MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 197

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Mu Huixue poured all the mineral water in the plastic ** on his wound, the arm recovered, the wound completely healed, and she returned the ** to Fu Wen.

The huge Beijing city is silent, the black tower no longer speaks, the sun sets, the black giant tower is reflected in the sunset.

Mu Huixue: "The one just played very happy, I am a little hungry. Are you hungry?"

Tang Mo looked at her and shook his head: "It's okay."

Mu Hui Xue smiled and waved his hand: "I am hungry, then I will go out and find something to eat first."

The voice fell, and the woman in black was holding her right hand on a desk, flicking a few times and leaving the building. Mu Huixue deliberately looked for an opportunity to leave. Heitai suddenly released a new version of the update prompt, before Bai Ruoyao said a very important secret. She is not a member of the Tang Mo team, so she is not convenient to stay here and listen to them for internal discussions.

Tang Mo has a very large amount of information today.

Black Tower 45 version, Bai Ruoyao said about the black tower and power.

Tang Mo looked at Fu Wen: "I don't think Bai Ruoyao is lying."

Fu Wenzhan: "I also think that he is telling the truth."

If Bai Ruoyao said it is not false, then Fu Wen’s power remarks, the sentence that was erased by the black tower is -

"The last player who has this ability has cleared the seventh floor of the Black Tower." Tang Mo said one word at a time. Thinking for a while, Tang Mo said: "I discussed with Luo Fengcheng last year, what is the power of the power, is the black tower to give the player, or the human being own, the black tower is just a catalyst, it is from the player Catalyzed in the body."

Chen Hao nodded. "The teacher told me about this. My teacher and I think that the Black Tower is a catalyst, and the power belongs to human beings."

Tang Mo: "I think so too. But if it is true, the same ability, not only you have, in some unpredictable, there are players who have it... then, this ability Is it really human?"

Chen Hao silently said, "At the time of collecting information in Shanghai, Atak organized about 3,000 players. No one's abilities are exactly the same, occasionally similar, and the similarities are not large."

Speaking of this, Fu Wensheng also has a say: "Xiao has also done a similar investigation!"

Did Xiao Jitong do the same thing?

Everyone looked at Fu Wensheng, Fu Xiaodi said honestly: "Probably at the beginning of the year, Xiao team let the Nanjing team record the ability information of each player in Nanjing as much as possible. Our Nanjing team was in Nanjing at that time, big brother, Tang brother, you know Almost all players will come to us to buy game clues and redeem props. Xiao Ge uses an anonymous method to collect more than 10,000 abilities, none of which is the same."

Chen Yu concluded: "The number of samples is sufficient, and it is basically judged that each person's abilities are different."

"So... what is the power that determines the power?"

Fu Wen took the low voice and everyone was lost in thought.

Yes, what is it that determines what abilities a player has.

Tang Baimo had no doubts about this matter before Bai Ruoyao said that "there was someone who had had the ability before the player had the ability." No two people in the world are exactly the same, so their abilities are different. This is a good understanding. But if the abilities are the same, what is the reason for the agreement?

Fingers tapped on the table, and a few seconds later, Tang Mo opened his eyes and suddenly said: "Genetic recombination?"

Fu Wen took a look at him: "Well?"

This is the name of the power that Fu Wen took.

Chen Hao grabbed the keyword and was surprised: "You mean the gene?!" The little girl's brain is running at a very fast speed. She is like a bean, and she says a long line of words: " If it is a gene, it does explain the problem. Everyone's genes are different, so the genes determine the abilities, the abilities are completely different. But if the genes can, the DNA may also be? Then make a hypothesis, the abilities are genes. Even a more subtle dna to decide. So on this basis... the abilities are exactly the same, which means that the dna of two people is exactly the same..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and Chen Yu’s tone was strange: “How can two people have the same dna? Even if it is a clone, there is the possibility of mutation and mutation.”

“Is it really not there?”

Chen Hao turned to look at Tang Mo.

Tang Mo: "Human has about 3.1 billion DNA base pairs. In any case, there must be a fixed order. This fixed order forms someone. There are only seven billion people on the planet, producing exactly the same two individuals, probability. Extremely low, almost impossible to achieve on Earth. But if this time limit is extended to 138.2 billion years, the scope extends to the whole universe... Murphy's Law?"

Chen Hao’s face changed: “Murphy’s Law, as long as there is a chance that a bad thing will happen, even if the chance is small, it will happen.”

Tang Mo: "From the birth of the universe to the whole universe..." The voice slowly stopped, and Tang Mo’s fingers tightened and said the sentence: “Perhaps there is another one in the world. So... What is the Black Tower?"

What is the Black Tower?

No one shouted in the still room.

There is an answer clearly printed on the mind of Tang Mo, the answer is the most reasonable, but if that is the case, what will they face after they pass the seven-story black tower? Is it true freedom, or is it another form of slavery?

Behind the thousands of black towers, who is standing in the end.

Close your eyes and gently sigh, Tang Mo looked at Fu Wen: "Hungry?"

When Tang Mo and Chen Yu used the super-intellectual thinking ability to make inferences and guesses, Fu Wenzhan stood by and occasionally said two sentences. At this moment, Tang Mo turned to look at him, he also quietly looked at Tang Mo. He hooked his lips and said to the two children: "Look for a safe place to hide, let's find supplies."

Fu Wensheng listened to the big brother's words very quickly and nodded.

Chen Hao lowered his head and Liu Hai fell, unable to see her look.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the leave together to find supplies. Chen Hao stayed in the house for a while. After half an hour, she went out to the toilet and just walked to the corner of the stairs. She was shocked and saw a tall, thin back.

The huge moon hangs high in the sky. Through the floor-to-ceiling glass of the stairwell, the shadow of the stair handrail is long and slanted and falls on the ground. A black woman with a high ponytail sits on the corner of the stair railing, holding the ground on one leg and looking up at the moon in the sky.

Perhaps because the glass is too bright, the moon seems to have no obstruction and is completely sprinkled on her body.

Chen Hao will be surprised to hide behind the calm expression, intending to bypass the other side to go to the bathroom. I haven’t taken two steps yet, and Mu Xue said with a smile: “Tang Mo and Fu Wen took out and found supplies?”

The earth has been on the line for more than half a year. Players have less and less demand for food and water, and their body metabolism is slow. But there is no demand for food or water.

Chen Hao did not conceal: "Yes." Suddenly, she asked: "What are you doing?"

The short-haired girl didn't think she could hear the answer, but the next second she went back to the snow and answered her: "Sun Moon."

Chen Yiyi: "?"

... sunning the moon?

Mu Huixue: "The earth of the returning people has no moon, only the day. The sun rises from the east and falls from the west. At the moment of falling, it immediately rises from the east. Because we are not qualified to rest. Perhaps for For it, "Mu Huixue pointed at the black giant tower that was illuminated by the moon. "We are just returning to the game. The ants do you know?"

Chen Hao did not understand her intention to ask so, she replied: "Know."

Mu Huixue smiled and stretched out and stood up from the armrest: "We are workers. The returnee's life is only playing games, attacking towers, and there is no value. More than six billion people, only the last The next three hundred and fifty thousand..."

The woman in black leaned over and touched the little girl's hair, licking her lips and revealing her white teeth: "Most of the returnees are strong young people, men are the most. The last time I saw you, such a small child, still Three months ago. Um... Are you malnourished? It looks like only twelve years old, similar to the little boy."

Chen Yu’s voice is low: “My family’s condition is not very good.” And also picky eaters, so it may be a bit malnourished.

The latter sentence did not say Chen Hao.

Mu returned to the snow and did not cry again.

Chen Hao bypassed her to go to the bathroom. She looked back and saw the woman lying on the handrail again, her hands resting behind her head, and quietly sunning the moon.

When Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the materials back, they saw Mu back to the snow, and both of them were a little surprised.

They thought that Muhui had already left.

Mu Huixue smiled slightly: "I am not familiar with life in Beijing. I will update the new version tomorrow. Anyway, there is no place to go. It is dark now, and I will leave after updating the new version tomorrow."

Mu Huixue is definitely not a teammate, but this woman does not seem to be a threat. Tang Mo and Fu Wen acquiesced her to stay in the building. Although Mu Huixue is strong, Tang Mo and Fu Wen won not really beat her. If she dares to do something, Tang Mo will not hesitate to use the "a very quick man" ability, and cooperate with Fu Wen to solve her problem.

In the evening, Chen Hao recorded the name notified by the Black Tower on his own small book.

Tang Mo read the name: "European District 1, official player, Lena Jopjos."

After the Earth is on the line, the player's memory is excellent. Fu Wen took the road: "She is the first player in Europe to clear the black tower."

Tang Mo nodded: "I remember too."

Fu Wenzhan: "There are ten regions in the world. At present, because of the five-story black-tower crossing in the European region, it has been exempted from the forced attack of the tower three days later. Except for the European region, if the other nine districts have not cleared the five floors of the black tower within three days, Will force all members to attack the tower."

Tang Mo frowned: "Three days is a bit tight."

Because of the returning event, after the revision of the Black Tower 40 and the integration of the two worlds, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took no time to manage the tower. Eve's games, Santa's Trolltech Commercial Street, there are so many things they have to worry about. If they say that they are rushing to attack the tower, they are not prepared enough. Again, the same is true for other advanced players. Lena Jopjos is an exception.

Their best choice is to force the tower to be attacked by the Black Tower three days later, but then the entire Chinese player will be pulled the attack tower game.

Most players can't keep up with the requirements of the Black Tower, and suddenly attack the tower, the danger is very high. Not to mention other people, Fu Wensheng is very dangerous. He wants to Raise the Black Tower on the fourth floor. With the strength of the children, it is easy to make an accident. And the forced attack tower is not allowed to form a team, no one can guarantee that he is a person to attack the tower, or will encounter strange teammates.

After thinking about it again and again, Tang Mo decided: "When the Black Tower 45 version is updated, we attack the tower."

Everyone rested for one night.

In the early morning of the next day, the sky was bright. At 5:58, Tang Mo and Fu Wenjuan opened their eyes and looked at each other.

When they ran to the window, they found that Mu Xuehui was waiting there.

Chen Hao and Fu Wensheng ran over at the last minute. No one spoke, and the five looked up together and looked at the towering tower in the distance.

At the same time, Suzhou, Guanqian Street.

A fiery red roadster slammed into the polar streets and knocked over some of the stalls in front of the store. The wheel slammed an unpleasant brake on the ground, and a trace of black tires ten meters long appeared on the ground. The car slammed and slammed and stopped at the bottom of the black tower.

If Tang Mo may recognize it here, this roadster was placed on the first floor lobby for a large-scale shopping mall in Suzhou last year, for display purposes, worth more than three million.

At this moment, the two young foreigners sitting in the car laughed and took off their sunglasses and looked up at the black tower.

It seemed to be aware of the darkness, and one of the brown-haired foreigners looked in the direction.

The blond man sitting in the driver's seat threw a luxury brand of sunglasses on the floor: "Hey David, see what the little ants do. They just dare to hide in the dark corner and look at you and me admiringly, they dare to come out. No, I don't think they have the courage to look at it again."

David was dissatisfied: "Pitt, I said earlier, why should we put these little bugs on a path and kill them all? We are doing the same in the world."

Pete raised his eyebrows: "Do you think that there are only two of us left in Suzhou? You think I don't want to, I am not gay, I don't want to live with you in two worlds."

David grinned in disgust, and he was preparing to refute, and the black tower suddenly flashed a colorful light.

Pete: "Okay, the new version is coming."

The same thing happens around the world.

In most places, the players who came to observe the Black Tower update are hiding in the dark, and few are as arrogant as the two foreigners in Suzhou.

This time before the update, the black tower from top to bottom still flashed five white spots.

The speed of the first spot flashed so fast that even Fu Wen did not see it. The second spot flashed more than 300,000. The third spot flashed 50,000 and the fourth spot flashed more than a hundred.

In the end, the fifth spot only flashed a bit.

This represents the current number of customs clearances for each floor.

When the five spots are all flashing, a crisp child's voice rang and said with no undulating sound lines -

"Hey! At 6:00 on June 7, 2018, the Black Tower 45 version was officially launched!"