned to the same position, or at least one camp. For example, Tang Mo and Fu Wen were the last time they were assigned to the underground customs officials. Chen Hao was not with them, but the task was to assist them in customs clearance.

Tang Mo turned and walked to the wall, and took the hidden weapon on the wall. The square-shaped maneuvering darts are brightly colored, and Tang Mo observes for a moment and puts things in his pocket. After confirming that there were no people around him, he took out a white fire egg from his pocket and tapped it three times.

"Tang Mo."

"Fu Wen won." Dunton, Tang Modao: "Where are you?"

Fu Wen took no nonsense, directly said: "A black corridor, or, it should be a maze, Noah's music labyrinth. There is a left-turn exit in front of this corridor, I have not gone. You where is it?"

"It is also the same corridor." Tang Mo said that he had just been attacked by a dart.

Fu Wen took the heart and sank: "Is the person who found the sneak attack?"

Tang Mo: "No."

Fu Wenzhan: "We are teaming into the game, the black tower will not separate us too far, we should be in the same area. Since this is a maze, then the road between us must be smooth and not long. You are standing still, don't move, I am going to find you. Be careful, hide in a safe place, don't move, the other party is likely to attack you again."

Tang Mo puts the blue-colored fire egg into the pocket. His back is close to the labyrinth wall, and he sits down to the corner and hides himself. He lowered his voice: "How do you find me?"

Fu Wenjue: "The Trojan horse."

There was a dead silence in the dark maze, and there was no sound. Tang Mo’s hand was pressed on the handle of the small parasol, and his eyes stared coldly at the exit of the corridor where he was. He is at a dead end in the maze. The only way to go out is to have this in front of him. Others who want to come in can only come in here.

Tang Mo quietly waited for a moment, convinced that the guy who used the dart to attack himself was not, he pulled the clothes zipper and turned and started climbing the wall.

All labyrinths have a fatal flaw, as long as they climb to a height, they can see all the terrain of the maze.

The wall of this labyrinth is not high, only three meters. The wall is smooth, but Tang Mo's body is agile. He gently squats against the wall and goes to the top twice. However, as his hand reached the wall and wanted to climb, an invisible wall suddenly blocked his way. Tang Mo fell back to the ground, holding his hands in the ground and looking up at the sky.

"Hey! Noah's fun maze, it is forbidden to climb the wall, please play the game according to the rules."

Tang Mo did not try again.

In the dark, breathing and heartbeat are particularly noticeable. Tang Mou reduced his sense of existence as much as possible. Gradually, a weak footstep came from the other side of the wall. Tang Mo's eyes narrowed and his left hand pressed on the match tattoo on the right wrist. The whole person clung to the wall and hid himself in the shadow.

As the man walked closer and closer, he turned a corner and walked into the corridor. Tang Mo rolled his hand and took out a big match, and he did not hesitate to bow to the other side.

The huge match head slammed straight into the man's head, and Fu Wen took the side and turned it over to avoid the blow. The light is too dark and the two sides cannot fully see each other. Tang Mo’s match did not slow down, and he once again bowed to the people. Fu Wen took the right hand and changed it into a dark triangular weapon.

The match collided with the weapon and made a fierce collision. The powerful rear shock shocked the Tang Mohu mouth, and Fu Wen grabbed the match handle and grabbed the hand of Tang Mo. The two looked up at each other and their eyes met in the air.

Silently gazing for a second, Tang Mo asked: "What about the Trojan horse? I didn't hear it." So he thought that the coming person was not Fu Wen, but an unknown enemy.

"It sounds a little loud on the ground. To prevent being heard by others, I put it in my pocket and only take it out when I hit the fork."

Fu Wen took out a small yellow wooden horse from his pocket. It was put in the pocket by the owner, but that's it, its four feet are still rushing in the air. Fu Wen took the wooden horse into the hands of Tang Mo, and the Trojan finally stopped running. The wooden horse's back slammed open and a piece of paper popped up.

Tang Mo took a look, the corner of the mouth micro-hook: "... grinding sugar."

I saw it on this narrow white paper, and I wrote the word sugar. Tang Mo stuffed the paper back into the body of the Trojan.

This is the turn of Fu Wen to point to a human figure on the ground not far away, and asked: "What is that?" Just now, Fu Wen took it to think that Tang Mo was sitting on the ground, and he was not prepared to be attacked by Tang Mo. .

"Deceptive things." Dunton, Tang Mo smiled: "Is there a trick to you?"

As he said, Tang Mo went to the place where Fu Wen took his finger and removed the "dummy" he made with his clothes and backpack. Five minutes ago, Tang Mo put his backpack into his jacket and took off his pants. Two pieces of clothing lean against the wall, creating a false person against the wall to confuse the enemy.

Fu Wen took no answer. He discovered that Tang was wearing two legs and was wearing pants.

The jacket can be taken off as a trap, and the pants Tang Mo only wears one. In order to confuse the enemy, he can only take off. After dressing the clothes, Tang Mo picked up his backpack and he looked up and found that Fu Wen was still staring at the place where he had just placed the dummy.

Tang Mo: "What are you looking at?"

Fu Wen took a look at him: "Fortunately, I found you first."

Tang Mo immediately understood and smiled: "I haven't seen it yet."

The two stopped talking more and left the corridor.

The corridor is very long, about 20 meters long. Fu Wen said: "When I entered the maze, it was also in such a long corridor. But when I got out of the corridor, the labyrinth outside was normal, and there was no such long passage. ""

Tang Mo also said what he found: "The wall is three meters high. I tried it and can't jump to the wall. Although I have not tried it, I guess this wall that looks very broken is also protected by the black tower. Can't be destroyed."

Fu Wenzhan: "Who is attacking you?"

Tang Momo silent: "There are only two."

The two looked at each other.

Fu Wen won: "Black Tower monster."

Tang Mo: "Or... human players."

Tang Mo took out the dart and handed it to Fu Wen. After Fu Wen took the observation, he said: "It's just ordinary darts, iron, not props. This dart is very common. It's not easy to say that it is a black monster or a human thing." He paused, he looked at Tang Mo : "What do you think?"

The ability and super-intellectual thinking made Tang Mos always have a 10% improvement in accuracy when making speculations.

Tang Mo’s eyes are deep and direct, “Human.”

The moment the voice fell, suddenly, a strange and dull music sounded. Tang Mo and Fu Wen took up their heads and looked at the dark sky. Hundreds of loud and crisp children’s voices suddenly sang in unison -

"La la la, Monday."

"There is an underground man who has entered the labyrinth."

"La la la, Tuesday."

"There is a little monster that slides into the big maze."

"La la la, Wednesday..."


"La la la, Sunday."

"Humans want to leave the maze. Noah said that there is only one way in the maze."

The sound stopped abruptly, and when it sounded again, it turned into a heavy male voice with low dumb horror -

"No, no, no one can make a maze!"

The sound of the music stopped, and the mechanical sound of the black tower stiffened: "Hey! Trigger the sideline task 1: leave the labyrinth of Noah."

At the same time, the earth.

When the Black Tower prompted 30 players to enter the Black Tower's six-story tower game, many players who were so eager to lie in the vicinity of the Black Tower came out from the dark to find a more hidden location, vigilantly Staring at the giant tower.

Huaxia, Shanghai.

After hearing the sudden death of the attacking tower players in West Asia, Luofeng City directly let Jacks drive, plus Tang Qiao, the three went to the black tower suspended above Nanjing Road.

Jakes: "Dr., what the **** is going on. In the past, Black Tower never published information about the attacking tower players. How is it suddenly? This is still a global notification. And that person is dead, what does it have to do with us?"

Players in the West Asia region die and can be heard by humans all over the world. Then the players in other regions die, but other players in other regions also know?

Yes, there is only one result of the towering failure: death.

If you use the King's gold coins to escape the Black Tower before the tower fails, you can't count the tower failure. You can only give up the tower. But Black Tower said he failed, so he died in the game. There are no opportunities to escape with rare props.

Jake scratched his head: "That is a powerful black-seat six-layer player. He must have a life-saving prop. What can kill him so quickly, don't give him a little life... Ah, it won't be black tower killing. He? Is he breaking the rules of the game?"

Tang Qiao looked at Luofeng City: "Dr., is humanity killing him?"

Upon hearing this sentence, Luo Fengcheng had a good meal. He slowly raised his head and looked at Tang Qiao. This woman's face does not know when there is a deep scar. If there is a therapeutic effect, this scar can be completely removed. But she was useless, letting the ugly scars lie across her face, as if reminding her of the cruelty of the Black Tower game.

Luo Fengcheng: "I can kill a senior player of the six-level level of the Black Tower in such a short period of time. Even if it is Fu Wen, Tang Mo, even if it is a snow, I don't think it can be done."

Jakes: "So it's a blackta monster. The six layers are really terrible. There are so powerful Black Tower monsters. Fortunately, I listened to Dr. Your words and didn't go to the tower." The foreign big man sighed.

Tang Qiao frowned, and asked the doctor carefully: "Is it really simple..."

At the same time, Huaxia, Beijing.

Li Miao Miao grinned: "So a strong black tower monster, a six-layer player will be killed in a face-to-face? Head and Yu Zheng will not have anything."

Fu Xiaodi is also worried: "Big brother and Tang brother are no problem, they are so strong."

"Just a black tower monster."

The two men brushed their heads and looked at the short hair girls.

I saw Chen Hao carrying his head and looking up at the dark tower. Her voice is calm: "Black Tower announces the player's elimination information to the world, and for the first time clearly introduces the number of players in each zone. This absolute fairness means that in the view of Black Tower, all players participate. The difficulty of the game is absolutely the same, otherwise it will not announce that the players in the West Asia are eliminated. Because if the difficulty of the game is different, the players in the West Asia will be released globally, it will be unfair."

Fu Wensheng: "So their game is the same difficulty?"

Chen Tong: "Not the same, it is absolutely the same."

Fu Wensheng squinted: "You mean..."

"They are involved in the same game." Chen Hao's fingers are pinched: "I am very worried now, Tang Mo Ge, they are in the game, can you hear the voice of the black tower outside the global notification. If you can't hear it, then they Do you know that there are 30 global...29 six-level players who are now in the same game with them?"

In the dark maze.

Tang Mo held a small parasol and took Fu Wen’s one-day fork. Whenever he meets the choice of a fork in the road, Tang Mo will let Fu Wen win the choice. He believes Fu Zhong’s lucky value.

Halfway through, Tang Mo stopped and listened carefully for a moment.

"Have you heard the sound of water?"

Fu Wen took a stop and listened for a while: "Is there a point?"

It was a very weak sound of running water, as if no one had closed the faucet, and the tiny water flowed down and slammed into the pool.

Tang Mo looked around and wanted to find the sound of the water. At this moment, he heard a familiar footstep. It's a bit like the sound of high heels stepping on the ground, and a more crisp crash. It seems that when someone is walking, they use a very thin thing to continually strike the ground.

The sound went closer and closer, from the other side of the wall, to the fork in front of Tang Mo.

When this voice appeared, Tang Mo and Fu Wen grabbed the wall and held their breath, not making a sound. They stared at each other with their eyes wide open and said the name in the heart.

The owner of the footsteps did not seem to notice the Tang Mo who was hiding on the side of the fork. He took a cane and pressed the crimson hat with one hand and walked toward another fork.

The footsteps gradually drifted away, and Tang Mo and Fu Wen took a sigh of relief. Just as the two were preparing to resume breathing, a gentle laugh sounded from behind them.

The two men brushed and looked around.

Relying on the smooth maze wall, the head of the circus took off the top hat and smiled at them and gave a gentleman's ceremony. He smiled and said: "I haven't seen you for a long time, the official player Tang Mo, stolen passengers... Oh no, rude, it is the reserve servant. It is my luck to see you here. Excuse me... I have this honor, take away Your head?"

Even if he said this horror, there was no change in the smile of the gentleman on Grea's face.

Tang Mo's eyes blinked, he took out his big match and rubbed it, and the burning match slammed into Grea. Graya sideways to avoid this blow, he chuckled, was preparing to open, looked up, but saw Tang Mo has already put away the big match, and Fu Wen took the turn and ran, completely did not fight with him.

Grecia: "..."

The gentle smile froze for a moment, and Grea's eyes slid coldly, and the slender cane was supported on the wall, and the whole man quickly chased it up.

On the other side, the baby face youth hands in his pockets, walking in the maze with a smile, very leisurely.

There is something Tang Mo does not know, Bai Ruoyao's physical quality is extremely high, no worse than Fu Wen, but his sense of smell is very bad. He barely smells anything.

Bai Ruoyao leisurely walked in the maze, from time to time left and right, no intention to find the exit, or he is very convinced of his nickname: Lucky. He is lucky enough, so even if he walks away, he will definitely be able to go out.

He turned to the left casually, and Bai Ruoyao walked into a narrow corridor with a little song that could not be adjusted. He had just taken two steps and his footsteps suddenly stopped. At the end of the corridor, the wolf grandmother who was burying his head and swallowing human flesh and blood suddenly raised his head, and the green beast stared straight at Bai Ruoyao.

One person and one wolf briefly looked at each other for a while.

Bai Ruoyao smiled and said: "Continue, I am going wrong, see you next time."

Bai Ruoyao turned and left, and his steps were not urgent. Behind him, the blood wet the ground and dyed the little pink skirt of the wolf's grandmother. Her sharp teeth were filled with a pair of golden hair and white flowers, and she stared at Bai Ruo Yao with such a blind eye, watching him step by step.

Just as Bai Ruoyao was about to leave the corridor, a hoarse and greedy laughter rang from behind him: "Hey, so I like Noah's labyrinth most, and I can always find the lost lamb here."

The sound of the wind rang as the voice fell.

The smile on Bai Ruoyao’s face disappeared completely.

"... depends!"

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