MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2061 Li Yalin's foreign aid

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At the beginning, Li Yalin joined the high school's bow corps, and together with the members of the bow corps such as the American scorpion, won the championship of the group and individual doubles in the National Competition of the Bow Road, which has become a legend in the bow school of the national colleges and universities.

However, it is a pity that the university where Li Yalin is located is not very concerned about this honor. At least until the American scorpion wins a real honor for the school, no one cares.

It is precisely because of this chain reaction that the bow-line society of the American scorpion is not as good as one year. After all, without Li Yalin's help, she would like to participate in the national competition, and it is impossible to continue the legend.

This is also a no-brainer.

Li Yalin is not willing to bully the ordinary people. I feel that this kind of game is really boring. But the scorpion is now difficult to ride, and the next conference is completely unsuccessful.

In this case, can Li Yalin refuse to do it again?

No, of course it is impossible!

"The scorpion is really difficult recently, so this time, I am going to make a blockbuster. It has been a blockbuster. You said that if we keep a record of collective victory from the start of the preliminaries, we will win the national championship of the national competition and take the single group by the way. The top five, will it shock the country?"

Because of the difficulty of understanding the scorpion, Li Yalin will not refuse her, not only will not refuse, on the contrary, he will be better to help her.

So this time, he felt that he should be able to make a big news.

“Keeping the collective victory record? Can this be done?”

Li Yalin’s thoughts are very good, but Sakura’s side is listening to the wrong face. It’s no wonder that now the members of the bow corps can get the hand, and the full play is also her, Li Yalin and the beauty of being the president. The scorpion is scorpion, and the rest of the members are ghost members of the number. Don't expect them to have any outstanding performance in the national competition.

It is precisely because of this that it is impossible to maintain the collective victory record.

"Of course, as long as we find foreign aid!"

Unlike Sakura’s mistakes, Li Yalin has already thought about the countermeasures long ago. It’s not to keep the record of winning. It’s not a matter of minutes to find two foreign aids to get together.

"foreign aid?"

Upon hearing Li Yalin's words, Sakura continued to maintain her confused look.

"Yes! It is foreign aid!"

Relentlessly raising his lips, Li Yalin is quite confident in his two foreign aids.

"What? You let us go to the National Competition of the Archer Society? Are you mistaken? Our work is very busy!"

When it comes to finding foreign aid, since I think of it, I have to do it as soon as possible, but when he finds his foreign aid, the expressions of these two foreign aids are obviously unpleasant.

"You can't say that, oh, there are no special events. It takes a while to take a little time to participate in a contest. It's okay to relax."

Yes, at this time, Li Yalin’s face, the pair of ponytailed girls with hands on their hips, is far from right, but just beside them, standing still with her forever. Good Ji's friend Luvia.

The two of them are Li Yalin’s strong foreign aid!

To be honest, in Li Yalin's opinion, with the good feelings of these two sisters, he only needs to open his mouth and he will definitely not be rejected.

The result was not conceived. After listening to the cause and effect, the two sisters frowned, one by one, especially in the distance, and immediately revealed the rejection.

This is what makes Li Yalin very embarrassed.

Mom, how can I be so confident before?

“Relax? If I want to relax, just go out and travel, so why bother to go to the competition? It’s not too easy to relax!”

In fact, Li Yalin said that it is quite reasonable. According to the strength of Yuanjing and Lucia, participating in a national competition in the district is really no different for them.

The problem is that if you change to the far side, this is not the case. At least, I don’t think so.

"That is, if I want to relax, I can relax at my private beach at any time. Why do you want to participate in that national competition?"

Not only is it far-sighted, it is almost at the next moment, and Lucia has also opened her mouth. It is very strange. This is a rare "good Jiyou" that is always noisy on weekdays. It is rare today. The united front, this is a very incredible scene!

Something is wrong! This is definitely not right!

If it’s just a jealousy, then that’s it, but now Luvia has said that, if Li Yalin can’t detect the problems, it’s really strange.

After all, with the character of Lucia, she is definitely not able to reject herself. What is wrong with this!

Is it because of this bow road competition?

It is true that Li Yalin invited these two foreign aids to help the United States scorpion, and the words of the scorpion are also their relatives in various senses. If it is because of shackles, it is completely reasonable.

It can be seen from the current situation. This is not just a matter of embarrassment. In particular, seeing the hidden eyes between Pelican and Luvia, Li Yalin knows that they are absolutely deliberately not running.

It's a bit interesting.

Like this situation, Li Yalin is very clear that the distance and Luvia have been twisted into a rope, just to target themselves, then in order to break this situation, they should use one by one to break through the tactics.

Anyway, they are not really buddies in the true sense. It is really easy to solve them, isn't it?

"Cough... Of course, I can't make you hard work, hey, you think this box of gems is your hard work, how?"

With a light cough, Li Yalin changed the magic into a box. After opening the box, it was filled with colorful gems.

It is precisely because of these gems that there is a flash of light in the eye, which is no way to do it. Whoever makes the use of gems magic is always so poor.

After all, it’s not a big lady from the Finnish magical name. It’s not like Luvia’s endless gems. When using magic on weekdays, it’s just a kind of frugality.

No matter how frugal, the consumption of gems still makes it impossible to get out. In order to get more gems, she even has to be a maid in Lucia's house, which makes her always shed tears when she thinks about it.凛 This is purely 诽谤).

All in all, the embarrassing crisis of poverty is a problem that is always difficult to solve. For this reason, the attraction of this box of gems to her can already be said to break through the sky!

"This... so many gems?"

Trembling and reaching out, I can’t believe what I saw.

"Of course, if you promise, these gems are yours."

Laughing and swaying the box filled with gems forward, as soon as I saw Li Yalin, I knew that my plan was successful.

"No problem! Isn't it a foreign aid? This little thing is on me!"

Well, this time the distance has no more rhetoric, and she can't stand the excitement of her own emotions. She rushes forward and puts the gem box in her arms.

She is not willing to think about anything now, as long as there is this box of gems is enough!

"Yuanyuan! You bastard! Not that you said that we want to unite the front, must we let Yalin compromise? How do you betray the Alliance first!"

Far from falling, this is to let Lucia scream at the side, yes, as Li Yalin thought before, Luvia and Yuanzhen did unite together. As for the purpose, naturally, it was also to deal with Li Yalin.

To say that it is to deal with, in fact, is to let Li Yalin compromise. After all, over the years, everyone has grown up. Li Yalin still maintains the ambiguous attitude, which makes the two sisters unacceptable.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, they hope that Li Yalin can make a difference, no matter how good, even if everyone's relationship is closer, just a small step, they will be satisfied.

What can be the result?

Seeing that the eyes have fallen into the gem box, Lucia is going to run away! A box of gems can buy you, then if you give you ten boxes of gems, are you going to wash them?

Although as long as Li Yalin speaks, he will not take it out, and he will be willing to wash his white willingly...

"I said Luvia, the league... What does this mean?"

Yuan Wei has already gotten into the eyes of the money. It is estimated that she can't hear anything, so Li Yalin needs to deal with it, and naturally there is only Luvia left.

Don't look at the fact that Lucia is mad at the moment, and looking at the distance is a look of anger, but actually Li Yalin thinks that she can be better than the distance.

At least I still need a box of gems to buy it, Luvia's words... He estimates that it can be done in a few words.

"No... yes! It's the league! Yalin, you don't give me an account today, don't think I can help you!"

Ah, look at Lucia’s attitude today, it seems that the accident is firm.

At this moment, Luvia is not as easy to deal with as Li Yalin thinks. At least she is now showing an unexpected strength. She stands up to Li Yalin and looks at this posture. She does not give her an explanation. She must not Will be good to rest.

"Well, what do you want to explain, you said yes."

Some helpless shrugs and shoulders, Li Yalin knows that today Luvia is going to show up with himself. I thought I would have to maintain it for a few more years. I didn’t expect it to come so fast.

Anyway, this is all hidden, then simply pick up, anyway, Li Yalin did not intend to escape from beginning to end.

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