MTL - The Demon Lord Only Wants to Follow the Script-Chapter 60 sword spirit

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Because it was formed from Fang Li's memory, Xie Huai couldn't have his own body in the illusion, so he had to attach to the boy's natal spirit sword. He tried to wake Fang Li up, but Fang Li couldn't hear his voice at all. .

Fang Li ran towards senior brother slowly, with joy in his eyes, he smiled and said, "Senior brother, are we going back?"

The senior brother rubbed his head, and said helplessly, "Ah Yan is willing to go back?"

Fang Li chuckled.

In the silent mountains and forests.

The man in white walked ahead with a bamboo basket on his back, and the young man followed behind.

Fang Li walked lightly and was in a happy mood. At this moment, he felt the spirit sword on his back vibrate slightly, as if it was making noise in his mind. The senior brother went back to the mountain.

Fufeng School is located in the surrounding mountains, with beautiful mountains and clear waters, like a paradise.

When the other juniors and seniors saw Fang Li coming back, they all greeted him kindly. Although the small sect was not big, it was extremely warm and friendly, and the fellow sects felt like brothers.

Ah Yan has no parents. He was picked up by his master from the Luoshen River. The master is like his father, the senior brother is like his elder brother, and the others are his brothers and sisters.

He was brought up by his senior brother and other classmates. Although the master is a bit strict, he has a cold face and a warm heart. The senior brother is very gentle. He taught him to read and write, and he is the person he admires and loves most in his heart.

Fang Li looked at his senior brother's back, full of admiration and attachment, and thought to himself, if only he could be with his senior brother for the rest of his life.

He was slightly taken aback when he thought of this, and felt that he seemed to have forgotten something, but... it shouldn't be something important.

He accompanied his brother to clean the picked herbs, and dried them in the yard. After washing and washing, he found that there were a few stalks of field heart grass mixed in. This field heart grass was very delicious, and the sweet juice overflowed his mouth when he chewed it. He was very happy I threw it into my mouth and started chewing, and when I turned my head, I saw my senior brother looking at him helplessly and dotingly.

The senior brother looked softly and said, "I knew you liked it, so I picked it up when I saw it."

Fang Li hugged senior brother's waist, "I know that senior brother is the best!"

Spirit Sword, who had finally been quiet for a while, suddenly became restless and restless again.

There are no bad guys here, so don't be so nervous, right?

He is still only a foundation-building cultivator, and cannot receive the spirit sword into his body. Speaking of which, this black iron sword was also built for him by his senior brother. He just established a mind-spirit connection not long ago, and he can only vaguely feel some of the spirit sword's emotions. It was clear that it was fine before, but today it is so strange.

Fang Li didn't think much about it, he simply untied the Xuantie sword and put it aside casually, it was finally quiet.

Seeing this scene, the senior brother said helplessly: "How many times have I told you that the natal spirit sword is very important, and you must carry it well so that we can be closer to you."

Fang Li pretended not to hear.

What is he doing so intimately with a sword? He just wanted to get closer to his senior brother.

The senior brother knew at a glance that he didn't listen, and sighed again: "You are so playful, when will you be able to form a golden core?"

Fang Li thought casually, what's so important about cultivation? He thinks it's good now, it's useless to have such a high cultivation base, and he doesn't like to fight and kill.

He just wanted to stay in the sect, with his brothers and the others.

Fang Li washed the herbs after a busy day, and then reluctantly separated from his senior brother. He returned to his room with the spirit sword in his arms. Thinking of his brother's words, he simply slept with the spirit sword in his arms...isn't that close enough?

That night Fang Li slept deeply.

As soon as he woke up, the spirit sword began to stir again, as if he was arguing in his head, please... I can't understand what you are saying, what are you doing all the time arguing.

Fang Li ignored the spirit sword's noise.

As a result, he ran into his master as soon as he went out, and the master asked him: "How far have you practiced the Xufeng Sword Art?"

Fang Li hesitated and said, "It's the second weight..."

The master didn't know that he was being lazy again, so he blew his beard and stared angrily, and when he was about to reprimand him, the senior brother came over, and he smiled slightly: "Master, don't blame him, Ah Yan is still a child, it's normal to be playful."

For the sensible and reliable senior disciple, the master didn't want to reprimand him too much, so he glared at Fang Li angrily and said, "Don't spoil him all the time, look at him, he didn't build a foundation until he was sixteen..."

The senior brother said: "I will practice sword with him today, so I must supervise him well."

The master just nodded and left.

As soon as the master left, Fang Li said with a smile: "Brother, shall we go down the mountain today?"

The senior brother looked at him fixedly, and said: "I just promised Master, I will supervise your sword practice today, let's go, go to the back mountain to practice sword."

Fang Li: "..."

Although he was reluctant, but the senior brother spoke, he had to go.

Although the senior brother is only a few years older than him, he is already a Nascent Soul master with outstanding talent, and he is the second only to the master in the Fufeng sect. Everyone in the sect respects the senior brother very much.

In the bamboo forest.

The senior brother stood alone in white clothes, holding the green bamboo sword in one hand, Fang Li smiled slightly: "Today I will continue to teach you the Xufeng Sword Art."

Fang Li also tried to play tricks: "Can you practice again tomorrow? Brother, you are so good, you can just protect me, so I don't need to practice..."

The senior brother looked at him tenderly and dotingly, and sighed: "What if one day the senior brother is gone?"

Fang Li smiled and said, "Impossible, I will never be separated from Senior Brother."

Today, the senior brother refused to spoil him, and remained unmoved by his acting like a spoiled child.

Seeing that he could only practice the sword obediently, Fang Li resentfully held the black iron sword, and kept thinking about the Xufeng sword art, what was the first move? When I was teaching last time, my mind was distracted...

Oh, he finally remembered.

Fang Li rushed up with the sword in both hands.

The senior brother's cultivation base is much higher than his. He held the sword in one hand and didn't use mana. He just gave Fang Li serious moves. He blocked Fang Li's sword with his sword and said in a deep voice: "This move is too slow."

Fang Li gritted his teeth and continued.

Senior brother: "This trick is wrong."

After practicing dozens of moves like this, Fang Li didn't even touch his senior brother's clothes, he yelled not to practice, no more practice, and cut off Xuan Tie, he couldn't beat his senior brother at all, okay!

Unexpectedly, at the moment when he was distracted, the black iron sword suddenly burst out with piercing sword energy, and the sword energy was unstoppable when it left the body! The senior brother didn't expect the black iron sword to burst out with such power suddenly, and a cut was cut on the back of his hand accidentally.

Fang Li was shocked, staring at his sword in a daze, what's going on? When was he so powerful that he could separate the sword energy from the body?

But this is not important, the important thing is... I accidentally injured my senior brother!

Fang Li dropped the sword as soon as he let go, and hurriedly stepped forward to hold his brother's hand, looking at the **** wound, his eyes were red with anxiety, and said: "I'm sorry, I, I didn't mean to..."

Seeing his self-reproach, the senior brother comforted him gently: "It's normal to miss in sword practice, this little injury doesn't matter, but you have made great progress, the move just now was good, senior brother is very pleased."

But Fang Li was still very sad.

He carefully held his brother's hand, led him back to the pharmacy of the sect, gently gave his wound medicine, then carefully bandaged it, blew it, and whispered with red eyes: "Does it still hurt?"

The senior brother looked at him softly: "It's blown away, it doesn't hurt."

Fang Li just smiled.

The senior brother said: "You practiced well today, go back and think about it carefully, don't forget to know?"

Fang Li nodded obediently, and went back holding the sword.

close the door.

Immediately began to count his own sword.

Fang Li stared at the black black iron sword: "What's wrong with you today? Senior brother is my most important person, you can't hurt anyone if you hurt him, don't mess around next time, you know? Otherwise, I won't want you !"

Although he knew that the spirit sword was impenetrable to human nature and could not be understood, Fang Li still talked about it, which made him feel better.

this evening.

The spirit sword was exceptionally silent, without any reaction, Fang Li thought, the spirit sword should have learned its lesson, how could it hurt senior brother as his own spirit sword?

Fang Li fell asleep in peace.


More than a month has passed.

Every day is not practicing and being lazy, just being lazy and practicing... The days pass quickly, simple and happy.

As for the spirit sword... I don't know if I heard the last time's rebuke, and I never moved again, there was no sound at all, it was deadly silent, those who didn't know thought that the sword spirit was gone...

This made Fang Li a little worried.

Are you throwing a fit at yourself? Didn't I just say a few words? This sword spirit has a big temper, could he be too narrow-minded...

Or did he just raise the spirit sword to death?

The senior brother saw his worry and asked him what was going on.

Fang Li said dejectedly: "My sword seems to be unresponsive, I won't fail to cultivate it."

The senior brother pondered for a moment: "Don't worry, you just got the natal spirit sword, and it's normal if you don't feel it occasionally. You usually communicate with the spirit sword, talk to it, and make it familiar, you know?"

Fang Li said 'oh', and actually said a lot, but Ling Jian didn't seem to like listening to it.

The senior brother paused, seeing that the young man was depressed, and said with a smile, "I'll take you out to play today."

Hearing this, Fang Li swept away his depressed mood, and ignored the matter of the sword spirit, and said happily: "Okay!"

Fang Li happily followed his brother down the mountain.

When passing by the village below, Mrs. Zhang saw Fang Li at the entrance of the village and gave him a pack of rock sugar hawthorns. Fang Li thanked him repeatedly.

Sister-in-law Zhang said with a smile: "You are welcome, Ah Yan will come to play again when I have time."

Fang Li ate rock candy hawthorn and leisurely followed behind his senior brother.

Today senior brother is going to Xingyang Mountain to collect medicine, there is a town at the foot of Xingyang Mountain which is very busy, Fang Li rolled his eyes and said: "Senior brother, why don't you go ahead, I will go up the mountain to find you later."

The senior brother didn't know his idea, but he didn't stop him, he just said dotingly: "Remember to come back early."

Fang Li nodded repeatedly.

After saying that, he strolled to the town at the foot of the mountain.

There are delicious and interesting things in the town, and he likes to come here the most.

Fang Li walked around while eating, and saw a wine seller, the wine made by the old Liu family in this town is good, Fang Li bought two jars, and then went to Zhao Ji to buy two roast chickens, he said happily to himself The sword said: "Drink and eat chicken with senior brother tonight, do you think it's okay?"

Spirit Sword naturally ignored him and remained silent.

Fang Li remembered that his senior brother said that he should communicate more with his spirit sword and cultivate more relationships if there is nothing to do, so he was not discouraged and talked non-stop along the way.

"I was stupid when I was young. It was my brother who taught me to read and write. I couldn't even write my own name. My brother taught me dozens of times."

"Master is too busy. I usually take care of my senior brother. I like my senior brother the most. When I was young, I fought with other senior brothers and sisters in order to rob my senior brother. I was severely reprimanded by my senior brother..."

"Once when I sneaked out to play, my master found out. The master was very angry. He said that he was not allowed to go back to eat until I had practiced the sword formula ten times. It was the senior brother who saw that I was hungry and panicked, so he secretly sent me food. However, the master found out that Lian Shixiong Punish together."

"Although I have no parents since I was a child, I am not sad at all, and I don't want to know why they abandoned me, because it is enough for me to have a senior brother, and a senior brother will never abandon me."

He talked and laughed.

It turned out that in his life, everything was related to his senior brother.

When Fang Li arrived at the foot of Xingyang Mountain, it was already late and the sun was approaching. He thought about it and decided to go up the mountain to find his senior brother.

Halfway through the walk, Fang Li's eyes lit up when he saw a gray wolf.

I beat this wolf today and went back to pickle it. It was delicious, so I chased it without hesitation.

This gray wolf ran very fast, shuttled familiarly on the mountain, Fang Li picked up a handful of stones, chased and hit, and finally the gray wolf let out a cry of pain, it must have been hit by the foot, limping , it showed a ruthless look in its eyes, and continued to run deep into the forest!

Fang Li raised his eyebrows, this wolf must be in his pocket today, seeing that the gray wolf could no longer run, Fang Li quickened his pace, at this moment - suddenly his feet were empty, and he rolled into the in a cave.

Good guy, that wolf actually knows about such a place, it's deliberately leading him into a trap!

Fang Li thought in his heart that when he got out, he would definitely catch the wolf, but what he didn't expect was that the cave was deeper than he imagined, and he had been skating for a long time before reaching the bottom, Fang Li finally panicked.

He suddenly pulled out the sword in his hand and stabbed at the stone wall, trying to slow down his descent, but what he didn't expect was that the stone wall was so hard that even his black iron sword couldn't penetrate it!

He slid in the cave for about a quarter of an hour, and finally fell hard to the ground with a plop.

Fang Li grinned in pain, his face turned pale, he got up and looked around, and found that this was a huge underground cave.

The scene in front of me was unbelievable and breathtaking. The entire cave was made of white jade, and the ground was flawless, with no trace of splicing. How could it be possible?

Although the Fufeng Sect is just an inconspicuous little sect, I have read a lot of his various biographies and stories, and I have heard a lot of gossip and anecdotes in the fairy world. The secret realm where monk Xu sits and transforms is not so spectacular!

Being here, people can't help but feel awe, and feel that they are as small as dust.

What the **** is this place?

Fang Li looked around curiously, and there was a vast expanse of whiteness everywhere. He walked around the cave, and there was no crack on the wall. He stabbed it with the black iron sword, and did not leave a mark. He was immediately depressed and regretted. I haven't practiced well at ordinary times.

Fang Li could only keep going.

Finally at the end of the cave, he saw an entrance, the entrance was only one person tall, and there were white jade walls on both sides. He walked in through the entrance, looked around, and finally the walls on both sides of the stone path were no longer bare, but carved with murals , there are sages on the murals teaching the world, there are sages who spread clouds and rain in the dry land, and there are sages who established a sect and sent thousands of people to bow down...

Fang Li's heart skipped a beat, could it be, could this be the relic of the Holy One?

It has been four thousand years since the saint fell, and no one knows where his remains are. It is an unsolved mystery in the world of spirits and immortals.

He wouldn't be so lucky that he could even touch the relics of the saint, right?

Fang Li took a deep breath and continued walking inside.

At the end of the long stone path is a room with nothing in it except a white jade coffin.

There are two jade charms, one black and one white, on the jade coffin.

Nothing else.

Fang Li looked curiously and nervously. He couldn't find the way out. He had been wandering here for more than a day... So he started to feel in the house. Maybe there is a way out here?

However, this room is as smooth and clean as the jade wall outside, not to mention that there is not even a gap when it is locked. Finally, Fang Li's eyes fell on the two jade talismans.

Is this some kind of baby?

I don't know if it can be used to escape from here?

If you don't go out, you will be trapped here to death...

Gritting his teeth, Fang Li finally stepped forward and picked up the black and white jade talisman. The moment he picked it up, the whole room trembled, and then countless cracks appeared on the wall.

It really is an organ!

Fang Li picked up the jade talisman and ran out. He ran fast, and finally ran out before the stone path collapsed. The white cave outside also began to crumble, and the jade pieces fell from his head. Fang Li didn't dare to look back. He had to Get out, or you'll die here.

He dexterously jumped on the ground. At this moment, he was in a panic and ran wherever there was no jade. Because the ground and the wall were cracked, a crack finally appeared on the mountain wall, and Fang Li got into the crack.

It seems that there are many passages in the ground, I don't know if they already existed, or they were just opened.

Fang Li ran for a long time, and finally the outside became quiet. It seemed that the vibration had stopped, but he looked around and found that it was pitch black, and he didn't know where he was at all.

He had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue walking.

I don't know how long I walked, how many detours I took, and the dry food on my body was exhausted, but there was no hope of going out...

There was not even a single ray of light, and the chill from the ground permeated his clothes, making him shiver.

Finally he couldn't walk anymore, and sat leaning against the stone wall with his sword in his arms.

There was nothing to eat or drink.

He is hungry.

He had just built his foundation not long ago, and he couldn't fast. Although his body was stronger than that of ordinary people, he couldn't carry it for a few days without eating or drinking.

Are you going to die here?

He felt very regretful all of a sudden, he blamed himself for being playful, if he hadn't chased that wolf, he would have gone home with his senior brother, sitting in the forest, drinking and eating chicken.

His lips were purple from the cold, his body was trembling, and his fingertips seemed to be numb.

There is only boundless loneliness and darkness here.

Just when he was about to lose consciousness, the Xuantie sword in his arms suddenly started to heat up, and the warmth penetrated through the skin, making Fang Li wake up a little bit. He tightened his arms and hugged the Xuantie sword in his arms tightly. The sword absorbs the last trace of warmth.

Although the sword seemed to have a bad temper and was a little irritable, it was connected with his mind after all, and he finally reacted at the critical moment, using its weak power to warm his body.

Fang Li was suddenly moved and sad.

What's touching is that his sword spirit is still there, and he didn't ignore him. He still remembers to protect himself...

The sad thing is that the sword spirit burns like this and wants to protect the Lord, but unfortunately I can't take it out...

They are going to die here.

Fang Li hugged the sword, lowered his head, put his chin on the hilt of the sword, and smiled lightly: "Fortunately, you are here."

Although it is only a sword and cannot talk to him, at this moment, when he is most desperate... even if only a sword is with him, it is good...

It is connected with his mind, they are the closest.

Fang Li thought about it, sighed faintly, lowered his eyes and said: "Senior brother can't find me, he must be dying..."

The spirit sword exudes a faint warmth, this warmth sometimes seems to be absent, as if it is difficult to persist and sustain, but it never disappears.

Always accompanied him silently.

Fang Li felt his eyes getting heavier and heavier, he couldn't speak, his tongue became stiff, and the hand holding the sword slowly loosened...

at this moment,

A white figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

Is it brother?

He wanted to stretch out his hand, but he couldn't move. The man hugged him, and his gentle voice fell into his ear: "I found you, it's okay, it's okay."

It's brother...

With the last of his strength, he said in a low voice: "My sword, don't drop it..."

Then he closed his eyes.


When Fang Li woke up, he saw the familiar roof in front of him, and he was back home.

In the end, it was his brother who saved him.

If it wasn't for Senior Brother, he would have died in the depths of that deserted cave.

Fang Li struggled to move. Although his body was still weak, he was fine. When he turned his head, he saw a man in white sitting beside him. He didn't know how long he had been waiting by his bed. The man's elegant face seemed haggard. Suddenly, he stretched out his hand and hugged him in his arms. His normally indifferent voice trembled slightly with a rare trace of uneasiness at this moment: "You're awake."

Fang Li suddenly felt embarrassed.

Feeling guilty.

I blame myself for being playful, I must have worried my brother, if I can't find myself, how much my brother will blame himself.

After a while, the man in white regained his composure. He let go of his hand, rubbed Fang Li's head, and then reprimanded: "Don't run around anymore, you understand?"

Fang Li nodded.

This time he was terrified himself.

The senior brother checked his pulse and made sure he was fine, then said: "You should rest well these days."

Seeing that senior brother was about to go out, Fang Li suddenly remembered something, and quickly shouted: "Senior brother, wait a minute."

The senior brother looked back at him with gentle eyes, and said, "What else is there?"

Fang Li took out the black and white jade talisman from his bosom, which was accidentally brought out in the chaos, and he said: "The place I fell into seems to be the relic of the Holy Lord, there are two jade talismans inside, I just touched these two jade talismans Talisman, the ruins will collapse, and I don’t know what the jade talisman is for, brother, please show it to Master.”

The senior brother looked at him helplessly, as if he was saying that there was no relic of the Holy Lord... Although he didn't quite believe Fang Li's words, he still reached out and took the jade talisman...

The moment he took the jade talisman, his face suddenly turned pale, his body swayed, showing a trace of confusion.

Fang Li was startled immediately, and asked with concern: "Brother, are you alright?"

The strangeness just now was only for a moment.

The senior brother has recovered, shook his head and smiled: "It's okay, I just fainted just now, I will hand it over to Master, don't worry."

Only then did Fang Li feel relieved, and fell asleep after eating.

But at night, a senior sister came over and told him that it was hard to say, the senior brother fainted!

Fang Li was in a hurry and ran out quickly.

It's a mess outside.

Fang Li went to see his master after he heard that his senior brother had left him, but he fainted as soon as he came out.

The master himself is proficient in medicine, and when he showed it to his senior brother, even the master couldn't see anything unusual, as if the senior brother had just fallen asleep.

But, just do not wake up.

Fang Li was extremely anxious, why did the senior brother suddenly fall asleep, what happened to the senior brother? He couldn't care about himself anymore, although his body hadn't recovered yet, he stayed by his brother's side all night without sleep.

The other fellow students all persuaded Fang Li to leave, saying that it would be useless for you to stay here, and when the senior brother woke up, he must tell him as soon as possible.

But Fang Li just refused to leave.

Because he always felt that it was his fault, the brother must have had an accident to save him, could it be that the brother was injured in the ruins?

If it wasn't for running around...

Are they all fine now and nothing will happen?

Fang Li lay beside his senior's bed, held his hand, and murmured: "Senior brother, why are you still awake..."

The brother didn't respond.

It's like being caught in a dream that you won't wake up from.

The master shook his head when he saw it.

He said that he had never seen such a situation before, and he was clearly not injured, poisoned or illusioned, so why couldn't he wake up?

Fang Li took care of him in a perplexed way.

Time passes day by day...

He thought, if the senior brother never wakes up, he will take care of the senior brother for the rest of his life, just like the senior brother takes care of himself.

He will never leave his brother behind.

He smiled at his senior brother: "Senior brother, you have to wake up quickly, I'm still waiting for you to teach me how to practice swords."

The Xuantie sword was placed by his side.

Since coming out of the ruins, Spirit Sword fell silent again, no matter what he said, he didn't respond at all, and Fang Li was also very helpless... He felt that he couldn't figure out the temper of Sword Spirit at all.

It is clear that he was so good when he was in the cave, and he spared no effort to warm him. If it wasn't for Lingjian, he might not be able to support his senior brother to save him. Why is he so cold now?

The sword spirit was silent, and the senior brother could not wake up from sleep.

Fang Li sighed.

time passed day by day...

Fang Li was still guarding his senior brother's bedside, just when he had lost all hope, he saw his senior brother's fingers move slightly, Fang Li suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at his senior brother nervously.

Could it be that senior brother is finally waking up...

He held his breath excitedly, staring fixedly at his senior brother. Finally, the man in white on the bed slowly opened his eyes.

It's just that those dark and deep eyes seemed to become very strange in an instant.

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