MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 249 Too heavy to hold up and can't fit

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Everyone knows that he has married a stupid wife. Several brothers who have made good friends are sitting together to drink and drink half of the wine. This is to get up and say: "It’s not early, my wife is afraid to read it, and I have a drink, first. Leave a message."

That also got up and said: "My family Yulan is very stingy. If the body has a rouge smell, go back to it, keep it for half a month, and sip a glass of wine. Let me quit."

Qian Yingchen was drinking in a sullen mood, thinking that these people were really promising, and they were so tightly controlled by their own daughter-in-law.

There was still no eyesight next to the result. I wanted to tie him up, and I ended up with the wine and said: "It’s still a good thing, it’s okay to go back many nights."

Qian Yingchen was somewhat unhappy, but he thought about carrying his chin. It was his wife and wife. If Zhu Yurun dared to make trouble, he would go to Xiaoxiao’s yard and stay back. After two days, she naturally cried her nose. Come to him <=\"con_r\">.

Someone said: "Zhang Xiong does not know, just left the two, the wife of the family is full of affection, deep love, will be tight, hahaha."

Qian Yingchen’s face was dark, and the wine did not drink, and spit directly on the ground.

The depth of love is only tight? Zhu Yurun became a relative for half a month. No matter how much he spends his days, can he not love him? Joke, who is going to die every day to marry him?

Putting aside the wine and sprinkling a little on the body, and holding a piano girl, I was full of care. Qian Yingchen got up and said: "Yingchen also took a step first, and everyone is happy."

"Hey, what do thousands of people do this early?" The people who are rushing to tie him up are not happy: "If you don't care about you, you can sit for a little longer."

"Who said that she doesn't care about me?" Qian Yingchen said with a face: "There will be a candle in the room waiting for me to go back, leave!"

Quite a childish slamming door, went to the carriage back to the government, Qian Yingchen did not know that he was not happy, went back to Zhu Yurun's yard, as usual, he did not come back by time, she has long been Turned off the lights and slept, the yard was dark, not to mention the candles, the door did not leave him.

Qi did not hit a place, Qian Yingchen stepped forward to Zhu Yurun's door, and then turned to the windy mother's yard.

Zhu Yurun was awakened by this movement, got up and looked at the door, no one. It was probably too windy, and the little fat man closed the door and went back to bed to continue sleeping.

Qian Yingchen walked all the way, his mouth muttered: "Stupid fat!"

Although it was true that he did not like people to take care of him at the beginning, but Zhu Yurun said that no matter what, it is really too free and easy, right? Why is it to marry him? He spends a lot of time, she doesn't care. He is fond of her mother than her favorite, she is not trouble, the whole person is like a soft persimmon, how can people not want to pinch?

I really want to put her whole person into a group of cotton wool, stuffed in the quilt!

Qian Yingchen walked and squatted, and went to the courtyard of the wind maiden, still lingering.

"What happened to the grown-up?" Feng Yan Niang gently helped him take off his robe: "But the lady made you angry?"

Qian Yingchen snorted, it is the default.

Feng Yan Niang's eyes turned, and Jiao smiled: "The adults don't get angry. Everyone knows that the lady's brain is not very good, and the speech is not measured. If you do something wrong, you will make a mistake when you make a mistake."

It sounds like pleading, and it doesn't feel right again. Qian Yingchen blinked: "Child?"

"Isn't it? The lady is like a child, she doesn't know anything, she only knows how to eat." Feng Yanniang put his robes on the screen and then inadvertently said: "Some people say it, how do adults say? So unlucky, she married her back."

"Is it?" One hand reached over and took her hanged robes back, and the wind licked her mother, and when she turned back, she saw Qian Yingchen’s expressionless face.

"Adult? But what is wrong with the whole body?" Feng Yan Niang was a little panicked: "You come here..."

"Where do you think you are wrong, Mingyue halved the monthly money." Qian Yingchen put his clothes on, and said faintly: "I went back to take the child <=\"con_l\">."

The wind and the mother were stunned, and Qian Yingchen went straight out of the yard and returned.

Zhu Yurun is very stupid, I don’t know what the city is, I don’t know how to fight for it, I only know how to eat. He also doesn't like her, and she thinks she is stupid and fat.

But he doesn't like it. It's also him. If someone else says more, it's no different from hitting his face.

Now he is Zhu Yurun's husband.

Going back to the main courtyard, I took off my robe and went to bed. Zhu Yurun slept in bed. Feeling that there was warmth next to it, the little fat man rolled over and was warm. But as soon as he smelled the smell of the wine, Zhu Yurun rolled into the bed and slid away from him, making a slight squeak.

Qian Yingchen was crying and laughing, and he was even abandoned by this little fat man?

I changed my bedclothes and took the person over. Qian Yingchen said: "I don't want to press me at night, I will have a nightmare."

Zhu Yurun stumbled and screamed, and immediately fell asleep.

Waking up is another day, Qian Yingchen extended her hand to her: "Things."

"What?" Zhu Yurun was very upset.

"Reliable tokens." Qian Yingchen licked his lips: "The last time I went to the party, the ladies of the family gave them a jade sachet, and there were handkerchiefs." What about you?"

Zhu Yurun scratched his head and seriously thought about it for a while. He went to the table and picked up a paper bag: "The last piece of almond cake left for you yesterday, super delicious! I have not been willing to eat. Is this OK?"

Qian Yingchen's face is green.

"...can't you?" Zhu Yurun laughed twice, screaming that he hadn't roared before, and quickly ran his clothes and ran outside the house.

Embroidering this thing, still have to ask Mr.... Oh no, it’s time to call Nie. Zhu Yurun has been a good friend of Mr. Ji in this life. Although she guessed that she was a woman early in the morning, she really became a woman, but she still had some problems. And also changed the name is Nie Sang.

Although the name is very good, Zhu Yurun still intends to call Mr. Ji. Thanks to Mr. Ji for saving her in her most difficult time. She is a gentleman and will remember her forever!

In the past, Qian Yingchen was very opposed to her to go to Mr. Ji, but since he knew that Mr. Ji was Nie Sang, he did not know why he was in a good mood. He did not stop at all, and she supported her to find her. So Zhu Yurun went round and round.

"Affirmative tokens." Jiman glanced at the cheap concentric ring on his dressing table and licked his lips: "In fact, it doesn't matter what you do, you have a heart."

Zhu Yurun nodded, and it was rare to be smart. He found a jade ring, tied a few red ropes, and took it back to cross.

The face of Qian Yingchen was finally turned cloudy, holding a jade ring, and for a few days, the entertainment outside was the kind of pride that carried his chin eyes down.

As a result, someone tied him up and gave his daughter to him to be a mother. That person's partiality is a recent minister who has a lot of contacts. He took over some of the rights of Mo Yu Hou, although the official position only rose to three products, but the power is so scary, naturally someone wants to post.

The girl who was sent was slim and quite talkative, and Qian Yingchen was very satisfied. However, if I am satisfied, I don’t want to accept it. This girl is very smart at first glance. If I bring it back and bully the little fat man, what should I do?

The humanity next to the result: "Adults can't always live forever, there is only one mother in the house, and it is really impossible to say <=\"con_r\">."

He has protected the little fat man too well. Should he also find someone to go back and teach her?

Qian Yingchen thought so, and then he agreed.

The result was just brought back, but I still want to scare the little fat man, she is gone!

One question, went to the Mo Yuhou government. Qian Yingchen snorted and ran all the way? He didn't believe that she wouldn't come back. She didn't see him for two days, but she thought she couldn't sleep!

After two days, she did not return, and Qian Yingchen could not sleep.

The little fat man is chatting with Mr. Ji in Houfu, and squatting at the melon seeds: "There are new mothers in the house."

Jiman frowned: "You have a new mother, you ran?"

"Otherwise, I will stay, how sad it is." Zhu Yurun said with a flat voice: "I might as well lie to myself that I came to play here. Yingchen still waited for me at home. It would be nice to think like this."

Jiman was crying and laughing, but the little fat man was secretly hiding in the bed and crying at night.

It’s really hard to love someone.

On the fourth day, Qian Yingchen hangs a black flag with a black eye and picks up the door.

"Go back." He looked at her, fiercely.

"Do you miss me?" She looked at him and smiled.

"Don't want!"

"Then did you fall in love with me?" Zhu Yurun was not happy.

"Don't love!" Qian Yingchen grabbed her arm: "You go back to me first!"

"Don't!" The little fat man finally got angry. He pulled the door frame and yelled: "I don't want to love me, I want to go back and do it. Go back!"

Oh, the door is closed.

Qian Yingchen is stupid.

After the effort of two teas, the little fat man carefully opened a door and looked out, no one. I was feeling depressed, but there was a voice coming from the bottom: "I admit defeat."

Qian Yingchen sat on the steps in the doorway of her room, and looked at her forehead very helplessly: "Grandma, go back with me, you don't go back, the dishes in the kitchen can't be finished."

He admits to lose, wants to go and can't bear to go, don't know when to start, he can't put this little fat man.

It may be because she is too heavy, once she is picked up, it is not easy to let go.

Zhu Yurun grinned and lifted him up and down: "It’s rare that you pick me up in person."

"Because this is a strange jade palace." Qian Yingchen closed his eyes and said: "If I change somewhere else, I will not do such a shameful thing!"

Thanks to my friend Mo Yuhou, I have already cleaned up the onlookers who are within the center of Zhu Yurun's room. Otherwise, there is no place for him to face it!

"Is it a shame to pick me up?" Little fat man grinned unhappyly: "Then I will pick you up next time!" <=\"_r\">

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