MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 179 Whoever loves more, whoever loses

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She decided to ask Ning Yuxuan for a chicken to come back, oh no, geisha.

This kind of thing is not reliable for non-professionals, or it has to be replaced, so Jiman packed up and went straight to the brothel.

But she had just left the front foot, and there was a family behind her to catch up with her, and Jiman was unaware. I haven't found a suitable person for a long time in the Qinglou. These beautiful girls, Ning Yuxuan will have a look at it.

When I went back in the evening, I still couldn't find the right person. I went back to the room with some discouragement. I was going to ask Wu Yong to ask someone tomorrow. Anyway, he could find someone like a personal trafficker.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Ning Yuxuan drinking tea at the table.

"Back?" He looked up at her.

Jiman beheaded and stood at the door: "How did Hou Ye come?"

"I heard that you are very good today, go to the brothel, so I will see if you are still not going to come back tonight." Ning Yuxuan said faintly: "If you don't come back, you won't have to teach tomorrow."

On the back of a cold, Jiman quickly pleaded with the past, sipping tea: "There is just some curious about what the girl in the place looks like, no other thoughts."

Even if there is an idea, there is no such function.

Ning Yuxuan looked at her and said: "Today, Zhu girl has had a big trouble in Qianfu. Yingchen has turned her off to the firewood house."

Speaking of Miss Zhu’s business, Ji Man couldn’t help but sit down: “What happened?”

"She said that Yingchen liked her, but refused to admit it, and then Miss Peng came to visit, she blocked the door at the door and refused to enter." Ning Xuan Xuan said: "It is really noisy, Yingchen originally The injury was not heavy, and she was so angry that she did not slow up and fainted."

Jiman couldn't help but smile two times: "Miss Zhu is also very powerful."

"I intend to persuade him to take Miss Zhu first, and give an account to Zhu Shilang, then welcome Miss Peng." Ning Yuxuan said: "Miss Peng Jia is not a man who wants to marry, so let me It’s a good match, but don’t collapse on Zhu Yurun.”

Ji Man is a little embarrassed, she and Miss Zhu can not be married, what can her food bank do? Although Zhu Shilang has already said that he wants to use the rice of the Long County to make Gongmi, but he has not passed the door, will people be reluctant to pay?

Speaking, the atmosphere between the two is not as tense as it was at the beginning. Mo Yuhou spoke a few pieces of Zhu Yurun's things, and said: "Suddenly, I brought you some snacks in my room. It is the best thing for Qianfu cooks. Would you like to try them?"

Jiman glanced up and looked up at him.

The expression on Mo Yuhou’s face is very calm.

"Okay." Hesitated for a while, and Jiman nodded. "The Houye took a step and changed a lighter clothes."


When Mo Yuhou left, Jiman closed the door and watched the scorpion on the table stunned for a while, then changed to a white robes, took off the mask on his face, and pulled out a small packet of medicine from under the pillow. Mixed red sticks were applied to the lips. Set a god, put on a silk hat and go to Beiyuan.

She does not care about the body, men and women are equal, and the physical pleasures are mutual, no need to be too emotional. If Ning Yuxuan is really interested in her body, it is just right, she personally went to complete the unfinished things of Wen Yu.

It also saves the cost of asking people to do things.

He comforted himself, and Zeman stepped into Beiyuan and entered the room of Mo Yuhou.

"How?" Ning Yuxuan looked at her dress and raised her eyebrows slightly: "Is it still wearing a silk hat?"

After deducting the door, Jiman reached out and took the gauze cap and smiled at him: "If you don't wear it, then you will be finished."

Ning Yuxuan was in the same place, looking at the face that had not been seen for a long time, but he could not speak.

This person has not changed at all, his brows are shallow, his lips are bright red, and his face is smiling and charming, but his throat is slightly tight, and his heart is accompanied by a burst of pain.

Jiman smiled a little, walked over and sat down, looking at the thousand layers of cake on the table: "It is difficult for Hou Ye to keep me in mind, today is also a good day, I will run away at night, and how to continue the front with Hou Ye?" ”

This person is a fairy, her smile is very fake, there is not much truth, and it is not really because of missing him. [A lot of good-looking novels] Mo Yuhou knows these clearly and clearly. However, looking at Jiman’s face, he still couldn’t hold back, pulled her over and kissed her forehead gently.


Jiman chuckled and decided to lean on his arms: "Hou Ye."

After the heavy rain, he never saw her again. Even if she knew that she was here now, but looking at the man's face every day, he did not have any real sense. Until now she changed back to the original state, and all the emotions in his heart were rolled over.

He must control her, or she will be controlled by her. Ning Yuxuan knew this, but when Jiman’s lip kiss came up, he finally gave up the struggle, closed his eyes and kissed her full of drug-loving lips.

Is this self-satisfied? Once he relied on Nie Sang-soo’s likes, no matter how she treats her, she feels that she will still love her. Now, I can't control it, first surrender and surrender, and automatically remove all the defenses, let her slaughter.

Is the legendary cause and effect reincarnation like this?

Sure enough, in love, who loves a lot, whoever loses.

After resisting for a while, I still couldn’t resist the feeling of dizziness. Ning Yuxuan closed her eyes and leaned on Jiman’s shoulder and slept.

Jiman took his body and took some effort to get him to bed, reached out and covered him with a quilt, then let out a sigh of relief and began to turn over the house.

Even if there is no dark space in the study, then Wieman turned over the whole room, and there was no dark space in the bedroom. Sure enough, the TV series are not reliable, and she will knock the floor tiles again. When he was discouraged, Timman turned his head and saw a mahogany table on one side.

That is the place where jade and other accessories are placed. There are a lot of dazzling jade in the brocade box that is open on the top. It is full of glimpses, but there is also a common concentric knot next to it, and there is one Cheap ring.

Jiman quickly removed his eyes and turned his head to look at it. He also searched Ning Yuxuan. Open the kit that he carried with him, and surely the seal is inside.

Putting Ning Yuxuan's body right, and covering the quilt, Jiman put the seal into the sleeves, then put on the gauze hat again, and went out to the doorway. "Hou Ye said that you want the master to serve, in the next This is not very convenient, it will stay soon."

Ghost White glanced at her and nodded. "The troublesome waiter is here to serve one or two."

"Yeah." Jiman should, standing at the door for a while. Fortunately, Wen Hao came quickly, and she quickly got out of the house. She went to the government to send things to the Changjun Wang, and then returned. When she did nothing, she went back to sleep.

As soon as dawn dawned, Ning Yuxuan opened his eyes and looked at the woman lying next to him. The darkness in the scorpion rushed up and scared Wen Hao to death.

"Hou Ye?"

Ning Yuxuan slowly propped up and sat for a while, suddenly sneer out loudly: "Hey, am I stupid?"

Wen Hao took the quilt and sat up, and some looked at him with a sly look: "What happened to Hou Ye?"

"Nothing." Ning Yuxuan turned to look at the clothes that were thrown away, and the sacred sacs, obviously nothing.

Who deceives who, who used it?

For three days, Jiman never saw Mo Yuhou again. The king of Changjun gave her a lot of rewards. Zhao Wei looked at her eyes and obviously trusted more.

Qian Yingchen was maddened by Zhu Runyu, and pulled Miss Peng to go to the spring together. Zhu Yurun felt that he was weak and forced to go to Jiman.

Qian Yingchen’s impression of Jiman was good. After all, Ning Yuxuan’s valued people were not ordinary people, so they did not refuse, but they were very welcome. Upon seeing it, Zhu Yurun left the whole person hanging on Jiman: "Zi Fuzi, my lifelong event depends on you!"

Jiman has no choice but to give up after the class is finished, and it will be allowed.

Several people discussed at the junction of the Tianhu Lake, Jiman arrived a little earlier, and saw a carriage slowly coming to this side. Behind the carriage, a round fat man was walking along.

Jiman frowned.

"Jifuzi." Qian Yingchen got out of the car, smiled at Jiman, and Jiman bowed his hand, and looked up and saw a dignified girl in the car, probably the granddaughter of Peng Taifu. And Zhu Yurun is holding his stomach and squatting from behind.

"Thousands of people." Looking at Zhu Yurun's stomach, Ji Man frowned. "Miss Zhu is still pregnant with her body, why should she let her go behind?"

"Nothing is ok, my stomach is big, the carriage can't sit down, and walking can be done." Zhu Yurun wiped the sweat on his forehead and puts his hand in his hand: "I don't have to worry about it, I am good, but I can be better than other people with children." It’s a lot stronger. Let’s say that the Thousand Houses are a few steps away from here.”

The Peng family stood helplessly, and the mood seemed to be very bad. She only said that she had greeted Jiman with a slight knee, and then she went to the boat next to her.

Qian Yingchen smiled and said: "Master, please."

Jiman looked back at the little fat man. This group of people completely ignored her. No wonder she was pulling herself.

"Thousands of people please please." Jiman extended his hand to Zhu Yurun: "We can follow up."

Qian Yingchen smiled a little, looked at Zhu Yurun and turned to the boat.

The space on the boat is not big, four people sit face to face, but fortunately, Jiman will adjust the atmosphere, and continue to talk with Miss Peng and Qian Yingchen, from poetry songs to life philosophy, the atmosphere is also harmonious.

But they said this, Zhu Yurun couldn't insert anything, and he could only sit on one side and look at Qian Yingchen.

"I have the privilege of traveling with the Master today. I also want to ask the Master to ask for advice." Qian Yingchen said: "I heard that the Master is planning to marry Miss Zhu. Is this still countless?"


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