MTL - The Dragon Emperor-Chapter 121 Space outside

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There was a loud bang, and the place where I was looking for the place where I had just stood had been smashed by the Wu hook for a depth of 100 meters, and the swell of the blast was also rushed to the air!

Quickly put a thousand pounds in the air to stabilize the body shape, look ugly and look at the back, "Capricorn, you are very good, even took out the hooks of the old things!" 敖远 looking for a gloomy look Capricorn, full of killing.

"Yes, I didn't expect to get something artifacts four thousand years ago?" Capricorn proudly lifted the half-footed Wu hook that had returned to his hand.

This is an artifact, the property is bursting, it is a rare artifact.

When the clock came out from the half-footed Wu hook, he noticed it. He easily saw that it was a product of the next product, and it was the best in the next product.

Although there are many artifacts in the heavens, there are not many artifacts, and they are all mastered by some powerful people. Of course, the Yuhua Palace’s Yuhuajian is not counted, nor does it know what the characters of the Baihua Palace’s founding fathers are, leaving an artifact.

"Capricorn, you shouldn't have provoked the dragons four thousand years ago. You shouldn't get rid of it four thousand years later! Give me death!" Yan Yuan looked angry and looked at Capri, and said.

Afterwards, the body shape swelled fiercely, and the momentum of the whole body exploded. The huge gas field was shrouded within a few kilometers, and the abundant Longwei was filled in the space.

“Absolute space?” Capricorn looked around and his face changed slightly. “You actually realized the absolute space?”

The clock is also a glimpse. After the emperor's cultivation, everyone will comprehend a secret skill. But this secret is related to space.

For example, Capricorn has his own deformed space.

When the enemy is in a deformed space, the body will be given the broken meat cut into pieces by the force of space, but it will not die, so it is called the deformed space!

The absolute space is that in the space formed by the gas field, he is the master, and everything is absolutely dominated by himself!

"Yes, this is the absolute space, Capricorn, is it very surprised?" Yan Yuan said with a sigh of words.

Absolute space is not so easy to understand, because time and space are the most difficult to comprehend. There are many masters of the emperor who understand the space, but only the most basic use, not to mention the space to confront the enemy.

Like absolute space, deformed space is a combat space, which can improve its own strength.

"What about absolute space? Give me broken, deformed space!" After all, Capricorn is the master of the emperor, naturally not so easily scared, shouted, the body burst out of green energy.

Then he saw that his body surface began to appear a layer of milky white square enchantment, slowly spreading to the outside.

I saw that the milky white enchantment twisted, and occasionally some dead objects such as stones touched the enchantment, and immediately

Being smashed into gravel, scattered like water, on the ground!

Is this the power of space? Can the power of space be externalized and materialized? The clock looked at the enchantment of Capricorn's body with amazement, and there was a hint of enlightenment in his heart. The power of space can not only be comfortable for others, but also can be used to strangle!

"Dead!" 敖远 looking for a big drink, suddenly between, within a radius of three miles, shrouded in silver, but it is absolute space!

Capricorn only felt that his pressure was getting bigger and bigger. It seems that there are thousands of pounds of squeezing to himself.

However, he is also a master of the emperor, not a straw bag. As soon as he gritted his teeth, the deformed space slowly expanded to a size of about 30 meters, and the Capricorn was protected inside.

That layer of enchantment, like the appearance of many faults, will knot

The absolute space around the boundary is broken.

Where the deformed space intersects the absolute space enchantment, cracks in the black hole appear. However, the force of the space created destroys the structure of the heavenly space and creates a small range of space cracks!

impressive! Not worthy of the emperor, the remaining strength of the battle actually shattered the space!

The clock was staring at the battle of the two, but the heart was already on the verge of epiphany.

The power of space can be put out. Like the absolute space and the deformed space of the two people, they first understand the rules of space, and then form their own space according to the rules of space and mana. When fighting, you can release your space and use it against your enemies. In connection with the shackles of the previous blood witch, the clock has a greater discovery.

Blood witch is the world of communication, and the power of borrowing space is forcibly used by the talents of the three talents. Capricorn and Yuanyuan are both comprehensible spaces. In the space of their own understanding, they are self-contained, and the power is not the same!

It turned out that I understand! Exclaimed in the centrifugation of the clock, he closed his eyes and sank into cultivation.

Oops, this man, how do you commit crimes at a crucial time? Here is the battlefield of the emperor, but you have cultivated it on the spot, what to do if you are hurt!

The battle between 敖远寻 and Capricorn has reached a white-hot process. The forces of two completely different spaces collide, and the space cracks that have been created have filled the space around a few miles with the breath of death. The attached grass attack power has reached the full level of the Imperial level!

Seeing that Zhong Li actually closed his eyes and practiced, he couldn’t help but secretly complain. If you don’t want to think about it, leave the clock on your body and fly quickly to the distance.

Zhong Li feels that the trend of the three talents is the incomparable existence of the mysterious, heaven and earth, constitutes three talents. People communicate with the world and borrow Tianwei, and Tianwei also includes the power of space.

But after comprehending the rules of space, there is no need to borrow space. You can always derive the power of space according to space rules, such as absolute space. The space that you comprehend, the power of space is completely at your disposal!

Zhong Li suddenly had an idea. If he used the power of the three talents to communicate with the world and use the power of space in the space rules according to the law of "Dragon Emperor Yan Tian", how would the power be combined?

Zhong Li wants to try it, but the problem that Zhong Li is facing now is that his own cultivation is only a king, and he has not realized the rules of space. What is the power of space? For a while, cultivation has fallen into a bottleneck.

Hey, sighing silently, practicing a journey, it is not a smooth ride!

I don’t know how Lin’s practice is! Wait, little universe?

Zhong Li suddenly thinks of his own small universe, the small universe is completely dominated by himself, and the small universe is considered a space.

So can I use the small universe as a space, and then put the power of space like a Capricorn?

No matter what, try it first! Sitting cross-legged on the ground, a little

Nor did they take care of the two emperors who were fighting fiercely. The consciousness of the whole person fell into deep-level cultivation.

The consciousness sank into the sea of ​​consciousness, and the hands kept licking the law of Chio, and then he saw his body surface began to shine golden. Then, a thin enchantment emerged from him and enveloped him.

The golden enchantment is slowly expanding outward.

Suddenly, the enchantment seems to have been suppressed by something, and even bursts of shaking! Zhong Li is also a blood spurting out!

Different rules! The small universe of the clock is repelled from the universe in which it lives! Two strong spatial rule collisions have caused the clock to suffer from a light internal injury! No, what went wrong! Even if the space rules are different, there should be ways to eliminate the exclusion!

Quickly take a little bit of space back in case you are injured again by collisions between the rules. The spatial rules in the small universe, the clock does not need to be understood at all, because the clock is the master of the small universe, the space rules and time rules are clear.

But this universe is different. All the rules are unfamiliar. It is entirely necessary to understand and discover on your own.

Is it really necessary to wait until you reach the Imperial level to have a way to display space? No, no, there must be a solution.

Although the small universe is not omnipotent, it will never be stumped by the most basic problems! Not just a space rule, what a fear!

In the centrifugation of the bell, the arrogance of life, thinking and thinking, the world has no hurdles, only those who do not work hard!

Yes, the power of the beginning! The power of fundamental nascentness is endless, and I have not yet figured out its specific role.

Then, the clock carefully spread the power of birth to the enchantment of the small universe, only when the fundamental force of birth was distributed to the top, the whole enchantment became crystal clear, like a light shining under the sun. Soap bubbles, a little dreamy feeling.

Then tentatively expand the enchantment again, this time the enchantment is different from the last time, not only in the color, but also the distribution of internal spiritual power, of course, the rules will not become!

The enchantment slowly expanded, double the last time, and there was no feeling in the clock. Then, twice as long as the last time, there is still no feeling.

The courage of the bell is big, and the enchantment extends quickly into the distance.


The range has also reached a radius of one kilometer. Suddenly, the clock is a blood spurt. It turns out that the rules of the universe continue to infiltrate into their own space, and there is another violent collision between rules and rules!

What the **** is going on, isn’t it the power of the newborn? A little disappointment in the centrifugation, and quickly recovered the enchantment.

The power of the fundamental birth is very mysterious in the mind of Zhong Li.

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