MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2062 Hurry up and let your mother hug!

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what? ”

I don't know if Li Yalin's performance is too calm. His attitude is revealed. Lucia has not been able to say it for a while.

It is no wonder that although she has already achieved her enlightenment, she actually does not think that Li Yalin can express anything. After all, these years have come.

But now it’s good, the plot is very reversed at once, and Luvia certainly can’t keep up with this rhythm.

"Don't you ask me to explain it to you? What do you want to explain?"

Lucia stunned, which made Li Yalin very speechless. He is now ready, and the opposite party is still stunned. What is this?

"I... I want you... I want you to accompany me home to see my parents!"

Yes, Luvia wants Li Yalin to give her an account, but the question is, how can she explain it, she can't figure it out. Her initial thought is actually to let Li Yalin understand her mind further. At least, the concerns of both sides can be further improved.

Now, even if she has recovered from the mistakes, she can't think of anything to explain, and more importantly, if she is more in-depth discussion of this topic, even she will feel shy.

So thinking about it for a long time, Lucia finally thought of a way that was not the way.

Let Li Yalin accompany him to go home to see his parents, this must have been said very clearly, right!

"Oh, go see your parents, right? No problem."


Looking at Li Yalin again, when he heard Luvia's words, he nodded directly without hesitation, and because of this, Lucia came even more dumbfounded.

So promised so soon?

Isn't it true that I didn't convey it to Yalin?

Otl...has failed again...

After arriving at this conclusion, Lucia lost her body and went straight to the ground. She knew that Li Yalin was slightly slow in terms of feelings, but never thought about it. He was so slow to this extent!

See your parents and see your parents! Don't you feel anything?

For Li Yalin's reaction, Luvia's heart kept crying, but unfortunately, she couldn't express her mind now.

On the other side of Li Yalin, is he really as Luvia thought, and did not care what she meant?

No, in fact, Li Yalin has already understood Luvia’s attitude and knows what it means to see her parents.

It is also because he understands that he has to agree more readily. After all, as Luvia said, in the end, he has to give an explanation, isn't it?

"When I finish the contest, I will accompany you to see your parents, so there is no problem?"

Li Yalin’s mentality is very relaxed. Although she is going to see her father-in-law and her wife’s mother, it is only a matter of early or late for him. He is ready for psychological preparation.

Unfortunately, Luvia simply did not know what he thought in his heart. He still misunderstood that he only understood that he was simply seeing her parents for this trip, so even if he heard that Li Yalin had promised, he was also weak.

At this moment, she did not know at all. When the contest ended, Li Yalin, who went to Finland with her, brought her a lot of surprises. She didn’t know that the distant vision was still in the first place after she knew about it. After leaving Li Yalin, he strongly expressed his request for the same treatment as Luvia.

All of that is already a follow-up. After all, the days of bustling and joyful, still have to continue.

"Auntie? How come you are back?"

Using the skill of the bow to the foreign aid of the bow, and then do not need to actively prepare for the war, as long as the trend as a tourist, casually take the so-called national competition champion.

However, what makes Li Yalin more surprised is that before the National University of China bow road competition was held, the Einz Belen family even ushered in the hostess, as the nominal mother of Li Yalin, and also the daughter of Ilia and Xiaohei. Mom - Alice Phil.

To be honest, Li Yalin was quite surprised when she saw her.

"How? It was hard to take time back home. The result was just abandoned by Xiao Yalin. Mom, I am really sad!"

I don't know if Alice Phil is selling her habits into nature. Anyway, when she is in front of Li Yalin, she will always be like a child.

"I'm just a bit strange, after all, Auntie, you didn't even catch up with Elia and Xiaohe."

In the face of the awkward Alice Phil, Li Yalin’s face is only a bitter smile, and the rest is only a bitter smile. He treats his nominal mother, and he really has no idea.

"I heard that Xiao Yalin is going to participate in the national competition. As a mother, of course, I have to come back to cheer you up!"

The woman's face is always said to change, and Alice Phil is one of the best. This is not, just a tearful look, and when she waits for the next moment, she actually clenches her fist and looks at her face. Blood and enthusiasm, it seems that the person who is about to participate in the national competition is not Li Yalin, but her.

"I said Aunt Alice, if I heard this from Elia and Xiaohe, it would be sad."

In the words of Alice Phil, Li Yalin will certainly not believe it. She is definitely not going to participate in the national competition this time. After all, what is Alice Phil’s identity? He is more or less clear.

After returning to the world, Li Yalin was also secretly investigating the whole world while playing an ordinary student, because he knew that if he wanted to live more moist in this world, he must show great power.

Fortunately, what he lacks most is the powerful force. After years of accumulation, he has developed a huge force in this world.

He did not secretly control the ambitions of the whole world. After all, he has mastered too many worlds, and he is not bad at all.

Therefore, after he developed his own power, he will close his hand to a certain extent. As he can now protect the safety of his family, he is very satisfied.

Well, there are a lot of off-topics. In short, the identity of Alice Phil is definitely not as simple as a single mom who works all the year round. After all, when she appeared, she has revealed a lot of things. It’s just that it’s never been said.

To put it simply, the Eindz Belen family is a magical name that is famous for its alchemy. It has only been low-key, and not many people know it.

In the generation of Alice Phil, as a family owner, in order to protect her daughter, she hopes her daughter can grow up healthy like a normal person, so she sealed the black, concealed all the truth, and did not want to put Elia. Drag into the magic world.

Unfortunately, Iliad did not inherit the magic of the home of Einz Belem, but instead relied on the magic ritual ruby ​​to become a magical girl. Perhaps this is the fate of the family of Eindz Belen.

As for Alice Phil himself, according to Li Yalin's investigation, she seems to be rushing around the world, participating in a variety of magic events, just about further details, he abandoned the investigation.

After all, she is also her own righteous mother in any case, always have to keep some secrets for others, so that everyone can be right.

For this reason, Li Yalin can be sure that Alice Phil will come back this time, and it must be something that happened again. Maybe she still needs to handle it personally.

As for his own game, it is just a simple excuse.

"It’s also true. Fortunately, Ilia and Black are not there, then Xiao Yalin, you are coming back to see you as a mother!"

After hearing the words of Li Yalin, Alice Phil lifted the index finger of her right hand and tapped it on her lips. The thought of serious thinking would really give people a feeling of temptation.

After she nodded seriously, and then turned around, Li Yalin was completely helpless.

I said Aunt Alice... Can you be a little more reliable?

Well, this may not really be, because in the next moment, Alice Phil has twinkling eyes with a small star, and she is eyeing Li Yalin in front of her.

what's going on?

"I haven't seen Xiao Yalin for a long time. Let's hug my mother!"

Not waiting for Li Yalin to shine, Alice Phil has swooped up, my God! My own mother-in-law has started to practice again!

Although there is such a nominally unscrupulous righteous mother, it does make people feel helpless, but this kind of welfare is always to be accepted, isn't it?

Well, with a heart of sincerity and gratitude, happy to accept it!

The dialogue with Alice Phil did not last long. It was only a matter of minutes, which was just a matter of minutes. Because of the quick return of Serra, who went out to buy food. Alice Phil also seems to have discovered what the New World is like, turning around and holding Serra, she is not allowed to resist.

"Mrs, you are this..."

Serra, who had just returned home, didn’t know what it was. She didn’t wait to say anything, and then she saw Alice Phil, who had already pulled Serra and left.

"Little Yalin, today's dinner will be handed over to you!"

While pulling Serra, Alice Phil still remembers Li Yalin. What is this? Going home in a hurry, is it for La Serra to get a lily?

It’s not Li Yalin’s thoughts, but the current situation. I really don’t want him to be embarrassed. After all, in his eyes, his nominal righteous mother is always without a formal shape. Even if he has a lily, it’s not what Things that people can't accept.

Just... is it really going to be a lily?

When this curiosity appeared, it was really impossible to stop anything. Even if it was known that secret eavesdropping was not good, Li Yalin couldn’t stand his curiosity and quickly opened his mind and searched for Alice Phil. A conversation with Serra.

The result is good, this does not listen, I don’t know, but I was shocked!