MTL - The Dreamer in the Spring Boudoir-Chapter 178 Stealing things is a technical job

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Wen Yan saw her promise, and she was very happy. She pinched Paizi: "If this is the case, then the child will go down and prepare. When the time comes, the nephew will let Sandal to know the Master."

"Good." Jiman smiled and nodded.

Ning Yuxuan This lamp is not fuel efficient, and it is super fuel-efficient. If nothing happens, Jiman will not challenge his bottom line. Even if he may be interested in her now, it is limited to a little. I dare to take this interest to the bad guys, it is to be smashed into meat.

Wen Hao’s plan is simply a family. Ning Yuxuan will be so stupid that it will make people get the most important seals.

Jiman had a meal and went out to find someone in the afternoon. Zhu Yurun and Mo Yuhou didn’t know where to go today, and she just ran to the inn where Changjun Wang was staying, looking for Wu Yong to borrow someone.

Ning Yuxuan came back after dinner, and when she came back, she called her to the study to say bad news.

"When Ying Ying returned from here last night, the carriage rolled over on the road and the person was injured. Miss Zhu has taken care of it."

Jiman was slightly surprised: "Isn't it hurt?"

"Not heavy, Miss Zhu should not stay in the thousand government, but she insisted on staying, and said that she should take care of the injured, so I went with her." Ning Yuxuan said, read She glanced at it: "What have you done today?"

Jiman blinked: "After teaching the children to do their homework, they talked to the master and then went to the street to go shopping and set up a bride price."

"You can't make this marriage, and you still have a gift." Ning Yuxuan sneered: "You really want to marry a woman?"

"No." Jiman sighed slightly: "I think that thousands of people should not give Miss Zhu a name. In the end, in order to be guilty of Zhu Shilang, they will pick up the mess for the Houye and give the Zhu family a step."

"How did you help me clean up the mess?" Mo Yu Hou raised an eyebrow.

Jiman sighed: "Thousands of people and Hou Ye are good friends, and the official position is not as good as Zhu Daren, but if he really does not want to marry Miss Zhu, Zhu Daren will take care of Hou Ye's face and naturally will not force it. (No pop-up advertising) But As a result, there must be resentment in his heart. The move in the next place is just to eliminate his resentment for Hou Ye."

Ning Yuxuan stunned, stood up and walked up to her and looked down at her: "You said something is quite reasonable."

The man's breath was close, and Jiman bowed his head. Ning Yuxuan's hand seemed to be lifted up, as if he wanted to touch the human skin mask on her face.

"Hou Ye." The hands are almost near the face, Wen Hao suddenly appeared in the doorway, looking at the situation in the room, the smile on his face was stiff.

"How come you." Ning Yuxuan took back his hand and sat back on the chair on the side, holding a cup of tea to cover up.

Wen Yan lifted his mouth and walked in. He put a scorpion chicken soup on the table and said: "I haven't seen Hou Ye for a long time, thinking that I should do something for Hou Ye."

"What did you do?" Ning Yuxuan took a look at the soup.

Wen Hao shyly beheaded: "I used to say that Hou is not going to cook? Hey, now it will be."

Jiman stood by and looked at it. He only felt that the expression on the face of Mo Yuhou was very light, and there was no gentleness that automatically melted when he first saw Wenyu.

Only Wen Yu is so stupid, men don't like themselves, even if she is not useful for taking a senior chef qualification certificate, when you like you, you are good at everything, and when you don't like it, it is not worth seeing. Don't seriously think about why the other person doesn't like yourself, but blindly change and want to save it. Is it useful?

"Well, let's put it, I will wait to eat again." Ning Yuxuan whispered.

Wen Yan glanced at Jiman and reached out to pull his arm and spoiled him: "It’s rare for people to come so far, does Hou Ye not go out with her children to see the moonlight? For a while, my nephew wants to talk to you."

Ning Yuxuan slightly frowned: "I have something to talk about with the Master."

Discuss? Warm lips, she did not believe that the two men just stood so awkwardly, they wanted to talk about things.

"Hou Ye..." The eyes quickly rushed into tears, and Wen Hao pulled his arm and whispered: "Since these days, no more noisy, no need to wait for him to see the whole body every day. It’s for Hou Ye’s cooking. Are you really so worried, even if you ask for such a request, you must refuse it?”

Jiman helped to open the door: "Hou is better to go with the first master, and wait for you."

Mo Yuhou stiffened, silenced for a while, finally stood up and went outside.

Wen Hao was overjoyed and made a glance at Jiman, and he ran out. Jiman didn't stop for a moment, followed by stepping out of the threshold and stalking the ghosts to keep the door, so that people waiting in the dark outside the house quickly broke into the study. Then he personally went to the ghost to guard the door and went to the stone table in the yard.

How can I steal things like this?

Moreover, she did not know whether the seal was in the study or in the bedroom. The person borrowed from Wu Yong today is also the aide of the Changjun Wangfu, who is good at stealing. Professionals are naturally more comfortable, without her troubles.

After a fragrant time, Wen Hao actually pulled Ning Yuxuan back. Jiman looked at her figure as she stepped into the yard. She thought that she was really not against her. A fragrant martial arts, with Ning Yuxuan coming back so quietly, she really looked for something inside, strange jade When Hou Yi opened the door, she was finished.

"Hou Ye." Ghost White stood at the door of the study and pushed the door open for them.

Wen Yu first let Mo Yu Hou go in, there is no movement in the room, Ning Yuxuan seems to ask a man, Ji Man only stretched his paws and shook under the moonlight: "Let's enjoy the moon here."

The people are far apart, the sky is dark, and the expression on the face is not clear. Therefore, Jiman did not know what kind of expression Wenyu was. He only felt that she was stuck in the place for a while, and then came along with Mo Yuhou.

"If you have nothing, you should go back first." Ning Yuxuan looked at Wen Weidao.

Wen Wei was not reconciled. After seeing Jimman a few times, he could only leave.

This man is too embarrassing, it seems that it is not a good deal. Wen Yan recalled the scene in the study, only that the heart, the spleen and the lungs were biting by the ants. Even if she did not listen to the command of the master, she could not let Mo Yuhou be robbed by a man. He only has her in her heart, and she has always been able to have her!

Jiman returned to his room, and the man in the dark came to sue: "There is no dark space in the study, nor a seal."

At the time of a fragrant incense, the professionals will find out the study. Jiman sighed, not in the study, it could only be in the bedroom. In the bedroom, it still depends on gentleness.

The next day, the two met in the garden, and Weng frowned: "Why didn't the husband go to find something according to the agreement?"

Jiman smiled and said: "I have found it, not in the study."

"Yesterday, the master was not looking for it in the study." Wen Yan's face is not very good-looking: "It’s a waste of thought."

"There are other people looking for me." Jiman smiled warmly: "Otherwise, Hou Ye will return it within a scent, and he will not be able to retreat underneath."

After a warm look, don't open your eyes: "How is that good?"

"Why should the master also have a favor?" Jiman whispered: "Look at Hou's bedroom to see."

Wen Yan's face was red and red: "Hou Ye has not gone to the backyard for a long time."

"I know." Jiman nodded: "So the main man went to Houye's room, and he didn't take the initiative. It's a little bit of medicine on the lips. After Houye is lethargic, the chance of the master's meritorious service comes."

Wen Wei was a little shy. After all, sitting on the opposite side was a man who had hesitated for a long time, and she said: "I can only try as much as possible."

It is a good idea to spread the drug on the lips. As long as you are not stupid enough to eat the drug, you should not fail. Jiman waited with expectation.

As a result, Wen Wei still failed. Ning Yuxuan did not faint, and she did not have the opportunity to rummage through the entire bedroom. When I saw Jiman, Wen Yan’s face was particularly ugly. I didn’t say a word. I turned to Ling Hanyuan.

Jiman is very awkward, and Mo Yuhou is not a series of abstinence. Fortunately, he is sure to be favored, but why is it failing? Is it that the drug has expired?

"Madam, let's be afraid that we must grab a man with a man." Wen Yan sat down in front of Liu Hanyun, and the tears in his eyes could not help but squat down.

"How?" Liu Hanyun teased his child and looked at her in confusion.

"Do you still remember the concentric ring?" Wen Yan wiped his tears and said: "When I went to Hou’s room yesterday, I squatted on the table next to Hou’s bed. I couldn’t touch it. ""

Liu Hanyun’s face changed: “The same thing?”

"Isn't it?" Wen Yan gnawed his teeth: "What kind of tokens do you still say? It is the love of our grandfather. He is a man, and he really doesn't face!"

Wen Yan cried so badly that she was even more sad. She didn't mean to say that she planned to be so thoughtful yesterday. She had already thought about how to find the seal. As a result, Yan Xuan and her happy, refused to kiss her lips.

"This kind of person can still teach the world? It is better to rush out of the house early!" Wen Yan looked at Liu Hanyun: "If a lady is soft again, a man has to climb up to our heads."

Liu Hanyun is silent. When Wen Yan said, she only believed in 30%. The important thing is that she knows that Ning Yuxuan will not like men. Maybe it is the husband who has offended Wen Yu, and that Wen Yi has been smashed?

Thinking in my heart, Liu Hanyun still said: "You go back to rest first, I will look at this matter."

Ji Man is really awkward, Wen Hao is a female lord, how can it not be evolutionary, so long and so stupid, seduce individuals can not do. This kind of visual animal adds a half-body thinking. You drilled his bed in the middle of the night, wearing a gauze and revealing a fragrant shoulder. He shouted that people are so cold. How many horses are not fooled?

It still failed!

Sighing for a while, Jiman stood up and made a decision.


The next 3:30 is really autumn... The editor said that it is time to ask for diamonds at the end of the month. I am also embarrassed to start with everyone. To start tomorrow, every 250 diamonds will have four more settings. On the first day. On the basis of diamonds, if I add 300 diamonds on the same day, I will be five more ~qaq, I am also fighting, and the diamonds at the end of the month should be emptied. Give to the nest qaq

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