MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2122 This is not a real ending.

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Is the new world set by Li Yalin with everyone interesting?

Yes, it’s very interesting, especially after the madness has set an example and opened up everyone’s thinking, this next setting is even more out of control.

For example, the seven sins, this little guy's body is only Lori is correct, but this time to re-set the identity, she has to set herself as a mature office OL, has to come to an office romance with Li Yalin.

Obviously, as long as the true body is exposed, it is extremely timid, but after the ‘evolution’ is mature, the degree of unrestrainedness of the seven sins is even more difficult to match.

Of course, there are seven sinful mature bodies, and there will be four such a weak Loli. Unlike the seven sins, the four sins don’t like what is too hot, she just silently I set myself as the sister of Li Yalin, um, the same sister who lives under one roof, nothing more.

From the choice of Si Yi Nai, this is completely out of everyone's expectations. After all, she is such a character, and choosing to become Li Yalin's sister is also reasonable.

But the problem is that it is such a setting, which has led to considerable disputes.

"Although some people can't live with Si Yan, but this position of my sister, I won't let anyone **** it!"

Yes, it is the Wuhe Qinli who is the sister of Li Yalin. As a younger sister who has not planned to change this identity since the beginning, of course, she will not see her sister. Let the location go out.

Even if it is four, it will not work!

"Sister's setting? It seems very interesting. How do we mix one hand?"

It’s just a matter of competition between the piano and the four monks. It’s nothing, but at this critical moment, Chennai has even inserted a hand.

Not only that, but Chennai also pulled in Yaya. Don't look at Chennai's absence now. It seems that she didn't express her attitude. In fact, her expression is definitely telling everyone that she is moving.

A sister's position, even four people compete?

why like this?

"You still have to fight for it. Anyway, we are all passers-by A and B. It doesn't matter."

"I... I will continue to be a teacher..."

The battle between the younger sisters is on the verge of exploding. Under this circumstance, everyone does not want to squat and avoid the fire and the fish in the city gate.

The three sisters, Yamaguchi, Yehsaku, and Fujisawa, are said to be ordinary people. They should have been sent to reincarnation like ordinary people, erasing memories and living in this new world.

But the problem is that they have some friendship with Li Yalin, plus Shixiang also help them to say love, it is not good to throw them away.

So I thought about it, Li Yalin still counted them in, not only the three clothes combination, but also the Gangfeng Zhuhui, who was the head of Li Yalin’s class, was counted in it. Anyway, a sheep is also rushing, two sheep. Also put it.

However, compared to these sisters, they are not so good at jealousy, at least the battle between the elves, they are not intending to blend in.


Passerby A, B, C, really good and very strong, you won!

"It doesn't matter what you set, I will continue to be my cartoonist."

To say that among these girls, what is the most indifferent to what is set up is undoubtedly in this article. For her, three yuan is not interested in anything. She only needs to concentrate on managing her own secondary career.

Anyway, the profession of the cartoonist, she can't be tired in any way, but she is not interested in anything else.

Similar to the situation in Erya, there is the last elf, which is also the elf that Li Yalin discovered in the second half of the battle with the fantasy plane.

Speaking of the Star Palace Liu Yi, Li Yalin and her acquaintance are also thanks to DEM's Azak, and I don't know how the guy found the Star Palace, and she found out the drifting in the universe.

Moreover, after the appearance of the Sixth House of the Star Palace, he was once hostile to Li Yalin and fought.

As for the end, the results don't have to be said. After the killing, they must be in love. After Li Yalin opened the heart of the Star Palace, there was another family member.

Yes, it is family.

Star Palace Liuyi is very obsessed with her family. This has a close relationship with her becoming an elf. Even after undergoing reincarnation and various settings, she still has to set herself as Li Yalin's family.

Therefore, it is said that the situation in Liuyi and Erya is really similar, and there will be no one in the position of the two of them.

What is most worth mentioning is that when Li Yalin succeeded in sealing (returning) the spiritual power of Liuyi, it was the beginning of all real qualitative changes. Ten spirits and ten kinds of powers were blended together in Li Yalin's body. , formed a new force.

It is precisely because of this power that Li Yalin can save the broken world with the help of Yu, and re-open a new world to accommodate all the life of the original world.

If it weren't for the formation of this force, Li Yalin was afraid that he could not save so many lives, let alone save the world.

This is accidental, it is also inevitable, a bit like an arrangement of fate.

However, whether this is a fate or not, Li Yalin will be happy to accept it because he is very happy now and can bring happiness to all.

At least, friends and family around him can be happy.

After some discussion, the identity of these sisters around Li Yalin has been arranged. It is worth mentioning that they are all experienced in the first round of reincarnation, and it is obvious that they will be both embarrassed and excited.

Even if the world is built, it is inextricably linked with them. They can be called the mother of this world.

Oh, it’s better, she looks pretty calm, but in the words of Wanli... Don’t look at her face with no expression, it seems to be very faceless, but in fact, she is very excited now!

Accompanied by Wan Yuli for so long, Li Yalin looked clearly, especially the identity she set - the younger school girl, it was clearly infected by Shixiang, some in comics or novels only. The drama that appeared is emotionally interested!

Of course, since Wanli was happy, Li Yalin went with her. Anyway, for everyone, there is only one fundamental purpose - that is, to get happiness.

Yes, as long as you feel happy, how come you are good!

"You don't argue, you are not a sister. I think there are four sisters who are very good. Anyway, they are all family members. Then they live together."

Wan Youli’s setting is over, but the sister’s dispute over there is not over yet. The four sisters are in the opposite direction of the piano with the support of Si Yanai, and there is also a slap in the face. Silent.

In this case, what can Li Yalin say?

Not just want to be a sister! I am not willing to do more good!

"Does this work?"

Li Yalin said this, it seems to be full of momentum, but in fact, it gives people a feeling of broken cans, and even attracted the surprise of a group of girls.

"Of course! I know there is a guy, but he lives with twelve sisters. What if I only set up as four sisters?"

In the face of everyone's surprised eyes, Li Yalin raised his chest and could not vent his anger at this time.

However, in the bottom of my heart, he silently sighed, but fortunately, there is no such thing as this, otherwise his sister’s quota will have to be added.

Oh, yes, there is also Shishi, she is now like the real, not with everyone, not even added to this reincarnation setting, because there is more important work waiting for them to complete.

Not only Shi Yi and Zhen Na, the crew members of the original Francis Sinai were all left by Li Yalin and counted as special members.

Don't look at the crew of a flaxinas. They are definitely qualified in Li Yalin's place, and they have even experienced many wars.

And regarding the future direction, Li Yalin also asked for opinions from everyone, so that everyone can make their own choices - whether to stay on Flaxinas and continue to fight, or to go to that new world, to an ordinary person Identity life for a lifetime.

In the end, everyone chose to stay on Flaxinas and has been fighting until now.

To be honest, Li Yalin is very grateful to everyone for staying, because he is very clear that his sister is a very old person in the piano. If her companions are gone, she will feel very lonely.

Is this ending now a happy one?

Yes, this is a happy ending, but this is not a real ending, because life will continue, and there are more futures waiting for Li Yalin.

This world that can be set in a reincarnation is just the beginning. When everything is really stable, it is the real moment of integration!

As for now, let's continue our reincarnation!

Looking at the girls in front of them, Li Yalin took the initiative of each girl's hand and brought them behind her. When everyone gathered, his mouth rose slightly and revealed a faint smile.

"Before the reincarnation began, I have a message that I would like to talk to you."

"It’s great to be able to meet you. It’s the greatest happiness of my life to be able to walk side by side with you!”

"I... I really like everyone! Whenever and wherever, no matter how long the time is, I like everyone the most!"

This is Li Yalin's heart, but he never said it in front of everyone. This time, before this reincarnation began, he always felt that he had to say this.

"We also like you the most!"

Li Yalin’s statement was a bit sudden, and everyone was a bit stunned, but after the mistake, everyone laughed.

The girls looked at each other, and after almost ten seconds, everyone even said the same sentence.

Yes, I like it the most.

So, always be together forever!

Just join hands and shoulder to shoulder, and head toward the beautiful and happy future!

(big final)