MTL - The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 122 Comprehension

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Suddenly, the clock flashed away from my mind, and I was eager to talk to myself. I think I have a solution! Immediately smashed the "Dragon Emperor Yan Tian", the momentum of the three talents worked.

When I first reached the three talents, I found out that the three talents contained the supreme rules, and there were space rules.

Or accurately speaking, "Dragon Emperor Yan Tian" can be derived from the rules, while the three talents are to express the spatial rules in the simplest and most intuitive way.

Once again, the enchantment will be expanded. What Zhong is doing now is to put the space of the small universe outside!

But the universe in which the small universe and the clock are separated is a completely different universe, so the rules of space are very different. Then, the clock is released from the outside

The space that comes out is golden, and it is always full of fighting atmosphere.

Moreover, because the space released outside is completely an accessory to the small universe, this space is full-featured, that is to say, the clock can be turned into any attribute at any time, for example, it can be turned into an absolute space, or it can be turned into a deformed space.

Zhong Li was excited, and the space that he realized today is definitely against the sky. Then, the sentiments of the three talents are all distributed into their own space. Then I saw that the space seemed to be a slight shock.

And Zhong Li has a feeling of winning! The enchantment has expanded to the size of a radius of five miles, and it will no longer expand, because it seems that there is an invisible barrier to stop.

Zhong Li knew that this was because his repair was not enough. But even then, this space is absolutely powerful.

Let’s not say that space is different from the space of this universe.

I am afraid that **** will be strong enough! It is a pity that it is a bit regrettable that it has not yet realized the spatial rules in this universe. It is impossible to integrate its own space into this universe, and it is invisible.

At this time, this cultivation should be considered a successful conclusion, and the results are also optimistic. However, Zhong Li is a flash of aura. He found that today's inspiration is like a big aunt. If you come, you can't stop it!

The inspiration for Zhong Li is that when his own space is released, because of the differences between the rules, it will cause a fierce collision and produce amazing destructive power.

So if I deliberately collide the rules with the rules and then use the power generated by the collision to deal with others, the effect should be good? Hey, Zhong Li sighed, this person is a genius, how can't cover it, this idea I want to come out. It seems that my understanding is not good!

When I turn back, when the clock is separated from the enchantment, I am far away from the clock.

Because the breath of the enchantment made him very uncomfortable, it seems that the soul was **** by something.

That's right, the breath that makes you feel uncomfortable is the power of the three souls and the power of the original! Zhong's own soul has completely integrated the innate Xuanzang, and the three souls that have been cultivated will attack the souls of others.

Imagine if you see who understands the space of the fork, then copy it yourself, against the enemy, it is impossible to prevent!

It's just that this space has its shortcomings. If you are a person who is a lot higher than yourself, you can use the force to forcibly break through this space.

But it is undeniable that this full attribute space will be another big card of the clock. With the revision of the king's level, space can be released. This is said, and no one will believe that it will be killed in the heavens.

The gods stood up on the ground, and the clock was so refreshing, this

Space rules are a good thing! Even if you meet a royal monk, you will not be so unbearable, although your final result will still be lost.

"Zhong Xiong, it seems that you look at your appearance?" 晏 晏 back has long been observing the clock, seeing that the clock has removed the enchantment, he flew over and asked.

"A little improvement, I will return to my brother, what about you? You must know that the battle of the masters can make us inspiration!" Zhong Li’s face was a smile, and his mood was very pleasant. If you are seen by the rain, the first thought is to ruin the face.

"I don't have such a good understanding of my brother, I don't even have a little understanding!" He leaned back and smiled. Epiphany, that is for a few people. My qualifications are average. How can you improve your training by watching a battle? Unless it is a genius.

"Personal opportunities are different, and you don't have to care about your brother.

Back to the ancestral gate of the brother, are you worried that the repair can not improve? "Zhu Li looked back and said it."

"Zhong Lie brother, don't dig at me, you know that my position in the sect is not high!" 晏 晏 回 满 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 是 。 。 。 。 The look is also very lonely.

"Did your brother say this?" It seems that his own thinking is wrong, and his position in the general is not high. But at that time, I clearly saw that he could easily bring out the Capricorn. If the status is not high, Capricorn will not bother to see him.

"In the Zongzhong, it can be described as the bottom!" 晏 晏 回 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 幽 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏 晏I was unintentionally rescued. I took it back to the general practice. However, the qualifications for returning are very general. It has been tens of thousands of years, but it is not too long! So, Morozong is very There are few people who can afford to see it!"

"How was the Capricorn being asked by you at that time?" Zhong Li asked the doubts in his heart.

"Because the teacher who is back is the younger brother of the lord, the lord is also good for the next. It is generally agreed to the things that are returned." When I think about my own cultivation, I feel that I am blocked. . The heart is even more depressed.

"Then you are ready to stay in Morozon?" asked Zhong Li.

"Don't stay in Morozon, where you can stay, don't dare to go far, just travel around the Morozon. After all, the heavens are too dangerous!" He replied with a little helpless answer.

Zhong Li is also a burst of speechless, and the experience of returning is a bit sympathetic. But among the heavens, there are countless people who have returned to the general qualifications, and they can't help themselves!

boom! A loud bang in the distance pulled the two people’s heart

Come. Looking around, I saw the fierce battle between the squad and the Capricorn. Every time the two people confront each other, they will blow up the surrounding land and tear the space. A mountain in the distance has also been cut off the hill!

The destructive power of the emperor is really an horror! I saw that within the absolute space of 敖远寻, Capricorn was trapped inside, the deformed space kept smashing the energy in the absolute space, but it was equivalent to the far-reaching spiritual power in the absolute space. .

"Capricorn, how can you live more and more backwards? Four thousand years ago, your deformed space is a headache for me!" Yan Yuan said with a big smile, when he was a war, he realized that he finally got two I realized the absolute space thousands of years ago!

"Don't look for it, you don't have to be proud! Give this book a broken!" I saw that Capricorn had a bite, then the right hand slammed forward, and a starter appeared.

Then I saw a green giant in the deformed space. The giant hand was blessed by the absolute space, but it was not twisted, but it was not

The deformed space is minced.

This is the combination of the Moro and the empty hand. It is a combination of the Moro hand and the space rule in the deformed space.

Naturally, it is needless to say that it is the famous stunt of Capricorn!

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