MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 248 Happy fat man

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Zhu Yurun thinks that Qian Yingchen should like her a little, otherwise, she will not come to see her when she has a small moon.

Although he walked in, he calmly said: "I don't know if the lady has recovered."

It seems that I am here to get used to it. Everyday I report it, and I will give her some gadgets. Although I have been impatient, I will sit down and say something to her.

"Thousands of people... I can leave the house today." Zhu Yurun said with a smile: "Just go to the street, thousands of people... are you free?"

"No time." Qian Yingchen glanced at her and turned and went outside.

Today, Zhu Yurun specially dressed up, let people make a sky-blue dress, very singularity <=\"con_r\">. Even if he doesn't have time, she wants to go down the street to go! After suffocating for half a month in this room, people are going to be broken.

So Zhu Yurun was very shameless to follow up directly.

Qian Yingchen naturally can feel someone behind him, but he did not say, all the way from Zhufu back door, through the alley, walking on the bustling street.

Zhu Yurun sneaked into the place not far behind him, watching the street delicious, she quickly bought it, while buying and looking at the front.

Qian Yingchen seems to be waiting for her, she did not keep up, he is still waiting in the same place.

Today is a beautiful day, Zhu Yurun snickered, and bought it and continued to keep up.

She couldn't walk alongside him. Although she thought about it, he often said that her daughter's family would be reserved. Everyone wouldn't be free to walk with men on the street.

Then she will hold it, just follow it.

Qian Yingchen turned left and turned right, and finally arrived at the door of the tea house not far from Sun House. Miss Sun has stood there, wearing a long blue sky dress, two white jade, very dignified and elegant.

Zhu Yurun looked far behind and the smile on his face was stiff.

Qian Yingchen was deliberate. He knew that Zhu Yurun had finished Xiaoyuezi today and could move freely. She also knew that she had been following her and even waited for her, just to let her come over and see this scene. Days can be no longer entangled.

Miss Sun in front of her body is slim and beautiful, and she is also wearing a sky-blue dress, but she is as beautiful as a fairy. Zhu Yurun wears such a skirt, like a blue dumpling.

Should an individual understand what he meant? Qian Yingchen smiled and saw Miss Sun, but could not help but sneak back and glanced back.

Ten steps away, there is no shadow of Zhu Yurun.

Is it very interesting today? Qian Yingchen had some accidents, couldn't help but stopped and looked at him again.

"Adult?" Miss Sun looked at him strangely.

"Sorry, Miss will go up first." Qian Yingchen turned his head and chuckled twice, very gracefully leading Miss Sun to go upstairs.

Should the little fat man go back? It’s just that this road is coming, the road is a bit long, will it be lost in the middle of the road and sold away? Qian Yingchen thought about it for a while and shook his head.

No, people want to sell and choose a normal girl to sell, sell a little fat man, who wants?

Miss Sun came out to talk about things with him today, but after talking for a long time, Qian Yingchen did not listen to a word, looked at the street outside the window, looked at the scarce pedestrians, and the brow did not loosen.

Zhu Yurun, in fact, did not make him hate, it was a stupid look that made him feel uncomfortable and wanted to murder her. But when you are fierce, she will tremble, and then laugh even more stupid.

That silly look, even if you marry Mr. Ji, people will be disgusted? Although the two people seem to have a good relationship, Mr. Ji went to Zhu Yurun and cried...

A big man, what is so good to cry, but also crying like a woman, really a freak. He is also thin and weak, and he is afraid that he will be crushed to death by Zhu Yurun.

At the thought of the little fat man to go to the thin room of Mr. Ji, Qian Yingchen blinked a little and couldn't help but take a picture of the table <=\"con_l\">.

Miss Sun, who was talking across the street, was shocked and licked her lips: "The little girl knows that these are a bit of an arrogance. If an adult feels ridiculous, then the little woman has not said it."

What? Qian Yingchen finally recovered, but Miss Sun, who was opposite, has got up and left.

What did she just say absurd? Qian Yingchen was amazed, he did not hear a word.

It’s a bit wrong to ask again. Qian Yingchen simply went to Zhufu. I didn’t want to see anything. I just asked Zhu Yurun to go back and didn’t go back. Ning Yuxuan had to let him clean up the mess.

Walking to the side door of Zhufu, the porter had already known him, and he said, "The thousand people, my lady has just returned home."

Is the current concierge so clever? When he first came, he told him to return home without asking anything. Let him go in and ask if not?

"Well..." The doorman saw that his look was a little distorted, and he said two times: "A thousand people want to go in and see?"

Can he answer? Qian Yingchen chuckled twice and shook his head and thanked him: "This is going to go back."

"Oh, okay." The doorman made a gesture of asking: "You go slowly."

Qian Yingchen left his sleeve and thought that such a clever concierge should go to the main entrance!

In the next few days, Qian Yingchen did not go to see Zhu Yurun. If the girl couldn’t stand the temper, she would definitely come to him first.

No, he didn't expect her to come to him. It just... I felt a little strange. She turned around and said nothing that day. He thought that turning his head could see a stupid shadow. The result was Only empty streets.

It is not unwilling, but some people are curious about what Zhu Yurun is thinking.

As a result, she never appeared again, and Qian Yingchen felt very disappointed.

Or does he take the initiative to go to Zhufu? Everyone has a small month, and the work is over. What are you going to do?

Qian Yingchen snorted and turned his head to prepare for his wedding. After marrying Miss Sun, I should not think about these messy things. A woman like Zhu Yurun, the farther away from him, the better.

The result is that the **** season, the wedding date is set on the same day.

He was sitting in the air and thinking about his own jade tree, how could it be impossible to compare it with the opening of the grain line. Ten years behind the red makeup, the horn blows and beats, and it’s very lively.

Just don't know why, the ears are so noisy, but my heart is quiet and there is no sound.

Walking halfway, I really met the sedan chair of Ji Jia Ying. The season is really a tricky businessman. The good guy is also the lady of the assistant family. How come this kind of show? Although he had specifically told the audience not to lose in the morning, he was so miserable, and he was somewhat unhappy in his heart.

The red car is loaded with a little fat man and walks a lot. When the two welcoming teams were staggered, Qian Yingchen suddenly had an impulse.

Otherwise, pick up the little fat man. Her own money can support her.

He must be crazy to have such an idea. Sun Taifu has already agreed with Hou Ye. He is also willing to marry Miss Sun. How can it be up to now? Is there such a thought?

Shaking his head, Qian Yingchen closed his eyes and held the reins without looking at the nearby team <=\"con_r\">.

It’s also a natural fit for a little fat man to marry a grain seller, isn’t it? He went to stop what people did, and he didn't like her.

With a sneer, Qian Yingchen just planned to continue on the road, but he heard a loud drink in the back of the sedan chair: "Stop the sedan."

Miss Sun Jia escaped from marriage, and the sedan chair just stopped at the moment when she was staggered with Zhu Yurun.

Qian Yingchen did not return to God, and frowned slightly.

The little fat man is still doing things regardless of the consequences. Hearing the news, he went straight to the sedan chair and sat in his sedan chair.

"In this case, the thousands of people who married Yurun are." She refused to come out in the sedan chair.

This is a joke. How can I temporarily change the bride's truth? Qian Yingchen’s face is very difficult to see, but Mr. Ji at the end has already come to take back the little fat man.

"I am embarrassed." I don't know who shouted out. He saw the people around him relieved. Mr. Ji also let the road open, and the sedan was lifted heavily and continued on the road.

Who agrees to marry her? Qian Yingchen licked his lips, but he was not him anyway.

Ning Yuxuan strategizing, the calculations are invisible, and even this time he even counted it. Sun family escaped from marriage, and the loss was first. Sun Taifu was worried about Mo Yuhou, and many things helped. And he still has to be married to Zhu Yurun.

And this time he is willing.

Qian Yingchen couldn't help but blink his eyes. In this life, he was inadvertently making friends, and he was really careless about making friends.

He fled and fled, and finally brought a small fat man back to the house, and the lanterns were colored and sent to the bridal chamber.

What is even more frightening is that this little fat man is his main room, but he does not know how to discipline the diverticulum. Everyone is bullied to her head. She is still stupid to know only laugh.

"The wind maiden took all the new satin in the house, only gave you two, why don't you tell me?" Qian Yingchen glared at the people in front of him.

Zhu Yurun blinked: "I don't know, how do you know?"

She used to be in Zhufu, and everything was sent to the yard by her mother. She didn't care about anything.

Qian Yingchen is going to be mad: "You give me a school butler!"

So Zhu Yurun tried very hard to look at the book with a candle and a candle, but every time he looked at it, he fell asleep.

When Qian Yingchen came back at night, she must be very painful to take her back to bed. So a few days later, he gave up and let her housekeeper, it is really heavy to keep moving.

The people behind the house are laughing behind Zhu Yurun is too fat, this place is still thin and beautiful. Qian Yingchen also said to Zhu Yurun: "You still have to find a way to lose weight."

As a result, the idiot did not eat for three days and was hungry in the room. He used to pick her up, and she opened her eyes and said two words with a flat mouth:

"I'm hungry."

This poor sees, Qian Yingchen is also crying and laughing, and feels a little distressed, simply let her fat, anyway, he does not like her, fat and thin does not matter, raise it. <=\"_r\">

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