MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2121 Lost on the starting line?

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"Is the setting of the childhood sweetheart? You really like this setting."

Although Li Yalin wants to help people set their identities, it is a pity that he wants to be the master of the whole. It is impossible at all. At best, he is also making suggestions. In fact, the girls decided to make the decision.

For example, she set herself up to be Li Yalin’s childhood friend, who can go to school together every day. It can be said that she really likes this setting.

It is precisely because of this, Li Yalin can not help but will laugh out, because there is a saying that he really does not know when to talk about improperly - the childhood of young childhood, usually have the setting of the real heroine green!

Is it really good to be so obsessed with the setting of childhood?

"It’s so good, I was taken over by the shackles. I originally wanted this setting."

"Otherwise... When the neighbors of Yalin’s left neighbor’s childhood, I will be the childhood friend of Yalin’s neighbor’s right house. Is this OK?”

Although Li Yalin’s setting for this childhood is very speechless, it is obvious that this setting is very popular among girls. At least on the other side of the US, she has an envious expression, quite like this setting. .

After she had been entangled for a while, she finally made up her mind decisively. She was not willing to give up the setting of childhood, and if so, then it would be a good thing to be a good girl!

"One left and one right? Is this OK?"

For this statement of the United States and Kowloon, Li Yalin is directly wide-eyed, and the left and right are all the sisters of the childhood. This is a template for the protagonist who is going to the peak of life.

Yes, this time, I have re-established my identity. Not only Li Yalin and Yu and Wan Yuli, but in the rules, all those who know the truth of the world are gathered together.

This is equivalent to re-opening a reincarnation, naturally it is necessary to set the identity background.

"Really, I also want to be the childhood sweetheart of Yalin! Forget it, but unfortunately I can't use the setting of the former neighbors and neighbors. If this is the case, I will set it as a student of the fascination! It was a wonderful start to meet Yalin on the first day!"

Since it is the re-return identity setting, of course, everyone hopes that they can have a perfect setting. The identity of Li Yalin’s childhood friend is absolutely hot, but unfortunately, both sides have been snatched away, and the younger ones are farther away. Can that be called younger dyeing?

This problem, even the ten incense can be made, so she will be even more convinced.

However, there is no problem with this. Shixiang can not hold on to a setting, and she does not know whether she has watched more comics recently. She even set herself as a student.

This is a fixed routine of the heroine in the general comics. When I first transferred to the school, I met with the male protagonist. After the first meeting, I started a series of plots. Finally, there was something that the lover would eventually become.

Ok, look at the incense, it is estimated that I have been completely immersed in my own fantasy and can't extricate myself. She wouldn't really want to follow this routine.

"Fabulous students? This setting seems to be quite good, eve string, do we want to apply this setting too?"

The identity of the transfer student is not like the quota of the childhood, the Shixiang side has opened its head, and the eyes of the Gemini Elf have flashed a bright light.

Look at this, she also likes the setting of this fan, very sensational look.

"Agree, the student's fixed routine as a heroine should be used for us."

Yehya had opened his mouth, and how could the equator of the Gemini elf refuse, and because of this, after the noon nodded, Shixiang suddenly got up.

"How can you do this! This is the identity I came up with!"

If the student of the fascination is a single one, then it is natural that the actress's treatment is correct, but if the number of transfer students is much, then it is still fascinating, and instantly change from rare to the public!

Seeing the eight dance sisters, this is to drag themselves into the water, if the incense is not anxious, it is strange.

"Don't be so fragrant, big deal, next time we want to have a good identity, let me give you how?"

The ten incense is anxious, but the eight dance sisters did not give up the meaning of this identity, although this is not the first reincarnation setting, but they still very much like this setting, then the rest, naturally only Negotiation.

"Oh... alright..."

It makes sense, everyone has lived together for so long, certainly not because of such a small thing is really tempered, and the reincarnation setting is not just this time, after this time, everyone will change their new identity and start A new life.

In this case, what is entangled in order to set it up is not necessary at all, and the incense is also very clear.

It is precisely because of this, although she still feels a little wronged, but she did not really hold on. After all, Yeah said so, what else can she say?

"Is it just a fascinating student's identity to let you fight for it? It's really boring. It's the real king of the classmates who have been with Yalin all the time!"

Shixiang and Yazha are fighting for the identity of a transfer student. The origami on the side is quite disdainful and snoring. She will not care about the general setting of this child.

A handcuffed Li Yalin's arm, she did not care what the female is not the heroine's setting, can accompany Li Yalin's side, is the primary task for her, no matter what setting, as long as Li Yalin Just fine.

What a fascinating student, young and not childish!

"Always... accompanied by Yalin?"

If the paper is folded, the ten incense seems to have been met by the blue sky. It is not the first time to set up the identity. After all, you have not experienced too many settings. In many ways, everyone They are still at the stage of exploration.

Just like the identity set by origami, Shixiang has never tried it. The kind of setting that can always be accompanied by Yalin, primary school, high school and even university can be together. Isn't it more powerful than childhood?

OTL... I lost at the starting line?

"This seems to be a good setting too, Xi Xi, next time we want to refer to this setting method?"

The ten incense was smashed because of Li Yalin's words, and the next side of Yaya was even more heart-felt, quietly discussing with the eve of the side, she thought this is also a very good choice.

"Agree, it is not bad to be with Yalin all the time."

There are no reasons for the heart to move, and there is no reason for the eve of the strings to be unsuccessful. The agreement of the Eight Dances and Geminis has been so pleasantly achieved, regardless of whether there are people listening to them.

"Everyone is watching your settings, you are not afraid that they will apply your settings next time?"

The reaction of the ten incense is also the agreement of the eight dance sisters, which can be seen in everyone's eyes, and because of this, Li Yalin could not help but sneak a whisper on the side of the origami.

He always felt that the origami so loudly throwing out this identity setting was intentional and reasonable. She was not a selfless character. To say that there was no such small plot, it was impossible to believe that Li Yalin could be believed.

"It doesn't matter, they like to use it. Anyway, I used this setting several times, and I am tired."

Li Yalin’s words are for export. If I look at the origami again, she does not care about it. It’s like sending this setting out.

According to her words, it is tired, so it doesn't matter.

The problem is, is it really that simple?

"The next time I set up the reincarnation, how about setting me as your exclusive maid? Because I owe you 150 million yuan of foreign debt, I have to commit to you, can sell the warm bed, the kind of obedient ""

Ok, it’s not as simple as I thought. The original origami has long thought about the next setting, and just as she leans over Li Yalin’s ear, after saying this setting, it is also the heart that makes Li Yalin unable to stop. .

Although the origami is not a maid's outfit, it really turns into a maid's setting, but it is definitely the first time there is!

Is it a well-behaved and obedient warm bed maid? This seems to be really there!

But... because the 150 million foreign debts are committed to me? What exactly does this setting mean? What is the feeling of this full sense of sight? According to this setting plus the power of the origami itself, is it necessary to play a whirlwind maid live version in the next world?

I always feel that the slot is full!

"It’s really boring. It’s always boring as a student to go to school.”

Because there are not many reincarnations that have been experienced, everyone's thinking has not completely spread. Because of this, everyone's settings are basically limited to the school, and the rest of the profession has not thought much.

After all, only in school is the place where you can get the most happiness.

But the problem is that not everyone thinks so, at least mad, she is not going to be a cliché.

Although the world is ruined, the madman does not have to cling to his own mind, but her character cannot be returned to the original, plus the existence of the engraved emperor. Today’s madness is still the madness of the ever-changing. People can completely understand the thoughts in her heart.

This is not the case, she did not intend to be a childhood or student at all, according to her statement, it is too boring.

"This time, I want to be a gang of gangs who are robbing my relatives and stealing Yalin as the niece of the gang. This setting that only appears on TV is the best for us!"

It should be said that it is really crazy? I am afraid that this kind of setting will only be liked by her.

But then again, in the last setting, Mad 3 also set himself up as a gentle little family, and waited until this time, suddenly become a gang lady, what will span too much? ?

But because of this, Li Yalin had to sigh, this is the madness he knows, and he has never been stuck with common sense.

I always feel that this round of reincarnation will become very interesting...

Read The Duke's Passion