MTL - The Earth is Online-Chapter 196

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Mu Huixue is right.

A little-known woman suddenly killed her first place, got his rest time, and became a high-ranking player. Most senior returnees will subconsciously think that this woman used what method to kill the first, so they are eager to try and want to kill each other to get a break.

But as more and more high-ranking players die in the hands of Mu Xue, they know the true strength of this woman and will no longer rashly challenge her. Prior to this, Mu Huixue had accumulated a lot of rest time and became the first place in the time list.

Mu Huixue is not a returning killer, which is a good thing for Tang Mo, Fu Wen, and even all the survivors of the Earth. however……

Fu Wenzhan: "I have no reason to kill you."

If Mu Xuexue is a vicious and returning person with more than 100,000 lives in his hands, Fu Wen may try to fight with her. Killing her is also a "killing for the people." Fu Wen took the responsibility. Of course, if Mu Xuexue is extremely strong, Fu Wen won't be desperate to do it.

Today, it seems that Mu Huixue is strong and not a vicious person. Fu Wen has no reason to kill her.

Fu Wenzhan: "I have such an idea with the strong man." He said, he turned to look at Tang Mo. Obviously, Tang Mo also hopes to play against the strong, and actual combat is the best idea to improve the strength. Fu Wendeng continued: "But I may not be able to kill you, and I have no reason to kill you."

Mu Huixue smiled and said: "I want to die, that is the best reason."

"Why do you want to die?"

A low-dumb female voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked down. Chen Hao raised her face and looked at Mu Xue seriously. She seemed to want to see her true thoughts from her expression.

Mu Huixue looked down at the little girl. After a moment, she smiled and said: "There is no reason to live... so I want to die. Is this the reason?"

Chen Yu was silent and did not speak, but everyone knows that this reason is completely untenable.

Whether it is Fu Wenzhao or Tang Mo, they have no reason to admire the life of snow. They are not friends with the return of the leaderboard, not even the enemy. It is very difficult to kill each other and not necessarily succeed.

Tang Mo thought for a moment, ready to explain the reasons. At this time, a soft voice of female voice gently smiled, Tang Mo subconsciously looked up and looked at each other, only to see the back of the snow with the index finger touched the chin, smiled and said: "If you say, kill me can resurrection free A player who died in the Black Tower game?"

"Plop -"

Tang Mo's eyes widened, and he heard his heart tremble fiercely in the chest.

In the update rule of the Black Tower 40 version, the returnee is still subject to the rest time limit, but can actively turn to the official player. In addition, the time leaderboard was forced to freeze by the Black Tower. Tang Mo killed Xu Weisheng, who ranked seventh in the time chart. The original eighth place did not become the seventh.

Because the time leaderboard has been frozen.

One hundred returnees, one dead and one less.

In addition, the rules of the time leaderboard itself have not changed. After killing Xu Weisheng, Tang Mo got a good quality prop. On the surface of this prop, it is a small silver stone. The props are introduced to attract metal materials under certain circumstances. However, the remarks for this item are -

Tang Mo has a very good memory and immediately pulls out the familiar picture from his memory. He found a piece of black stone from his backpack. When he put the two stones together, the two stones suddenly merged. The silver stone disappeared and the black stone began to glow. The introduction of the newly synthesized props is -

This stone was knocked out by Mario's hat before Tang Mo participated in the copy of the ironsmith. Excellent quality props also have advantages and disadvantages. There is no doubt that this is the best prop that Tang Mo hits. No one thought that a common quality prop stone could be merged with other props and turned into the best props.

This stone is strong when it is strong, and weak when it is weak. Before Tang Mo used it to **** Bai Ruyao's butterfly | knife, so that he could not catch it.

Tang Mo knows that this is no coincidence. He will get the silver stone, it should be that Black Tower has long known that he has black stones, will give him such a reward.

Now, killing Mu Xuexue, can resurrect a player who died in the black tower copy...

Tang Mo’s breathing was a little quick, and he looked up and quietly looked at Mu Xue.

Mu Huixue knew that his heart was moving. She continued: "In addition to resurrecting a person, killing me, I can get all my props. Fu Wen, Tang Mo, I am not a fool. If I don't die, I will not give up these props and give them to others. People. But when I am dead, you can get them logically. The returning props are definitely more than the Earth survivors," gently snorted, and returned to the snow and smiled: "You know what I am talking about."

This condition makes Tang Mo and Fu Wen can not be tempted.

However, Chen Zhen asked her: "Why don't you let yourself die in the Black Tower game. The ordinary Black Tower ** may not kill you, but Santa, he will kill you."

Mu Huixue is only a player who passes through the fourth floor of the Black Tower. Santa Claus is the Black Tower monster of the circus head. Tang Mo and the head of the circus have handed over the six floors of the Black Tower. No one in the world is the opponent of those monsters. Mu Huixue can deliberately violate the rules in the previous Trolltech Street Games, let Santa kill her.

Mu Huixue received a smile for the first time and seriously looked at this short hair girl: "It was not my aesthetics to be killed by a black tower monster. I die in the hands of the strong, I am willing to die. I die in the hands of a monster... ...children, that is trampling on my dignity."

Chen Hao opened his mouth and did not say anything.

The benefits of killing Mu Huixue are very obvious. After a long while, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the head together.

Fu Wenzhan: "I have no reason to kill you."

Still the answer.

They have no reason to kill a female player who is not a bad person.

Mu returned to the snow and thought for a while, saying: "If...I have another reason?"

Guangzhou, Huacheng Square.

The hot sun hangs high in the air, and the sun shines on the ground, almost squeezing the cement in the ground into liquid. Guangzhou is located on the Tropic of Cancer. The temperature in June is extremely high. There is no shelter in Huacheng Square. On this hot day, few people will walk on it. However, today there are three people walking on the splendid road.

It was two black and thin dwarf men, and a tall, burly man.

After the earth is on the line, people's physical fitness is improved, and the extreme weather resistance to the hot and cold is greatly improved. This kind of day will not make them feel uncomfortable. On such a hot day, the first two middle-aged men wore thin clothes, and the last strong, bear-like man was wrapped in a thick fur coat.

He had a long beard, his face was dirty and dirty, wearing a fur hat made of fur, buried his face in his clothes, and a pair of silver-gray eyes quietly looked at the outside world.

The two men who walked in front were walking honestly. Suddenly, they only heard a broken sound from the middle of the Guangzhou Tower. I saw a silver arrow smashing the air at a horrible speed, and shot straight to a middle-aged man on the left. The middle-aged man found that it was wrong, the dark passage was not good, but he could not respond.

Seeing that the small arrow shot through his head, a big hand reached in front of him and grabbed the arrow steadily.

In the middle of the Guangzhou Tower, two middle-aged men changed their face and quickly left the passage. But they just arrived at the bottom of the Guangzhou Tower, and saw a tall black figure blocking the door of the TV tower. The thick beard covered each other's looks, and they only saw a pair of gray eyes.

The two ran away, and Andre’s speed was faster than they were. With one hand, he lifted these two very good Guangzhou players and pressed them on the plastic lounge chair on the first floor of the TV station.

At this time, the two Xinjiang players finally ran over.

Two Guangzhou players timidly looked at this strange foreign strong man, this person is like a giant bear, the pressure of terror is so pressure that they can't stop shaking. Xinjiang players suddenly felt empathy: they were so threatened half a month ago!

Andre said to the two Xinjiang players: "Say, nest... find her."

After getting together for a month, the two men have already been able to communicate with Andre. They told Andrei: "Don't be afraid, we are also Chinese. He is a Russian player, called Andre. We are coming from Xinjiang. He wants to find snow. I heard that Muhui returned last time. In Guangzhou Tower, so let's take a look. Do you know where Mu Xue is?"

It is said that the faces of the two Guangzhou players have changed slightly.

After a while, one person said: "Mu returned to the snow... I left Guangzhou half a month ago."


The man explained: "If you are talking about the first place in the time list, the returning person goes back to the snow, then she left Guangzhou half a month ago. She is a very strange person, after the integration of the two worlds She didn't do anything, she stood at the tip of the Guangzhou Tower... watching the stars and watching the moon. She suddenly jumped after seeing it, then told us that she was gone and went to Beijing because she wanted to find someone. Kill her..."

Xinjiang player: "..."

Andre, who did not understand at all: "Will you learn in Larry?"

The Xinjiang player asked: "No, big brother, she wants to find someone to kill her... How can this sound so impossible?"

Guangzhou players are also very innocent: "Really, she said so, then she left. Our organization is the largest official player organization in Guangzhou. We sent people to stare at Mu Xuexue and saw her leave Guangzhou to the north. Going. As for whether she went to Beijing, we don't know."

No matter how impossible, the two Xinjiang players can only tell Andrea Truth.

Andrea: "..."

Not to mention Andre, the two Xinjiang players do not believe.

However, they then asked other Guangzhou players and the answers were the same.

Andre was silent and stopped talking. Slowly he looked up and looked north. Two Xinjiang players have a tight heart, and suddenly there is a bad foreboding. Sure enough, the next second, Andre looked at them and said, "Well, go to Beijing."

Xinjiang player: "..."

Why do you think China is as big as the world map, and where do you want to go!

At the same time, Beijing, the Temple of Heaven.

Mu Huixue untied a red long whip from his waist and held it in his hand. On the opposite side of her, Fu Wenzhe and Tang Mo stood on the other side, and the three looked at each other quietly.

After Mu Huixue explained his abilities, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the decision to join her.

The ability to return to snow is not a complete attack, but it is extremely difficult to kill. On the one hand, she does not want to die casually. She wants to die in dignity with a strong man who can kill herself. On the other hand, her ability will make her subconsciously fight back.

Tang Mo: "Do you really think about it?"

Mu Huixue smiled and said: "You may not kill me."

Tang Mo did not answer. He pulled out his small umbrella and stared calmly at the snow. He and Fu Wen took a look at each other, and the two knew that the other side was thinking about how to break the abilities of Mu Xue. In the next moment, there was no harbinger. Tang Mo and Fu Wen suddenly rushed forward from both sides, attacking Mu Xuehui.

The golden light flowed through the eyes of Mu Xuehui. There were several golden spots in her eyes, which reflected on the body parts of Tang Mo and Fu Wen.

"found it!"

The red whip was photographed immediately, and this whip was directed at Tang Mo. The angle of the long whip is extremely smashing, coming from the back of Tang Mo, just stuck in a key opportunity for Tang Mo to jump up. Tang Mo's whole person leapt in midair without borrowing power to avoid it. He turned his body as much as possible and let himself avoid this whip. The red whip was wiped from the back of his hand, leaving a shallow trace.

There was a hot pain in the wound.

Tang Mo looked up at each other.

Mu returned to the snow and raised his lips: "I will not admit defeat."

Tang Mo reluctantly said: "You will think that you don't want to die at all, you want to kill us."

Mu Huixue is going to open her mouth. She suddenly changed her face and avoided the attack sideways. The black weapon was wiped from her eyes, and Fu Wen swept her to the next plate. She went back to the snow and avoided it. She stepped back three steps.

Fu Wenjue: "Life and death duel?"

The implication is that in the battle of life and death, do you still have time to chat?

There really is no time.

The three men rushed up at the same time and continued to fight.

Something to admire the snow does not know.

In fact, killing her, not only can get a chance to resurrect a player, get her props, Tang Mo can also get her abilities. But this is not enough to seduce Tang Mo and kill a person who seems to have no reason to be killed. What really makes them determined is the words of Mu Xuehui -

"Lucky is constantly doing things and killing, because it makes him think he is still alive. And I am already dead."

"I killed the first place in the time list to resurrect one person."

"And four months ago, that person was killed by me."

"Fu Wenzhao, Tang Mo. Kill me... let me get real freedom."

So Fu Wen took the opportunity to fight with Tang Mo and tried her best to kill her. She also tried her best to respond to this battle.

There is no gap in the strength of the master's battle, that is, in the details, whoever makes mistakes.

Tang Mo’s fighting skills are far less than Fu Wen’s and Mu Hui’s snow, but he wins more in the powers and always wins. He didn't use the "a very quick man" ability, but he used almost all of his abilities. Mu Huixue was forced into a dead end by him, but every time she could always find the flaws of Tang Mo with the fastest time, to attack and defend, so that he can only defend.

This battle is not destined to be understood by Chen Yu and Fu Wensheng.

The sun gradually sank, and in the Temple of Heaven Park, several trees were cut into two pieces by three people and fell to the ground.

When the moon emerged from the clouds, Fu Wen suddenly found a flaw in Mu Xue. He held the ground with one hand, the ferrous metal collided with the ground, and the other hand turned into a sharp black weapon, and stabbed straight to each other. At the same time, Tang Mo also approached Mu Huixue at a very fast speed. At the moment he approached the other side, his palm turned over and a huge match appeared in his hand.

The big match rubbed the ground hard and ignited the spark.

The black weapon pierced the air and approached the throat of the snow.

At this moment, in the eyes of Mu Xuexue, the golden light is constantly shining. Her abilities are struggling to find the possibility of their own survival, but the two people in front of us are clearly flawed and there are many places where she can attack. But precisely because there are too many flaws, she is not likely to escape the attack of these two people.

Fu Wen’s black weapon made her smell dangerous, and the giant match was even more terrifying.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Mu returned to the snow to make a decision. She lifted her left arm to block the black weapon, and half of her arm was cut off and landed on the ground. So she avoided the match, and the whole person fell back a few steps backwards, kneeling on one knee, and gasping heavily with a broken arm.

Tang Mo and Fu Wen took the action at the same time.

The wounds on them are not less than the return of snow, especially Tang Mo. Not counting Mu Xuehui, the last time he broke his arm, Tang Mo’s injury was more than her.

None of the three people spoke.

After a moment, Tang Mo opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse: "Do you really want to die... Mu back to the snow."

Fu Wen grabbed the weapons and props. He called Fu Wensheng and asked him to make fresh mineral water immediately to treat the wounds on Tang Mo. At the same time, he took two ** mineral water from the chicken coop and threw it back to Mu Xuexue: "Treatment of wounds."

Mu Huixue did not refuse.

Mu Huixue itself has a very strong self-healing ability. After using mineral water, the arm slowly grows back to its original state.

Tang Mo: "Let's find a safe place to say slowly."

Everyone agrees.

After leaving Tiantan Park, Fu Wen took an abandoned office building and five people settled first.

Because of the injury, Mu Huixue leaned against the wall and cleaned his wounds with gauze. Tang Mo and Fu Wen’s injuries seem to be more, in fact, they are all skin wounds. Tang Mo was sitting in a computer chair, taking a pack of facial tissue from the desk of the person, wiping it with water and wiping off the **** stains on the skin.

"... why do you want to die."

Mu Huixue raised his head and looked at Tang Mo.

While cleaning the blood, Tang Mo said: "If you live, you still have a lot to do."

Mu returned to the snow for a moment and smiled: "A lot of things? Attack the tower?"

Fu Wenzhan: "There are three layers of black towers that have not been broken."

Tang Mo: "What happens after the seven-story black tower is all Raiders? You are not curious?"

Mu returned to Xueben to answer "not curious", but she remembered that she had just tried her best to save her life, or closed her mouth. Looking up at the ceiling, I went back to the snow and closed my eyes, thinking for a long time. She blinked and looked at Tang Mo, and finally said the sentence: "I don't want to die."

If you really want to die, you won't try your best, even if you break your arm, you have to survive.

If you really want to die, you won't be able to come from Guangzhou and find someone to kill yourself.

There is no more interest in the world, but persisting to live to the present, it proves that there is something in the world that can be nostalgic. Mu Huixue couldn't tell what the thing was, but she could only find the answer if she was alive.

At this time, the two sides also considered the end, Tang Mo and Fu Wen took a look at each other and decided to ask the real reason why Mu returned to Xue to die. However, just as Tang Mo was preparing to speak, a melodious "Little Star" suddenly sounded. It was late at night, and everyone rushed to the window at the fastest speed to see the black giant tower floating above Beijing.

There is no lyrics, but this melody is the world famous "Little Star".

Like the real little stars, the Black Tower shimmers with silver brilliance, flickering and swaying, swaying and illuminating the entire city. The same thing happened in all parts of the world, with tens of thousands of black giant towers shining together. This kind of flash is not obvious in the daytime, but in the eastern hemisphere, this kind of light is like a star, no one can ignore it.

Fu Wenjue: "The Black Tower rarely puts this very popular song."

Tang Mo’s eyes narrowed: “ version?”

After releasing a whole "Little Star", a crisp child voice sounded.

"Hey! Lena Jopjos, the official player of Zone 1 in Europe, successfully cleared the 5th floor of the Black Tower!"

"Hey! Lena Jophops, the official player in the European Zone 1..."

A total of three notifications.

Loud voices spread throughout the world.

Tang Mo did not think that someone actually cleared the five floors of the Black Tower so quickly, but what made him more vigilant was: "The Black Tower has not so much told the players to clear the tower game for a long time."

This is not normal!

The last time the Black Tower dedicated a song, celebrating the player's success in attacking the tower was two months ago. At that time, Mu returned to the snow to attack the Black Tower on the fourth floor, unlocking the mystery of the Black Tower 40 version, and the Black Tower dedicated a song to thank her. Today, the Black Tower is out of version 45.

Mu Huixue: "The Black Tower has never been through the 05 version, this is the first time."

Tang Mo's heart gradually poured a hint of ominous premonition, did not let him wait for a long time, and soon, Black Tower solved his doubts.

"Hey! It is expected that at 6:00 on June 7th, 2018, the 45 version will be officially updated, and it is expected to update the 'grab six mode'. As of June 10, 2018, there will be no attack on the five-story area of ​​the Black Tower. Tower, please prepare all players."

“Hey! The European region has successfully cleared the 5th floor of the Black Tower and received the benefits of the Freedom Tower.”

"The remaining nine districts..."

"Please player to attack the tower!"

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